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July 02, 1935 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1935-07-02

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ment and to put them right. But, naturally, their
activities in this direction are limited to the
classroom, and the schools have recognized the
limitation by engaging visiting teachers to aid
them. As the name implies, these are people
who go to the child in his home and look where
the classroom teacher cannot-in the family life.
Visiting teachers are an invaluable aid in the
treatment of problem children, but they are far
too few in proportion to the number of children
needing attention. Thus, there were in 1930, 257
visiting teachers in 102 communities in 34 states
- a pitifully small number when it is considered
that in New York City alone, in 1932, 29 per cent
of all the children in school were reported as
retarded in greater or less degree.
The more progressive and wealthy schools have
reinforced the classroom and visiting teachers
with attendance departments which attempt to
seek out the problem child and to treat him also.
A few"schools have gone farther and added voca-
tional guidance bureaus for determining the child's.
capabilities. And - most promising of all, some
have created psychological and clinical depart-
ments to put the treatment on a scientific basis.
It is to be regretted that the merit of this move-
ment has not been matched by its scope. We
have here a magnificent opportunity to deal with
a very serious situation when it is literally being
conceived. And the tragedy which is being com-
pounded by continued failure to grasp that oppor-
tunity is rendered the more tragic by the fact
that the measures necessary are comparatively
simple - and surely a mere drop in the bucket com-
pared to the "pound of cure."

Most of the thousands of us who more or less
frequently avail ourselves of the convenience and
low cost of the foods in these places appreciate, I
am sure,.the service they render. But apparently
it involves the exploitation of other young people,
students like ourselves, in many cases. The wages
of most working people at present are not very
high, it is true, but at sixteen cents an hour how
could anybody earn enough to compensate for the
long hours of constant tramping back and forth
on the floors of these eating places? If he kept
going for fifteen hours a day, he would earn $2.40,
or less than the price of an average text-book.
The realization of the exploitation involved in
this restaurant service has led me and several
of my friends to boycott the places, in favor of
drug stores and other restaurateurs. It goes against
the grain for one to eat where and when he can-
not forget how miserably small must be the pay
checks of the young men and young women who
serve him. The experience is akin to the uneasy
feeling that comes from reading a Hearst news-
paper in a public place, when perhaps one might
be recognized by an intelligent friend.
We must eat, of course, but is there any good rea-
son why the people who serve us should not re-
ceive a decent wage?
-Elmer Akers, Grad.
Youth Congress
To the Editor:
The forthcoming Second American Youth Con-
gress is an event of primary importance to all the
students of the University. I will not attempt to
describe the history of the Congress; this can be
better read in the booklet "The Truth About the
American Youth Congress," available in the book-
I wish to announce, however, that the fee for
observers, previously given as $2.50, has been cut
to 50c which will permit adults to attend the Con-
gress, with all the privileges of such attendance
(quarters, amusements, and education), though
they cannot, of course, participate either in the
discussion or voting.
Those of the youth belonging to student organi-
zations meeting during the year but not meeting
during the Summer Session are urged to attend the
Congress as fraternal delegates, with privileges of
joining in the discussion but not in the voting.
Credentials may be obtained from the backs of the
booklets describing the Congress. Regisration will
take place at the Fort Wayne Hotel, Cass and
Temple, July 4 and 5. The first session, and all
of them in fact, will be at Cass Technical High
School. A dance will be held at the Fort Wayne.
Hotel, Saturday evening, at 35 cents per person
admission charge.
The feature is the huge meeting at Clark Park,
Clark and' Vernor, on the 4th, at 8 p.m., which
will have fireworks, music, and other suitable
celebrations of Independence Day, climaxed by
the reading of the Declaration of the Rights of
American Youth. All are invited to attend this
historic event.
-Leo S. Luskin.

Publication in the Bulletin is constriutive notice to all meabers of the
UniverstyjxCop received at the office of the Summer Session, oom 1213
A.H. until 3:30 11:30 a.m. Saturday.
TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1935 alty after Saturday, July 20. Any
VOL. XVL No. 8 change of elections of students en-
rolled in this school must be reported
Faculty Conc(rt: Mabel Ross Rhead, at the Registrar's office, oom 4, ti-
pianist; Joseph Brinkman, pianist; versity Hall.
Wassily Besekirsky, violinist; Palmer Membership in class does not cease
Christian, organist; Arthur Hackett, nor begin until all changes have been
tenor; and Hanns Pick, violoncellist, thus officially registered. Arrange-
will give the followng compositions ments made with instructors are not
by Johannes Brahms, at the first Fac- officiacags
ulty concert this evening, at 6:30 in 1 changes.Secretary
Hill Auditorium, to which the generalSc.o.odsct ry
public, with the exception of small Shool of Education.
children is invited. Pi Lambda Theta Society will have
a meeting at 6:00 p.m. July 3. Plans
All student drivers who are not elig- will be announced later.
ible for an exemption under the Sum-
mer Session interpretation of the au- Entries are now being taken in the
tomobile regulation are requested to Intramural offices for the Intramural
file applications for driving permits tennis, golf, swimming, badminton,
without further delay, squash and handball tournaments.
Those exempted students who fail Rnop ese
to register the license numbers of their Randolph Webster
cars are urged to report promptly to Educationl Conference: "Adult Ed-
Room 2, University Hall. ucation in Michigan" will be the sub-
W Asean h .ject of the lecture by Dr. Charles
Assistant to the Dean, A. Fisher, assistant director of the
Summer Session Mixed Chorus: extension division, this afternoon at
will meet tonight at 7 p.m. at Morris 4:10 in Room .1022, University High
David Mattern
Graduate School: Graduate stu-
dents who have not filed election Iaied
cards and the recorder's checks in the
office of the Graduate School should
do so at once. LAUNDRY
Changes of elections should be re-
ported in the office. This involves the PERSONAL laundry service. We take
dropping and adding of courses, the individual interest in the laundry
substitution of one course for another, problems of our customers. Girls
as well as the change of instructors. silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar-
Changes of address should also be re- anteed. Men's shirts our specialty
ported in the Graduate School office, Call for and deliver. Phone 5594
1014 Angell Hall. 611 E. Hoover. 3x
C. S. Yoakum, Dean.
STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea-
Change. of Elections, College of L.S. sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006
and A., School of 'Education, and 4x
School of Music:
The attention of students in these LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned
units is called to the fact that no Careful work at low price. lx
courses may be added, after this
week. The last permissible date for STUDENT and family laundry. Goo
entering a course for credit is Sat- rain water. Will call for and de-
urday, July 6. liver. Telephone 4863. 2x
Intramural Golf tournament and FOR RENT
swimming meet begin July 8. All men AUTO: For rent by day or week. Pri
students who wish to enter these ac- vate party. Ford '34 V-8. Call 866
tivities should sign up immediately at 1 and 9 p.m. 27
the Intramural Sports Building. _
R. A. Webster... LOST AND FOUND
Summer Session French Club: The WALLET: Michigan Theater or vi-
next meeting of the club will take cinity. Reward. 2-1417. 26
place tomorrow, July 3, at 8;00 p.m.
in the Second Floor Terrace Room, Improvement and extension of na-
Michigan Union. tional and state parks will enlist the
Mrs. Charles B Vibbert will talk services of approximately 120,00(
on "La Rochelle, son histoire son sit- young men of the Civilian Conserva-
uation actuelle" Iion Corps this year. In the last tw<
Membership is still open to stu- years 457,000 acres have been addec
dents, faculty members and faculty to the state park area of the nation
women who can speak French reason-
ably well. Those interested please see
Mr. Charles E. Koella, Room 200, Ro-
mance Language Building, today and Terrace garden
tomorrow morning from 9 to 10. Studio
Instructions i n a i i
Phi Delta Kappa Luncheon: Mem- forms. Olassical, social,
dancing. Ph. 965.
bers of Phi Delta Kappa society will Wuerth Theatre Bldg.
have lunch at the Michigan Union
at 12:10 today. _-_-
School of Education - Changes of
Elections: No course may be elected '
for credit after Saturday, July 6; no
course may be dropped without pen- THE BEST MUS I

Off The Record


FOR YEARS Oscar L. Chapman, assistant secre-
tary of the interior, has been handicapped by
his unusually youthful appearance.
He had a novel solution for the problem when
he served as judge of a juvenile court back in
Mothers would come to talk over problems and
then freeze when they saw the boyish judge.
Finally, Chapman borrowed three neighborhood
children, had his picture taken with them, and
placed the photograph in a conspicuous position
on his desk. It worked.
"Dina" is a cat that knows her cocktail
lounges. She belongs to young Azadia New-
man, capital artist.
"Dina," has a full wardrobe of hand-made
clothes, including lace-trimmed petticoats and
step-ins. She accompanies her mistress to
parties and even has a cocktail or two. Her
favorite is an "Alexander."
AFTER the grandeurs of diplomatic life in Spain,
Claude G. Bowers, ambassador to that coun-
try, came back to Washington and demanded a
typical American lunch.
It was sandwiches and beer consumed in a
friend's office with Bowers' feet perched on a desk,
and conversation playing around like heat light-
"Best meal I've had in ages," he said, brushing
off the crumbs.
Sir Ronald Lindsay, the British ambassador,
takes a daily walk with his umbrella slung over
his arm, rain or shine - Senator Robert M. La-
Follette, Jr., has a police dog "Tony" that in-
sists on playing ball with every guest-Vicomte
Henri de Sibour solves transportation problems
for his guests at theater parties by sending a
bus to call for them.
THE JOVIAL Dolly Gann, sister of former Vice-
President Curtis, has had a lesson in how fleet-
ing fame can be. Last year she published a book
of memoirs which had a wide sale.
At a recent party an acquaintance rushed up to
her and said: "Your life has been so interesting.{
I think you should write a book about it."
Mrs. Gann dryly thanked her for the suggestion.t
CIVIL SERVICE Commissioner Lucille F. Mc-
Millin was a little startled at the application
of one young lady.
She had written the name of her favorite beau
on the line marked "preference." Mrs. McMillen
explained the questioned referred to "veteran pref-
erence" for military service.
"Well I did think the commis ion was getting a
little personal," said the young applicant.
A DETERMINED MOTHER finally cornered Sn



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