Stars W ho Will Face American Leaguers in July 8 Game
neer Cause
ore Profound
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213
A.H. until 3:30: 11:30 a.m. Saturday.
% Bugaboos Of Disease
Are Thrown Away For
Factual Theories
Ths is the fifth of the series of short
0~lces sonored by the Michigan
8tate Medical Society, in which the es-
sential facts about cancer are made
In the preceding article in this
series it was stated that cancer is not
a germ disease. Neither is it caused
by any peculiarity of the diet. Such
claims as that cancer is caused by
the excessive use of meat, or by eat-
ing tomatoes, or by eating food cook-
id in aluminum utensils, have all been
8hown bye rigid investigation to be
without foundation. Now that the re-
search worker in the laboratory can
produce cancer at will in small ani-
mals such as mice, it is possible to
test such claims.
That "the cause of cancer is not
Known" is a statement which is fre-
quently heard. It is true only in the
same sense that it is true that we do
not know the cause of the liver. The
two questions are equally reasonable.
Both are problems of growth; norm-
al development in the case of the liv-
er, abnormal or "wild" growth in the
case of a cancer. As a matter of fact
much is known about the cause of
It is known that when the growth
processes of the body have produced
an organ or part which is not quite
normal, cancer is more apt to arise
than when conditions are entirely
noral. Some of these development-
sjdisturbaances, as they are called, are
readily discoverable by the doctor
and may be corrected by surgical
measures. In certain instances this
has a practical value in preventing
While cancer is not directly in-
herited, it is known that this disease
occursire frequently in some fam-
ilies than in others. It must be con-
cluded that the predispositionto
cancer may be inherited. Rather
than bringing dismay, knowledge of
this fact protects the members of such
a family by naking them m
watchful for the early signs of can-.
cer so that it may be treated prompt-
ly enough for cure should it appear.
Many members of families showing
the predisposition escape cancer en-
In a general way, most cancers are
caused by chronic irritation. This
fact is of such great practical im.-
portance in cancer prevention that
the next article of this series will be
devoted entirely to it.
Dorothy Round
Is Defeated In
Both Helen Jacobs And
Helen Wills Remain In
Wimbledon Title Play
WIMBLEDON, England, July 2 -
(P) - Her hopes of winning her sec-
ond straight Wimbledon tennis cham-
pionship - a feat that has been ac-
complished by only one British play-
er in the last 21 years - crashed
around the ears of Dorothy Round
today as she fell an unexpected vic-
tim of little Joan Hartigan, of Aus-
tralia, in a quarter-final mtch.
A large crowd around the center
court looked on in amazement as
Miss Round, who was seeded No. 1
and had been established a strong
favorite to retain the crown, per-
mitted Miss Hartigan with practical-
ly no backhand at all to win 4-6, 6-4,
6-3. Miss Round was not .on top of
her game, but the best day she ever
saw she would have had difficulty
handling Miss Hartigan's forehand.
The Australian player was accom-
panied into the semi-final round,
which will be played Thursday, by
Helen Wills Moody and Helen Hull
Jacobs, of Berkeley, Calif., and Frau
Hilda Krahwinkel Sperling, of Ger-
The victory of Miss Hartigan, who
previously had shown no champion-
ship potentialities, virtually present-
ed Mrs. Moody a ticket into the final.
They meet Thursday. The powerful
forehand and backhand drives of'
the six times former winner of the'
Wimbledon title are figured to probe
and dismember Miss Hartigan's al-
most useless backhand.
Mrs. Moody in her palmiest days
never displayed more devastating,
ground strokes than in crushing
Mme. Rene Mathieu, of France, the
mother of three children, 6-3, 6-0.
-associated Press Photo.
Here are National League luminaries who are expected to go to bat w ith a picked team from the Amcrican League for thesA l-Sar game at
CleeladlJulY $.In ceterls the.. Cleveland stadium where the game w ill be played, with the Cleveland skyline in the background.
iberals Start Giant Web Of Aerial Transport Lines
Campaign For Would Link All American Possessions
Free Thought-------
VOL. XVI No. 9
Graduate School: Graduate stu-
dents who have not filed election
cards and the recorder's checks in the
office of the Graduate School should
do so at once.
Changes of elections should be re-
ported in the office. This involves the
dropping and adding of courses, the
substitution of one course for another,
as well as the change of instructors.
Changes of address should also be re-
ported in the Graduate School office,
1014 Angell Hall.
C. S. Yoakum, Dean.
Change of Elections, College of L.S.
and A., School of Education, and
School of Music:
The attention of students in these
units-is called to the fact that no
courses may be added after this
week. The last permissible date for
entering a course for credit is Sat-
urday, July 6..
Entries are now being taken in the
Intramural offices for the Intramural
tennis, golf, swimming, badminton,
squash and handball tournaments.
Randolph Webster
Restrictions governing the Summer
Session use of student automobiles
will be lifted from 5 p.m., July 3, 1935
to 8 a.m., July 5, 1935.
W. B. Rea,
Assistant to the Dean.
The Intramural Sports Building will
be closed all day Thursday, July 4th.
E. D. Mitchell, Director.
Intramural Golf tournament and
swimming meet begin July 8. All men
students who wish to enter these ac-
tivities should sign up immediately at
the Intramural Sports Building.
R. A. Webster.
Excursion No. 3: The Cranbrook
Schools: Leaving from in frontof
Angell Hall, Saturday, July 7, 8:00 a.
m. and returning at 5:00 p. m. In-
spection of the five schools of the
Cranbrook Foundation, Bloomfield
Hills, Christ Church, and the caril-
lon. Round trip by special bus.
Reservations in Summer Session Of-
fice, Angell Hall. Round trip bus
fare, $1.25.
Summer Session French Club:
There will be held a meeting of the
Club tonight at 8:00, in the "Second
Flgjqr Terrace Room," Michigan Un-
Mrs. Charles B. Vibbert will talk on
"La Rochelle, son histoire, sa situa-
tion actuelle."
Membership is still open to stu-
dents, faculty members and faculty
women who can speak French rea-
sonably well. Those interested please
see Mr. Charles E. Koella, room 200,
Romance Language Building, today
from 9-10 and 2-3.
Educational Conference: Dr. Jack-
son R. Sherman, Associate Profes-
sor of Physical Education, will speak
this afternoon at 4:10 in Room 1022,
University High School, on "The Ed-
ucational Significance of the Camp-
ing Movement."
Pi Lambda Theta Society will hold
a supper meeting at 5:30 p. m. today,
at Amberay Apartments B3, 619 East
University Avenue. Call 3412 for res-
ervations. Officers for the summer
are Marguerite Hall, president; Eloise
Any University departments
wishing to hold Sunday night
suppers at the Michigan League
may still do so by making reser-
vations with Miss Ethel McCor-
mick, social director of Summer
School activities.
Vorhies, vice-president; Ruth Good-
all, secretary-treasurer; Grace Miller,
corresponding secretary.
Graduate Students in Music: A
special convocation for graduate stu-
dents with. majors in music for the
MA and MM degrees will be held in
the Auditorium of the School of Mu-
sic this afternoon at 2 o'clock. This
engagement takes precedence over
other classes.
The Chocolate Soldier: Final try-
outs for the chorus this afternoon at
five o'clock in th Mendelssohn theat-
er. All those who wish to be in the
chorus must be present at this re-
hearsal. All students on the campus
are eligible to try out.
V. B. Windt.
Social JDirectors, Househeads, Sor-
ority Chaperons, tUndergraduate
Women: The closing hour tonight
will be 1:30 a. m.
Alice C. Lloyd.
Men's Glee Club: The Men's Glee
Club will not meet on Thursday, July
David Mattern.
History 95s, and 156s will meet
Monday, July 8, instead of Friday,
July 3.
P. W. Slosson.
Academic Freedom Issue
At Meeting Of National
Education Association
DENVER, July 2. - (A) - A cam-
paign for swift convention action in
behalf of academic freedom was
spurred today as a segment of the Na-
tional Education association as Dr.
William H. Kirkpatrick 'struck at
"meddlesome busybodies who profess
The Columbia university professor
summoned supporters for a liberal
concept of academic freedom when
he spoke at a general assembly.
His appeal to the nation's school
teachers to "organize to protect them-
selves" came shortly' after the first
battle lines were drawn by himself
and 29 other educators who addressed
a questionnaire to leading candidates
for the association's presidency.
The candidates were asked what
their stand would be toward an or-
ganiced teacher-group to battle for
academic freedom.
Battle Lines Forming
Opposition, except as it was outlined
by the campaigners themselves, was
slow in crystallizing. No spokesman
appeared to challenge thesdemands,
but persons familiar; with convention
procedure pointed to the resolutions,
committee where they foresaw a lib-
eral-conservative clash in executive
Kirkpatrick declared "school people
should organize to protect themselves
in their just rights, especially to pro-
tect against meddlesome busybodies
who profess patriotism but really
mean obscurantism and unjust priv-
He assailed those who declare "the
school must be suspicious of social in-
novation, must indeed throw its
weight against change. Most of them
are simply unthoughtful conserva-
tives, opposing any change as such,
especially such changes as call for
reconstruction of thinking. These are
easily aroused by demagogic appeals
to aggressive reaction.
Says Many Are Reactionaries
"Many others, however, are con-
sciously anxious to maintain their
existing special privilege. However,
the most militant and vocal of all in
this group of reactionaries are those
who profess to speak in behalf of
patriotism. With their lips these
praise the name and deeds of our
revolutionary fathers, but in their
hearts despise and reject their spirit
of daring to think new thoughts and
enact revolutionary changes."
Formal responses to the question-
naire were expected from the three
candidates for the .president, Agnes
Samuelson, state superintendent of
education of Iowa; Annie C. Wood-
ward, Somerville, Mass., teacher; and
Caroline S. Woodruff, principal of the
Castleton, Vt., Normal school.
Softball Standings
HONOLULU, July 2-(A) - Aerial
transport lines crisscrossing the Pa-
cific ocean like a giant web and link-
ing every American possession, is the
future picture of the area drawn by
W. T. Miller, superintendent of air-
ways, and Rex Martin, aerial navi-
gation chief, of the commerce depart-
Visiting Honolulu, which aviation
generally agrees is destined to become
the hub of Pacific air traffic, they
explained that to connect American
territory by air would mean, besides
Pan American's projected San Fran-
cisco-Canton route, a line from Alas-
ka to Midway or Honolulu, and from
the latter point to American Samoa.
From these east-west and north-
south trunks, spurs would reach out
to the Antipodes and from the Anti-
podes to the Philippines.
A route to American Samoa would
entail possible use of several of four
islands: Palmyra, Howland, Baker
and Jarvis, Miller said.
A recent survey by Miller showed
Palmnyra to be an excellent "emer-
gency" base for seaplanes, with a
reef-enclosed lagoon, while the other
islands afford good conditions for
land planes. At the, same time it was
ascertained that seaplanes could
anchor in the lee of all four islands.
Palmyra is an American possession
with many possibilities for the de-
velopment of a route to. the Anti-
podes, they said.
Such a network would give Ameri-
can interests almost complete dom-
ination of Pacific air traffic, rivalled
only partially by Australian interests
in the Antipodes; Dutch and British
lines in the Malay peninsula and the
projected Japanese development of a
line from Tokyo to the mandated
islands around Guam.
"The development of branch lines
should be done in the near future,
regardless of the business demand,"
Mr. Miller said.''Business will follow."
Sovereignty of the other three has
not been determined between the
United States and Great Britain, both
of which at various times have claim-
ed ownership.
Chaotic Mexico Bewildered At
Resignation Of General Calles
At Swain's island and at Tutuila,
both in American Samoa, there is
good anchorage for seaplanes, while
at Tutuila a land plane base also
could be developed, the survey
A further development of this route
to the Antipodes would cut across
British territory, requiring British co-
operation. Miller and Martin predict-
ed Australians would welcome the
speedier mail, freight and passenger
From the Philippines they are -fi-
nanced jointly by the government.
and private companies.
Weather conditions in the Arctic
regions are discouraging to aviation,
they agreed, but they are not of such
severity to make impractical a line
from Alaska to Midway island, which
is a shorter flight than from San
Francisco to Honolulu. At present an;
air route across the string of Aleutian
islands is impractical, they said.
"But within 10 years," Miller ad-
ded, "weather will be no deterrent to
flying. Our development of 'blind
flying' has convinced airmen that
before long planes will be able to
travel under any conditions."
2 p. in., Majestic Theater, "Vaga-
bond Lady" with Robert Young and
Evelyn Venable, and "Mary Jane's
Pa" with Alice MacMahon and Guy
2 p. m., Michigan Theater, "No
More Ladies," with Robert Montgom-
ery and Joan Crawford.
2 p. m. Wuerth Theater, "Romance
in Manhattan," with' Ginger Rogers,
and "Life Begins at 40" with Will
7 p. m. Same features at the three
8:30 p. in., Lydia. Mendelssohn
Theater, "The Perfect Alibi."
Dancing at the Blue Lantern Ball-
room, Island Lake, featuring Claire
Wilson and his orchestra.
VANCOUVER, Wash. - (P)-Poul-
try farmers have been advised by
county farm agents (here is consid
erable evidence English sparrows help
spread poultry diseases and a cam-
paign of extermination has been rec-
g .
for Hot Days
These new Belle-Sharmeer Knee-
Length Stockings make it easy to
ignore heat waves. Somehow the ab-
sence of stocking, above the knee,
keeps you cool as a cucumber. Then
too, the Knee-Length garter... it's
a handsome Lastex Lace affair ... is
specially comfortable. Never inter-
feres with the circulation and stays
up without coaxing. Perfect sum-
mer colors. No rings. Very thrifty
prices. Exclusive here.
and up, the pali
Belfe- harm eer
with the Lastex Lace Garter
MEXICO, D. F., July 2. - (P)--
Puzzled by the swiftly changing po-
litical film, Mexicans are trying to
make up their minds as to the real
significance of the withdrawal of Gen-
eral Plutarco Elias Calles to his ranch
in Sonora.
They are asking whether his retire-
ment is definite this time or whether
he again will assume his leading,
though extra-official, role as "iron
man" of the nation.
Calles withdrew ostensibly because
he had lost a political duel with Pres-
ident Lazaro Cardenas who received
the support of nearly all the impor-
tant labor unions and political lead-
ers in resisting Calles' attack upon
administration economic policies.
"Moderate" Cabinet
It had been anticipated that Car-
denas would continue to support labor
and would follow the program which
Calles called "a marathon of rad-
icalism" that was carrying Mexico
But the new cabinet named by the
president as a result of the flare-up
is composed of men described as
"moderates" in contrast to the old
group of secretaries, among whom
were several outspoken radicals.
Whether, as has been suggested,
"Calles and Cardtenas ,reached an
agreement whereby the president was
to modify his policies,orwhether
Calles really has been shorn of his
old power promises to remain a moot
question until congress meets again
in November.
'Chief of the Revolution'
An indication that the former might
be true was tseen in the settlement,
two days after Calles left the cap-
ital, of the last important strike sur-
viving in the country, the walk-out
of employees of the Mexican Tele-
graph and Telephone company, a sub-
sidiary of the I. T. & T. Calles made
a special point about strikes harming
business in the statement which pre-
. --
Wha t Better Way To Spend The FOURT H than
a PICN IC on the Shores of the Huron River?
Genuine Old Town Canoes
iron r is.,
Let Us Have
CHICAGO, July 2. -VP) -Divorces
in Cook County (Chicago) during the
past 12 months increased 86 per cent
over a year ago, figures made public
today showed.
From June 1933, to June. 1934. only
We do your photo finishing promptly because
we know that you're anxious to see the results.
We handle your film carefully, too, because we
Braves ...............1
1 .0001