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July 13, 1935 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1935-07-13

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'he Weather

nerally fair today and to-
vow; reasonable tempera-


Official Publication Of The Summer Session


No. 17


. Dreyfus
es In Paris

Forty-Eight Foresters Having A
Real Summer At Golden Lake

At 75
orld-Famous Espionage
Case Centered Arbund
Him 40 Years Ago.

nory Of Devil's
and Haunted Him

r . '

GOLDEN LAKE, Mich., July 10. -
Forty-eight University forestry camp
students here are having a great sum-
mer of it, in spite of recurrent battles
with slash, swamps, streams, mos-
quitoes, and porcupines. Of the na-
tural enemies in the Golden Lake
region, probably No. 1 is the mosquito.
Five times a week the young for-
esters set out to make maps, locate
section corners, and run compass
lines. They leave the camp with arms
bared and axes in hand and their per-
sons la n down with equipment
which .i'ludes canteens dangling
from e , forest service compasses
and Abney levels attached anywhere,:
a surveyor's chain over one shoulder;
and a tatum holder over the other,1
and a Jacob staff in a free hand.
"The boys" are becoming quite pro-
ficient in the use of the axe. Each
man has one. They're more thanj
welcome in this country, where you
must frequently cut your way through<
slash and heavy undergrowth.
Wild life abounds in the vicinity.

Deer are plentiful. Bear tracks (but
not bears) are often seen, and under
cover of darkness armies of porcupines
that populate the Golden Lake area
wreak havoc with leather boots,
clothes, axe handles, or any articles,
in fact, that have carelessly been left
over night. Recently one of the fel-
lows left a shirt in the woods to mark
a spot. Next morning he found that
the porcupines had made a meal of it.
Old timers in the area claim that it
is the wettest summer in "y'ars and
y'ars" and so no forest fires are im-
minent. This is quite a disappoint-
ment to "the boys" who are on razor
edge, as it were, with readiness to fight
any and all fires. One of the courses
being given here this summer deals
with fire fighting.
There is no lack of appetite, no
sleeplessness here. The mountains of
food laid on the rude pine tables dis-
appear as if by magic. The campers
are awakened each morning at 6:10
a.m. by the first bell tolled by Axel,
the cook..

'ench People Regard Himn
As Victim Of 'Atrocious'

PARIS, July 12. -(A) - Lieut.-Col.
Alfred Dreyfus, central figure of
France's notorious military espionage
case that a generation ago aroused
bitter controversy, died today at his
home here. He was 75 years old.
Although vindicated more than 40
years ago of the charges of treason
that sent him to Devil's Island for four
tortured years; the memories of his
tragic life haunted him to the last.
Convicted of selling France's mili-
tary secrets to Germany and held cap-
tive at the penal colony until the
storm of protest moved the French
president to pardon him, he lived
through three tense periods of Franco-
German history the first the
time of his own case at the turn of
the century; the second, the World
War in which he served for France;
the third, the present dispute over
the Reich's rearmament.
Family At His Bedside
Mme. Dreyfus, faithful in her hus-
band's defense through the years, was :
at his bedside with their son and
daughter - Pierre and Jeanne -
when he died. The family had done
all in its power to avoid reviving mem-
ories of 40 years ago, but friends dis-
closed that nightmares of his impris-
onment often woke him from his
x Four years ago the aged Dreyfus,
steadily grow ng blind, suffered gland
trtiAle. - Another severe- attack oc-
curred last year. Since then he has
been almost continually ill.. His death
came at 5 p.m. today. His daugh-i
ter's husband, Dr. Pierre Paul Levy,
attended him in his last illness.
Dreyfus knew that he was dying,t
those at the bedside said, and was(
conscious to the last, though he died{
without speaking. His funeral was
set tentatively for Sunday.
Prison Colony Under Fire c
By ironic coincidence the minister
of colonies, even as Dreyfus lay dying,i
announced disciplinary action againsti
keepers of the French penal colonyf
off French Guinea for laxities, pre-
sumably "pampering" of prisonersF
and perhaps allowing them to escape.
While Dreyfus was there, he was
supposed to have been the colony's
worst treated prisoner, the minister
of justice having ordered especiallyz
severe treatment for him.
The chief interest of the aged re-c
tired officer's last years was his ninec
grandchildren, for whom he collected
stamps tirelessly and supervised
school work. He also dispensed char-
ity to children of the poor.
It had been so long since he sat
in secluded corners of cafes or strolled
through the park near his home that
the slight, unassuming old man was
rarely recognized by post-war Pari-
sians on the rare occasions he ap-
peared in public.
Victim of Conspiracy
Col. Dreyfus was the victim of
what a large part of the French peo-
ple r'egard as one of the most atrocious
conspiracies in the history of their
Although it originated in 1894, the
Dreyfus case, because of its sensa-
tional aspects was kept alive in mem-
ory by the study made of it by suc-
ceeding generations. For 10 years it
shook Prance to its foundations, near-
lrecked the republic, did incalcul-
able harm to the French army and
pust French justice on trial before
the world.
New Orleans In
Hands Of Long
Is Late Report'
NEW ORLEANS, July 10.--(A') -
Leaving their chief, Mayor T. Semmes
Walmsley, standing virtually alone,
the "old regular" political ring of New
Orleans ran up the white flag of
truce today to Sen. Huey P. Long.
Annexation of the heretofore hos-
m4. ...+ o-,"af.fln y anntnr~

Six flouses To
Be Quizzed On
Their Finances
Fraternities Will Be Asked
To Explain Finances To
University Committee
Six University of Michigan fraterni-
ties will be called before the Univer-
sity Committee on Fraternity Finan-
cial Standards and Exceptions, when
that group meets Monday afternoon,
July 22, Robert C. Briggs of the eco-
nomics department, chairman of the
committee, revealed yesterday.
Those fraternities whom it has been
definitely established will be called,
will be asked to give an explanation
of their financial status for the past
year, and if certain discrepancies are
not satisfactorily explained, the com-
mittee, it is. believed, will close a
number of them.
Mr. Briggs stated that the list of
fraternities which will be called be-
fore the hearing committee is by no
means complete as the accounts of all
the houses have not been thoroughly
checked to date. It is believed that
considerably more than the origina'
six will be called for a hearing.
The names of the fraternities to be
called were not revealed.
The members of the hearing com-
mittee, besides Mr. Briggs, are Prof.
Leigh J. Young of the forestry school,
and Paul R. Kempf.
Failure to hand in suitable monthly
accounts, it is believed, will be the rea-
son why many houses will be called
for hearings, while failure to meet the
University rule that no fraternity shall
have accounts receivable amounting to
more than $200 and unpaid accounts
amounting to $500, will be another
cause for a house being called on "the
Jackson Girl
Faints, Ferris
Tries Escape
After Helping Carry Her
Into Corridor, Break
For Freedom Is Made
DETROIT, July 10 - (A') - An ap-
parent escape attempt by William Lee
Ferris and the fainting of one other
of his three confessed accomplices in
the holdup-slaying of Howard Carter
Dickinson featured the court appear-
ance of the quartet of "cocktail bar
racketeers" today.
Recorder's Judge Thomas M. Cot-
ter ordered Ferris, who is also known
as William Schweitzer, and the wom-
en - Jean Miller and Loretta and
Florence Jackson - held without bail
for trial.
They have confessed they lured the
52-year-old New York attorney from
his hotel the night of June 25 to slay
him in Rouge Park for $134 he car-
The fainting of the Miller woman
provided Ferris with his momentary
opportunity to make a break for free-
dom. The 26-year-old gunman
pushed his way through the crowd
around the woman, helped carry her
into the corridor, then walked toward
an unguarded exit.
"Where do you think you're going?"
a surnrised noliceman demanded.

Major League Standings

American League
New York ...........47 26
Detroit ........ .....48 30
Chicago............40 31
Cleveland..........38 35
Boston ..............40 37
Philadelphia .........31 41
Washington .........31 44
St. Louis ............21 52
Yesterday's Results
Detroit 2, Washington 1.
Philadelphia 9, St. Louis 0.
New York 5, Cleveland 2.
Chicago 13, Boston 2.
Today's Games
Detroit at Philadelphia.
Chicago at New York
Cleveland at Boston
St. Louis at Washington.
National League


Pastor From
England Will
Speak Here
Dr. Frederick W. Norwood
Is Guest Of Conference
Of Church Leaders
Englishman Asks
Peace By Religion
Speech To Be On Monday,
July 22; Subject Deals
With WorldCitizenship
Dr. Frederick W. Norwood, pastor
of City Temple, London, England,
and a world advocate of international
understanding by means of religion,
will be the guest and chief speaker of
a Conference of ministers and lay
church leaders, which will be held1
here July 22 and 23, Dr. E. W. Blake- t
man, University counseler in religious
education, announced yesterday.
The conference of religious leadersl
which is being held as a branch of
the religous Education Association,1
Michigan branch of the United Statess
and Canada, will feature Dr. Nor-{
wood's lecture at 8 p.m., Monday, Julyt
22. His subject will be "Religion andt
World Citizenship."
To Have Discussions
He will also meet, in more intimate
conferences, a group of faculty mena
and ministers in the proposed con-1
ference at noon the same day.
In 1933-34, Dr. Norwood, an Aus-
tralian by birth, travelled throught
Canada, India, and South Africa, and
spoke in Tokio, Kobe, and Shanghaif
upon this significant theme. Moret
recently he visited Australia, and nowt
is at the Riverside Church in Newe
York, as an exchange pastor with Dr.
Harry Emerson Fosdick for the sum-
Other lectures announced by Dr.s
Blakeman, which will be delivered ,
during the course of the two-day con-s
ference are as follows:c
Prof. George P. Adams of the Uni-c
versity of California, who is lecturing
in the Summer Session upon ethics
and philosophy of religion, will lead
two discussions upon "certain Per-I
sistent Problems in the Philosophy of1
Lemon To Lecture
A lecture on "The Ministers Use ofc
Literature" or "Religous Phases oft
World Literature," will be delivered
by the Rev. W. P. Lemon, pastor ofs
the local First Presbyterian Church.s
Prof. Stuart A. Courtis of theI
School of Education, will also lead
discussions on "A Research Approach
to Religion."I
The initial lecture will be delivered .
by Dr. Lemon at 11 a.m. Monday, '
July 22 at the League.I
This is the third such conference8
held here but only the second held '
during a Summer Session. Last Sum-r
mer, Dean Norman E. Richardson oft
McCormick Theological Seminary
was the principal speaker.
Though designed to serve ministersF
and their lay leaders in church lifec
who may be enrolled in the SummerC
Session, Dr. Blakeman said that all
churchmen are welcome to attend thei
SYDNEY, Australia - () - Saint
George Soccer club here pays more
for iodine and bandages than it doesr
for ground rent. About 40 playersi
have been injured during the pasti
five years and now even the secretaryx

and the treasurer are on the casualty

Italian Held
In Ethiopia;
Plan Protest
Rome Prepares Vigorous
Communique After Wife
Of Consul Is Arrested
Hull Says Pact Of
Paris 'StillBinding'
25 Reported Arrested At
Adua For Selling Food
To Italian Consulate
ROME, July 12. - (') - The Italian
government made ready tonight to
investigate fully the circumstances
of the arr est at Gondar, Ethiopia of
Signor Raffaele Di Lauro, wife of the
Italian consul, and her reported de-
tention for two days.
Official circles predicted another
vigorous protest similar to the many
Italy has presented in recent months.
The official communique, which re-
ported also the arrest of some serv-
ants of the Italian military attache
of Addis Ababa, indicated these de-
tentions would furnish further mo-
tives for energetic protests.
Italy Will Wait
However, an official spokesman de-
clared the new incidents, like those
reported to have occurred at Harrar,
Ethiopia, several days ago, would not
stampede ,taly intorherhcampaign
against Ethiopia before she felt en-
tirely ready.
The press published reports of the
fresh incidents with bitter comment
to the effect that the hostile attitude
toward Italy throughout the Ethiopian
empire was being demonstrated more
and more clearly.
The government's announcement
said Signora Di Lauro was stopped by
Ethiopian soldiers outside Gondar as
she was en route to Eritera, Italian
colony, and that she was held for two
days until the consulate entered pro-
Another At Adua
Still another inscident was said to
have taken place at Adua, where 25
persons were reported. arrested be-
cause they spld foodstuffs to the Ital-
ian consulate. An Ethiopian govern-
ment employee also was dismissed, the
communique said, because he talked
to the consul.
Ethiopians also were accused of
stealing 10 head of cattle from Italian
subjects in Somaliland, which borders
WASHINGTON, July 12. -- (A) -
In the midst of world concern over
the threat of war between Italy and
Ethiopia, Secretary of State Cordell
Hull said today that the United States
and other nations are interested in
maintenance of the Kellogg-Briand
peace pact and the sanctity of inter-
national commitments for the promo-
tion of peace.
Setting forth the United States'
position regarding the Italo-Ethiopian
controversy, he issued a formal state-
ment in response to newspapermen's
"The Pact of Paris is no less bind-
ing now than when it was entered into
by the 63 nations that are parties to
it," he said. "By form and designa-
tion it constitutes a treaty by and
among these nations.
"It is a declaration by the govern-
ments of the world that they condemn
recourse to war for the solution of

international controversies and re-
nounce it as an instrument of national
policy in their relations with one an-


New York ....
St. Louis.
Brooklyn .....
Cincinnati ....
Philadelphia ..
Boston .......

. 50 21
. 43 29
. 42 32
. 41 36
. 33 39
. 33 42
. 31 41
. 21 54

Yesterday's Games .
Philadelphia-St. Louis, rain.
Only game scheduled.
Today's Games
New York at Pittsburgh.
Boston at Chicago (2).
Philadelphia at St. Louis.
Brooklyn at Cincinnati.
Student Class
Is Formed By
Group To Meet At 9:30 A.
M. Sundays; Dr. Lemon,
To Continue 'Dialogues'
A class for Summer Session stu-
dents, which will discuss "A Twen-
tieth Century View of 'Revelations'"
has been formed by Dr. W. P. Lemon,
minister of the First Presbyterian
church, and will meet at 9:30 a.m.
Sundays at the Masonic Temple, 327
South Fourth Street.
At the regular church service at
10:45 a.m. Sunday, Mr. Lemon will
spea'k on "Richman, Poorman," which
is the third sermon in a series on
"Dialogues with God."
The church is also conducting an
outdoor evening chapel service on
the lawn of the church house, 1432
Washtenaw, every Sunday evening.
The assistant director of student work,
Norman W. Kunkel, is in charge of
the program.
The speaker for the session at 6:30
p.m. Sunday will be Roscoe O. Bon-
isteel, Ann Arbor lawyer, who will
speak on "A Lawyer Looks at Re-
ligion." Preceding this program a fel-
lowship and get acquainted hour with
a light supper will be held, beginning
at 5:30 p.m.
Dr. Lemon also announced his sub-
ject for the Community evening serv-
ice at 7:30 p.m. on the library steps
to be "Wanted: A Religion."
Two Persons Are Shot
To Death In Irish Riot
BELFAST, July 10. - (AP) - Uls-
ter's gay celebration of the 245th an-
niversity of the Battle of Boyne, be-
came riotous after sundown today

Many Professors And Wives Are
Invited To Union Dance Tonight
As guests at the regular S'nmer phael Isaacs, Prof. and Mrs. W. A.
Session dance tonight the Union has McLaughlin, Prof. and Mrs.'C. F. Mey-
invited a large group of professors er, Prof and Mrs. Charles T. Olmsted,
and their wives who are members of Prof. and Mrs. DeWitt Parker, Prof.
the Union. and Mrs. James K. Pollock, Prof. and
Mrs. Robert H. Sherlock, and Prof.
The faculty men invited are those and Mrs. E. Blythe Stason.
who have paid their Union 'fees for Still others will be Prof. and Mrs.
life, and is a part of the recently in- Stephen Timoshenko, Dr. and Mrs.
augurated plan for making its facili- Cyrus Sturgis, Prof. and Mrs. William
ties available not only to students but Clark Trow, Prof. and Mrs. John Wor-
to faculty members. ley, Dr. and Mrs. Clarence S. Yoakum,
The guest list includes Mr. and Mrs. Prof. and Mrs. Arthur Aiton, Dr. and
Henry F. Adams, Prof. and Mrs. Shir- Mrs. Randolph Adams, Prof. and Mrs.
ley W. Allen, Prof. and Mrs. Edwin Z. Clark Dickinson, Prof. and Mrs.
Baker, Dr and Mrs. Paul S. Barker, James H. Hodges, Prof. and Mrs. Roy
Prof and Mrs. Olin W. Blackett.Prof. Tn P n i/ n

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