THE MICHIGAN DAILY THt 1, Of MICIGAN DAILY Publication of the Summer Session 1k, a ! . ,. , Publisned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. e caioated Gitott iatQ Pro s 19 3 r 4oAt. WvrAuE I1934 = MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights ofrepublication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office 'at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.25; by mail, $1.50. During rogular school year by carrier, $3.75; by mail, $4.25. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phones: 24n14. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York! City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIAL STAFF Phonie 4925 MANAGING EDITOR.............E. JEROME PETTIT ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR ....BRACKLEY SHAW WOMVN'S EDITOR..............ELEANOR JOHNSON ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Charles A. Baird, Clinton B. Con- ger, Paul J. Elliott, Thomas E. Groehn. Thomas H. Kleene, William R. Reed. Robert S. Ruwitch. REPORTERS: Barbara Bates, C. H. Beukema, Donald R. ;Bird, Ralph Danhoft, Frances English, Elsie Pierce, Vir- ginia Scott, Bernard H. Fried. BUSINESS STAFF Office Hours: 9-12, 1-5 Phone 2-1214 B USINESS MANAGE1r ......BERNARD E. SCHNACKE ,SST. BUSINESS MANAGER .....W. GRAFTON SHARP CIRcULATION MANAGER .......CLINTON B. CONGER - -- ---- - i i t is required to correct errors. As Mr. Cummings stated, "Regulation follows regulation with be- wildering multiplicity, until there is created a morass of laws in which the whole profession is mired." The clever criminal lawyer finds in this "morass of laws" the technical loopholes which all too often frustrate the best efforts of the prosecution. Since under the proposed system the rules are changed by those who work with them, it is prob- able that there would be fewer decisions based on: technicalities. This policy is a tried one, having been in force in England since 1873. In that country rules of practice and procedure are prescribed by a Rules Committee of eight judges and four lawyers. In our own country the United States Supreme Court can regulate practice and procedure in equity cases. The problem of the unscrupulous criminal law- year who bridges the gap between respectibility and crime is a major barrier to effective law en- forcement. Unfortunately many of the State and Federal laws under which this type of lawyer could be persecuted have fallen into decay. Some offences may be met by fines or contempt of court. The most effective method is censure, sus- pension, or disbarment. The Attorney General is seeking the wider use of these weapons to prevent the crooked lawyer from practicing. The present system plays into the hands of the racketeer at every turn. Our antiquated legal ma- chinery makes convictions difficult to obtain, even where the guilt is clear. The evils which Mr. Cummings seeks to reform are not new, but the present concerted effort of the Department of Justice in co-operation with local enforcement agencies dramatically demon- strates the impossibility of longer delaying reform. The Brain-Trust . T HE DEROGATORY MANNER in which the opponents of the New Deal speak of the President's advisors is an indica- tion of the number of people in the United States who still retain the essentially rural outlook on government. To a person of intelligence it is a distinct shock to find that a large proportion of the American people look upon intelligence as an attribute to dis- trust, and it is obvious that the word "brain- truster" is used to deride the introduction of intel- ligence and training into government. Distrust of experts in government has always been characteristic of the rural mind in this and other countries. The first indication of the urbani- zation of the American people, with regard to gov- ernment, was the success of the city-manager plan of .government. Since the manager-plan made such a conspicu- ous success in municipal government a strong ef- fort has been made to secure the adoption of manager-plan for county government, but les than ten counties in the United States have adopt- ed the system. It is time that the newly urbanized United State: came to a proper realization of the value of in telligence in government. "Brain-truster" shoulc be a name of honor. you remember correctly, Greta Garbo's Queen Christiana was given but three stars likewise.) (5.) The appropriation of a small sum on some- body's part that the General Library may acquire at least one copy in translation of Aristotle's work on Logic. (6.) A little less bombast as an inherent char- acteristic on the part of all actors in this season's play production. A splendid lesson for all would be an interpretation of John Millington Synge's Riders to the Sea. And in addition, though quite out of key with the foregoing: (7.) A far stronger tone of criticism in regard to all manner of campus activities and customs. There seems to be little excuse for soft-pedaling the manifold of failures in the performances at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre (well-filled seats and complimentary news-notices should not be wel- comed too readily as signs of success), in the con- certs at Hill Auditorium, and in the University Lec- tures in the Natural Science Auditorium. Unless someone sets up an ideal, these offerings will soon degenerate into mere mockery. There is nothing more healthy than a stern, though sympathetic criticism. The writer need not note such instances as the inconsistent stage appearance of Professor Hackett when singing a Schumann program, the total ab- sence of all reserve in the production of' 'Both Your Houses," which is perhaps after all the funda- mental secret of any art, and the moral and aes- thetic impudence of certain parasticial feminines who seek in the most unsophisticated ways to put forward their facial and figural glorifications for the benefit of the weaker male subscribers who are marvelously unable to discriminate between a Titian's Daughter and a Mae West, to demon- strate the need for a more severe and honest criti- cism in the University of Michigan. (8.) A merry-go-round in front of Angell Hall. Everything else has been proposed and passed, so why not this? -Richard Bennett. THANK YOU To The Editor: The editorial in yesterday's paper "Rich Amer- ica!-"= was a genuine treat. It reads like an excerpt from H. G. Wells, Dreiser, or perhaps, Hendrich Van Loon. Let's have more of them! Only - Upton Sinclair being quoted as an au- thority in an Associated Press newspaper (ref- erence: "The Brass Check") is too much to believe! Can it be that those who threw brickbats at him not so long ago are now throwing orchids? -A Reader. Screen Reflections u tb b tr or 3 N n a ri t s R a ti c sl fl Niagara Falls Excursion: The reg- lar excursion of the Summer Ses- ion to Niagara Falls will take place his week-end and will be conducted y Professor William H. Hobbs. Round rip rates, Ann Arbor to Niagara Falls n party ticket will be $7. The party ill leave Michigan Central Depot at :30 p.m. Friday, July 27, arriving at iagara Falls at 9:30 the same eve- ing. Returning, leave Niagara Falls t 1:30 p.m. E.S.T. Sunday and ar- ive at Ann Arbor at 11:29 p.m. the ame night. All necessary expenses under $15. Full information ob- ainable in the Office of the Summer session, second floor, Angell Hall. registration should be made early Lnd a receipt for ticket will serve hroughout on train and for identifl- :ation at Niagara Falls. Reservations hould be made as early as possible or rooms at the Temperance House where the party will stay at Niagara Falls. Single rooms $1.50 and lower rates for two or more in a room. In ase as many as 14 register for it, a flightaoverthe falls and gorge of Nia- gara will be taken in a regular plane of the Canadian Airways Company with one of their regular pilots. Price per person $2. Professor Hobbs will fy with each party of eight or more. If weather is unfavorable, it will not be included. The excursion itself is largely independent of weather since protection against rain will be available almost throughout the ex- cursion. Unless registration for ho- tel is made early, it may be impos- sible to provide since this is the crowded season at Niagara Falls. Thi excursion is open to citizens of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti whether mem- bers of the Summer Session or not. Students Recital Series: Miss Helen Bentley, pianist, of Battle Creek Michigan, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the master of music de- gree, in the School of Music Audi- torium this evening at 8:30 o'clock She is a student of Professor Joseph Brinkman. The following program to which the general public is in- vited, will be given: Ravel, Sonatine, Modere-Menuet- Anime: Beethoven, Sonata Op. 57, Al legro assai - Andante eon moto - Allegro ma non troppo: Rachmani- noff, Prelude Op. 32, No. 5; Prelud Op. 23, No. 5: Brahms, Intermezz Op. 119, No. 3; Intermezzo, Op. 116 No. 6: Schumann, Etudes Symphon iques, Op. 13. Dr. Francis S. Onderdonk will lec ture on "Gangster Governments (Thi Hitler and Dolfuss Regimes)" Fri day, July 27 at 5 p.m. in Natural Sci the Tolstoy League. Tickets for 1 and 25 cents at Wahr's bookstore and at the door. Mathematics Club: The Mathema tics Club will meet today at 4:15 p.m in room 1035 A.H. Professor A. H Copeland will speak on "Recen Trends in the Theory of Probability. All interested are invited. Reading Examinaition in French Candidates for the degree of Ph.D. i the departments listed below wh wish to satisfy the requirements of a reading knowledge of French during the present Summer Session, are in- formed that examinations will be of- fered in Room 108 Romance Language Building from 9:00 to 12:00 on Sat- urday morning, August 4. It will be necessary in each case to register at the office of the department of Ro- mance Languages (in 112 R.L.) at least one week in advance. This announcement applies only to candidates in the departments of groups I and II, i.e., Ancient and Modern Languages and Literature, History, Economics, Sociology, Polit- ical Science, Philosophy, and Educa- tion. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication inthec Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the Summer Session office until 3:30; 11:30 Saturday. School. His subject will be' Problem in the Schools." he The New Way ,Of Living. EDITOR'S NOTE: Following is a proposed remedy to the a situ on outined In yesterday's editorial, "Rich Aarerica&!" THE NEW WAY of living in America will be that in which profit plays little part in the gross economic picture. Production for consumption, rather than production for profit, will be the call of the new Democratic day. That can be the only solution, for, by an anom- aly, the success of capitalism in making profits spells its eventual downfall; each dollar of profit represents buying power taken from the worker, who is the major consumer of all goods. The end of capitalism is the piling up of capital and goods; and the worker, lacking this same cap- ital because it has not been given to him, is there- fore unable to purchase these same surplus goods. Capitalism ties itself up through its lust for profits. The new way of living will be that of a socialized- democracy - we may as well call it Socialism. There is no need of our being afraid of a word. In the past we 'associated Socialism with bearded bomb-throwers, and did not know that there could be an American Socialism, as well as a foreign type. We did not know that Socialism is merely gov- ernment working in industry for the benefit of the many. We were scared of the "ism," rather than of the root word "social." *The new way of living will provide that essen- tial of a democracy that has been overlooked in the past: namely, the fact that society owes to every- one the chance to make a living. More thanthat, it will provide everyone with a complete education in his youth -an education that will continue as long as he shows himself an interested and worthy student.' Finally, it will give to everyone security in his old age. No man or woman will have to spend his life struggling to accumulate a few dollars as pro- tection against the "rainy days" of disability, lack of employment, or old age. Education, employment, and security will come to be considered as fundamentally democratic as our present right to representation in government. The new way of living will make no provision for war, and any possible war will come only with the open-minded consent of the governed. No longer will we pick uip newspapers and read the obituaries of dead soldier boys, obituaries that end with an unconsciously pitiful verse: His not to reason why; His But to do and die. There are a million necessary reforms in the world. And it is 14o disgrace to be a reformer. We don't care anything about emulating the type who carries a black umbrella and wears a stiff hat, that asks one to sign pledges promising to refrain from the use of the "devil's torch" and from "dehydrated poisons." We commonly look upon such persons as being very simple and equally silly. Needed reforms are those which touch people in their lives, not in their habits. We would serve a worthy cause if we would become crusaders all, in search of social, rather than romantic Grails. Not that there is no romance in reform. One writer has seen it as follows: "The old idea of ro- mance: The country boy goes to the city, marries his employer's daughter, enslaves some hundreds of his fellow humans, gets rich, and leaves a public library to his home town. The new idea of romance: To undo some of the mischief caused by the old idea of romance." Stop The kRaceteer . .. T HE CAMPAIGN against crime that the Department of Justice has been waging for the last year under Attorney General Homer S. Cummings has brought out clearly the Reading Requirements in German for Ph.D. Candidates: Candidates in all fields except those of the natural sciences and mathematics must ob- tain the official certification of an adequate reading knowledge of Ger- man by submitting to a written ex- amination given by a Committee of the Department of German. For the summer session this ex- amination will be given on Wednes- day, Aug. 8, at 2 p.m. in Room 203 U.H. Students who intend to take the examination are requested to reg- ister their names at least one week be- fore the date of the examination at the office of the German Department, 204 University Hall, where detailed information with regard to examina- tion requirements will be given. Women Students: There will be a s swim in the Intramural Pool on Fri- day at 6 p.m. followed by a supper - on the terrace of the Women's Ath- letic Building. The fee for the swim will be 10 cents and the fee for the supper 25 cents., Those wishing to , attend are asked to sign up in Room 15 Barbour Gymnasium by Friday noon. The group will leave the Gym- nasium at 5:45. -. The Michigan Repertory Players: h Due to the great popularity of Salis- n bury Field's farce comedy, "Wedding - Bells," the Players advise Season Ticket Holders to make their reser- - vations as early as possible so that - they may obtain good seats. - Michigan Dames: The Michigan e Dames will meet Thursday night at o 8:00 in the Grand Rapids room of , the Michigan League to play bridge. - All wives of students or wives of in- ternes at the University hospital are invited. Both auction and 6,ntract - will be played. Le - The Men's Education Club baseball - series will continue today at 4:00 in 0 South Ferry Field. 3S Warren E. Forsythe, Professor of Hygiene and Public Health will speak .. at the Education Conference today at 4:10 in Room 1022, University High t All Types of Taught daily. Private lessons only. Terrace : Garden Studio. Wuerth n Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695 O5 Betty Aigler. Marion Wiggin Marian Hymes Barbara Nelson Elva Pascoe Margaret Robb Marie Heid Lucille Benz Sue Calcutt Charlotte Johnson Wilma Clisbe Mary Ellen Hall Frances Thornton Margaret Seivers Kay Russell Adele Shukwit Men who are acting as officials at the Friday night dance please report at. 8:45 on second floor of the League. Hugh Johnson Bob Calver John Streif Joe Roper Bill Langden George Burke Paul Kissinger Bob Fox Garry Bunting John Pyster Chuck Niessen Richard Edmondson John French Bob Babcock Helen Bentley To Give Piano Concert Tonight A piano recital, in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree, will be given at 8:30 o'clock tonight in the School of Music auditorium by Helen Bent- 'ey, Battle Creek. Miss Bentley grad uated from the School of Music in '933 and has been spending the last year in residence studying under Prof. Joseph Brinkman. Miss -Bentley has appeared as solo- ist with the University Symphony and has also given several recitals. Her, program tonight will be made up of representative works of Beethoven, Brahms, Schumann, Rachmaninoff, and Ravel. University High School Demonstra- tion Assembly : The third demonstra- tion assembly of the University High School summer session will be held Friday morning. July 27, in the high school auditorium at 11 o'clock. The program will be given by pupils in the French and Latin departments. All summer session students who are in- terested are welcome to attend the assembly. .This group of hostesses will work Friday, July 27. Please report prompt- ly at 8:45 on the second floor of the League. Peg Conklin 4 AT THE MICHIGAN The Theatre "WEDDING BELLS" IN REVIEW By Brackley Shaw For their sixth play of the season the Summer Repertory Players have chosen well. The play, "Wedding Bells" by Salisbury Field, is a farce in the comedy of manners style - admirable fare for the hot weather theatre-goer. The plot is a complicated announcement of mar- riages and previous marriages and bigamy which cancels out so that everyone gets the proper mate at the final curtain. Fast-moving action, backed up by humorous lines and amusing situations keep the play interesting throughout. The cast is very fine on the whole. Mary Pray and Frank Funk as Rosalie and Spencer Wells are particularly good. They extracted every possible shade of emphasis from their lines. L. Wayne Smith as Jackson, a butler in the Jeeves tradition, Virginia Frink as Marcia, and Claribel Baird as Hooper, Rosalie's maid, also did particularly well. Goddard Light as Reginald Carter, the man in the middle of complications, looked and acted too young for the part. The part presupposed a certain amount of sophistication which Mr. Light isn't able to convey. The performance is an excellent example of the competent direction which audiences have learned to expect from Mr. Windt. He also directed "One Sunday Afternoon" and "Both Your Houses" on this summer's schedule. While the first act did not have quite the snap of the two following, it was amply redeemed by faster tempo in the second act and the excellent ascent to the climax in the third. All in all, it is probably fortunate that, during the hottest summer ever recorded, this entertaining farce was substituted for "The Field God," which is described on the program as a realistic play re- quiring heavy characteristic acting. Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be con- strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be re- garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 500 words if possible. ANYTHING LEFT OUT? Editor, The Daily: Attention, Ye Doers of the Word and not Hearers Only! Let us have the privilege of experiencing: (1.) Professor Langford of the Department of Philosophy expound a heartfelt treatise on Marcel Proust. (2.) Professor Brinkman of the School of Music play a generous number of selections from the Twenty-Four Preludes of Th. Otterstrom. (3.) Professor Pollock of the Department of "HERE COMES THE GROOM"t The Michigan, it seems, is going in for comedyt in a big way. Opening today is Jack Haley's "Here1 Comes the Groom," and next week-end Joe E. Brown will appear in The Circus Clown." The plot of "Here Comes The Groom" is built on1 the situation of a bewildered young man in lovea with one girl who spends a honeymoon with another.j Haley, Broadway stage comedy-star, recentlya featured with Jack Oakie in "Sitting Pretty," has the leading role, with Mary Boland, Neil Hamilton, Patricia Ellis, Isabel Jewell, Sidney Toler, and Larry Gray in featured roles.1 The story begins with an argument betweeni Jack Haley and Isabel Jewell, his sweetheart. Shet is leaving him flat because he is such a failure at his chosen profession - burglary. She cites her brother and her father who are such successes that they now repose in the city jail. Determined to "show" her, Haley sets out tot hold up a poker game. But some real robbers holdI up Haley while he's holding up the game and get away with everything including Haley's pants. Chased by the cops, Haley takes refuge in a Pullman compartment of a young bride whose hus- band has just deserted her because her father lost his money. Not to be outdone, she forces HaleyI to accompany her home as the new bridegroom who is a famous masked radio tenor. Arriving home, Haley learns that Mary Boland, the girl's aunt, is a "nut" over radio and especially over the masked tenor, and, from then on, compli- cations pile up swiftly. The screen play was written by Leonard Praskins and Casey Robinson from the original play by Richard Flourney. Edward Sedgwick directed. AT THE MAJESTIC "THE WITCHING HOUR" August Thomas' drama, "The Witching Hour," successful on the stage, has been adapted on the screen and will show at the Majestic today and tomorrow. In the cast are Sir Guy Standing, John Halli- day, Judith Allen, Tom Brown, Gertrude Michael and William Frawley. "The Witching Hour" tells the story of old love coming to life to save and strengthen a newly- born romance, and includes in its events a murder committed under hypnotic spell and a court-room vindication. Tom Brown, fiance of Judith Allen, comes under the hypnotic influence of Judith's father, John Halliday. Halliday, himself, doesn't realize the power he possesses, and, when Brown, through Halliday's hypnotic suggestion, commits a murder, he is horrified. Brown is bewildered at his action, and declares he can remember nothing about the murder. Brown's mother makes a desperate appeal to Halliday to save the boy, and Halliday, convinced of his own part in the murder, exerts every effort to save him. A courtroom battle follows with Sir Guy Standing prominent as the defending lawyer. He, like Grumpy in the play by that name, is a retired jurist who comes to the rescue of his young friend. Women always intrigue privately against the higher souls of their husbands; they want to cheat them out of their future for the sake of a painless and comfortable present. -Nietzsche. Eddie Bob Eddie Bob LAUGHTON & WOODRUFF and Their Music Dancing 6every night exco!,t MON. .".Admisslen 40o at Michigan's Most Beautiful Summer Baltroom ,.: ILAX IE ATTEND A * ATTEND COOL MATINEES. . . . MI I IAN. . COOL MATINEES A tip-top laughable farce !4 "Here Comes The Groom with JACK HALEY, MARY BOLAND, NEIL HAMILTON. Also Ted Healy Comedy, Travelogue and Oddities . M AJEST IC ."."..".",."f."..". Daily Matinee 25c Nights & Sundays, Balcony 25c, Main Floor 35c TOM BROWN and all-star cast in Paramount's unusual drama "T HE WITCH ING HOUR" Matineesllc . ... . .WUERTH. . . . . . . Nights 25c DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM The Popular Radio Star of Kay Francis Maxwell House Show Boat in LANNY ROSS in "MANDALAY" "MELODY IN SPRING" The Delight ful Comedy 'dWEDDING BE~LLS" WE D Opportunities Ready-Made For. YOU! The Market Place of a thousand needs, and of opportunities forhome and business .. Whether you want to find a lost kitten, sell an automobile, buy a house, borrow money or trade a banjo for a rifle, our Classified Ad Columns will help you. The, Michigan