THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' uHIGAN DAILY MIon of the Summer Session lip w 41 I and which would freeze standards of living at a re- duced level. The Institution further states that the former would be adversely affected both as a consumer and a producer. High operating costs would reduce his money income and the purchasing power of this money income would also be cur- tailed as a result of the rising level of prices. In summary, the report says: "It would not pro- mote recovery and bids well to intensify the de- pression. At best its immediate effects would be a spread of employment at the expense of effi- ciency and productive output. In its long-run im- plications the measure offers to the workers of the country merely a choice between more leisure and a more abundant consumption of goods and serv- ices." I mU Publip ed every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. M EM B ER Associated olloiate $rtss -1934 J agg4 1935 E MNSOW vacSI4SN MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is. exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or noti otherwise credited i*this paper and the local news iublished herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches arc reserved. Etred at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second. class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster- General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, 1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR...............JOHN C. HEALEY ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR ..ROBERT S. RUWITCH ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene, William Reed, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. ASSISTANT EDITORS: Robert Cummins, Joseph Mattes, Elsie Pierce, Charlotte Rueger. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESC MANAGER ...................RUSSELL REA D ASSISTANT BUS. MGR..........BERNARD ROSENT*1AI' Circulation Manager ....................Clinton B. Conger BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Charles L. Brush, Frederick E. Magel. Jones OnLovett... T E GREAT HEARST - McCormick - McFadden - Mencken indoor sport of smoking the Reds out of our colleges and universities was climaxed, as it were, by the recent investigation of radicalism at the University of Chicago which was instigated by Charles Walgreen, the drug store magnate. After protracted investigation and deliberating, the Illinois Senate Committee largely whitewashed the institution, but declared that one professor, Robert Morss Lovett of the English. department, was "no credit to the institution." Most intelligent 'persons took the investigating committee's "findings" with a grain of salt. So, it appears, did Prof. ioward Mumford Jones, of our English department. While glancing idly through the editorial columns the other day we found this letter Professor Jones had -written the Tribune editor. It expresses our sentiments aptly. We quote: "As reported in the Detroit papers the Senate committee investigating radicalism at the Univer- sity of Chicago singles out Prof. Robert Morss Lovett as being "un-American." This is a verdict which must considerably amuse Mr. Lovett's friends. I have known him for twenty years and no man of my acquaintance has stood more cour- ageously for the ancient American ideal of free discussion, intellectual independence, and political democracy." BOOKS By JOHN SELBY "THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION," by William Henry Chamberlain; (MacMillan). O FAR as this department knows, there has been no impartial, comprehensive, documented his- tory of the Russian revolution in the English lan- guage up to the publication recently of William Henry Chamberlain's "The Russian Revolution." There have been innumerable books on Russia, many of them histories and many of them good. But not quite the sane, calm, objective sort of his- tory Mr. Chamberlain has turned out. The two volumes of the history cover the period from the Tsarist fall in March, 1917, to the promul- gation in March, 1921, of the new economic policy. Mr. Chamberlain himself first went to Russia in 1922, as correspondent for the Christian Science Monitor. He thus escaped participation in the events of which he writes, and at the same time was on the ground soon enough to gather fresh impressions and material. His wife is a Russian, and her share in the book has been combing thousands of newspapers and documents. Mr. Chamberlain's research included everything he could find in the Soviet and the White Russian archives, as well as many conversa- tions with participants. The actual writing of the book was done under the Guggenheim founda- tion's auspices in 1933 and 1934. The writing is tempered throughout by common sense and remarkable fairness. Those who have either a communistic or White Russian ax to grind may see event and implication differently; it is doubtful whether even they could find fault with the spirit of the work, however. Conclusions are reserved, largely, for the final chapter. By far the most valuable part of these is Mr. Chamberlain's careful analysis of the rea- sons which permitted the Bolsheviki, almost a neg- ligible minority physically, to prevail. It is inter- esting that he finds one of the chief reasons to be a Tsarist policy which created so large a group which lived constantly on the borderline between extreme poverty and starvation. As Others See It- We Do Our Part THE LATEST report of the NRA contains one theme which is growing a bit monotonous by repetition. "The debt load will have to be brought down to a sound and healthy basis if there is to be a sound and healthy recovery. Well, if reducing the debt load is the essential to recovery, Baltimoreans can say to the NINA, "We do our part." Two of the greatest banks in town have had their debt load reduced so drastically that their security holders are still somewhat numb from the shock. Several smaller banks have had their debt loads wiped out completely, and the banks with them. The United Railways and the Washington and Annapolis have gone into the hands of receiv- ers, and the latter bids fair to go out of existence. Scores of corporations, ranking from the smallest to the largest, have either gone through receiver- ships or through reorganizations so drastic that the difference from a receivership is imperceptible. The tonnage of former securities held in Baltimore that have now become only so much waste paper is incalculable. If debt reduction is the way to recovery, we ought to be pretty well along on the upward slope. -The Baltimore Sun. Hisleading Journalism WHEN the Hearst press sets out to "get" the President, it intends to get him, at any cost. Thrown into a rage by the President's proposals for high taxes on inheritances, the New York Eve- ning Journal produces an argument so mistaken as to be funny. The Journal reasons as follows: It would appear from official accounts of Mr. Roosevelt's latest "sock the rich" plan that you would actually inherit less,-if bequeathed $7,000,001, than if you were bequeathed $4,999,- 999. It works out this way: On the first estate the government will take 70 per cent, or $4,900,000.70. That leaves you $2,100,000.30. On the second estate, it will take 50 per cent, leaving you $2,499,999.50. In other words, you get nearly $400,000 more from the smaller bequest than you would get from the larger one. That's very shocking - except that you would'nt get anything of the sort. Under the tax bill the 70 per cent rate does not apply to all of a bequest totaling more than $7 - 000,000 but only to that part of the bequest which is above $7,000,000. In the Journal's illustration, for example, the 70 per cent rate would apply to exactly one dollar, the dollar above the seven million mark. Four stars - mustn't miss; three stars -pvery good: two stars -- an average picture; one star - poor; no star - don't go. AT THE MICHIGAN Double Fcature "GINGER" A Fox picture with Jane Withers, Jackie Searl, O. P. oggte, and Katherine Alexander. Also a Paramount newsreel. Jane Withers, the little girl who stole "Bright Eyes" from Shirley Temple, makes this as much fun as any of Miss Temple's pictures, and great work by Jackie Searl adds many more laughs to "Ginger." Although both are so good that a comparison be- comes doubly odious, Jane and Shirley will inevi- tably be compared. I find little to chose between them. Shirley can dance, but she can't say "Get a load of this." Jane isn't as pretty, but she can act twice as naughty. Both can do about every- thing an adult actor can - pout, cry, exult, mourn. The plot of "Ginger" gives Jane and Jackie plenty of chances to come through. When her uncle, a broken-down Shakespearean actor, is given thirty days for assaulting a theater manager who called his work as a barker "rotten," Jane even- tually winds up in t'he care of a Wealthy woman who is writing a book on "Are Children Really Human?" And Mrs. Barker, her son (Jackie Searl), a super- sissy, and the butler make it pretty tough for Jane. Mr. Parker, disgusted with his wife, and offspring, isher only friend. Together, however, they rescue Jane's uncle and rehabilitate the others in the Parker family. There is the usual sentimental ending. -Best shot: Jackie Searl, when converted from sissydom, striding jauntily down the upper hall, blandly hopping on 'the bannister, and swerving down to skid off the end and smash a vase and table.-R.A.C. **"THE GIRL F"M TENTH AVENUE" A First National picture starring Bette Davis, with Ian Hunter. Con Clive, Alison Skipworth, John Eldredge, and Philip Reed. "The Girl from Tenth Avenue," with its de- crepit plot, is saved from being a complete wash- out only by the fine work of Bette Davis, who cer- tainly doesn't deserve this. It's the old old story of the girl from the "lower' classes who marries the unappreciative society man in a moment of inebriation. Of course she has to fight against the wicked influence of the snobbish woman of his "stratum" (who is unfaithful to her own husband, naturally). Although there are many obstacles to overcome, she finally wins his love, as everyone in the audience knows she will. Alison Skipworth is always good, but Ian Hunter and Colin Clive contribute nothing of note. Somehow "The Girl from Tenth Avenue" is more entertaining than it apparently deserves to be probably because of Miss Davis. However, to my untutored eyes, the dress sh wears in one scene is a ghastly thing. The newsreel is good, with fine shots of record breaking Japanese swimmers. --R..A.C. A Washington BYSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON - But for the wealth-tax issue which blossomed so suddenly it completely up set previous adjournment calculations, that par of the President's tax message urging a consti tutional amendment to wipe out all future form of tax-exempt government securities, probabl would have slept in a committee pigeon-hole. A it is, there may be time at this session for bot Houses to work up that project. It might not pass at this session. The idea o opening all future national security issues to stat taxation and similar state, county or municipa bonds to Federal levies against their income, i not new. It has been close to adoption by Con gress before. The same men who led a successfu House fight against the plan nearly a decade ag still are in Congress, although now in the Senate They have in no wise changed their viewpoint. ASHURST AMENDMENT BUT THE GENERAL political situation har changed greatly. If the matter even is brough to the active debate stage at this session, an amend. ment is almost certain to be submitted to the state: at the next session. The question of its ratificatioi will figure in the Presidential election campaigr in that event. And for all the talk of amending the Constitution, due to the overthrow of NRA or tc prevent 5-4 Supreme Court decisions on constitu tionality of Congressional acts, that still is the onl: clearly indicated constitutional amendment pos sibility for that campaign. The Ashurst amendment now is pending be fore the Arizona senator's judiciary committee Once the early adjournment possibility faded ou in the wealth-tax developments, preparations t4 report it out again as was done in the last Con gress went forward. From Senator Connelly o Texas, who in the House 10 years ago led the fight that blocked submission to the states of similar amendment, came the same objection. The text of the Ashurst amendment is of peculia: interest. Around it will center the fight in this anc succeeding sessions of Congress. What it propose is a reciprocal right of Federal and state sovereign ties to tax income from each other's bonds, bu without "discrimination" in either case. * * * * WHERE SHOE PINCHES IT IS THERE the shoe pinches. Aside from thi objections of such legislators as Connelly, wh4 Drug Fails I First Test As Lockjaw Cure LONDON. July 5. - l-A drug made from the deadly poison called curare, used by South American in- dians to tip the darts of their blow- pipes, has failed in its first test as a cure for lockjaw. The experiment was made by Dr. Robert George Ranyard West, of the Oxford University' department of pharmacology, after he had waited months for an opportunity. The sub- ject, a plumber's assistant who had stepped on a rusty nail, died. Dr. West's preparation was admin- istered, as a last resort. His idea was that if the powerful drug could paralyze the patient's muscles, the spasms which customarily accompany a lockjaw victim's heath would be prevented and the anti-tetanus serum given a chance to work. Although Dr. West, assisted by chemists, produced the drug late in 1934 and was confident of its success, he refused to give it a trial except in a last-resort case. Not discouraged by the failure of his first effort, Dr. West now awaits another opportunity to prove he has Ends Tonight WALLACE BEERY "WEST POINT OF THE AIR" CARL BRISSON "ALL THE KING'S HORSES" Tomorrow JEANETTE MacDONALD "NAUGHTY MARIETTA" I MARGARET LINDSEY "THE FLORENTINE DAGGER" MICHIGAN Two Fine Features THE GIRL FROM "BORDERTOWN" OUT- SMARTS NEW YORK'S SMART SET Plus A POX Pcivr wit JANE WITHERS O. P. HEGGIE Matinees and 25C Man35c Bale. Nights Floor t s y s h *1f \ ,t is n1 rr t e ~ r I i ii i } i j!! i i I I t i Thirty-Hour Work Week... T HE BROOKINGS INSTITUTION has gone definitely on record as op- posed to a thirty-hour week. Bills for such are- duction of working hours were introduced in the 1933 session of Congress by Senator Black, in 1934 by Represenative Connery, and in the present ses- sion by Senator Wagner. The American Federation of Labor and other active sponsors of the bill believe that it would pro- vide a means for taking up the slack of the unem- ployed, make labor scarce, thus raising wage levels, and thereby bring about a more equitable dis- tribution of the national income. The Institution, however, maintains that a thir- ty-hour week which would increase the number enployed with no reduction in wages would be bound to curtail production. It declares that pro- duction costs would rise faster than the increase in wage income, that consumption would fall off, and that many industries would be forced to close their doors. To support its contention it cites results under the NRA codes. Pointing to an average re- duction of the working week for industry by 20 per cent since 1929 to approximately 40 hours, it states that prices of manufactured commodities and the wage rates of labor engaged in the production and distribution of these commodities have had rough- ly an equivalent increase. This means that pro- duction actually has decreased as a result of higher costs, higher prices, and decreased consumption, and that increased wage income has not resulted in an increase in real income. q The Institution points out that our entire output of goods and services in 1929 amounted to 81 billion dollars, whereas the potential pro- ductive capacity in that year was valued at 97 bil- lion dollars. If 97 billion dollars worth of goods and services had been produced, representing 100 per cent efficiency, and had been distributed equal- ly among the entire population, the Institution states, each person would have received goods and services valued at only $665. Such a per capita figure is obviously not the goal aimed at by our far- sighted economists. The increase in man-power productivity which amounted to an excess of 25 per cent between 1929 and 1934 the Institution attributed to displace- ment of inefficient workers and technological im- provements. With the 30-hour week the efficiency . n.rain nnr~~tirrfrmn._P1~rf~dn.mnn f I,_