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July 26, 1934 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1934-07-26

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ifaPri igaue sIato
Official Publication Of The Summer Session

The New way Of Living..
Stop The Raketer ...




Possible Showers Soon
May Bring Relief Here ;
No Local Casualties

9 a.m.......87.2
12 noon.95.6
2 p.m..101.2
4 p.m. .102.4

4:15 p.m.
4:45 p.m.
5:00. p.m.
7:00 P.m.*

... 96.1

4 p.m...102.6
Only slight relief was enjoyed by
Ann Arbor yesterday after Tuesday's
record-breaking temperature, but a
drop in temperature was accompan-
ied by a drop in wind and a rise in
The day started coolly with a tem-
perature of 76.3 degrees, rising stead-
ily to a maximum of 102.8, main-
tained from 4:45 to 5:00 p.m. Tues-
day's maximum topped it by 2.4 de-
grees. By 7 p.m. the mercury had
dropped off more than four points to
96.1 degrees.
Theewindvelocity dropped consid-
erably, with a total movement of only
83.9 miles for the 24 hours from 7
p.m. Tuesday to 7 p.m. yesterday, as
compared with the 144 miles recorded
for the 24 hours preceding.
Humidity Twice As Great
Humidity rose more than propor-
tionately, and although exact figures
were not available, it was estimated
that today's humidity would be al-
most twice as great as the 30 per cent
July low recorded at 7 p.m. Tuesday
An Arbor continued to resist the
heat well, however, with no prostra-
tions reported to the police, the 'Oni-
versity Hospital, or St. Joseph's. In
spite of overcrowded swimming fa-
cilities, there have been no drown-
ings reported in Washtenaw county
during the present heat wave.
Missouri, with 291 victims, contin-
ued to lead the list of states in heat
fatalities. Illinois was second with
254, and Ohio had 114. The others
were Nebraska 59, Iowa 53, Indiana
38, Minnesota 32, Kansas 29, Ken-
tucky 24, Texas 23, Pennsylvania 16,
Wisconsin 15, Oklahoma 10, South
Dakota 7, West Virginia 6,Tennessee
5, New York 4, Massachusetts 3,
Maryland 3, Connecticut 2, District
of Columbia 2, Arkansas 2, Alabama 1.
Fatalities from the heat in Chica-
go and Cook county,Wednesday
reached 58. Cincinnati had 31, malt-
ing a six-day total of 78, and St.
Louis reported 73 for the day.
Chicago Temperature Drops
In Chicago, where a new all-time
record of 104.8 degrees (officially 105)
was recorded Tuesday, the tempera-
ture dropped to a maximum of 92
Wednesday, although the humidity
continued excessive. St. Louis and
Kansas City, with highs of 110 for
the previous day, turned in marks
of 108 and 105, respectively.
Cincinnati equalled its 106-degree
mark for the second successive day.
Cleveland, swept by a lake breeze,
enjoyed a 78 at 2 p.m.
The Pacific Coast had little change
in temperature and no heat fatalities.
Seattle and Los Angeles had 80, Port-
land 84, and San Francisco 68.
Michigan cities in the mid-nineties
showed a ten-degree drop.
Nature drew a joker from her
weather pack 50 miles from Denver,
where tourists engaged in a snow-
ball fight as an inch of snow fell on
Mount Evans.
New York had showers before dawn,
ushering in cooler temperatures along
the Atlantic seaboard.
Pupil Is Pictured
As'Forgotten Man'
"The school pupil is the forgotten
man of the new educational deal," de-
clared Prof. William Clark Trow of
the School of Education, speaking
yesterday in the four o'clock lecture
series of the Education school on
the topic, "What the Child Demands
of the School."'
Professor Trow pictured the typical

Dr. Cyrus Sturgis To
Talk On Anemia Today
Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis, director of
Simpson Memorial Institute for
research and pernicious anemia,
will deliver a regular Summer Ses-
sion lecture on "Anemia" at 5 p.m.
today in Natural Science Audi-
The lecture will be fully illus-,
trated with slides.

SAmerican Davis
Cupmen Defeat
Wood Conquers Crawford,
Shields Beats McGrath;
Advance To Finals
WIMBLEDON, Eng., July 25. - (IP)
-Completing as glorious a comeback'
as ever was seen in the history of the
Davis Cup, Sidney B. Wood, Jr., and
Francis Xavier Shields today blasted
Australia's singles aces, Jack Craw-
fofO'and Vivian McGrath, off Win-
bledon's famous center court to carry
the United States into the challenge
round against England.
Wood, whose fighting heart must
be as big as a powder cask, first saved
the day by winning the fifth set of a
beautiful. two-day duel with Craw-
ford, to take the crucial fourth match
6-3, 9-7, 4-6, 4-6, 6-2, and tie the
series. at two matches all. Then
Shields, true to his promise, battered
McGrath into submission in three
terrific sets, 6-4, 6-2, 6-4. Thus the
final tally was 3 to 2 for the United
Wood opened the firing, he and
Crawford taking up where the rain
stopped them yesterday with Sidney
leading 6-3, 9-7, 15-love on his own
service. For the first two sets he did
not have the sparkle of yesterday and
the prospect was dark indeed as Jack
squared the match by winning the
third and fourth sets, 6-4, 6-4.
Wood was improving right along,
though, and when the fifth set opened
he was in full cry.
Winning points from Crawford was
like pulling teeth, the big Anzac play-
ing as well as he ever did, but Wood
matched him stroke for stroke in the
long rallies and then went to the net
behind his sharply angled forehand
and backhand drives to volley and
smash. One stirring rally saw at
least 20 exchanges, with Crawford
finally weakening to overdrive the
baseline by inches.

Analyzed In
Pedagogical Evaluating Of
Courses A Mistake, Says
English Authority
Misconceptions Of
Scholarship Cited
Worship Of Authority Is
Criticized By Professor
Of English
Defining his subject "Literary
Scholarship," Prof. Howard Mumford
Jones of the English department, who
spoke yesterday on a regular Summer
Session lecture, said that it was "a
passionate desire for truth accurately
The purpose of literary scholarship
is much better understood by students
of the Summer Session than by stu-
dents of the regular session, according
to Professor Jones, principally because
the bulk of the Summer Session at-
tendance is made up of teachers.
. Compares Sessions
The speaker humorously compared
the students of the two sessions saying
that "In the Summer Session students
take work while in the regular ses-
sion students go to college."
Despite the superior appreciation
for scholarship prevalent in the Sum-
mer Session there are still many mis-
conceptions on the subject, according
to Professor Jones. He named three
principle miisconceptions handed
dawn to him by members of his
classes in English.
As the first misconception, the
speaker said, "many teachers tend
to demand of their courses pedagogic
values and that no practical benefit
can be derived from literary scholar-
Of this, Professor Jones said that
it is not the business of scholarship
to make mere outlines for scondary
schools and that teachers will grow
better ny as raspthe mean-
ing of scholarship proportionately
Advocates Mastery
"The teacher who is a slave to a
textbook might as well be a phono-
graph, whereas the teacher who has
a real mastery of the subject has a
tremendous advantage."
The worship of authority was the
title Professor Jones gave to the sec-
ond misconception of literary scholar-
He cited an incident in his class-
room where a girl delivering a report
said as one of her points "Lewis' Bio-
graphical History of Philosophy is an
inferior book." Professor Jones askedI
the student where she derived such
information. Her reply was "from an
Further questioning gleaned the in-
formation that the authority was the
Cambridge History. Commenting on
this incident, Professor Jones said
"An authority is an authority only
so far as his information goes. It so
happens that the first volume of the
Cambridge History was written in
1907. Much new information has been
discovered since that time and views
have changed considerably."
The third misconception cited by,
Professor Jones was sentimental error.
He condemned the persons who scorn
studying a literary piece of work be-
cause they will be apt to lose the emo-
tional feeling of it if they are familiar
with the mechanics and history of
the work.



'Every Capital In Europe
ETense With Expectancy
And Apprehension
Paris, London, And
Rome Phones Busy
France And Little Entente
View Independence Of
rI Austria As Vital
(By Associated Press)
All military forces in Italy were
ordered by Premier Mussolini to be
held in readiness Wednesday night
for any eventuality following upon
monumentalndevelopments in neigh-
boring Austria climaxed by the shoot-
ing to death of Chancellor Engelbert
Dollfuss by Nazis.
Every capital in Europe was tense
with expectancy and in some case
Twenty years to a day after Aus-
tria's severance of relations with Ser-
bia, which placed Europe on the brink
of the World War, events caused fear
to be expressed in Paris over the pos-
sible consequences of Austria's loss of
Consult French Minister
The Italian ambassador to France
consulted with the French foreign
minister and it was unofficially said
that telephone wires between Paris,
Rome, and London were busy with
France and the Little Entente view
Austrian independence as vital to the
h peace of Europe.
SIn Prague, Czechoslovakia, it was
said that only Austrian union with
iGermany' would cause the Little En-
tente to interfere with Austrian de-
At Berlin, reports that the Nazi
putsch in Austria had been engi-
neered from Germany met with de-
nial, but there were "I told you so"
expressions from the man in the
Regret Expressed
At the Vatican City the utmost
regret and sympathy was expressed
over the death of Chancellor Doll-
fuss an ardent Catholic.
Dispatches from Munich said that{
today's news from Vienna accounted
for recent activities of storm troopers
in Bavaria, where for the past few
days numbers of armed men have
been seen in Munich and truckloads
of Austrian brownshirts were report-
ed being driven to the border.
In Italy, where the populace was
in a high state of excitement over the
issuance of orders to the military,
former service men groups were said
to be at wartime pitch as news of
Dollfuss' assassination permeated the
Their deep resentment was freely
The Austrian minister to the United
States, Edgar Prochnik, at Rehoboth
Beach, Delaware, on his vacation,
said Dollfuss' death was "a great
blow to Austria."
"He was just the man we needed,"
he said.
Forsythe To Speak On
Education Series Today
Speaking today on "The Sex
Problem in the School," Dr. War-
ren E. Forsythe, director of the
health service, will continuesthe
series of four o'clock lectures of
the School of Education.
The lecture will be given at 4:10
p.m. in Room 1022, University
High School.
Lewis Triumphs In
City Tennis Finals

C. S. Lewis, Grad., fought his way
to victory over Bob Angell in singles
of the City Tennis Tournament yes-
terday in straight sets. Lewis was
beaten in the men's doubles this
year by Angell and Dr. Dorsey, and
in the mixed doubles by Angell and
Miss Alexander.
Under a blistering sun Lewis' serv-
ice and backhand repeatedly blanked

Slain Chancellor

-Associated Press Photo
Favorites Win
In First Round
Of Golf Meet
Markham, Seeley, Malloy
Victorious ; Two Rounds
Scheduled For Today ,
Early favorites in the eighth city
golf tournament came, through first
round matches yesterday at the Uni-
versity Course, but the second and
third rounds to be played today prom-
ised the best golf of the tournament.
The 36-hole final match will be played
Cal Markham, defending champion
and medalist, won his opening match
with Dr. Eugene Hand, former Var-
sity golfer, 5 and 4, but is faced today
with two matches which will test his
title defense.
I In the moining round Markham
will meet Frank Conklin, who yester-
day defeated Tommy Neff, 2 and 1,
and if he is successful in that matchI
will meet the winner of the Father
Lynch-Woody Malloy match. Mark-
ham defeated the defending cham-
pion, Malloy, last year in the third
round after disposing of Red Weid,
another strong contender, in the
second round.
In the upper bracket Dana Seeley,
who yesterday defeated Harold Gold-
man, 7 and 6, will meet Red Weid,
and the winner will be favored to
reach the finals. Weid piled up the
biggest advantage of the first round
play yesterday in downing Ted Ad-
ams, 9 and 7.
Chuck Menefee, member of the
Varsity golf squad, won his first
match yesterday, defeating Louie Si-
nelli, 7 and 6.
Summaries of the first round
matches in the championship flight
will be found on page 4 of this issue.

Austria Asks

Intervention By

European Powers As


Mobilizes Army In Preparation

Germany Recalls Minister For
Intervening Without Consent
VIENNA, July 26 (Thursday) - (A.P.) - It was officially
stated this morning that no executions had taken place as the result
of the Nazi putsch which resulted in Dollfuss' death. Discussing
the reported statement of Prince Von Stahremberg that 28 officers
had been executed an offiial said that executions can not occur
in Austria without a trial.
ROME, July 25. - (A.P.) - A statement emanating from
official sources tonight said the Austrian government has requested
intervention by European powers to guarantee Austrian integrity.
BERLIN, July 25. - (A.P.) - The German government
tonight recalled Herr Rieth, German minister to Austria, for inter-
vention in Vienna today which was without the government's con-
It was learned from private but reliable authorities that he
conducted the negotiations which led to the end of the Ballhaus-
platz siege.
It was determined that while still a prisoner Minister Emil
Fey telephoned to Rieth asking him to secure assurances that Nazi
plotters would reach the border safely.
After receiving such assurances, it was said he agreed to con-
duct negotiations in a personal capacity with a view to preventing
bloodshed and went personally to the Chancellory.
VIENNA, July 25. - (A.P.) - Austrian Nazis, rising in
revolt, today siezed the federal chancellory, killing their bitt r'ene
my, Chancellor Dollfuss, and held the building against a threatened
attack by troops until they were
guaranteed safe conduct into Ger-
Detroit Loses many
Several hours later, however, the
Gam eAs Yan s 144 plotters were sfll held in the
1 Narokaner barracks, aend reports were
e Soin circulation that the guarantee of
Beat St. Louis safe transit would be revoked.
The ground given for this action
was that the guarantee called for sur-
Hamlin Is Charged render of all prisoners safely, and that
Loss After Allowing But Dollfuss' death cancelled the promise.
The leader of the group was said to;
Two Hits In Relief Role be a former non-commissioned oflicer
________named Sholzweber.
DETROIT, July 25.-T herBoston Dollfuss was shot to death, as Nazis,
Red Sox defeated Detroit here today, said to number 144, raided the build-
9 to 7, and the Tigers' lead in the ing under the leadership of men dis-
American League was cut to one game guised as officers of the Heimwehr
as New York was winning at St. Louis, (Fascist Home Guard), which sup-
Luke Hamlin, although he allowed ports the government.
but two hits in relieving Eldon Auker, Emil Fey, idol of the Heimwehr
was charged with the defeat when his and former vice-chancellor, was one
control suddenly departed in the o f those held prisoner from 12:45 p.m.
ninth, setting the stage for a two-run until shortly after 7 o'clock this eve-
rally which won the game for the ning. And it was through him that
Eldon Auker started on the mound negotiations were conducted for sur-
for the Tigers, but was touched for render of the building in return for
six hits which led to six runs in the safee transit to the border for the
first two innings. The Tigers erased rebels.
the ig eadin hei haf o th seond While Dollfuss was said by officials
the big lead in their half of the second to have been killed immediately, his
by putting across six runs, fate did not become known until f-
Rowe finished the game for the ter the Nazis had been loaded onto
Tigers while Wes Ferrell, Johnny trucks and started for Germany.
Welch and Dusty Rhodes were per- After the day of disorder and ex
forming on the mound for the Red citement, in the course of which an-
Sox, Rhodes being credited with the udtem ine nube of person
victory. undetermined number of persons
were killed, martial law was pro-
claimed tonight in Vienna and in part
D Broadcasts of the province of Styria, Nazi strong-
Dr. Jurt Schusschnigg, minister of
ause Of Drouoht social welfare in the Dollfuss cabinet,
was named by President Miklas to
take over the government as chan-
its Facial Expression," and "The Gla- cellor and began his duties immed-
cial Anticyclones." iately.



Gorge Ride Of Niagara Falls
Tour Follows Water's Edge

Hobbs Sees Radi
As Possible C


EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third
of a series of four articles on the Nia-
gara Falls excursion, to be made this
week-end under the direction of Pro-
fessor-emeritus William H. Hobbs. The
fourth and last will be run tomorrow.
It is suggested that those making the
trip clip these articles to useas a guide
during the trip).
Returning to the American shore of
the Niagara River by the Lewiston-
Queenston Bridge, the excursionists
will board the special cars of the
Niagara Gorge Railway, which runs
back to the Falls along the water's
As the cars run along the edge
of the Gorge, on the inside and above
them may be observed at close view
the layers of the sedimentary rock
strata, in order from the top, and
quite clearly defined, Lockport dolo-
mite, or magnesian limestone, Ro-

deep notch in the top of the cliff.
This gulch was cut by an arm of
the Niagara River which formerly
branched off above the present loca-
tion of the Falls, and rejoined the
river at this point. A deep cave in
the limestone near the top gives it its
name. The cave itself was formed
by an underground stream containing
acids which ate away the limestone.
The scene is known as "Bloody Run"
because of the famous Devil's Hole
Massacre of 1763 when a band of
Seneca Indians ambushed a company
of 100 British soldiers, and drove them
to their death over the cliff.
At this point, the first and sec-
ond stages of the Gorge have already
been passed. The first stage is a
channel 150 feet deep and 600 feet
wide, cut by water falling 300 feet
from the top of the cliff when the
Falls were first formed.

Excessive radio broadcasting may
well be the cause of the record-break-
ing drought and heat wave which has
already kiled 700 persons in the na-
tion, in the opinion of Professor-
emeritus William H Hobbs, nation-
ally-known authority on geology and
climatic conditions.
"Radio broadcasting," Professor
Hobbs said in an interview yesterday,
"releases an immense energy of a
vibratory character into the atmo-
sphere and may well prevent the
condensation of moisture."
Professor Hobbs retired from the
University faculty in June and was
granted the title of Professor-emeri-


He pointed out that in the last
few years the drought conditions have
been becoming worse corresponding
to the increase in the number and
strength of the radio stations.
"Meteorologists have considered
this explanation for the drought and
discredited it as insufficient," Pro-
fessor Hobbs stated, "but I do not
understand the basis for their cal-
"I am apprehensive of the effect
if such a drought should continue.
It has broken all records made since
the taking of statistics was begun.
Today is the twenty-ninth day of
temperature more than 90 degrees for
Detroit. The average summer in this

Future Clouded
The future of the country was
clouded, however. It did not appear
at once what the position of Prince
Ernst von Stahremberg, vice-chan-
cellor, will be.
The Prince, at first reported in
charge of the ministers, not captured
by the Nazis, later was found to be
in Venice. He was expected in Vienna
Whether the naming of Schussch-
nigg was a temporary affair was the
subject Of speculation. Von Stahrem-
berg, a leader of the Heimwehr, is in
a strong position.
During the negotiations holding the
Chancellory and some 160 p risoners

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