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July 20, 1935 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1935-07-20

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Off The Record

NEW YORK - Trivia: Rudy Vallee didn't like
the shape of his eyelids, so he had them
changed. That explains the dark glasses he has

John Reindel In Finals
Of Detroit Tennis Meet

Indians' Pitcher May Be
Lost Forever To Baseball

SENATOR SHEPPARD of Texas is one of the
smaller men in the Senate, but a political op-
ponent found it unwise to attack him on that
"What?" shouted the opponent in a speech.
"Send a little guy like that to represent Texas.
Why, I could swallow him in two bites."
Sheppard smiled and rose. "If my opponent
swallows me," he said, "he will be an oddity. He
will have more brains in his stomach than he has
in his head."
Serious as Representative Mary Maverick of
Texas can be in his advocacy of TVA, he
cotldn't resist a pun while talking about the
agency on the House floor.
"Why, TVA," hei said, "is the busiest New
Deal agency by a 'dam' site."
SUNSET picks out in startling clarity the 21
figures carved on the south pediment of the
new archives building nearing completion.
Those figures have been in process of creation
for a year and a half. James E. Fraser of New
York, the sculptor, cast them first in a six-foot
model; then in an 18-foot model; and finally in a
working model of 118 feet. Now he is scanning
them through a field glass from positions up and
down the mall to assure himself the lights and
shadows stand out the way he wishes.
Representative Dewey Short of Missouri was
wound up in a harangue against a bill he
didn't like,. He concluded with:
"You can't change the condition of a rotten
egg. Boil it, fry it, scramble it, poach it-- and
you'd still have to open the windows."
chief got him into a George Washington-
cherry tree episode at a dinner party.
The guests wanted to play bridge, but Garner
protested he didn't play well. However he sat
down, refused to move from one table all evening,
and piled up a huge score. When the hostess
brought him and his partner the evening's prizes,
Garner chuckled.
"Thank you, mam," he said, "I can't accept it."
And he pointed to a large mirror hanging just be-
hind his partner.
THERE is a legend about Washington's many
equestrian statues. It says: If the right foot
of the horse is raised, the rider was killed in battle;
if both feet are raised, the rider was wounded,
and if all four feet are on the ground, the rider
came through safely.
However, it is just a legend, says the fine arts
ECAUSE Mrs. Claude A. Swanson, wife of the
secretary of the navy, was a famous Virginia
beauty in her "deb" days, she can afford to tell
this story, which is one of her favorites:
A Virginia deb; returning home, told her mother
of a lovely girl she had met. "But I forgot to ask
her where she's from," she concluded.
"Never do that, my dear," said the mother, "if
she's from Virginia, she'll say so. And if she isn't
there is no need to mortify her."
There may be some relation between the
fresh pink cheeks of Senator McNary of Ore-
gon, and his lunch. He drinks a huge glass of

DETROIT, July 19. - UP) -- Milton I TITUSVILLE. Pa.. July 19. - (AP) -
Bielfield. Detroit public court's vet- Clint Brown, pitcher for the Cleve-
eran, and Johnny Reindel, former land Indians, is probably all through
University of Michigan star, will clash with baseball, relatives disclosed to-
tomorrow in the singles finals of the night.
city tennis tournament. Clint. who has won four games and
Bielfield won his way into the finals dropped one this season, is blind
bracket yesterday by beating Bill in one eye and may lose the sight of
Croul, 6-4, 6-0. 6-0. Reindel defeated the other because a fan tossed a fire-
Frank Donovan, 6-4. 6-4, 6-4, in the cracker out of the stands and in front
semi-finals. of the players' bench.
Dust and pebbles flew into Brown's
BUT NO GOLD face as the firecracker exploded. The
A hand-hewn wheelbarrow and accident occurred shortly before July
other equipment used by Spanish 4th.


Sunday - Monday - Tuesday
Al Jolson, Ruby Keeler

been wearing .. .
a .. j

Myrna Loy, back from Europe,
tells me that the Germans
think conditions over there
are serious but not hopeless,
and the Viennese think they
are hopeless but not serious.
The summer theaters in
the suburbs are attracting
more stars this season than
ever before. If any of your
favorites are in this list, you
can find them playing some-
where around town: Ina
Claire, Earle Larimore, Flor-
ence Reed, Fay Bainter, Fran-

miners more than a century ago was
found by a prospector near Big Pines,
Hal Schumacher of the Giants held
opponents to nine hits or less - no
double digits-through eight straight
games, all of which he won.
25c SATN OA Matinees 35C Evenings

ces Starr, James Kirkwood, June Walker, Lenore
Ulric, Ruth Gordon, Tom Powers. Ethel Barry-
more, Mary Phillips and Libby Holman.
Donald Ogden Stewart is in town seeing the
shows . . . Edna Ferber has closed her midtown
apartment and is off to Hollywood to help with
the movie script which will be written from her
novel, "Come and Get It." . . Two of the richest
hotels in town are the Gotham and the Plaza,
and by the same name are two others, on the
Bowery . . . Now that "The Petrified Forest" has
closed, Peggy Conklin, who played opposite Leslie
Howard, is off to Bermuda: Irene Purcell and
Frank Milan are also there . . . Charlie MacArthur
and Helen Hayes are spending the summer eve-
nings driving around to see the plays at the coun-
try theaters. Incidentally, they have been troubled
so much by movie fans that Charlie had to have
a huge wall put around his old white house in
Nya ck, N. Y.
THE COMPETITION between the night clubs
and the countless drinking dens in town has
become so keen that the proprietors are resorting
to all kinds of intrigue to get business. Mainly
they are using girls. Some of the places have as
many as 20 girls working for them on the out-
side. The girls make a deal whereby they bring
their men to the bar and get a cut of the amount
of money they spend there.
Of course, they can't make a living at this,
but at least they make enough at it to buy
their meals. Some of the girls have working agree-
ments with several places, and drag the suckers
from one spot to another.
* '* *
STRANGELY quiet spot in the midst of the
bustle of lower Broadway is the Old Trinity
graveyard, wherein many famous historical char-
acters are buried. Much has been written about
Old Trinity and the men now in the yard, but little
about Samantha Proctor, who also lies there and
has this inscription on her headstone:
Here lies our wife, Samantha Proctor;
She ketched a cold and would not doctor.
She could not stay, she had to go.;
Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
We understand that one of the Ethiopian princes
is going to turn his lions loose on the invading
Italians. The Italians, in their turn, plan to burn
holes in the Abyssinian's feet with a powerful
chemical spread by tanks. Then, again, the Ethio-
pians will loose tse-tse flies in Il Duce's camps.
It leads us to wonder if such old-fashioned
things as guns and cannon are to be used in this
"nice" war.

I reakfast
Two Eggs & Toast 20c
Cereal & Milk.... 10c
Cereal & Cream.......15c
Two Donuts & Coffee. .10c
All Fruit Juices........Sc
533 E. Liberty St.
Booths --- Tables --- Counter


25c MBacoInyEvenings
35c Main Floor Evenings
Ernds Tonight
wa rner Oland
John ote 's Jean Muir


_ -fl


-- TOMORROW-____
Thefull -lcgth Feature
gorgeously filmed in radiant
The Private Life of History's
Most Glamorous Adventuress!
Miriam Hopkins



Rlead ihe Want Ads




Last Performance Tonight
nount Picture with
i re D od d
M i IIa n d
Si n d Ke it h
- and
tion nays" Comedy
ng Fish". Pete Smith
_EDA Single Admissions: 75c, 50c, 35c Phone 6300
Fine Features
James Barton
Y" "CAPT. HURRICANE" ________________________ _________


Paul Muni

About The Auto Horn Nuisance


James 0. Spearing in the New York Times
THE AUTOMOBILE HORN has come to be rec-
ognized as an international nuisance and, in
its disturbance of sleep and agitation of nerves,
often a definite menace to health. In the opinion
of many, it is also frequently a contributing cause
of accidents instead of the aid to safety it is sup-
posed to be. The argument is that too many driv-
ers depend upon loud blasts rather than brakes
to prevent collisions with vehicles and pedestrians.
In virtually every country in the world in which
automobiles are used extensively, measures have
been taken to restrict the use of horns. In some
places, this restriction has gone to the limit of ab-
solute prohibition of the noise they make, except
in cases of emergency.
This is true in many cities in Italy. Some
months ago, the use of horns was forbidden in
Rome. Since then, it is reported, most Italian
cities have availed themselves of a law giving every
municipality the right to prohibit the blowing of
horns in inhabited areas. Beneficial results have
been achieved by this outlawing of horns, accord-
ing to Arnaldo Cortesi, correspondent of the New
York Times in Rome.
"The experience of the various Italian cities," he
reports, "has proved conclusively that it is pos-
sible for traffic, even very heavy traffic, to move
without the use of any warning signals what-
* * * *
Sweden has also gone far toward silencing the
horn. It is reported from Stockholm that the
national Riksdag has passed a measure decreeing
that horns shall not be blown anywhere in the
country except when a driver wishes to signal an-
other driver of his intention to pass. The driver
receiving such a signal must respond by extending
his arm or flashing a light. The law expressly
forbids the blowing of horns at street and high-
way intersections.
One of the latest recruits to the movement for
the limitation of horn blowing is Great Britain.
In August of last year, it was ruled that no horns
should be sounded between 11:30 p.m. and 7 a.m.
within a five-mile radius of Charing Cross. Re-

Prefect of Police, forbade the blowing of horns
between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. seven years ago, but
it remains one of the noisiest cities in the world
during the day.
"The ego of the French taxi driver, as well as of
the young man about town, is far too powerfully
developed to permit slowing down at intersections,"
says P. J. Philip, Paris correspondent. "In the
daytime, such drivers blow their horns and at
night they switch on .their lights as signals, but
they never stop. If they weren't permitted to hoot
in the daytime, they might get into the habit
of slowing down.
"Throughout the country, the blowing of horns
is carried to a majestic pitch, and villages along
the main roads are usually reduced to a state of
nervous prostration after a two-day public holi-
Horns have become unpopular in Austria, too,
and word from Vienna is to the effect that honk-
ing will probably be forbidden there within the
next few months.
* * * *
The search for relief from raucity by tempering
the sound.of horns has been especially successful
in Belgium, according to report. All cars are re-
quired to have the same kind of horn which, it is
said, minimizes the shock of traffic noise for
horses as well as human beings.
Germany presents a picture considered typically
German-little activity in regulation, yet rela-
tively quiet. The Reich has a uniform traffic
code which merely provides that horns must not
be too loud and must have only one tone.
In New York City, so far, little has been accom-
plished in the direction of silencing horns, but
members of the legislative and police departments
of the municipal government are interested, and
private organizations have renewed propaganda
for peace in the streets. Without proposing any
definite degree of limitation, the League for Less
Noise has begun a campaign to arouse public sup-
port for restriction of the use of horns, and the
First Avenue Association has joined the move-
One definite proposal has been made. It is that

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