,JULY 17, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGN Jud ge Rejeets Goodrich Plea OHis Insanity Doctor Reports To Court That Slayer Is Sane By Medical Test DETROIT, July 16. - (/P) - Judge Christopher E. Stein of recorder's court rejected a defense plea for de- lay in the case of Merton Ward Good- rich today and ordered the trial of the slayer of 11-year-old Lillian Gal- laher to proceed at 9 a.m. Wednes-. _day as scheduled. Judge Stein also denied a defense motion for the appointment of alien- ists to examine Goodrich and testify for the respondent at state expense. Dr. I. L. Polozker's recorder's court psychiatrist, reported to the court this moning that Goodrich is legally sane. "Irresistible Impulse" Harry C.'Hanley, defense attorney, had announced plans to build a case for Goodrich on the theory that the slayer, although sane, was the victim of an "irresistible impulse" when he attacked and killed the little girl last Sept. 20. Hanley contended that if the trial jury agreed with his theory, Goodrich should be freed. Judge Stein told Hanley he could renpw his motion for their appoint- meht during the trial of developments indicated reasonable groups. Prosecutor Duncan C. McCrea Said Dr. Polozker's report settled definitely the question of Goodrich's sanity. Hanley said he was considering re- mapping his plans for defending his client., Dr. Polozker's report said, "Merton Ward Goodrich is not insane and is able to assist his counsel in his pres- ent difficulty.", Reward Paid The New York patrolman who "put the collar" on Goodrich is $500 richer today, with an additional $1,000 to be sent him within a few days. The Detroit News reward of $1,000 was forwarded this noon to the pa- trolman, Thomas J. Harris, a plain clothes man whose job is to protect children at a wading pool in Central Park. County Auditor Edward H. Wil- liams recommended immediate pay- ment to Harris of the $2,000 offered by the county for the arrest of the confessed slayer. Harris, who ended one of the most widespread manhunts in years when he arrested the former beer garden trap drummer a fortnight ago, will keep only half the rewards. The other half automatically goes to the New York police pension fund, officers here said. Poisson Case Heard By Port Huron Justice Twelve Witnesses Facing 'Love Slayer'; Salesman Murdered, Woman Hurt PORT HURON, July 16. - (A) - A dozen witnesses to the slaying of FrankWells, Kokomo, Id., were to be on hand today at the police court hearing of Henry Poisson, 43-year- old Belgan-American, accused of the shooting and charged with first de- gree murder. Poisson, who also is known as George Moss, pleaded not guilty yes- terday and said he shot Wells in self- defense. "I was afraid he was going to hit me, so I shot him," he told Prosecutor Arthur M. Mann. He said he could not remember fir- ing the shot that wounded Mrs. Fan- ny Melvin, 53-year-old widow, who is near death at Port Huron hospital. Attendants said today that Mrs. Mel- yin's condition was unchanged. Earl- ier, her physicians said she had only a "slim chance" of recovery. Poisson said he bought the revolver to shoot himself. "I guess the thought of losing her love made me go crazy," he explained. Neighbors of Mrs. Melvin told the prosecutor that Poisson had been at her home frequently since the death of her husband three years ago. Sev- eral weeks ago, they said, she told him to leave. Since then he had been up- set. Wells, a 38-year-old salesman who leaves his widow and a 17-year-old son in Kokomo, took Mrs. Melvin rid- ing Sunday night, Mrs. Melvin re- mained in the car when he stopped in front of a beer garden to buy some cigarets. Set Date For Trial Of Ferris, Women DETROIT, July 16. - (A) - Wil- liam Lee Ferris and three women im- plcated with him in he slaying of Howard Carter Dickinson, New York attorney, appeared in recorder's court for arraignment today and Judge Chistopher E. Stein set their first degree murder trial for next Tues- Thousands Lose Lives In Han River Flood With Eyes To Future, Norris Keeps Fighfing Nebraska's Great Liberal Is One Of Washington's Busiest Figures WASHINGTON, July 16.--(IP)- An elder statesman, George W. Nor- ris of Nebraska "never looks back, but always is looking to the future to see what can be done," as his sec- retary, John P. Robertson, expresses it. The veteran Republican indepen- dent has waged battle after battle. Not long ago he was appealing to Ne- braska's voters to adopt a state con- stitutional amendment for a one- house legislature, expecting it to be his "last fight." The election figures scarcely were dry before he was en route back to Washington to resume work on dozens of ideas he hopes to incorporate in the nation's law. Norris is one of the busiest men on capitol hill. Despite his 73 years, he generally is at work in his office by 8:30 a.m. and seldom returns home before 7 p.m., often carrying books and pamphlets to study at home. His library is lined with books on economic and social problems, his- tory and biography. Most of them have his own penciled index of in- teresting points. Confident the world can be made a bit easier and better for the com- mon man, Norris finds his hobbies chiefly in his work. Rarely is he absent when the Sen- ate is in session, following each de- bate closely, no matter how dull, to keep thoroughly informed on every question. Watch Repairing! H ALLER'S Jewelry State and Liberty Bauling Liberal In uncti.n Hits State's Motor Licensing Law DETROIT, Julyv 16. - (A"') - Fed- eral Judge Ernest A. O'Brien signed an order today temporarily restrain- ing the state of Michigan from en- forcing its automobile registration law as it applies to interstate commercial vehicles. Orville E. Atwood, secretary of state, is required to appear next Mon- day to show cause why the injunction should not be extended. The order was signed on application of Highway Motor Trucks, Inc., an Indiana corporation, and two com- panies which lease equipment from the Hoosier concern, Triangle Motor Fleet Forwarding Co. and the Trans- America Freight Lines. The Michigan automobile licensing act originally exempted out-state commercial vehicles for 10 days and passenger automobiles for 60 days. The 1921 legislature amended the act, eliminating the 10-day exemption for commercial vehicles, carrying pas- sengers or freight over regular routes or between fixed termini. The suit to determine whether the Michigan law violates provisions of the United State Constitution regard- ing interstate commerce must be heard jointly by two federal district judges and one circui jijdge. Question One On Death Of Jarvis DETROIT, July 16. - (A) - Police arrested Lawrence Delaney, 27, for- mer inmate of Southern Michigan Prison, today and planned to ques- tion him concerning the death of George T. Jarvis, Home Owners Loan Corporation official. Delaney was picked up on suspicion of being one of two men who ad- ministered "knockout drops" to Emil Gershler, apartment house owner, and robbed him, two months ago. The men robbed Gershler of $750. Delaney was released from prison six months ago. Police released Annis Howard, 34, today after questioning him in the Jarvis case. He was held Monday with Joseph Moses, 60. The two were arersted in a blind pig on Congress St., less than half a block from the place where Jarvis' body was found last Thursday morning. SECOND TEA TODAY The second of a series of Wednes- day afternoon teas will be held from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. today in the Mich- igan League Garden for all students enrolled in the Summer Session and members of the faculty. Pouring at the tea table will be Mrs. Pouis A. Hopkins, Laura Jane Zimmerman, Mary Mor'rison, and Louise Paine. -Associated Press Photo. Untold thousands were reported to have lost their lives when the flooded Han river poured a seething torrent through a break in the dykes on the Hanyang side of the stream across from Hankow. Picture shows a street scene in °Hankow during a recent flood of the Yangtze river. CanerlNow Second In Death Causes; Sixth Ten Years Atro i Save1murs!I egroney: This is the seventh of the series of short articles, sponsored by the Mich- igan State Medical Society, in which the essential facts about cancer are miade clear. Cancer is a universal disease which attacks the entire animal kingdom, including man. In Michigan alone there are more than 25,000 people living with cancer ,and every week about 100 die of cancer in this state. In the entire United States, about 125,000 deaths are caused by cancer each year. Among the major causes of death, cancer has gradually risen until now it takes second place, only diseases of the heart outranking it. Yet thirty years ago cancer was in the sixth place as a cause of death. Thus there has been a marked increase in the number of cases of cancer. This in- crease is, in part, only apparent and in part real. It is partially account- ed for by constant improvement in medical diagnosis. More cancers are being detected and recognized as such. Another reason is the greater average length of human life. While cancer can occur at any age, it is largely a disease of adult life, most cases occurring between the ages of 35 and 70. It is surprising, but true, that the success of preventive medi- cine in protecting children and young adults from diphtheria, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, and similar diseases, has increased the number of cases of can- cer by permitting a larger proporton of the population to reach the age when cancer is common. In addition to these reasons for the increases in cancer, there appears to be an actual increase in cancer of certain organs, particularly the lungs. Women are attacked by cancer more frequently than men. This is due to its greater frequency in the fe- male breast and reproductive organs. Cancer of the breast is 100 times more common in women than in men. There is some evidence that the rising curve of cancer has about reached its peak. It is hoped that Laval Submits 23-Point Plan To Lift Franc Premier Faces First Real Test Of Strength Over Economy Measures PARIS, July 16. - () - Premier Pierre Laval tackled the problems of France's depression and its 11,000,- 000,000-franc deficit today, submit- ting 23 economy decrees to the cabi- net in an effort to bolster the franc. The premier faced the first big test of his strength by using the vir- tual dictatorial powers granted to him by parliament. The only alternative, he said would be to "fabricate false money."~ The decrees, kept secret until after the Bastille day demonstrations to avoid a public protest, were consid- ered by the cabinet at an all-day meeting before being presented to President Albert Lebrun for his signa- ture. A lowering of foreign trade bar- riers, including import quota restric- with the spread of knowledge about this disease, prevention, early diag- nosis, treatment, and cure will be more common so that no longer will one person out of every ten fall vic- tim to it, as is true now. JAnouce An Advance Showing Of H'AT Kfo~r FA'LL MI giades and .,... ieads iztes JULY SPECIALS HOSIERY & LINGERIE At Reduced Pries NURSES UNIFORMS Made To Measure Things You Can't Get Elsewhere ... For Style or Quality GLEN-ANN SHOPPE I Connie shoes-re so smart so 'dashing .sode" sirable . it is a stroke of luck to buy theni.at such a thrilling price Beearlyfor best choice., 1031 E. Ann St. Open Evenings II 'i~I___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ _IM a y Itmay surp rise you tok n o w tat more than e 20,000,000 people in this country smoke cigarettes -andWHY -. It is hecause men and women k4now that cigarettes are the mildest form in wh ichi tobacco is used. } z:C HESTERFRII E LDhas told you , f""ti""o tme just what takes to make a milder, better tast- ing cigarette. f} First of all you must start with mild, ripe tobacco. You must blend with the home- grown tobaccos the right quantity of the right kind of aromatic Turk- ish -not ordinary Turkish but the kind that gives a pleasing taste and -aroma. Then again the cigarette must be made right-no loose ends. It must be made so that it will draw evenly. Scientific methzods and .4.'.- -mild ripe tobaccos snake Chesterfield a milder, better tasting cigarette.