Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Fate of The Fraternities . .
European Climax ...,
-Associated Press Photo.
For the second time in two weeks, Iowa was hit by torrential rain-
falls which turned creeks and rivers into raging torrents and left five
men missing when their launch overturned. This aerial view shows the
flooded downtown district of Valley Junction, suburb of Des Moines.
Because Of Business Troubles
Announce 37
Additions To
'35236 Staff
Two Professors And Ten
Instructors Will Join
Add 18 Instructors
In Medical School
Teaching Corps Of One
Department And Four
Schools Augmented
Thirty-seven new appointments to
the teaching staffs of four schools
and one department of the University
for the academic year 1935-36 were
announced yesterday at the office of
President Alexander G. Ruthven.
Twelve additions, 10 instructors
and two professors, were made to
the Literary College faculty, while
20 new teachers, 19 of them instruct-
ors and one a professor, were named
to the medical school staff. The
School of Dentistry received four new
instructors, while the School of For-
estry and Conservation and the wom-
en's physical education department
each added one new member to their
respective faculties.
Literary College Appointees
In the literary college the follow-
ing will serve for the first time as in-
Robley C. Williams in astronomy,
Bert E. Booth in English, Ralph W.
Imlay in geology, H. A. Carpenter in
library science, Alice Ambrose in
philosophy, Henry H. Bloomer in
speech, Francis W. Gravit in French,
and Frank H. Clark and William H.
Burt in zoology. The latter will also
serve as an assistant in the Museum
of Zoology.
Further appointments to next-
yeai's literary college staff which
have previously been announced are
Prof. Clark Hopkins to the Greek
and Latin departments, Prof. Henry
W. Nordmeyer to the chairmanship of
the German department, and John
W. Stanton to the history depart-
Dr. Walter J. Nungester has been
appointed to an associate professor-
ship in bacteriology in the Medical
In The Medical School
The following were appointed to
instructorships in the medical school
for next year:
Dr. Jean K. Weston in anatomy, Dr.
Edward G. Stevens and Dr. Kenneth
B. Moore in dermatology and syphil-
ology, Dr. Gordon R. Lamb, Dr.
Thomas McKean, Dr. Christorpher
Parnall, Jr., Dr. Oliver M. Phillips,
Dr. Theron G. Randolph, Dr. Alden
W. Squires, and Dr. William G. Ure
in internal medicine, Dr. Alexander
T. Ross in neurology, Dr. Clair E.
Folsome and Dr. Richard D. Reekie
in obstetrics and gynecology, Dr.
Gayle H. Mehney in ophthalmology,
Dr. Arnold B. Coombs in otolaryngol-
ogy and otologist in the Health Ser-
vice, and Dr. Helen L. Roberts, Dr.
Elliott T. Thieme, and Dr. Sherwood
B. Winslow in surgery.
The four men appointed for in-
structorships in the School of Den-
tistry are Dr. Floyd A. Peyton, Dr. C.
Merle Dixon, Dr. Floyd D. Ostrander,
and Dr. J. Walter Seeburger.
In the School of Forestry and Con-
servation, Frank Murray has been
appointed a forest technician The
new appointee to the physical educa-
tion department for women is- Ruth
H. Bloomer, who will serve in the ca-
pacity of instructor in dancing.
Second Play
Attended By
Large Crowd
The opening performance of A.A
Milne's "The Perfect Alibi," the sec-
ond play of the summer season of
the Michigan Repertory Players
which was given last night at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater was at-
tended by a large crowd of faculty
members and Summer Session stu-
7 Dean Alice Lloyd was seen in tur-
f quoise blue crepe accented with white
I while Mrs. Byrl Fox Bacher, assistan
I dean of women, wore a navy bluE
L print. Dr. Helen Schutz wore navy
) blue with a pleated white collar.
: Other faculty members who at
-n A0 npa.. nan ..lnnA 1/rr. T A
Star Varsity
Swimmers In
A.A.U. Meet
Past And Present Michigan
Men Meet Nation's Best
At Detroit
Six Of Last Year's
Champions Return
Kasley, Degener, Drysdale,
Barnard And Robertson
Will Compete
With present and former Michigan
tank stars sharing the spotlight, one
of the most brilliant aquatic fields
ever assembled in national competi-
tion will begin the three-day National
A.A.U. men's outdoor swimming
championships today at the Detroit
Boat Club.'
The present Wolverine swimmers
who will compete include Frank Bar-
nard, sophomore middle-distance star,
and Jack Kasley, expected to be an
outstanding threat in the 220-yard
breast stroke. The former Michigan
tankers who will compete will aid the
Detroit A.C. in the defense of its
team championship. They are Dick
Degener, 10-foot diving champion,
and Taylor Drysdale and Tex Robert-
son, both members of Michigan's 1935
Conference -and National champion-
ship team.
Drysdale In Back Stroke
Drysdale will be entered in the
backstroke and Robertson in the dis-
tance events.
The field which will begin competi-
tion includes six 1934 champions, and
a trio of the greatest record breakers
in the history of the sport, headed
by the incomparable Jack Medica, who
will receive ample competition from
Jimmy Gilhula of Detroit and South-
ern California and Ralph Flanagan,
Coral Gables, Fla.
Of the Wolverine entries; Degener,
Drysdale and Kasley will be. among
the top favorites in their events al-
though Robertson and Barnard will
both be serious contenders.
Degener's competition is expected
chiefly from Marshall Wayne, spe-
cialist off the platform, and Johnny
Riley, brother of the famous Mickey
who dominated collegiate and na-
tional amateur diving before the reign
of Degener.
Two Favorites Are Out
With Al Vande Weghe, 100-meter
back-stroke champion and Danny
Zehr, Northwestern University's fresh-
man sensation, out, Drysdale will be
the leading contender in his favorite
Kasley will face Johnny Higgins,
Providence, R. I., in the breast stroke
but will be a favorite on the basis of
his performance in winning the col-
legiate crown indoors and his A.A.U.
record for two seasons indoors.
Barnard and Robertson in the mid-
dle and long distances will face the
triumvirate of Medica, Gilhula, and
Flanagan, but are conceded excellent
chances of placing if not stepping in
to displace one of the favorites.
Floor Show To
Be Featured At
Weekly Dances
Announce Novelty Dances,
Musical Numbers For
Friday, Saturday
Special entertainment, including
a floor show consisting of special nov-
elty dances as well as musical num-
bers, will be featured at the official
Summer Session dances to be held this
Friday and Saturday in the Michigan
League Ballroom, it was announced by
Jean Seeley, chairman of the, social
activities for the summer, yesterday.
In addition to the featured enter-
f tainment, Al Cowan and his orches-
tra have planned some specialty song
numbers which will be given during
the dance. Gerry Jerome, who came
Y to Cowan's Band after having played
- with Casa Loma's orchestra and the
Dorsey brothers, will do the spe-
cialty pieces.
, These floor shows mark the first
t time this sort of entertainment has
e been presented to the students of the
y Summer Session. It will be given
during the intermission at 11 p.m
- The practice will be continued
#1,n a - V -- o 'Mtillov
Slaying As
Admits Complicity
Hapsburg Dynasty
Expected To Return
To Austrian Throne
Murder Of Lillian Gallaher
Confessed After Arrest
By New York Police
Slain Girl's Mother
CollapsesAt News
VIENNA, July 3. - (tea - The Aus-
trian government tonight took an-
other step toward restoration of the
old monarchy by voting to repeal the
laws which exiled the Hapsburgs and
to restore to the family its vast prop-
erties, held by the state since the
dynasty was overthrown in 1918.
To become effective, the cabinet's
action must be approved by the Fed- I
eral Diet, which meets July 9 to con-a
sider the question.t
The decision strengthened the Mon- f
archists' belief that Archduke Otto, L
youthful pretender to the Austrian r
throne, will be crowned in Vienna g
soon. t
Consent of the diet to restore the
expropriated castles, land and bus- f
iness properties to the House of Haps- r
burg was regarded as certain, for the t
Diet almost invariably rubber stamps f
actions of the cabinet.
Royal properties confiscated in 1919 1
included over a dozen castles, mu- l
seums, theaters, business properties, t
foArests, farms and even Vienna's r
closest approach to Coney Island, c
the "Prater." While the cabinet voted t
to repeal most of the confiscation h
law, it specified that museums and h
theaters should remain the property h
of the state.
Complete Text
Of Goodrich's
Murder Story e
Slayer Hitch-Hikes Withr
Wife Through Canadaa
Before Being Caught
NEW YORK, July 3. - UP) -Thet
confession of Merton Goodrich, asX
made today to New York police, fol-t
"I guess you know all about me by4
this time. I might just as well tell
the whole story. That day when all
this happened, it was between 3 and
5 p.m. on Sept. 20, I was walking
between Cass and Woodward Aves.r
when I saw a little girl passing the
library there. .
"Will you come to my room and
help me take some books to the li-
brary," I said. She said she would
We went to my room and I took hert
to the bedroom. Then I told this
little girl what I meant to do. SheI
screamed and tried to run away. She
ran into another room and slipped
on a rug. She hit her head and be-
came unconscious. I feared the worst+
because I had committed a similar
crime some years ago.
Gagged Her With Towel
"Then I took a towel and gagged
her and I choked her and put her in'
the bathtub and let her stay there
awhile. Then I put her in the trunk.
I hate to think of that. I went out
looking for my wife. I didn't want
to stay around the apartment alope
with that little girl there in the trunk.
"It didn't take me long to find rhy
wife. She sold pies and cakes in a
nearby restaurant. When I saw her
I said, "Florence, dear, two men are
following me. I'm afraid of the old
case in Lima, O. Do yoi remember?
I think they want to take me back
to finish that rap. Let's get out of
here. Let's leave our furniture and
everything and beat it."
"She laid it was all right with her
as long as I wanted to leave. We
went to Canada. Stayed there awhile
and then we went to Boston. Last
November we came to New York and
we've been living here ever since.
"I Was Scared"
"I was just scared when all this
happened. When I asked the little
girl to come to my apartment I meant
to attack her, but I didn't mean to
kill her. Before she slipped on the
srug she fell down a couple of stairs
and I became frightened for the first
time when I saw the gush of blood
. from her head.
"It was then that in fright I grabbed
h. nrnd threw her in the tub. T tied
Mrs. Goodrich
Aided Escape
I Love Him'
Says She
DETROIT, July 3 - (P) - The
ong-sought Merton Ward Goodrich,
rrested in New York Wednesday af-
ernoon, sleepily and wearily con-
essed that he killed eleven-year-old
Lillian Gallaher in his Detroit apart-
ment last September 20, bound and
agged her body and stuffed it in a
Goodrich was so drowsy and indif-
erent to the horrible story he was
elating, detectives said, that at times
hey had to nudge him back to wake-
Meanwhile, in an adjoining room,
Mrs. Florence Harding Goodrich, the
oyal, limping farm girl wife whose
ears and pleas had obtained Good-
ich's freedom on three previous oc-
asions, was admitting complicity in
he crime and saying that she had
helped her husband keep out of the
hands of the law, "Because I love
Arrested Yesterday
Goodrich had been arrested the day
before in Central Park, near the
Hecksher Foundation wading pool,
where he was watching children play
n the water. Patrolman Thomas J.
Harris had watched his twitching
face, decided the man was a degen-
erate and arrested him on a charge
of disorderly conduct.
Harris said that Goodrich had ap-
peared to be on the verge of making
advances to one of the children.
It was not until police checked his
fingerprints Wednesday morning
that they connected the prisoner who
gave his name as Henry Johnson with
the former trapdrummer whom Ohio
parole officials had released three
times from the State Hospital for the
Criminal insane at Lima, O., and
who finally added murder to his list
of crimes against girls.
Goodrich's Mother Dead
In Detroit, Mrs. Emma Gallaher,
mother of Goodrich's final victim col-
lapsed upon hearing the news that
brought relief from the six months'
strain of waiting for his arrest. Good-
rich's mother, Mrs. Ethel Goodrich,
died in Cleveland last week because
of worry over the fate of her son.
Police Commissioner Heinrich A.
Pickert dispatched Detectives George
Branton and Harry Sher to New
York by plane immediately on hear-
ing news of the identification. Prose-
cuting Attorney Duncan C. McCrea
followed Wednesday night. I
Goodrich waived extradition, and
agreed to return at once to Detroit
for the arraignment and sentence.
McCrea hoped to be able to obtain
Goodrich's release from New York
authorities Thursday, even though it
is a legal holiday, and to start back
with his prisoner Thursday night.
Federal Indictment hanging
McCrea.hoped that it would not be
necessary to return Goodrich under
the Federal indictment handed down
here, although this could be done if
delays developed under State proced-
ure. Assistant Federal District At-
torney William G. Comb announced
that he was ready to invoke Federal
authority if McCrea asked him to do
Once his identity had been estab-
lished by fingerprints, Goodrich un-
hesitatingly admitted that he had
killed the eleven-year-old child en-
countered at dusk last Sept. 20 sell-
ing charity -punch board tickets on a
street corner.
Admits Guilt Readily
Detective Raymond Hensaw walked
into the Police Headquarters room
where Goodrich was sitting.
"Hello, Merton," Henshaw said.
"My name is not Merton," Good-
rich replied.
"Oh, yes, it is," the detective said.
"We've compared your fingerprints
and we know you are Merton Good-
Goodrich Tells Of