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July 11, 1935 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1935-07-11

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Charlevoix Will
Be Setting For
'35 Title Quest
Koesis, Captain-Elect Of
Michigan Golf Team, To
Defend Amateur Crown
'Pro's' Also Meet
Both Events To Be Over
The Belvedere Country
Club Course
CHARLEVOIX, July 10. - (P) -
Jake Fassezke, Jackson professional,
and Charles Kocsis, Detroit simon-
pure, will defend their respective titles
next week in the Michigan Open and
Amateur golf tournaments here.
Both events will be over the Belve-
dere Golf club's course. It will be the
first time that the Open has been
awarded to a city north of Grand
Rapids, although the Charlevoix club
was the site of the amateur cham-
pionships in 1930 and 1931.
The Michigan professional golfers'
association and the Michigan state
golf league are joint sponsors of the
Open tourney, which will take place
July 15 and 16. The entrants will
compete for $500 in cash prizes, the
awards to be made on the basis of
72 holes of medal play.
The .29th Michigan amateur will
open July 18 with a 36-hole qualify-
ing round. The thirty-two low scorers
will qualify for the championship
Hapsburgs Are
Granted Their
Old Privileges
Diet Unanimously Revokes
Punishment And Gives
Back Property
VIENNA, July 10. -(P) - The Fed-
eral diet unanimously passed a bill
today revoking punishments against
the former ruling family of the Baps-
burgs and restoring to the Hapsburg
their confiscated property.
As soon as President Miklas signs
the measure, it becomes a law.
By it, the Archduke Otto, Europe's
most-discussed young man, regains
his ancestral properties.
Otto Is Busy
It was reported today that he has
adopted the brain trust idea for work-
ing out imperial aims.
A monarchist just returned from a
visit to Steenockerzeel castle in Bel-
gium, seat of exile of the pretender
to the Austrian throne, said today
Otto is organizing a quasi-cabinet of
the best monarchist minds.
This informant said the archduke is
thoroughly in agreement with official
statements of the Austrian govern-
ment to the effect that "restoration
is not a question of the moment for
It is in furtherance of this plan
that he, is rounding up advisers to
coordinate tendencies in Austria and
other succession states toward an ul-
timate reunion of the Danubian states
under the historic Hapsurg sceptre.
.Hapsburgs 'Take Their Time'
With Otto only 22 years old and the
family wealth restored, the Hapsburgs
can afford to take their time to avoid
"selling out cheap," that is, accepting
a limited restoration in Austria only
under conditions binding their hands
for the future.
His advisers have agreed that the

European situation is extremely liquid
in tendencies, not only in Austria but
also in other succession states, streng-
thening daily the historic pull of
Hapsburg tradition on the minds of
Danubian populations.
Close Touch Sought
It is to keep in close touch with
all these trends and to coordinate
them that the monarchist brain trust
is being formed.
The archduke is said to have been
assured the Austrian government's
cooperation, with Austria to continue
functioning as a nucleus around which
Danubian empire sentiments may
Another step toward a social setup
prevalent in pre-war times was sched-
uled to be taken here soon with pas-
sage of a law officially restoring old
titles to the nobility.
Whatever It is-
Johnson Likes It
NEW YORK, July 10.- (P) -Under
the reign of Gen. Hugh S. Johnson
as Works Progress administrator in
New York City, "boondoggling" will
continue to be one of the emphasized
relief projects.
"Boondoggling," a craft which
weaves useful objects out of leather
and old rope, was a subject of heated
contenition in the recent investigation
of the city's relief administration.
SEVIERVILLE, Tenn., July 10.-!

How They Keep Cool In The Tall Corn Belt

orman Bright
Races To New
2 - Mile Record,
Breezes By Pace - Setter
In Last Lap; Peacock
Beats Owens Again
NEW YORK, July 10. --(4) - A
new star has appeared in the track
firmament, and his name is Bright.
Norman Bright of Bellingham,
Wash., who wears the colors of the
San Francisco Olympic club, raced
to a new American two-mile record!
last night on the rain-soaked track
of New York University at Ohio field.
Bright allowed Joe McCluskey toE
make the pace until the last lap, when
he breezed by the leader like a dash
man and breasted the tape 30 yards
in front in the new American time of
9 minutes 13.2 seconds, more than
two seconds faster than the former!
mark of 9:15.4.
Eulace Peacock, the latest Negro
speed sensation, turned in his third
victory over Jesse Owens of Ohio
State in the century dash, but Owens
evened matters for the meet by taking
the broad jump. Peacock, fast on the
getaway, was nearly overhauled at
the tape, winning by a scant foot in

Her Nose Is Safe

All You Have To Do
Is Say "Tag' To A
Whale To Win $5

LONDON, July 10. -(P) -There's
$5 in it for anyone who bags an Ant-
arctic whale and finds a small steel.
number plate concealed somewhere
n the beast's blubber.
It isn't a gag.
The royal research ship William
Scoresby just 'has returned from a
30,000 mile trip through the Antarc-
tic, during which it "tagged" over 800
blue, sperm, humpback and fin
whale. The metal plates were shot
into the whales with an elephant gun.
There is a price on every plate when
returned to the British Colonial of-
fice with details of the spot where the
whale was killed, and the date. Twen-
ty plates already have been paid for.
Fear that whales are being killed in
certain areas in such numbers as to
make hunting trips unprofitable was
the reason for the voyage. The mark-
ed whales will show how the great
beasts of the sea migrate.

Michigan State To
Need More Money
EAST LANSING, July 10.-!P)-
Michigan State college will ask the
state board of agriculture Friday to
approve a budget of $1,272,903.47 for
salaries and maintenance and an ad-
ditional $11,750 to make up the bal-
ance of its fund for extension work.
The Federal government has pro-
vided $178,000 as a matched fund for
extension work. The state has ap-
propriated only $166,250. The addi-
tional $11,750 must be provided as the
state's share or it will lose the Federal
Last year's budget for salaries and
maintenance was an even $1,000,000.
In recovering from nis baffling and
persistent batting slump, Lou Gehrig
of the Yankees gained 43 percentage
points in the month of June to hop
over the .300 mark.
Johnson &Cushing
at 400 west Washington

When Betty Shaw, (above) goes
swimming in the hot sun at Santa
Catalina Island, Calif., she wears a
'nose shade," the latest aid to
beauty for prevention of a blistered
After a short stay in Ann Arbor
which was taken up by routine mat-;
ters, President Alexander G. Ruthven'
returned yesterday to his summer
home, near Frankfort, Mich.J


-Associated Press Photo.
When the temperature got up in the nineties in Des Moines these
three girls got themselves a 400-pound cake of ice and laughed at the
weather. Left to right: Lillian Yeglin, Belle Mogolov and Ruth Caplan.
Max's Romantic Knockout Isn't
F mal; Separation Is Planned


Watch Repairing!
State and Liberty

1934 TUDOR
1933 4-DOOR
1931 TUDOR=

1930 COUPE
1929 TUDOR


1 1

WASHINGTON, July 10. - UP)
= The Max Baers are a very hap-
py couple and reports of a rift in
their recent marriage are "all'
At least, so said Max upon ar-
riving here by plane today from
New York en route to Johns Hop-
kins Hospital in Baltimore to
have his injured hands examined.
NEW YORK, July 10.-(P) -Max
Baer, leaping a hundred paces ahead
of the gossipers, says that he and his
bride of 11 days are parting.
The bride was somewhat ahead
or behind with a paradoxical com-
ment: "We are very happy."
For what conclusions that can be
drawn from the facts, here they are:
The former heavyweight boxing
champion, accompanied by a girl who!
was formerly believed engaged to him,
met a group of friends in a midtown
restaurant last night, and said of
himself and bride:
"I'm Jewish and she's Catholic, so
it's no go. The marriage is on the
Mrs. Baer, the former Mary Ellen
Sullivan, who married him in Wash-
ington, D.C., on June 29, was in-
formed last night of the statement
Bank Surveys
Show Boost In
Saving Deposits,

at the Baer cottage in Long Branch,
N. J. She laughed and said:
"We are very happy. I talked to
Max at 5 o'clock today and if there
was anything wrong then, he failed to
mention it."
As to her husband's being in the
company of his former fiancee, Mary
Kirk Brown, Mrs. Baer said:
It's all right with me. I just didn't
want to go to the city."
Mrs. Baer's father, James P: Sulli-
can, Sr., said at Ithaca that he had
heard of nothing about a rift,
"I don't know anything about it,"
he said. "Besides, if they have de-
cided to separate because of religious
differences, that's their business."
Friends quoted Baer as saying he
left his bride last Monday after her
insistence that they be married again
by a Cat holic priest. They were mar-
ried by Judge F. Dickinson Letts.
"She said as long as I was not a
Catholic and we had not been married
in a religious ceremony, she was really
not my wife. in the eyes of the church.
That was why I left her and came to
New York."
It was because he was Jewish, he
said, that he refused to be party to a
second marriage.
"I didn't know she took her religion
so seriously," he added.
Though apparently cancelled by his
later statements, Baer's first asser-
tion when asked about the report that
he and his wife were separating was:
"My God, I hope not."
He planned to fly today to Balti-
more for treatment of his hands, in-
jured when he lost his championship
to James J. Braddock.




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R11JriASei' 11


Marks 52.59 Per
Gain This Year

e ort

lHe will be a patient in Johns Hop-
kins hospital, and his right hand may
be operated on. His left hand is
expected to heal with a splint.

LANSING, July 10. - (IP) - Ray O.
Brundage, managing secretary of the
Michigan Bankers Association, said
today the Michigan public is laying a
large financial backlog against ad-
He said a survey of banks in the
state showed savings deposits have in-
creased 52.59 per cent in volume over
last year and the number of deposit~s
has increased 46.31 per cent. He em-
phasized that the canvass did not
reach every bank in the state, but
that it reached what he considered a
"true cross section" of the banking
Brundage said the survey indicated
these increases in representative sec-
tion of the state :
In western Michigan, total savings
53.75 per cent, number of depositors
33.25 per cent; Central Michigan, sav-
ings 44.80 per cent, number of de-
positors 75.80 per cent; Southern
Michigan, largely rural, savings 44.25
per cent, depositors 48 per cent;
Thumb district, savings 15.66 per
cent, depositors 20 per cent.
The greatest increase was in De-
troit, Brundage said, where the vol-
ume of savings increased 104.50 per
cent. The smallest increase was in
the upper peninsula, Brundage said.
There the gain in total savings was
3.5 per cent and in savings accounts
it was 5.8 per cent. He attributed the
small increases to the depressed con-
dition of the mining industry.
BOSTON, July 10. -- (P) --- This
athletic age apparently is not so com-
plimentary to the feet.
Ruth Kerr of New York, the only
woman in the country who styles
shoes for both men and women, said
hereathat shoe sizes are getting big-
ger and bigger every day.
"The average woman's foot has x-
pande from 51/ to size 7," she said,
"and the average man's foot size is
101% as compared with 9% in the old


Sorority Will
Initiate 16 At
Formal initiation will be held for
16 pledges of Pi Lambda Theta,
women's honorary education sorority,
at 5:30 p.m. today in University
Elementary School Library. The cere-
monies will be followed by a formal
banquet at the Lantern Shop. Miss
Marguerite Hall is in charge of ar-
The list of pledges includes Sarah
Breese, Lenore Bader, Marian De-
maree, Esther Gerber, Marie Har-
rison, Judith Jiminez, Evelyn Miller,
Elinor Philips, Lena Schermann,
Charlotte Turnbull, Cynthia Ruggles,
Helen Reily, Alice Torrey, Evelyn
Jones, Frances Thornton and Ger-
trude Muxen.
Sponsors for each pledge at the
initiation ceremony include Lyda Mc-
Henry, Freda Meyer,aEthel Wooden,
Ethel Gr'aham, Elizabeth Ferguson
King, Amanda Zwener, Hazel Rick,
Olga Wright, Isabel Jackson, Grace
Miller, Blanche Rousseau, Ruby
Strickland, Helen Hayes, Roxie An-
drews ,Firth, Mildred Webber, and
Cleo Murtland.
of the
Theta Xi Fraternity
1345 Washtenaw
has additional


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