1 oo
Rival At
Captures Title
After Defeating
Helen Jacobsi
iomehack Made In Third
Set; 17,000 Attend The
Final Match
WIMBLEDON, Eng., July 6. - (P)-
)ramatically rising to an occasion
hat called for all her old skill and
ower, 29-year-old Helen Wills Moody
urned back the pages of time today,
allied from the shadow of defeat to
'hip her bitterest tennis rival, Helen
acobs, and capture the all-England
hampionship for the seventh time.
Apparently foredoomed to defeat
'hen she trailed the American title-
iolder, 2-5, in the third set of a
rilliantly contested battle that drew
gallery of 17,000 to Wimbledon's
enter court, Mrs. Moody came back
1 to win the next
.ve games in succession, take the set,
nnd with it the match at 6-3, 3-6,
For the San Francisco matron, it
'as a gallant and successful climax
o a comeback campaign she started
i England little more than a month
go after she had been on the side-
nes for almost two. years. It was
indication too, for her disputed deci-
.on to default to Miss Jacobs in the
iird set of the American champion-
hip final of 1933 when she was beset
y the back injury that subsequently
>rced her into temporary retirement.
For Miss Jacobs it was a bitter
efeat just when she seemed on the
erge of the greatest victory of her
areer. For the fourth time since
929 she found herself beaten in the.
nal round of the British tournament.
tie lost to Mrs. Moody in 1929 and
)32 and was beaten by Dorothy
ound, British star, last year.
Most of the drama of today's battle1
as packed into the third set. Break-
ig through Mrs. Moody's service inl
ie third, fifth and seventh games,
iss Jacobs rolled up a 5-2 lead and
1e finish, apparently, was in plain
But Mrs. Moody broke her 26-
ear-old rival's delivery in the eighth
3me to pull up to 3-5 and then came1
e break that really proved decisive.
On her own service, Mrs. Moody led
40-30 but a double-fault pulled Misss
acobs to deuce. The AmricanI
Tampion then had match point at
4 only to smash the ball into the
p of the net on what looked like
simple kill.
That was all Mrs. Moody needed.1
he broke through Miss Jacobs' serv-i
e at 4-2 in the tenth game to square[
e match at 5-all and then held
r own in the eleventh to lead at 6-
In a desperate situation, Miss Ja-
bs rallied fiercely in the twelfth
ime, taking a 30-love lead on a siz-
ng serve that Mrs. Moody couldn't1
andle and then a fine ace. Thef
Once. AQueen Al ways'A Queen
Gravel Roads
Survey Begun
By University
Prof. R. S. Swinton Heads
Group Studying 'Drying
Up' Of OurHighways
How rapidly gravel roads dry up
and blow away, a serious but little
understood highway maintenance
problem, is to be surveyed in a
three-year program begun this sum-
mer by the University Department of
Engineering Research.
Some housewives living along a
gravel street or road have told the
engineers that most of the road, after
a windy day, has come into the house
and settled on the furniture. This is
doubtless an extreme view, according
to Prof. R. S. Swinton, in charge of
the study, but he points out that
some previous surveys have indicated
a yearly loss ranging from one-half
to one inch, or 230 cubic yards of
gravel on a mile of 18-foot roadway
traversed by 800 vehicles daily.
The survey, begun this summer in
Washtenaw, Wayne, Genesee, and
Huron counties, will exceed in scope
any heretofore attempted. During
the next three years the wind dis-
persal of plain gravel, calcium chlor-
ide surface-treated gravel and clay-
bound gravel containing calcium
chloride, will be carefully estimated.
Adj.acent stretches of the three types
in the same road will be constructed
and observed.
The rate of gravel loss will be de-
termined by setting up permanent
bench marks at sections where the
roads will be examined six times a
year. These readings will be checked
with frequent tests of the surface
density, or "road crust," and traffic
voltume. Metal plates have also been
embedded in the roads from which
readings will be made to determine-
whether springfrostheaves raise or
lower the highway. When completed
the survey will give valuable data on
highway maintenance costs.
HONOLULU, July 7-- (') - Con-
struction of an $880,000 breakwater
at Port Allen, island of Kauai, has
been completed after more than -a
year's work which included a detailed
geological study of the island for
suitable rock, giving the territory its
third harbor of major importance.
The other two are at Honolulu and
New Head Of NEA
Women In Indiana Held
33 Public Elective Posts
INDIANAPOLIS, July 6 - (A') -
Thirty-three women hold public elec-
tive offices in Indiana this year.
They range from a congresswoman
to prosecutiig attorney and county
Mrs. Virginia Jenckes of Terre
Haute is the member of Congress, rep-
resenting the sixth district.
Seventeen others are county record-
ers, five are county clerks, two are
county auditors, one is a county treas-
urer, one a county commissioner, two
are township trustees, two are county
sheriffs, one is a prosecuting attorney,
and one a member of the state legis-
affect more than 2,000,000 of the 3,-
500,000 persons whom President
Roosevelt aimAs to be put to .work.
Former Graduates
Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Reed of
Charlotte have announced the mar-
riage of their daughter, Miss Roberta
Frances Reed to Samuel Beer of
Bucyrus, O., which took place Satur-
day, June 22, in Oxford, England.
Mr. Beer is graduating from Ox-
ford as a Rhodes Scholar under ap-
pointment of Michigan, while Mrs.
Beer, who graduated from the Uni-
versity in 1931, has been in London
since 1932.
American champion then put one ball
in the net and another one outside
to permit Mrs. Moody to draw level
at 30-all.
When Mrs. Moody hit the next one
out, it appeared as though her younger
rival was well on the way to winning
the game she needed to square the
set, but Mrs. Moody scored on a clean
placement to deuce the score and then
held on grimly in two long rallies until
Miss Jacobs erred on the crucial
points that gave the San Francisco
ace game, set,, match and title.
At the finish Mrs. Moody -still was
able to do all the running that was
necessary, but Miss Jacobs obviously
was weary after an hour and 40 min-
utes of chasing back and forth across
the baseline.
The crowd gave both girls a tremen-
dous ovation as Miss Jacobs rushed
around the net to congratulate her old
Mrs. Moody's return to the tennis
heights marks the successful end of
one of the great comebacks in sport-
ing history. Most tennis experts be-
lieved at the outset that the San
Francisco star could not hope to re-
gain control of women's tennis after
remaining out of competition for so
long. But Mrs. Moody definitely
fooled them.
Industry Plans
Court Tests, Of
Wagner 'Law
Those Unfavorable To Bill
Contend Manufacturing
Not Inter-Stat .
-Associated Press Photo.
Elected president of the National
Education: Association at Denver,.
Miss Agnes Samuelson (above),
Shenandoah, Ia., school teacher,
said she hoped to bring the N.EA.
and rural schools closer together.
Hopkins Cuts
PWA Positions
WASHINGTON, July 6. - (P) -
Harry L. Hopkins' slashing of hours
on relief jobs was described officially
today as an attempt to carry on a
higher proportion of more substantial
On work relief projects under Hop-
kins, the maximum hours were. cut
from 180 a month to 140. The pay,
which has been announced as rang-
ing from$19 to $94 a month, depend-
ing on locality and kind. of work,. will,
remain the same.
Officials said that with the hours
each man will work reduced the ma-
terials involved will go that much
further in the job-supplying cam-
paign. The officials acknowledged
that the new change will slow up
the program.
New Dealers have stressed the dif,
ficulty of finding enough durable
projects on which to put unemployed
to work and yet stay within the
money available.
The changed hours, it was said, will
get chore
m ikrokleened and.:
for ure 4th uv Jewlie
weak-end vakashunr
Phone 23-23-1
516 East Liberty - 440 South State - 1119 South University
Mack & Co. Basement
-- -tI
Seven normal tomatoes.were found
maturing on a white potato vine near
Deport, Texas, by Claude Smith,
WASHINGTON, July 6 -('
Early court tests of the Wagner labor
disputes act by major industries are
in prospect.
Contending that manufacturing is
not interestate commerce, men in the
steel, automobile and rubber indus-
tries have given notice they intend
to ask the courts to rule on the new.
law's constitutionality as applied to
their relations with labor.
President Roosevelt signed the
Wagner bill yesterday. It sets up a
new national labor relations board
of .three members.
Among other things the Wagner act
makes employer interference with em-
ploye organization an "unfir labor
practice," orders employers to deal
with the labor organization repre-
senting their employes and gives the
labor organization chosen by a ma-
jority of the employes in a plant the
right to speak for all employes.
In signing the bill, the President
said it did not cover all industry and
labor, "but is applicable only when
violation of the legal right of inde-
pendent self-organization would bur-
den or obstruct interestate com-
Many large firms are expected to
seize upon that clause of the act in
pressing their court fights. They as-
sert that. since the manufacture of
their goods is not in interstate com-
merce, the federal government has
no right to tell them how they should
deal with their workers.
The new labor relations board will
supplant the one rendered impotent
by the Supreme Court's ruling in-
validating NRA. Edwin Smith, form-
er Massachusetts labor commissioner
and member of 'the old board, has
been mentioned as a possible ap-
pointee to the new board.
r r ter'
I. I
.- -r
50c - DINNER -50c
Choice of Fruit Cup, Tomato Juice, or SoupP
Sweet Entree
Fried Spring Chicken and Corn Fritter, :..j
Large T-Bane Steak and French Fried
Assorted Cold Meats and Potato Salad -i
Grilled Pork Chops with Baked Apple
Choice of Vegetable, Salad & Potatoes
Pie, Ice Cream or Shortcake
Choice of Drink",
35c - DINNER - 35c
Choice of Soup or Salad
Roast Loin of Pork and Apple Sauce
Cold Baked Ham Loaf and Potato Salad
Swiss Steak and Brown Gravy
Cold Roast Beef and Cole Slaw
Choice of Vegetable and Potatoes
Drink and Dessert .x.
All Children's Meals served .at Half Price,
1116 South U
AMSTERDAM, July 7- (A') - Two
lions have been presented to Queen
Wilhelmina of Holland by the em-
peror of Ethiopia, "conquering lion
of Judah." They are housed in the
Amsterdam zoo.
sta wite wen
greene's kleeners
Porn Beech - Flannuls - Silks
garuntede not to shrink or tern
PANAMA HATS mikrokleened
and faktree-blokt to - nu 1935
" \
*1 A
. v'.
r- -- -
Pep up the -Jaded Wardrobe
'.. ,.
p :o
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l- '
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4 j'J.
TIIF 1935
The Reliable Source of Information
for Names, Addresses, and Telephone
Numbers of all Faculty Members and
Students on the Campus . ..
You couldn't wish for a better sale
than this, because there are many
sweltering weeks ahead and you'll
want to dress in cool fashions. These
cottons are the answer to the dilem-
ma ofyour wilted, early wardrobe.
Buy all the frocks you want. Jacket
dresses, tennis and golf frocks, shirt-
waisters, bicycle costumes, 2-piece
suits, sunbacks, and dress-up frocks.
You'll find all the vivid new shades,
lots of white, pastels navy and
brown. Seersuckers, voiles, piques,
linens, and di'nities.
SIZES 30 - 36
Sizes 12to18
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