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July 11, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1935-07-11

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'he Weather

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y fair, inreasing
toda y. Thunler-
centinued warm.

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Magna Charta' Of Labor?..,
Sense Of Humor ...

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


31 Dead Heat t
Continues 'In
Middle West
Temperatures Continuing
To Stay Above Century
Heat Beneficial To
Wheat And Corn
No Immediate Relief Seen
By Meteorologists For
Stricken Areas
KANSAS CITY, July 10. - (') -
Middle America today counted its
heat dead.for the year at 31 as the
sun beat down mercilessly, with no
relief in prospect.
The toll by states, compiled un-
officially by the Associated Press,
Oklahoma 8, Texas 7, Minnesota
5, Nebraska 4, Kansas 3, Missouri 2
and Illinois and Iowa 1 each.
Temperatures sireaked past the
century mark over a widening area.
Maxima yesterday were up to 109.
Today was as hot.
Thousands swarmed to parks and
yards tonight - seeking sleep on
benches, blankets and cots. Swimming
pools were jammed.,
Np Relief In Sight
No relief was seen by A. M. Ham-
rick, Kansas City Federal meteorolo-
gist. The outlook was for continued
fair and warm. Scattered thunder-
showers might bring temporary re-
spite here and there, he said, but the
area responsible for the heat showed
no inclination to move on.
In addition to those stricken by
heat, many drowned seeking relief
in streams and ponds.
At Fort Worth, Tex., when the
official thermometer registered 104
degrees, Weather Observer Paul Cook
tested the pavement. The mercury
shot up to 132.
Four prison farm convicts in Texas
died after being stricken with heat.
_._ eewere Negroes. Prison officials
sai orders would be given to man- I
agers to use care in handling prison
laborers, but that work would not be
Four Die, 7 Drown
Experiencing its tenth day of in-
tense heat, Nebraska reported four
deaths and seven drownings. The,
mercury bubbled up to 101 for a new
seasonal high at Lincoln.
Farmers welcomed the heat de-
spite its uncomfortablehaspect. The
weather is ideal. for wheat. harvest,
long delayed by wet weather. It also
is good corn weather.

Fast Train Is Wrecked By Cloudburst In West



-Associated Press Photo.
Above is shown a scene that has become typical during the last few
days as torrential rainfalls caused floods in many sections of the nation.
The above train, a crack flyer between Bainville and Culbertson, Mont.,
was derailed when it struck a section of track that had been washed
out by the rushing waters. There were no fatalities but 17 persons were
reported injured.
A 20-Minute Man Around Any
Given. Waist Asks For ivordeI

CLEVELAND, July 10. - (r) --
William A. Warrick, Jr., son of a Flint
department store owner, admitted in
common pleas court Wednesday that
he had had his arms around a girl
20 minutes after he had met her.
Warrick is asking a divorce from
a former Rocky River waitress who
demands alimony and custody of their
year-old child.
While Warrick was on the witness


Non- Xplosive
Solid Gasoline
Used In En ine
Is Discovered After Eight
Years Research For Safe

stand an attorney for Mrs. Warrick
showed a picture of Warrick with his
arms around a girl, not Mrs. War-
"How long had you known that
girl?" the attorney asked.
"About 20 minutes -long enough
to get my arm around her," the thir-
ty-year-old husband answered.
"It doesn't take you long, does it?"
",No, sir."'
.Wartri ttrather trsband
is worth $500,000, but he showed an
appraiser's figures setting the value
of his Flint property at $122,000.
Warrick said that he had main-
tained an acquaintance with a de-
partment store model "because she
could pick out the kind of dresses I
wanted my wife to wear."
A notebook in which Warrick said
that he kept his diary was intro-
duced. Warrick read from the book
that his wife had slapped his face,
hne nnt h d tim to think whathr

Of Advances
In Astronomy
Motion Picture Method Of
Celestial Photography Is
Educational Gain
Lake Angelus Has
Stationary Pictures Are
Improved Upon Because
Of Apparent Motion
Characterizing the motion picture
method of celestial photography as
ohe of the greatest educational ad-
vances astronomy has ever known,
Prof. Heber D. Curtis, chairman of
the astronomy department and direc-
tor of the University Observatory, yes-
terday delivered an illustrated lecture,
the tenth of the Summer Session lec-
tures, in the Natural Science Audi-
The one telescope in the world cap-
able of celestial photography by the
motion picture method is owned by
the University of Michigan and sta-
tioned at its divisional astronomy
camp at Lake Angelus, about two and
one-half miles north of Pontiac. The
fully-equipped observatory was pre-
sented to the University by its build-
ers and inventors, Mr. McMath and
Mr. Hulbert.
The motion picture method, as ex-
plained by Professor Curtis, requires
that films of the speedily-moving but
far-away object be taken at definite
time intervals and then incorporated
into motion pictures so that each film
occupies one sixteenth of a second, the
regular motion picture rate. The
films he displayed proved the results
of this invention; that the observer
visualizes celestial bodies as moving
objects in contrast to stationary bod-
ies, one of the principal objectives
of astronomers.
"Astronomy is not fixed," he said.
"It is the study of tremendous, mov-
ing masses. Text pictures leave a sta-
ti oflajnressi gn inewin tho
leaves the impression e mcees
tial bodies are ever moving. Move-
ments that actually take six or eight
hours can be compressed into a few
minutes of motion picture photog-
Prof. Curtis suggested that the sci-
entific advancements brought about
by this invention might be even
greater than the educational advance-
The principal scientific develop-
ment of the invention is the device
which keeps the camera's eye on the
ever-moving celestial body.
Professor Curtis displayed motion
pictures of several astronomical bod-
ies. Jupiter and Saturn, although
photographed, remain unclear be-
cause of their queer typography.
Eclipses, particularly difficult to ob-
tain in motion-picture form, because
the totality of time they have existed
since the creation of the world has
been only 61 minutes, were shown
with remarkable clarity. These pic-
tures were obtained by a staff of Uni-
versity astronomers during the eclipse
last fall.
This new method has been respon-
sible for the first photographical rec-
ord of sun spots(taken with the
spectroheliokinematogiaph), and the
first record of solar bombs, a group
of clouds rapidly projected from a
celestial body.
Band Presents
8 Numbers In
First Concert

Before a very enthusiastic audience,
the first Summer Session band con-
cert was presented at 7:30 p.m. last
night on the steps of the General Li-
Under the direction of Prof. David
Mattern of the School of Music and
Prof. Earl Slocum of the University of
North Carolina, the following programI
was presented:
March, The Square Shooter, Frad-
Overture, The Barber of Seville,
Selections from "The Chocolate Sol-
dier," Strauss.
March, The Vanished Army, Alford.
Ballet Egyptian, Luigini.
In a Persian Market, Ketelbey.
Las Toros from "La Feria," Lacome.
The Yellow and the Blue.
T7;c. _., , .,-, n r o n sr rc -

ii rer Stireak
Broken At 10
By Senators
Washington Chokes Off A
Ninth-Inning Flare By
Detroit To Win, 12-11
Bridges Driven Out;
Sullivan Ineffective
Idle New Yorkers Gain
A Half Game On Tigers;
Gehringer Hits Homer
WASHINGTON, July 10. - (P) -
The Detroit Tigers' winning streak
was broken at 10 games today by the
Washington Senators, although the
Tigers chased five runs across the
plate in the ninth inning and had
two more on base when the final out
was made. The score was 12-11.
The idle Yankees gained a half-
game as a result of the defeat. Rain
postpond New York's scheduled game
with the Cleveland Indians.
Washington practically put the
game on ice in the first inning with
a seven-run barrage that drove Tom-
my Bridges to the showers. Joe Sul-
livan, who releived him, had no con-
trol and proved equally ineffective.
After two doubles, a pair of singles,
and an error had let in five Senator
runs, Sullivan came to the mound to
let in two more on a single and four
consecutive walks.
Behind a good lead, which was
built up to 12 to 6 by the time the
ninth inning rolled around, Whitehill
pitched satisfactory ball.
,Then Gehringer slammed a home
run over the right field wall, Green-
berg followed with a double against
the bleachers, and Goslin and Rogell
singled. Then Bucky Harris yanked
Whitehill, and sent Ed Linke to the
Linke pitched to only one man-
Cochrane -whom he walked, and
Harris sent Buck Newsom to the
mound. Singles by Owen and Fox
drove in three ore runs t


Education System
Said To Be Out Of

'Human Gui


With Life

Gives Second Lcture

Annual Summer Meeting
Draws Overflow Crowd
To Union For Opening
Courtis Gives The
American Education In
The Future Is Made The
General Topic


Pig' Is Latest
Goodrich Idea


Says He Realizes
Most Horrible
Ever Committed

His Is

DETROIT, July 10.--(A'})-Mer-
ton Ward Goodrich, confessed slayer
of 11-year old Lillian Gallaher, in-
formed his attorney today that he
wanted to submit himself to science
"as a human guinea pig."
Goodrich, who startled the prose-
cutor and court attaches yesterday,
with a plea of not guilty, when called
up for a formal hearing on a murder
charge in Circuit Court, was brought
back to court today to hear his trial
date set for July 17.
After leaving the court room he sent
a pencilled note to Harry T. Hanley,
named by the court as his defender.
"I realize that this is the most hor-
rible crime that has ever been Ynown,"
said the note. "While I am positive it
was not me that did it but the other
side of my life, I would like to dedicate
my body to science."
"I realize much can be learned by
study after death, but I believe still
more could be learned by submitting
myself as a human guinea pig to
science for any experiment they may
wish to make.
"I have no thought of gain other
than to see some other young man as
unfortunate as myself saved from a
fate such as mine."
Onderdonk To Give
Lecture On Monday

Fuel For Engines iact 1100 i1au11e±,1
she loved him, had threatened to
NEW YORK, July 10. -(P) -- Gas- leave him, predicted that she would
oline solidified to look like a piece of get alimony and wished that she had
green cheese was used successfully to never married him.
run an ordinary gasoline engine in The Warricks met in a Rocky River
tests announced today at the G0- coffee shop and were married June 6,
genheim School of Aeronautics, Newj 1933.
York University.
The tests bring close to practicabili-
2,T b~2:3TE:Congress Fails
ty an eight-year search for a safety V
gasoline, something non-explosive in
open air, which will do the same work T o A g r e e n
as liquid gasoline.
In the simple test engine the hard
gasoline was more efficient than or- yLobbyin
dinary gasoline, under exactly the
same running conditions. This w&N
announced only as a good sign, and Administration Proposes
not as a prediction. To Outlaw Utility Holdng
Pressure transforms the hard stuff
into liquid. When a piece of it is Companies
squeezed hard in the hand, real gaso-
line will drip from the fingers. But, WASHINGTON, July 10. - (P) -,
without pressure, the stuff can be Congress squabbled today over utilities
stored in open air with an evapora- and utility lobbying, with investiga-
tion loss of only three-quarters of one tion spicing developments both on
pr cent a month. and off Senate and House floors.
In operation, suction and heat from Final decision neared on the two
the engine do not actually liquify chief measures in the controversy -
the substance, but create fumes like the Administration proposal to out-
gasoline. law utility holding companies and its
The tests were made under the di- other legislative request that the pow-'
rection of Dr. Alexander Klemin, di- er of the Tennessee Valley Authority
rector of the school. They were con- be extended.
ducted by A. N. Troshkin. The Senate shaped up plans forI
The hard gasoline was invented by broadening an inquiry into lobbying
Adolph Prussin, of New York. both for and against the holding com-
The chese-like stuff that worked so pany bill into a probe of all lobbying,
well is the latest in a series of more; past, present, and future.
than 9,000 batches of hydrocarbons In the House, where Rep. Rankin
which he has hardened in the search (Dem., Miss.) turned sharply critical
for an efficient; hard gasoline. of the conduct of the utility lobbying

fouled out and Gehringer sent a long
fly to Schulte to end the game.
Detroit's only other cluster of runs
came in the htird, on singles by Owen
and Sullivan, Hayworth's double, and
Bluege's error.
The sensational hitting streak of
Pete Fox was lengthened to 29 games
as he drove out two doubles and a
single, batting in three runs. Green-
berg and Owen were the other De-
troit batting stars, the former getting
three doubles while Owen was slap-
ping out a double and two singles.
The Senators were outhit by De-
troit, 18 to 14, with 10 of the Tiger
hits being two-baggers.
Bridges was the losing pitcher and
Whitehill the winner. The Senators
and Tigers meet again tomorrow.
Mrs. Waley Is
'Thought Active
In Kidnapping
Kidnapper's Wife Made To
Seem Conscious Helper
By Evidence


Pillsbury Will
Be Speaker In
Lecture Series
'Bodily Types And Mental
Characteristics' To Be
Subject Of Talk
Prof. Walter B. Pllsbury, head of
the University psychology department
will deliver the eleventh regular lec-
'tid-'bof the -Suihmbr Session lttare
series at 5 p.m. today in Natural
Science Auditorium.
His subject will be "Bodily Types
and Mental Characteristics."
One of the most popular lecturers
on th ecampus, Professor's Pillsbury
course during the regular term in the
Psychology of the Occult and Ab-
normal has always been well-attend-
ed by the undergraduates.
Professor Pillsbury started his
teaching of psychology in 1895 at
Cornell University, from which he had
received his doctor's degre in 1892.
He was appointed director of the psy-
chological laboratory there in 1905
and became a professor in 1910.
He has been chairman of the psy-
chology department here since 1929.
In 1917 he was named chairman of
the editorial committee which put out
"Studies in Psychology."
Professor Pillsbury was elected
president of the American Psychol-
ogical Association in 1910, and was
also a member of the National Re-
search Council from 1921 to 1931.
Among the books which he has
written are "Psychology of Reason-
ing,"' "Essentials of Psychology,"
"Fundamentals of Psychology," "Psy-
chology of Nationality and Interna-
tionalism," "Education as the Psy-
chologist Sees It;" "Psychology of
Language," "History of Psychology,"
"An Elementary Psychology of the
Abnormal," and "Introduction to

The conventional educational sys-
tem is out of touch with 'life, and
changing conditions the world over
are presenting a challenge to the
schools which must be met.
These two conclusions are among
the many that were brought out at
the first sessions of the Sixth Annual
Summer Educational Conference
which opened yesterday at the Union.
The first meetings were marked by
an overflow crowd and an animated
discussion followed some proposed re-
forms in education made by Prof.
James K. Pollock of the political sci-
ence department.
Dean James B. Edmonson of the
School of Education opened the con-
ference which has for its general topic
"American Education in the Future -
A Series of Predictions." Dr. S. A.
Courtis gave the keynote address in
his talk on "The problem of Redi-
recting Education as a Progressive
Sees It."
Was On Advisory Board
Dr. Courtis, who has served on the
advisory board of the Progressive
Association, in his interpretation of
the progressive movement stated that
"the conventional educational system
is hopelessly out of touch with life."
- -h&cfrant'e-d tIle
world today, such as the disappear-
ance of frontiers, the development of
science, the evolution of the machine,
the specialization of the individual,
and the increasing importance of pos-
sessive rewards in our scheme of life
present a challenge to the schools.
In order to properly and adequately
meet their obligation the schools must
conserve and develop the individuality
of the student as a social being, de-
velop him into a problem solver in-
stead of merely asking him to mem-
orize certain things, and to help him
interpret world experiences in terms
of human problems.
Ability or Teachers Important
Dr. Raleigh Schorling, who fol-
lowed Dr. Courtis and had for his
topic "Trends in the Professional
Preparation of Secondary School
Teachers," prefaced his talk with
the statement that any changes made
in education will depend upon the
ability and training of teachers.
Dr. Schorling urged a more thor-
ough preparation of teachers and in-
dicated several lines it should fol-
low. The scope of training of a pro-
fessional teacher was outlined to in-
clude a comprehensive and wide
knowledge of subject matter, training
in the philosophy and history of edu-
cation and in educational research,
training in case work of a mental hy-
gienist and social worker, and wide
experience in directed or practice
Speaking on this last point, Dr.
Schorling advocated that a period of
interneship under the guidance of
an experienced teacher be applied in a
few centers.
A period of discussion, held after
the close of the two talks of the
morning, was led by Dr. Wm. Clark
Trow of the School of Education.
Pollock Opens Discussion
Dr. Pollock, professor of political
science, was the first speaker at the
afternoon session. His topic was "A
Governmental Approach to School
Administration,''and it was one of his
suggestions for change in school gov-
ernment which evoked the discussion
which marked the afternoon session.
Speaking of necessary fundamental
changes in the structure of our school
government, Dr. Schorling stated that,
"the idea of having separate boards
of education for the schools is wrong,
outmoded, and should be eliminated."
He proposed that, because of the lack
of interest on the part of voters in
school elections and the "devastat-
ing results" therefrom, the school
n.a nm eii,,i .,hrnimianya alim4-maaAA

TACOMA, Wash., July 10. -- (P) -
Evidence designed to picture Mrs.

Margaret Waley as an active partici-
pant in the $200,000 kidnaping of"
George Weyerhaueser was brought Moscow Will Be
into her trial by the government to-
day. Rehabilitated
Mrs. Waley, in her statement to
officers after her arrest in Sault Lake
City was reported as insisting that In INew Schem e
she never was in the attic of the kid-i
nap gang's hideout house in Spokane.
A. M. Kohn, government expert, tes- MOSCOW, July 10. -(P) - A 10-
tified that he found her fingerprints year plan for the reconstruction of
on an electric light globe there. Moscow, converting it into an ultra-
Mrs. Ida Hoxworth, of Spokane, modern capital for 5,000,000 inhabi-
linked the accused young. woman tants, was announced tonight by Jo-
and her kidnaper husband, Harmon sef Stalin, dictator of Soviet Russia.
M. Waley, with William Mahan, fu- The new city will cover more than
gitive "brains" of the snatch gang, as double the area of the present one,
early as last April 19, although the which has a population of 3,500,000.
boy was not seized until May 24. It will be surrounded by a sim-mile
Edna Oenning and Mrs. C. A. Lar- wide zone of forests and parks to
son testified that they saw Mrs. Wa- assure the populace of clean air and{
ley at the hideout house May 31, the furnish places for outings.

Education Group Will
Hear Slosson, Rankin
Lectures by Prof. Preston W.
Slosson of the history department
and Dr. Paul T. Rankin, supervis-
ing director of instruction in the
Detroit public schools, will fea-
ture the second and closing session
of the Sixth Annual Summer Ed-

investigation by Chairman O'Conner
(Dem., N. Y.) of the rules committee,
the membership roared a demonstra-
tion of confidence in the New Yorker,
and voted his committee $50,000 for
going ahead with the investigation.
The Senate suddenly sent its utility
bill to a conference with the House,
the understanding being that if an
agreement seemed impossible the
conferees are to act for instructions.
The TVA bill approached but failed
to reach a final vote tonight.

day before the boy was released upon
payment of the ransom.
In the face of the government's ef-
forts, John F. Dore, court-appointed
defense attorney, announced that he
would ask a directed verdict of acquit-
tal because "they haven't any case
- i"O Inn " cln i nh 0 rcorl ,,i

The size of the famous Red Square
will be doubled, broad new avenues
laid out, huge new hotels erected, and
135,000,000 square feet of new housing
space provided in the goal of the plan
if achieved.
The shortage of living space at pres-

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