Veathe tly cloudy; local sl~ow- r thunderstorms; cooler Y or Friday night. Y bitigrnThess Official Publication Of The Summer Session IEditorials Prophecies An Solutions .. . Baseball's Extravaganza. . No. 16 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1935 PRICE: FIVE CENTS __. ^ .:.. elief In ight For Pyknic Type Of Undergraduate Is No Scholar, Pillsbury Finds .S .,Ci0ty y That Showersj May Come Gives Hope ho ScorchedCity idwest Deaths Up To Forty-Five Now cures Show 12 Lost By Drowning; Alva, Okla, VIercuryAt 103 he possibility that showers today at alleviate the heat wave which lingered in Ann Arbor for the past days appeared as the only sign of f to a scorched city. high temperature for the two was registered at 2 p.m. yester- by officials at the University Ob- ; atory when the mercury mounted L.4 degrees. The highest mark of nesday was 90.- om a low reading at 7 a.m. the steadily progressed yesterday 1 the maximum was reached. Noon perature was 89.4 degrees. en 'though thunderstorms were icted they are expected to bring momentary relief for generally1 er weather is not expected untilJ ght. eather yesterday was character-7 by its intense humidity and pre- [erance of dust. (By The Associated Press) eat weary midwesterners heard ring news from the weather man it might be cooler today. definite break was indicated for" e Northern states but whether drop would pierce the broiled is to the Southwest where the is at its worst was something By THOMAS E. GROEHN Fat men are noted for their good- naturedness and may be loved by everybody, but statistics revealed by Dr. Walter B. Pillsbury, head of the psychology department, who gave a regular lecture on the Summer Ses- sion series yesterday, proved that these same fat men seldom carry. off scholastic honors. Speaking on "Bodily Types and Mental Characteristics," Professor Pillsbury presented figures gathered from a study of various body types in the University by students in psychology which prove tha tthe Pyk- nic or fat man type, is rarely as suc- cessful in academic work as is the athletic and asthenic types.r Type Hard To Find "In the first place," the eminent psychologist said, "the pyknic type is exceedingly hard to find, not only in American universities, but in Eng- lish and German as well." . A check was made by students con- ducting the survey of 100 students in the class of '34 of the literary col- lege, according to Professor Pillsbury, and it was found that out of 19 pyk- nics entering with this class, only 3 actually graduated. Out of 20 asthen- ics entered in the class, 15 of them remained the full four years as did the same number included in the athletic body type group. "The supposition that the students who dropped out were students of low grades was also confirmed by the count," the speaker said. "In the tirst 19 of the pyknic group, it was sawd that 16 dropped. Of these, 10' had fewer honor points than hours credit, while 6 had an equal or greater num- ber." ratio Enlightening The ratio of people who drop out to -people who stay, in the pyknic group as compared with the average, is enlightening in itself," he said. It shows very clearly a relative lack of ability in the pyknic that is somewhat startling. The large proportion: drop- ping out who have failed to make re- quired honor points indicates lack of ability, while the number who drop out with satisfactory records might be interpreted as an indication of lack of initiative or pwsistence in.the work they have undertaken." Total deaths since the mercury started stratosphering about July 1 mounted to 45 yesterday. An unof- ficial tabulation by states showed: Oklahoma 10, Texas 9, Kansas 7, Missouri 5, Nebraska 5, Minnesota 4, Arkansas 3, Iowa and Illinois, 1 each. In addition 12 persons have drowned in four states in recent days. Mercury climbed monotonously again yesterday. Chicago had its hottest day of the summer with a temperature of 90. Most of Minne- sota and North Dakota sizzled but northern areas had heavy rains. Prospects were for slightly cooler weather in South Dakota. Kansas City was slightly cooler. The maximum was 99 against the 103 high of Wednesday. Alva, Okla. had a new maximum of 103. Report- ings around 100 were general in Kan- sas. ' Lobbying Quiz Imminent After U tili7tProbe WASHINGTON, July 11. - (MP) - The entire House membership was nvited tonight to help investigate lobbying for and against utility hold- ing company abolition. While the Senate ordered a thor- ough-going inquiry into lobbying on any and all questions, Chairman John J. O'Connor, of the House rules com- nittee, addressed to every representa- tive an appeal for the names of all individuals who sought to sway their votes. Meanwhile, the committee came to a tentative pause in its investigation of alleged misuse of administration nfluence applied in an effort to swing the vote of Rep. Ralph O. Brewster, (Rep., Me.). The results were wrapped n a maze of conflicting statements. In approving the lobby investiga- ion, proposed by Senator Hugo Black, (Dem., Ala.) the Senate gave it a $50,- 000 fund to meet expenses and em- powered it to draw upon the justice :epartment's staff and to obtain cler- Lcal assistance from executive depart- ments as well. New German Department Head Arrives For Visit Student Drowns At Biological Station Harrison B. Welshouse, 21 years old, a graduate student at the University of Michigan's summer biological sta- tion at Douglas Lake in northern Michigan, was drowned Wednesday afternoon, it was learned at the Sum- mer Session office yesterday. "Velshouse became exhausted while swimming off-shore and before aid could reach him he went under. The body was later recovered. According to reports made by Dr. George R. LaRue of the University zoology department, who is head of the biological station, Welshouse swam beyond his depth in the lake and became exhausted. The body will be shipped to his home. It was the first drowning that any of the University stations have ex- perienced in many years. Major League Standings Professor Pillsbury also discussed other theories of the relation of body types to mental characteristics, among which were those of Kretschmer, the great German psychologist, and Gall. Another theory of the relation of body types to mental characteristics is the division of individuals into in- troverts and extroverts, according to the speaker. "The introverted individuals are those who have a tendency to think much of their own feelings and opin- ions," he said, "while the extroverted individuals are those who look to the world about and to other people." He then presented several questions. which some psychologists utilize to de, termine introverts and extroverts. Some of these were: "Do you keep a diary?" If you do according to the test you show symp- toms of introversion. "Do you express yourself better in speech than in writ- ing?" Answer yes and you are an extrovert. And lastly, "Are you in- clined to keep in the background at social occasions?" If answered affirm- atively you are an introvert. General Motors Head Condemns 'Soak Rich' Tax Says Destroying 'Business Bigness' Will Not Balance Budget In Letter NEW YORK, July 11.-(P)-Al- fred P. Sloan, Jr., president of Gen-' eral Motors Corp., in a letter to stock- holders, today launched an attack on the proposed corporation income tax increase. "The question involved to which I am calling your attention"he wrote, "is not primarily that the soak the rich' plan will or will not provide the additional revenue needed to support the financial operations of the gov- ernment, but that it is a direct at- tempt to curtail and eventually de- stroy 'business bigness' just because it is big, without adequate consideration and intelligent discussion. "Sooner or later it must be recog- nized by all that the tremendous gov- ernment expenditures of yesterday, today and tomorrow, must be met by increased taxation. ' "Destroying 'business bigness' or 'soaking the rich' will not balance the' budget. "The amount required is far too big. These particular resources are far too small. Everyone must, of necessity, pay and everyone will pay - con- sciously or not." Sloan raised the question whether the rich would really be soaked, and he declared that of the 415,000 stock- holders in the motors corporation 150,000 represented amounts of ten shares or less. Sen. Couzens Is Reported Well After Operation ROCHESTER, Minn:, July 11. - (') -Physicians said Senator James Couzens of Michigan was in good condition today following an opera- tion this morning for the removal of bladder stones. The senator came to the Mayo clinic last Saturday for treatment. Members of the Couzens family, including Mayor Frank Couzens of Detroit, were at the hospital today, Dr. Waltman Walters performed the operation with a local anesthetic, and Senator Couzens carried on a conversation throughout. "We regard the operation as a suc- cess," attending physicians said. "His condition is very satisfactory." The senator will remain at Colo- nial hospital here at least two weeks. 'Mercy' Killer Dies In Borgess Hospital KALAMAZOO, July 11.-('P)- Mrs. Paul L. Tubbs, key figure in what police described the "mercy" killing of her 9-year-old abnormal son, Jesse, died tonight in Borgess Hospital, a victim of gas asphyxiation. Mrs. Tubbs was found unconscious in her home last Saturday, with her son dead in her arms. All the gas jets i +he kitn mhn1" mc,.' a~n e a rnnt Dance To Be Held Tonight For Students New Cooling System Is Installed; Will Present First Floor Show Announce Names Of Dance Hostesses Students, Others To Be Featured In Dance And Song Novelties A floor show featuring an exhibition tango number, song novelties, and tap dances will be presented at 11:15 p.m. at the regular Summer Session dance to be held tonight in the ballroom of the Michigan League. In addition to the show, Al Cowan's orchestra has planned several song specialities which will be presented during the dance. This show will mark the first presentation of its kind at any University dance, and is being put on by students possessing talent in various fields. An innovation for this dance will be the new cooling system which has just been installed, it was announced by Jean Seeley, chairman of social activities for the Summer Session and president of the League. To Present Floor Show Harriet Stuhrberg, 12-year-old Uni- versity High School student, will open the floor show with a specialty tap, dance. Miss Stuhrberg has studied under Roy Hoyer, and is well known in. Ann Arbor, having participated in sev- eral exhibition dances. Continuing the program, Clara- wanda Sisson will sing several songs including "Chasing' Shadows" and "I'll Never Say Never Again Again." Miss Sisson played the leading role in "Iolantbe," and will also have the leach in "The Chocolate Soldier," a musical comedy which is to be given during the Summer Session.] Goddard 'light, member of the Michigan Repertory Players as well as a member of Play Production, has" planned several song specialties fora the floor show including "Shortenin' Bread." Announce Hostesses" Marie Sawyer and Douglas Gregory will bring the program to a climax when they do an exhibition tango.' Both Miss Sawyer and Gregory are students of Roy Hoyer, and have given many performances on the campus. Hostesses for the dance have bee announced by Miss Ethel McCormick, director of Summer Session Social Activities. They will include Ruth Archbald, Maude Airey, Margaret Al- len, Jean Brierly, Janece Byrne, Thais Bolton, Mary Jane Conlin, Thelma Cooper, Martha Chamberlin, Mar-; garet Conklin, Janet Carol, Marjory Conlin, Reva Derby, Marion Davis. Mary Elizabeth Dixon, Marion Din- Hert, Jane Edmonson, Mary Alice Em- mett, Bess Emery, Pearl Eiseldinger, Eilene Eiseldinger, Jean Fleckenstein, Katherine Ferguson, Marguerite Gar- ber, Alda Haab, Katherine Marie Hall, Jane Haber, Lucille Johnson, Althea Kidder, Rosemary Klug. Mable Lennon, Isabella Levine, Ja- net Lambert, Eleanor Mann, Rosela Mann, Esther Miller, Elsie Pierce, Vir- ginia Pelhank, Elva Pascall, Louise Paine, Marie Rumsey, Kay Russell, Betty Ross, , Virginia Rosenthal, Vir- ginia Rackham, Helen Stetson. Jean Seeley, Evelyn Stephen, Su- san Scott, Vera Smith, Mary Ann Sweet, Sophia Scroloski, Jean Steph- enson, Gladys Stunstall, Frances Thornton, Mary Catherine Taylor, Helen Turner, Esther Theyer, Eleanor Welsh, Elizabeth Wiltbank, and Laura Jane Zimmerman. Union Dances Schedulied For This Week-End The fifth in a newly-inaugurated series of Union Summer Session dances will be held from 9 p. m. to 1 a. m. tonight in the ballroom with Bob Steinle and His Melody Men furnishing the music for dancing. It was announced last night that Steinle is negotiating to obtain a woman vocal soloist to appear with his orchestra. Officials stated that, if Steinle is successful, the new vo- calist will make her first appearance tAnieht. 'To S os -