- THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY !!TT- - RIDGE WOOD?. GOLF BALLS 3 for 69c y Lienew balls that will .improve. Your game. MRAVLAIR BALLS Te 3 for 89c TeFamous *OMMY ARMOUR50 { ~GOLF BALLS PENNSY7.VANIA THE CHAMPIONSHIP TENNIS BALL 339ea.-3tk or $1.15 Plenty of bounce an pep. Packed three in a vacuum-sealed can. Finest tenn s balls you can buy. ". /A A / IA4 " ° t d A ,ej If t A I I FR E E 100 Can Siren Chocolate Syrup WITH EITHER A' CHOCOLATE SODA or SUNDAEf DELICIOUS - CHOCOLATE SODA ee CHOCOLATE SUNDAE LUNCHEON SPECIALS THURSDAY No. I. Cunningham Famous LA SUN CHOW MEIN, served with crispy, fried noodles, buttered 23c toast, coffee, or tea --- ________-.---_: 3 No. 2. ASSORTED COLD CUTS-23 With all the trimmings----3 ,F RID AY No. 1. FILET OF HADDOCK with Tartar Sauce 9k and all the trimmings .---- -------------------- No, 2. COLD ROAST LOIN OF PORK-L 23c W ith all the trimmings----------------- S AT URD AY No. 1. Home made CHICKEN, A LA KING- 3 With all the trimmings........------------- , , No. 2. HONEY BAKED HAM with home made potato salad, and all the trimmings-----. C _ ALL COMPLETE MEALS F"/,dj 'TIY h BOYS Here's FUDGL E Baseba / C Genuine leathr / TO THE FIRST er. Well made A~ '[ 10,000 IDDIESto stand hard y 10,00 KIDIES wear. ,fl~ W246dOt~cIl44te4 Forty-five years ago, the first Cunningham store was opened. :since then, steady consistent growth has come as A result of the public's confidence in the four primary Cunningham principles-duality, servicc, customer satisfaction and lowr price§, Now Cun- ningham's has come to Ann Arbor to make friends, to prove by ,our service, our merchandise and our values that' we deserve your friendship. We are here to stay. We want to serve you so well that each of you will feel th hearty sincerity with which we say "You re always Welcome at Cunningham's.- I LUNCH _ _ $1.65 Size FreeEE SM1OKES DEP'T. SPECIALS KITSCOPONI5c UPNisoons MOHAWK CIGARS Ic 5 fo9 c 98c < DUSTING BOTTLE OFADGTA TO THE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Enamel finish. x Seventeen FORMERLY EVANS POWDAccop aie MI LANO PIPE FCRMGRR Pint v a c u i m i *sne 3. so c Vine soft powder of true PERFUME C ARtT O ON 500 OK BYLIHE Coty quality. Choice of WITH EVERY F EEParentsf IHE 0 n all favorite Coty odeurs. PURCHASE x INRRXVSpecial low rice to cose AT THE to each boy orgui accompain- ou Af9 W ruttWt c T O I L E T e d b y h is ~ m o t h e r o r d a d o t h e r o r d a d d ;__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. Dependable time COUNTER ad get a bal-p lp CANDY 3 1 keeper o.DLL5AGmsM and BARS b A c Choice of leather D A SALE of PERFUMES omletal band. kI9LL I1pound -- 1 pound Cotbl _-_-_- 12 uiaranteed Libby Safedge Half & Half 73c tae SIZE Velvet - 73c 0 179YASm otn pound GARCI CrnCrsmsNgt $.5yRADGuerlain Shalimar ---------$1.50 10le OZx .i Granger - - 69c CGR Raleigh - - 89c GEE4----------$ 4.40Glass1 pound IA14 ounce Fonan EVENING IN PARIS-------- 55c-I Attractive fine glasses inEgwoto6cNWRel-C 9 Coty L'Aimant------------6il ONE OUNCE unusual design. Nickproof lOc TOBACCOS Box of 50 $225 5c TOBACCOS r .,cf Goty L'Onigan------------- 65c COTY PERFUME edge. Choice of "colors. 2 for 15Cc 4 for 15i11. Live n ew stock. Coty Emeraude ------------ 65c 13cetoe eacAMLh-LCKE IS Moulded in ol rnBlodgChpe Eeaueo wuigaespkS.3 CETEELD - UOLD GOLD ( S piece. - - -CyrE ead rt. s Cup Electric 50c Pluto Water------- 29c Percolator BABY NEEDS $1.50 Pinkham's Comp.._-77c S ohn ot se 7 5c YCasc oa a betets-----9c PE N E S $1.005c ALeax --- -1C2c57lo oh at eT 1C SOc Beecham Pills -----33c - 15c WCi~ Clapps Vegetables 8 ScE-a------3#p~i~~:ohat& c~ ns~ 75c Anacin Tablets ---46c Ken-L-Ration-------- 8c Ta hrmium finish. 3cGt t---------- 2C 0 a eaia------------------------2c l ~~ubber feet to 30c Mad's Cereal .___~1335c Corn Solvent ---- ,3 5 c LynsTooth Power 2Vc 60:uSal-Hepionca-------35 prevent marring 50 ea' abu_13cCalcide ---I1 0Atrnoo-------59c$1.0 -E-Ration-----i I -" 'atl.3cTiz Tablets --------21c 55crondaCold rew 5c Astringosol --------21c Kit-E-Ration 85c Mellin's Food -_5 35c Allen's Foot Ease__22c 75c Acidine ----------- 46c 4Oc Milk Bone------- EXQUISITELY DESIGNED 90c Klim Powd. Milk 58 35c Coolene---------- 23c 25 . J a "Tl J :$.Ansol -------78c40 rt'sOas_27 MIRRREDEage BandMil 18 5c ~isdol------------2 c Plmoineso--l-Suppositories --7C25c Skip Flea Soap __17c MIRRD30c EgeBadMl 865 ioo -----38c _25c__Palmolive ____Talc___-________50c Cuticura OintmenL 33c VANITY TRAY $1.00cBHind's ---and ' 5731r $1.00 Nurito---------- 67c 60c Sure Shot Capsule 38c < $1.20 S. M. A. Powder 77 $1.00 Korjena --------------5J cInd SrMoreyand l~n ~ ol itent 31c3- c 6~ up asls~8 ,35c a 8cKuceSat---4C5cPsaOitet_3c6cPpyCpue_3c 30c S. M. A.' Liquidl7c 35cr cenSltum...~ c $1.25 Tanlac---------- 83c 60c Laxative Capsules 43c A bi gift0e: 1 oz Infant $1.00----------------98c65c Blss Native Herbs3...41c 60c Condition Pills __..39c Th Fine for 2s - MMar __oa--------12c Baye r s r l4 -r -s- -w 43C,75c Baume Bengue ____G4 c cArsenic & Iron be, BayTlccove Napkin----------14c $1.50 Kolorbak-------- 89c Pills----------- 43c 50c J & JBabyCream36c Modes----------. c4Mag~nesia 3 c California Syrup of Figs...36c SERVIEALE 5 &JBbySirejur Talcumn-------- 1.7c "..1 b onsnsWa......5c60c Direutic Pills .----..43C D e" SEVICEALE YJules Riviere Perfume --I2c unIflRubbngfl"f Y % B eech or Bath 2 for------------ 19c ealth Soap'------_3 for lOc C $1.20 Syrup Pepsin----74c $1.20 Special Medicine 79c p U f" SLIPPERS 8c Anti-Colic Nipples_ 4c olio May Powder Puffs... -4c $.0 Ctrlcarbona~e "" - ll5 7C $1.25 S. S. S. Tonic ----- 74c Oc Pepsin Tablets 43c 20c Hygeia Nursers... 9c rstel Bath Salts, 1 lb......1Oc 3 cFezn I 4 0cHgiips9c Oc Pebeco Tooth Paste 31cCreo ~ .c $1.25 Caroil & Bile ---- ..77C g 2c0ode, ootyPat a Nipples-l-s er 90 - 4c$1.00 ronized Yeast.----....64iportsmans Dog Food . 6c cr: _______________Complete Line Of ~euty Treatment 5cFeait----2 1000SEE ROSHEcET ROLL - -28 ElizabethMO Eizbeh BarbarathyGryDuarrc arara"6 c ad Sals Wll- a -c -M. - C AI - --,oiletTissue Gould, Harriet Hubbard Ayers, Marvelous, Armand, lwm W111,111EetiC ToltMax Factor, and Elmo. 40c Bost Tooth Paste __24c 25c Djer Kiss Talc----- 17c Vbao 3 3e S~cIpana Tooth Paste.....29c Houbigant Sachet-----98C Vbao ,abobnINSECTICDES S. T. 37 Tooth Paste.._-..--.27c 75c Fitch Shampoo __._5c ofasretCorly co!- ssterilized. - A qq- 25c Squibb Shave Cream 23c 50c Zip--------37c 9Coe a-W real v lue. 35C BLACK LEAF - "- " " " 33C Ayer Beattti.-'x -___ iY'h35C Odorofno-----_---31Ccomplete with W.J"j vsset.. l _____________35C BLACK iFLlAGPOWDER - y 29C Pond Vanishing Cream . . . . 9$1.50 Kolorbak .__,____--98C 3 ApplicatorsF1o l d s in FRE IC TOGS$1.00Liazo Bakelite Set 89c $1.00 Wildroot-------- 74c Stimulates circulaion Fine for small space W REiC TONeGS 35C PETERNAN ANT FOOD " 33C $1.00 Cutex Bakelite Set 89c $1.25 lady Esther Cream 83c massage Milk MeIait S ubeLRVX of - " "79 6c Rouge Incarnate ___40c CtyGadabout Ki $1.00 25c SIZE _H a2 jGALLON -- 49ct likeysour own ice 'cam quickly and1___ asily with this reezer. ine for watching olidl wood backs.f ADAN YTRE ATR CATTERES lIkusabfie fc e s.a r etues 1/2bleSty Cetahs N Fiasle igh tep /4 COMPLETE YOUI BAT ROOMTCAIET ITA I TOOTH PASTES 166 Stui'dy tongs for handling ie cues I 2c 60c 60c 60c H35c 35c 5c ROSE NICOTINE - - - BLACK FLAG LIQUID, pt. FLY-TO X, pt, - - - - FLIT, pt. - - - - - PETERNAN DISCOVERY PETERMAN ROACH FOOD $1,00 ROACH KILLER - ® 14c w 39c - -39c ft- 39Cj " 29c ft- 29c , 29' $1.00 Phillippe Lipstick....-.79c 75c Coty ]Face Powder _69c Coty Lipstick---------- 19c $1.25 Absorbine Jr. ___77c 25c McKessons Baby Talc 9c (30c Eno Salts--------- 31c SOC J & J Baby Talc ---- 33c $1.20 Swamp Root --__73c Dubarry Facial Kit --- ...$1.00 25c Anacin Tablets ---13c Sanipure Shave Bowl - --49c 75c Loan's Kidney Pills 44c NOVELTYELECTRIC TALCUMHAIR POWDER Dainty checkerea 4 container in assort- Drys fair quicklyI ed colors-, Real value b 1last of hot air. Spearmint Tooth Paste I 3Includes medicine. , ghis ,dr opper and A o) Ieye cup. LANT.JERN with steady COMPLETE WITH With hdndy frame ~ for hbantinv ca wa'-_1 -_ 9Flavored w i t Gr ef r e sbi n , spearmint. h 9 LARGE. S AO Qoo-Goo Peanuts 9cM Trent yourself to a couple of* bags. Fresh roast od f IP THE COUPON PARFAIT Powder Puffs d 16c Five velour puffs in dainty c (llo Phalle containler. CLIP THE COUPON SPECIAL CAMPANA'S Italian Balm reskin r1 wi 0T r pepa - lations t hi at 1 trill do Arend- ~- cr 1 for V011i1' skin HELENA RU iIN'-IE N Double Compawet TRIPLE COMPACT 6,c For loose 01r cake powder. C hoice of colors Vecry sfpe ('1ll\' priceQd, F"ORMER $.r e G.AN~NA W A:.SKA CLOSE-OUT 'cente'd pf0\V d e r, Pricedl ,nm.ziingly low. ONE POUND JULIA MAY OATMEAL CLEANSING W1; ORt LIQUEFYING', 10 AND I ~ 200 SHEETS s-' 5 9c Two beaty needs. , 11VA- '92 W-1 A' x# w~ Paecage of Z BLADES BY COOPER For the best shav-, you ever had at CUNNINGHAM'S GRAND OPENING SALE With This Coupon Only. The Aristocrat of Blades Coty' Lipstick Choice Bright or Medium 19c, Highly polished: case. Lipstick of' true Cot y quality. CLIP THE COUPON The Famous, STRASSA o < < r r } f ' 1 h 1 ,; ; r ~ . i' MASTER TOOTH BRUSH VSE E! BOUDOIR COVER/ WITH L, a ha&WM -2= M