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July 17, 1935 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1935-07-17

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Malloy Faces
Tough Field
In Golf Meet
Carlton Wells, Member Of
English Faculty, Seems
Prominent Contender
Weid IsImproved
Cal Markham, '35 Captain
Of Michigan, Plans Entry
In Contest
When Woody Malloy defends his
Ann Arbor city golf title beginning
Aug. 19 on University course, he will
face one of the toughest fields in his
three years of incumbency. Malloy,
who last month tied for low medal
honors in the National Collegiate
Golf meet as a member of the Mich-
igan team, won the title last year
for the third time to gain permanent
possession of the Brown - Cress
Trophy, repeating victories of 1931
and 1932.
Not only will the usual field which
makes the city meet one of the tough-
est and wide open of its kind in the
state be entered, but a two-time win-
ner, a former champion, and a run-
ner-up who is playing the best game
of his career will compete.
The twice-champion is Carlton F.
Wells, a member of the English fac-
ulty, who won the tourney while he
was ranked as the outstanding ama-
teur golfer of the state. He was state
champion for three years.
Markham Will Enter
Cal Markham, Michigan's 1935
captain, is the former champion who
will be entered, having bioken Mal-
oy's string with a win in the 1933
tournament. He was eliminated
early in the 1934 meet.
Red Weid, who fought Malloy
through the finals of the 1931 and
1932,meets, is now playing his finest
golf and will be an outstanding
threat. Weid last week lowered the
course record of Loch Alpine from
72 to 70, where it had been set a few
days previously by Malloy after the
record of 73 had stood since the
course's construction.
Despite the opposition, however,
Malloy is confident that he will re-
tain the crown for the fourth year,
having broken the jinx which kept
Wells and Johnny Malloy, Woody's
brother, from taking the title three
times. Returning from Washington
and the national collegiate meet,'
where he came from obscurity to
share the spotlight with one of the
most brilliant fields of young golfers
in the country, Malloy has since con-
tinued to play the golf which he dis-
played there.
"Walker Cup Prospect"-Ouimet
It was in the collegiate meet that
Francis Ouimet, one of the immortals
of American amateur golf, remarked
to Coach Thomas Trueblood of the
Michigan team that Malloy was a
future Walker Cup prospect after
following this match with Johnny
Fischer in the quarter-finals.
Playing only twice in the first two
weeks after his return from the col-
legiates, Malloy cracked two records,
lowering the Loch Alpine mark for
18 holes and shooting a 33 on the 37-
par first nine at Huron Hills.
Housing To Go
On After Court
RulingHits It
Ickes' Aides Attempting To

Rescue Project From
Adverse Decision
WASHINGTON, July 16. - (R) -
The legal aides of Secretary Ickes
struggled today to rescue the public
works administration's low cost hous-
ing project from the shadow cast by
the court of appeals in Cincinnati.
The court's decision, denying the
government the power to condemn
sites in the $349,000,00C program, was
acknowledged to be a jolt to another
section of the New Deal, but some'
of its legal experts expressed the be-
lief that only sites in the Cincinnati
court's circuit are. affected by the
Ickes would not say whether he
planned to appeal the decision to
the Supreme Court, but the circuit
court's decision was being carefully
scrutinized by his advisers. No im-
mediate decision was forthcoming
on the question of cancellation of
the $1,600,000 assigned to the Louis-
ville, Ky., project, within- the circuit
court's jurisdiction.
"We are not going to stop this work
merely because ofg the restriction of
condemnation power," Ickes declared.
"We will have to modify the form
somewhat, but we shall proceed with
the program."
AVA, Ill., July 16. - (N) - George
King, 47-year-old farmer, was re-
covering todayafter being bitten by

First Of War Department Dams Across Mississippi

Chicago's Kelly
Sees Roosevelt
Victory In 1936
Democratic Mayor Points
To What He Has Done
For 'Little Fellow'
CHICAGO, July 16. -(VP) - Mayor
Edward J. Kelly, a Democrat who
polled 790,000 votes running against
two opponents this year, looked at
the national political picture today
and decided:
"Recent criticism of the national
administration and third party talk
notwithstanding, you're going to have
President Roosevelt for another four
Despite grass roots conferences and
other concerted action by Repub-
licans, he said, his party is at least
as strong in Illinois as in 1934, when
in the state election the Democrats
only broke even downstate but car-
ried Cook county- by 300,000 votes.
"The strength-of the President and
the party lies in what has been done
for the little fellow," Mayor Kelly
said. "The little fellow benefited
from the Home Owners Loan Cor-
poration. The same class will benefit
from operations of the works progress
administration. In every direction
the effort of the administration has
been to help those who needed help.
"No plan or policy is flawless. A
ball player who can hit .360 for the
season is a rare slugger. When the
record of the Democratic administra-
tion is laid open for examination in
1936, it will be found that while a
few mistakes were made, the batting
average was good."
Mayor Kelly said he did not agree
with critics of the administration that
the relief policy has created a class
of loafers. "The people want to
work," he said. "The works progress
administration is going to give them
a chance to work on projects of last-
ing value. Substitution of the PWA
for direct relief is a great forward
Walter Johnson, manager of the
Cleveland Indians, said he offered
the St. Louis Browns $60,000 for
Catcher Rollie Hemsley but was
turned down.

Diliman Urges 0Opening
Of Mackinac [o Autos
16. - (;P) - Grover C. Dillman. State
welfare director and former State
highway commissioner, favors ad-
mission of automobiles to Mackinac
Here for a vacation, Dillman pro-
posed the construction of a shore-line
highway around the island which
would accommodate two-way traffic.
Such a hghway, he said, would be
"one of the most beautiful drives in
the world."
Dillman said that Gov. Fitzgerald
expects to visit the island within two

--Associated Press Photo.
The $4,000,000 dam across the Mississippi river at Alma, Wis., is shown as it appeared when completed
and accepted by the Federal government through the war department. It is the first of 25 to be built across
the river between Minneapolis and St. Paul to St. Louis to create a nine-foot channel in the upper Missis-


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213
A.H. until 3:30: 11:30 a.m. Saturday.

VOL. XVI No. 20
M. Andre Siegfried, Professor at
the Ecole Libre des Sciences Politi-
ques, and the College de France,
Paris, author of America Comes of
Age, and many other works, will
lecture at 5:00 p.m. today in the
Natural Science Auditorium, upon the
subject, "French Political Life and
The public is invited.
Professor Charles L. Jamison of the
School of Business Administration
who was scheduled to speak on Wed-
nesday will give his lecture on Friday
and will speak on the subject "Sal-
aries and Services."
The National Student League will
hold its .regular weekly meeting at
the Union tonight at 8 o'clock in
Room 302. Discussion will center
around topics of local interest. All
are invited to come.
Public Health Nurses: All public
health nurses on the campus are in-
vited to a picnic to be held at the
Island this afternoon at 4:30.
Educational Conference: Mr. War-
ren R. Good, Instructor in Educa-
tional Psychology, will speak this af-
ternoon at 4:10 in Room 1022 of the
University High School on the sub-
ject, "The Outlook for Educational
Pi Lambda Theta will hold a joint
meeting with the Women's Education
Club today at 7:15 p.m., at the Uni-
versity Elementary Library. Miss
Elizabeth Bates, teacher of art in the
Dorland-Bell School in the mountains
of North Carolina, will show drawings
and sketches of the work done in the
Peace Poster Exhibit: A collection
of 700 posters, etchings, cartoons, and
photographs dealing with War and
Peace is on exhibition in Room 316
Michigan Union. Jean Carlu, A.
Daenens, Arthur Stadler, Otto Dix,
B. Nowak, and E. Holarek are among
the artists represented. This collec-
tion was started by Dr. Onderdonk in
Vienna during the World War and is
thought to be the most complete of its
kind in existence. Admission is free;
the exhibit will be on display till July
The exhibit will be on display until
Thursday morning.
Michigan Dames invite wives of
Summer Session students and in-
ternes to play auction and contract
bridge at the League every Wednes-
day afternoon during Summer School,
The first party is scheduled for to-
day at two o'clock. Each player is
asked to bring ten cents to help de-
fray expenses.
Band Concert: At 7:30 this evening
on the Library steps the University
of Michigan Summer Session Band
will give the following program under
the direction of Earl Slocum.
Call of the Elk.............. Alford
Overture, "Der Freischuets" .. WebeJ-
Morris Dance from Henry VIII ....
... . .... ..... . .German
Conducted by Ralph Banta.
In a Chinese Temple-Garden ....
............... ..........K atelbey
Conducted by Milton Herman.
Spiritual Rivers .............Gault
Conducted by John Gottschalk.
Selection "Victor Herbert Favorites"
Conducted by Alvin Benner.
March "On the Mall" .....Goldman
The Yellow and the Blue.

Professor Arthur G. Canfield will
give a talk on "Balzac." There will
be charades, songs and dancing.
Graduation Recital: Mona Hutch-
ings, student of Professor Wassily
Besekirsky, will give a Graduation
Recital, Thursday evening, July 18,
at the School of Music Auditorium, at
8:15 o'clock, to which the general
public, with the exception of small
children, is invited. Raymond Kon-
dratowicz will play the accompani-
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
U. S. Civil Service Examinations:
Sr. Metallurgist, $4,600.
Asst., Assoc., and Medical Officer,
$2,600 to $3,800.
Asst., Assoc., Statistician, and Sr.
Statistician, $2,600 to $4,600.
Associate Animal Husbandman
(Beef and Dual-Purpose Cattle), $3,-
Animal Husbandman (Beef and
Dual-Purpose Cattle ), $3,800.
Sr. Animal 'Husbandman (Swine),
Asst. Poultry Husbandman (Prog-
eny Testing), $2,600.
Asst. Poultry Husbandman (Bio-
metrics), $2,600.
Poultry Husbandman (Administra-
tion), $3,800.
Sr. Poultry Husbandman (Admin-
istration), $4,600.
Sr. Poultry Husbandman (Gene-
tics), $4,600.

Vatican Sends
Strong Rebuke
To The Reich
VATICAN CITY, July 16. - (A') -
The Vatican has protested strongly to
the German government against its
failure to carryout terms of the con-
cordat with the Vatican.
The note sent to Berlin follows the
lines of the vigorous statement pub-
lished on the front page of the news-
paper Osservators Romano yesterday.
It protests against:
1. Forcing Catholics to abide by
the Nazi sterilization law.
2. Encroachment on the free ex-
istence of Catholic lay organizations.
3. Attacks on the freedom of the
Catholic press.
Dispatch of the note was ascribed
to the Vatican's view that opposition
to the Catholic church in Germany,
hitherto unofficial, may now be re-
garded as official.
Britain Appropriates
Vast Sum For Security
LONDON, July 16.- (P)-Great
Britain apportioned more than $25,-
000,000 today to maintain its own
security by strengthening its air de-
A supplementary estimate, totaling
£5,335,000 was issued to meet the
costs of expansion for the royal air
The estimate included provision for
additional personnel and cash pay-
ment for combatant and training air-
craft. Much of the equipment will
not be delivered until the next finan-
cial year.
The revised program, drawn in
conjunction with plans announced in
July, 1934, entails provisions for near-
ly 50 new air stations.
TRIESTE, Italy, July 16. - ()-
A seaplane piloted by Mario Stop-
pani and Co-Pilot Babbi, well-known
Italian aviators, took off today in alt
attempt to break the world's dis-
tance record for a seaplane. The rec-
ord is now held by France, at 4,300
kilometers (2,625 miles).
In his first ,16 games this season -
resulting in 13 victories, two defeats
and a tie - Hal Schumacher of the
Giants allowed an average of 6%
hits per game.

at the popular


South University at Forest

Pi Lambda Theta,
Ed Club To Meet
Pi Lambda Theta, honorary so-
iety for women students in educa-
tion, will hold a joint meeting with
the Wommen's Education Club at 7:15
p.m. tonight in the library of the Uni-
versity Elementary School.
Elizabeth Bates, who teaches art
in the Dorland-Bell school in the
mountains of North Carolina, will
show drawings and water-color
sketches made by students in her
school. Pi Lambda Theta is sponsor-
ing her appearance.

I -

Goody ear' S~
Closilng. for the Summer
witha 4-Day Clearance
Wedn esday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Before closing the COLLEGE SHOPS for the summer we are offering
Extraordinary Values in Dresses and Shoes in a Final Clearance.
Here's splendid opportunity to bolster up a jaded summer ward-
robe with a dress or two and some smart footwear.

200. -

Physiologist (Cotton), $3,-
Pathologist (Cotton), $3,200.
Geneticist (Cotton), $3,200.
Fiber Technologist (Cotton),
Cytologist (Cotton), $3,200.
Agronomist (Cotton), $3,-
notices are on file in Room

201, Mason Hall.
..Tea Honoring Wives of Visiting
Professors: The Faculty Women's
Club is cooperating with the Summer
Session in giving a tea Thursday, July
18, four to six o'clock, in the Michigan
League Garden, honoring wives of
professors from other institutioais
teaching here this summer. Wives of
visiting professors and of other mem-
bers of the summer faculty, women
on the faculty, and members of the
Faculty Women's Club are cordially
invited to come.
Mathematics Picnic for Graduate
Students and Friends Friday, July
19. Meet at 4:00 p.m. on Angell Hall
steps. Sign up in Math. Library
before Thursday noon, if possible.
Women Students: The department
of Physical Education for women
will hold a picnic swim on Friday,
July 19, leaving Barbour Gymnasium

Bright Spot
802 Packard Street
LUNCHEON 11:15 to 2 P.M.
DINNER 5:15 to 8:00 P.M.
- 35c -
with Hard Boiled Egg
New England Boiled Dinner
Roast Lamb - Mint Jelly

at 5:30. Women students wishing to
attend are asked to register in Room
15 Barbour Gymnasium, by Friday
noon. A small fee will be charged.
625 East Liberty
a$2.50 up
V. V
Shirley Temple Permanents
for Children.
.t Shampoo and
Fingerwave 50c
Mnir ie, ^"S

Two Price Groups
Every dress is now greatly reduced for this final
clearance. The summer's smartest cotton and
silk fashions - styles for street, afternoon and
sports wear. Every important style detail of the
season, all the popular materials and most
wanted colors are here to choose from. First-
day selection will be most satisfactory when size
range is most complete.




Two Prices Now

With the extraordinary values obtainable in
this final clearance women will anticipate even
their early fall needs. There are many styles in
black and brown as well as strictly summer
shoes in these two price groups. Choose shoes
for afternoon, street and sports wear. Straps,
pumps and ties; all heel heights.

College Shops close Saturday Eveing-
Watch-for the opening announceinent early in September.




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