THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JULY 25 I U I Ma THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official Publication of the Summer Session The Theatre "WEDDING BELLS" OPENS TONIGHT IN WEATHER like this we're most pleased to learn that the fifth presentation of the Michigan Repertory Players, "Wedding Bells," is a play that exists merely for its enjoyment, there being no les- sons to be taught or problems to be solved. It's "a comedy with an interesting plot" we are told. Let's hope it is, and let's hope that the Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre is COOL. * * * * Publisned every morning except Monday during the versity year and Summer Session by the oard in ntrol of Student Publications. 2ember of the Western Conference Editorial Association the Big Ten News Service. AND NOW that we think of it, we're not terribly disappointed that a change of plays was found necessary. "The Field God" might have been a bit 'heavy' and that would have been too bad. Then, we understand that it's a story of southern American life - and southern America is one place we don't want to be reminded of when the tem- perature here is 100 in the shade. Not today! We prefer Alaska-or perhaps Little America. trying (and trying oh so hard) to help you enjoy yourself. Won't you please give us a chance to really prove our efficiency? Help us just a bit by trusting to our good judgment. Try to appreciate our posi- tion a little and let us realize more of those thrills by transforming-yourselves into an ultra-sociable student body. Thank you for your kindness in reading this. -Wilma Clizbe. AN IDEA Dear Editor: In reading Campus Opinion this morning I saw a letter concerning the League Dances and would like to offer a suggestion: why not ask members of the Michigan Dames to act as hostesses? These girls are old enough to be interested in seeing that everyone has a good time, yet young enough to understand the attitudes and feelings of the college student. This would give those girls who know the boys an opportunity to enjoy the dance free from responsibility, and those not so fortunate would feel no hesitancy in admitting it to a "staid old married lady." While no Michigan Dame has been approached on the subject, I have a feeling that they would be delighted to help, particular since the maie half of the family is forced to study every night and even a Michigan Dame gets lonely at times. -S.K.L. Screen Reflections and DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive to all members of the University. Copy received at the Summer SessIon office until 3:30; 11:30 Saturday. d o le w Isr sp~ociattcd (foUnt i -,ay- a C---A 1 MEMBER OF THE ASOCIATED PRESS the Associatedi Pres is exclusively entitled to the use 'o rpblication of all nws dispatches credited to fItt or not othewise credited in thit- paper and the local ]es publised hee. All vdrights of republication of spcil disptches are rsrvd. Entered at the Pbst Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as! second class mattr. Special rate of postage granted by! Thrd Assistant Pstmater-general. Subsritifoih dutrig umlme' by carrier, $1.25; by mail, $1.50. During rgular setrol year by carrier, $3.75; by fbifces: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, In.,4f East ,ThityFouth"Stree t, Nw York City; 80- oylston Street, B ston; 612 North NMichigan Anue, EDITORIAL STAFF ' Bone 45 ' MANAGING EDITOR...............E. JEROME PETTIT ASSI TANT MANAGING EDITOR ....BRACthY& SHAW 'WOM'N'S EDtt'O" ...:...........ELEANOR JOHNSON ASo0IATE EDITORS: Charles A. Baird, Clinton B. Con- gePaul J. Elliott, Thomas E. Grehn, Thomas H. eCen' Wilia R. Reed. Robert S. Ruwitch. EIIPRTES: arbr& Bat Et, . Duterfl, Donald R,. rd p Danho Frances Englsh, Elsie Pierce, Vir- gInia Scott, Bernard H. Frted, Office HourSIN 1- TFhone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGE.....BERNARDRE rOSNACKE aSST. 8NssANAER W.GRFTON VSAP1 A ION SMANAGR ....CLINTON B. CONGER RIch jkAmerica.... EDITOR'S NOTE: A remedy to the situation out- linldihere will be proposed' in tomorow's editorial, "The New Way Of Living. NLY A SHORT TIME AGO it was 2 "the thing" to be cynical. Cynicism had become the salve that covered society's wounds. All of life had been condensed into one single aim: Making money. Cynicism had become the order of everyone's day. And why not? What end was there in view for anyone otherthan that of learning how to pile up wealth for himself? No one can live for riches alone and not become cynical. What philosophy, other than that of the cynic, could the college student, for example, have de- veloped when he found all of education interpreted in terms of money, its value lying in its power to give wages greater than those received by the un- educated? There are still innumerable cynics. They are th persons who are led to believe that the way of democracy is the way of the past. The only way that their cynicism can be taken away is by enlist- ing each person among those who wish definite reform that they may thereby obtain a definite envisioned objective for which to labor. Within a very few years there surely is going to come into being a new way of life; it will be that of living for a democracy, rather than of living for one's self. The new way of life will allow peopl to understand such words as those of Upton Sin- clair at the time they are written and declare them no mere rhetorical statement: The truth is ,that we have in America political democracy alongside industrial autocracy; and these two are making war upon each other, and we shall have to choose whether our country is to become a capitalistic empire or an indus- trial republic." He wrote that in 1925; we, young capitalists then. dismissed him as a radical. Now, nine years later. we are just beginning to see that he did forse the two paths open to our country - the same two paths which our administration, for political reasons, is now trying to keep from choosing be- tween. Conservatism in this year of 1934 can be nothing but the creed of ignorance, avarice, or inertia. Nc one can witness with open eyes the squalor and poverty that exists throughout our country an. dismiss them as acts of, God No one can rea a Governmen t report for the month of April whicl says that there were then 19 million people on the relief rolls and not think; that we need reform. It is impossible to look at an official report for the year 1929, the Olympus of our prosperity, and find any way of adjusting ourselves to the fact that in that year the farmers of the nation, numbering 25 per cent of the population, made $545 apiece for the year's labor - while more than 500 persons made for themselves more than a million dollars apiece through finance and intrigue. Rich America! The land in which thousands of people have many bathtubs in their homes --and half the population has none. A land in which there are machines sufficient to do the labor of a billion slaves; yet, because these machines are operated to give profit to the few, the many bene- fit little more than if they did the nation's work by hand. A land where, through co-operative labor, no many or woman should' need to work more than four hours each day to keep well supplied with necessities and luxuries; yet, because of the waste; caused by competition and unfair distribution the laborer works eight hours a day, the farmer as much as eighteen, and both remain in want. Rich America! The. land that has been built up under the profit system, but, because of tradition and greed, refuses to scrap it, even though it has r.r t ,i1C , 9riP C A fh ° nfpr * * * * THE STORY of "Wedding Bells" has to do with the efforts of a little divorcee (Mary Pray), who, still loving her former husband (Goddard Light), seeks to break up the marriage plans that would put him out of her reach. It appears that a com- bination of temper and measles had caused their separation and there are more forces than these that stand in the way of their ever being united again. * * * * VIRGINIA FRINK, cast as Marcia Hunter, the sweet young thing who is to be the second wife, and Hattie Bell Ross, her mother, who does not always have the facility of saying the right thing at the right time, adequately take the place of the measles and the temper. THE COMPLICATEI4 situations that follow 'promise an evening of interesting theatre. Mary Pray comes on the scene looking for her dog but stays to create a great deal of confusion until the final curtain is rung down. * * * * L. WAYNE SMITH plays the part of the much- married valet, and Claribel Baird is Hooper, the maid. Of great importance to the progress of the plot are Spencer Wells, played by Frank Funk, and Douglas Ordway, played by John Lee Doll. * * * * THIS IS the second production in which Mary Pray and Goddard Light have appeared opposite each other. In "Both Your Houses" they ran into all sorts of complications but everything, of course, came out all right in the end. If you remember, they left the stage, and you were supposed to imagine the 'fade-out' scene. Back stage, at this point, they did just what you expected them to. 'Just another case of art for art's sake. -C.A.B. Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be con- strue as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Aionymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be re- garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 500 words if possible. A HOSTESS REPLIES Dear Mr. Editor: I have read all the casual essays and editorials "panning" the League "Mixers," (for We do like to consider them in that light, contrary to the general campus opinion), and with your permis- sion I would like to cite just a few emotional reac- tions as experienced by the hostesses. First, I would like to say that these dances are sponsored with the primary objective of providing the students with as pleasant and sociable an evening as possible. We realize that making acquaintances in un- familiar surroundings is not a simple matter. Hence -- the present system of hostesses and hosts. The students who act in this capacity are living in the hope of contacting individuals who are new to this school who have not as yet been able to penetrate the veneer of convention to the extent of accumulating a group of acquaintances large >nough to satiate their quite natural social needs. Miss McCormick, social director of the League's activities, is interested in only one thing as far as these dances are concerned, and that is giving the tudents just what they want in the line of enter- tainment. She has been with the University for a number of years now, and we feel that she cer- tainly knows how to fill her position. Any sug- lestions you might wish to offer would be grate- fully appreciated by her, and would most certainly be given careful consideration. The hostesses feel both flattered and depressed by your opinion of them as expressed in last week's Daily. It is pleasant to be considered youthful; yet disturbing to be considered inefficient. If only aach and every one of you but knew just how discouraged a hostess feels when dismissed by a gentle shrug of the shoulder and upward tilt of the lose ! But, are we squelched by these outward symp- loms of dismissal? Hardly ! Sooner or later you may bump into someone who has a keen appreciation of the situation and MAY consent to letting you help him enjoy himself. Of course, there will always be those individuals who will put you in (or out) of your place by calmly informing you that: "I prefer to make my own se- lections, thank you," (really, we are very grateful for the "thank you,") or "I haven't seen anyone who interests me as yet." Oh why can't these fussy males enter into the spirit of the thing? Come on boys, give the girls a break. Are you snooty or just plain shy? The biggest thrill I have ever realized was the ethereal joy of hearing a pleasant male voice say: "Would you please introduce me to the little girl in pink over there?" You catch your breath and stag- ger forward, amazed at your good fortune. Heavens to Betsey, what a sensation when you see him gently but firmly draw her arm through his and sociably lead her down the corridor to the ball- room. You stand behind watching until they dis-I Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very good; two stars good; one star just another picture; no stars keep- away from it. ** "MURDER IN TRINIDAD" MAJESTIC REVIEW Bertram Lynch ............. Nigel Bruce Joan Cassell ............. Heather Angel Howard Sutter .............Victor Jory And......................A Monkey One of the best mystery thrillers we've seen in a long time. How the Majestic happened to get it we don't know. It must have been a booking error. Here are just a few reasons why it's better than the ordinary run of mystery and Majestic shows: (1.) The setting is perfect. Trinidad, a beautiful island off the coast of South America, is the back- ground for all the action. The picture opens with some very effective random shots of the island - and others are interspersed as the plot slowly winds and unwinds. (2.) Nigel Bruce as the eccentric but pleasant de- tective from Scotland Yard plays his part excel- lently. He has a monkey, eats peanuts, and looks half asleep most of the time - but like all gentle- men from the Yard, he gets his man. (3.) Heather Angel and Victor Jory are ideally cast in romantic roles. She is the daughter of an innocent but suspected officer, and he is a young ambassador. Their affair, of course, is complicated - but the ending, as usual, is happy. The plot has to do with the operations of dia- mond smugglers on the island, and the govern- ment's attempt to put a stop to them. Nigel Bruc is called from Scotland Yard to clear things up. He no sooner gets there than his assistant, who knows too much, is killed, and an attempt on his own life is made. Later the Governor is mur- dered and Heather Angel and her father, who is suspected of the murder, disappear. Mr. Bruce and Victor Jory, in love with the girl, disguise themselves as criminals and gain access to the hitle-out of the smugglers in a supposedly uninhabited swamp. They find Miss Angel and her father there - and learn all about the strange activities of the smugglers. The discovery of their identity by the leader of the gang complicates matters considerably - for Messrs. Bruce and Jory - but after their escape matters are ever more complicated for the gang leader and his allies. The picture itself is worth three stars, but th short subjects, as usual, are an affront to movie- goers. As long as the Majestic continues to pass off such inferior fare on its public, this columr will let ITS public know about it. To put it tritely, there ought to be a law against it. -C.A.B. Excursion No. 8: Ford's Greenfield i Village, this afternoon, round trip $1.00. Buses leave from in front of Angell Hall at 1:00 p.m. Party re- N trns to Ann Arbor by 5:00 p.m. Nom- N inal entrance fee of 25 cents will be charged at the village. The conducted Q tour this year will include several new features and will also provide opportunity to see the museum. Res-S ervations must be made by 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, July 24, in Room 1213, An-L gell Hall. Carl J. CoeS The public healthsnursesaon the campus will have a supper and get- together this evening from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Women's Athletic Field House. An interesting program is be- ing planned by the committee ini charge of arrangements. Reserva- tions should be placed with Gildina Meyers by Tuesday evening. A fee of 35 cents will be charged for the supper. t Motion Pictures: "The Next- War" c (talkie), "Zeppelin Raid on London,"t "New York's 1934 Peace Parade," and a film depicting the work of the League of Nations will be shown in Natural Science Auditorium this eve- ning at 8:30 p.m. Tickets for 10 andt 25 cents at Wahr's bookstores and; at the door.] "Wedding Bells": The Michigan] Repertory Players present Salisbury Field's sparkling comedy on Wed- nesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sat- urday nights of this week at the, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Box- office open from 9:30 a.m. until 8:30' p.m. Call 6300 for reservations. ] The Michigan Repertory Players: Due to the great popularity of Salis- bury Field's farce comedy, "Wedding Bells," the Players advise Season Ticket Holders to make their reser- vations as early as possible so that they may obtain good seats. The Vanguard Club will meet at 8 p.m. this evening in the Michigan Union. Abbey Morton, graduate stu- dent, will give an informal lecture and lead discussion on "Proletarian Literature." All interested are in- vited to attend. All Public Health Nurses are in- vited to a lecture to be given this morning in room 20, aterman Gym- nasium by Miss Edna L. Hamilton. Director of Nurses, Michigan Chil- dren's Fund. Her subject will be, "The Organization of Rural Work in Michigan." Summer Band: The next concert given by the Summer Band of the University of Michigan will be held promptly at 7:15 this evening in front of the Library. The duties of the conductor are to be divided up among the various students and grad- uates of the School of Music. The sand takes great pleasure in welcom- ing Capt. Wilfred Wilson, former leader of the Varsity Band, who will bring the program to a close, direct- - - - - ng the "Victors" and the "Yellow6 and the Blue." I The program for the evening willn be as follows:I March "Stars and Stripes n Forever" .............Sousa Overture "Mill on thep Cliff" ............ C. G. Reissiger Directed by Alvin N. Benner p Selection from the Opera "Martha" n Directed by Kenneth L. Bovee g La Reine De Saba ..... C. H. G'ounodt Directed by Robert Grarit Suite for Military Band from Sigurd I Jorsalfar, by E. Grieg. A. Introduction. g B. Intermezzo (Borghild's Dream)F C. Huldigungsmarch (Triumphal March).1 Directed by William Watkins March "Victors,' by Louis Elbel. "Yellow and the Blue"t Directed by Captain Wilson Dr. Francis S. Onderdonk will lec- ture on "Gangster Governments (The Hitler and Dollfuss Regimes)" Fri- day, July 27 at 5 p.m. in Natural Sci--1 the Tolstoy League. Tickets for 10 and 25 cents at Wahr's bookstores and at the door. Mathematics Club: The Mathema- tics Club will meet on Thursday, July 26, at 4:15 p.m. in room 1035 A.H. Professor A. H. Copeland will speak on "Recent Trends irr the Theory of Probability." All interested are in- vited. Niagara Falls Excursion: The reg- ular excursion of the Summer Ses- sion to Niagara Falls will take place this week-end and will be conducted by Professor William H. Hobbs. Round trip rates, Ann Arbor to Niagara Falls on party ticket will be $7. The party will leave Michigan Central Depot at 3:30 p.m. Friday, July 27, arriving at Niagara Falls at 9:30 the same eve- ning. Returning, leave Niagara Falls at 1:30 p.m. E.S.T. Sunday and ar- rive at Ann Arbor at 11:29 p.m. the same night. All necessary expenses under $15. Full information ob- tainable in the Office of the Summer Session, second floor, Angell Hall. Registration should be made early and a receipt for ticket .will serve throughout on train and for identifi- cation at Niagara Falls. Reservations should be made as early as possible for rooms at the Temperance House where the party will stay at Niagara Falls. Single rooms $1.50 and lower rates for two or more in a room. In 'ase as many as 14 register for it, a flight over the falls and gorge of Nia- gara will be taken in a regular plane of the Canadian Airways Company. with one of their regular pilots. Price per person $2. Professor Hobbs will fly with each party of eight or more. If weather is unfavorable, it will not be included. The excursion itself is /largely independent of weather since protection against rain will be available almost throughout the ex- cursion. Unless registration for ho- tel is made early, it may be Unpos- sible to provide since this 'is the crowded season at Niagara Falls. This excursion is open to citizens of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti whether mem- bers of the Summer Session or not. Women Students: There will be a ;wim in the Intramural Pool on Fri- lay at 6 p.m. followed by a supper n the terrace of the Women's Ath- etic Building. The fee for the swim Will be 10 cents and the fee for the upper 25 cents. Those wishing to .ttend are asked to sign up in Room 5 Barbour Gymnasium by Friday noon. The group will leave the Gym- nasium at 5:45. Students Recital Series: Miss Helen Bentley, pianist, of 'Battle Creek, Michigan, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the master of music de- gree, in the School of Music Audi- torium, Thursday evening, July 26, at 8:30 o'clock. She is a student of Professor Joseph Brinkman. The following program to which the gen- eral public is invited, will be given: Ravel, Sonatine, Modere - Menuet - Anime: Beethoven, Sonata Op. 57, Al- legro assai - Andante con moto - Allegro ma non troppo: Rachmani- noff, Prelude Op. 32, No. 5; Prelude Op. 23, No. 5: Brahms, Intermezzo Op. 119. No. 3; Intermezzo, Op. 116, No. 6: Schumann, Etudes Symphon- iques, Op. 13. Reading Examination in French: Candidates for the degree of Ph.D. in the departments listed below who wish to satisfy the requirements of a reading knowledge of French during the present Summer Session, are in- formed that examinations will be of- fered in Room 108 Romance Language Building from 9:00 to 12:00 on Sat- urday morning, August 4. It will be necessary in each case to register at the office of the department of Ro- mance Languages (in 112 R.L.) at least one week in advance. This announcement applies only to candidates in the departments of groups I and II, ike., Ancient and Modern Languages and Literature, History, Economics, Sociology, Polit- ical Science, Philosophy, and Educa- tion. 'Normal' Children Are Neglected - Miss Muxen (Continued from Page 1) dent's general habits of work and recreation, family life and school re- lationships and associates, and many other phases of his environment. Student problems which arise can be classified under these five heads, the speaker said: "Inferiority feelings frequently re- sulting from desire for recognition and a sense of security. "Girl and boy relationship prob- lems. "Wrong educational and vocational attitudes and values. "Family relationship antagonisms. "Lack of foundation on which to build social and spiritual values due to shifting standards of society." r, .... Eddie' Bob LAUGHTON & WOODRUFF and Their Music Daing cvery night exceit 1MAR. ...Admission 40A at Mihigan's most Beautiful Summer Baliroom I-li"' Every Wednesday, LADIES' NIGHT Women Admitted Free!- BOYS! GIRLS! Bring all your dates free! Come to a free party ! As Others See It ELECTION COSTS Why print 5,600,000 ballots for two elections in which 2,663,000 votes were cast? Why, in certain Michigan counties, should the cost's of about the same number of ballots vary up to more than 100 per cent? In one sparsely populated township, why pay six election officers $3 a day each to sit and receive the votes (if cast) of 11 registered voters?. In general, are Michigan's election payrolls padded with political appointees paid at rates far above anything to be found in comparable employ- ments?" These questions - from a list raised in a study, "Election Administration in Michigan," by Prof. James K. Pollock, University of Michigan political scientist - effectively bring up election matters again. The Pollock survey is a sequel to. the work of two election commissioners under Govs. Green and Brucker. A summary of the new findings ap- peared in our news columns Sunday. No doubt is left, we think, that the conduct of elections is saturated with politics to an extent that explains an increase of the statewide election costs up to nearly half a dollar per vote cast. Election administration largely falls under 83 county clerks, each acting separately. Though sec- ondary, the varying costs of ballots are illustra- tive. Needs of printers for business as well as needs of voters for voting are remembered. The remaining election abuses form another case which shows what happens in the absense of central di- rection and a uniform system. -The Detroit News. A. flrwInvmm n .iTC ris'tinamishcri man tn th The Advantageous Results of Classified Advertising have been proven Cash Rates 11c a Line The Michigan Daily Maynard Street Read The DAILY CLAS SIFTED ADS ATTEND ATTEND COOL MATINEES. . . MICHIGAN . . . .COOL MATINEES ANN HARD I[NG JOHN BOL ES in The Life of Verge Winters also Pete Smith Oddity, "Goofy Movies" and others . . . . . . . MAJ ESTIC . '..... Daily Matinee 25c Nights & Sundays, Balcony 25c, Main Floor 35c Today and Tomorrow VICTOR JORY in "MU RDER IN TRINIDAD" A Thrilling Mystery Romance Matinees 15c . .. . . WU E RT H . . . . . .. Nights 25c DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM The Popular Radio Star of Kay FranciCS Maxwell House Show Boat in LANNY ROSS in "MANDALAY" "MELODY IN SPRING"