.; ', THE MICHIGAN DAILY .'t ,..,., ._ f -+Associated Press Photo. Feminine golfers in the west are wearing shorts this season. An attractive example of the mode is the outfitwormhere by Eleanor Rowley, Pasadena debutante, as she played the course at Lake Arrowhead, Calif. Wagner Labor Bill Is Causing Strike Rumors Act Waiting For Signature Of President; Laborites Are Jubilant WASHINGTON, June 28. -(P) - The Wagner labor disputes bill, hailed by the American Federation of Labor as "Labor's Magna Carta" and de- nounced by some industrial leaders as a breeder of strife, moved toward the statute books today in an atmos- phere charged with strike talk. While this measure guaranteeing labor's right to bargain collectively lay on President Roosevelt's desk, awaiting his signature, a new crisis developed in contract negotiations between the United Mine Workers and soft coal operators of the Ap- palachian field. The miners are seeking a 30-hour week and a 10 per cent increase in pay. The operators want them to continue working 35 hours a week at present wage rates. A walkout sched- uled for June 27 was delayed at the President's request to give Congress time to pass the Guffey-Snyder coal stabilization bill. But the present extension of 1934-1935 contracts will expire Sunday at midnight and the Guffey-Snyder bill has not been passed. No Agreement Reached A committee representing both the United Mine Workers and the oper- ators was charged with reporting to the Appalachian joint wage confer- ence at 3 p.m. today. It had reached no agreement last night. Some ob- servers believed the President again would intervene. Although gloomy at the apparent failure of the miners to win higher wages and shorter hours by negotia- tion, union labor leaders in the cap- ital were jubilant at the completion of Congressional action yesterday on the long-disputed Wagner bill. They were confident the President would sign it quickly into law. The Wagner bill went onto the President's list of "must" legislation after officials of the American Feder- ation of Labor clashed with the ad- ministration over renewal of the auto- mobile code last winter. Labor Given Rights It is designed to guarantee labor's right to bargain collectively, give the labor organization chosen by the majority of the employees in a plant the right to speak for all the em- ployes, specify five "unfair labor prac- tices," and set up a new national labor relations board with power to carry its decision to court for en- forcement. The unfair labor practices speci- fied by the bill: 1. Employer-coercion of employes to keep them from bargaining collec- tively if they so desired. 2. Employer - interference with any labor organization's affairs.. 3. Employer-discrimination against any employe for union activity. 4. Employer-discrimination or dis- charge of any employe for filing charges or testifying under the labor disputes act. 5. Refusal of an employer to bar- gain collectively. operators could not compete. He said that manipulation of bookkeeping methods gave the large operators the benefit of 1,/2 cents a gallon margin denied to the independents. "This vicious stabilization of tank car prices," he said, "would have been most illegal even If the NRA had been upheld by the Supreme Court. They constituted collusive agreements, at no time concurred in by others en- gaged in the industry and which are not concurred in now" In addition to Michigan, the wit- ness asserted, the effects of the "stab- ilization" were felt in Kentucky, In- diana, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, Min- nesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri. SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1935 VOL. XVI No. 6 Episcopal Students: The first meet- ing for the summer will be held this Sunday evening at 7:30 at the home of Mrs. George Washington Patter- son, 2101 Hill Street. Cars will leave St. Andrew's church at seven-fifteen. All Episcopal students and their friends are cordially invited to attend this "Fellowship Hour." Methodist Episcopal Church: 10:45 a.m. -Morning worship service. Dr. C. W. Brashares has chosen as a sermon subject, "The Key to the Universe." Stalker Hall for University Students and Friends: 6:00 p.m.- Informal Devotional hour for University students and their friends. "A Workable Christian Faith" will be approached through a seminar and discussion hour. Re- freshments and fellowship will follow the program. Faculty Concert: Mabel R o s s Rhead, pianist; Joseph Brinkman, pianist; Wassily Besekirsky, violinist; Palmer Christian, organist; Arthur Hackett, tenor; and Hanns Pick, violoncellist, will give the following compositions by Johannes Brahms, at the first Faculty Concert, Tuesday evening, July 2, at 8:30 in Hill Audi- torium,to which the general public, with the exception of small children is invited. Faculty: School of Education: A special meeting of the summer school faculty of the School of Education will be held at the Michigan Union at 12 o'clock on Monday, July 1. All members of the staff, including vis- iting members, are invited to be present. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information: Reg- istration for all Summer Session stu- dents who wish to enroll for place- ment through the Bureau will be held next week, Monday to Friday inclu- sive: hours 10-12, and 2-4. This reg-' istration applies to both the teaching and the general placement divisions, and is the only enrollment period for this summer. Foreign Students enrolled in the Summer Session, especially those en- rolling in the University for the first time, are requested to assemble in the University Council Room, 1009 Angell Hall, Saturday morning, June Menge Will Head Actuarial Society Prof. Walter O. Menge of the mathematics department was elected president of the Michigan Actuarial Society at one of the Society's recent meetings. Other officers elected were: Robert Morris, assistant actuary of ihe Mac- cabees, vice-president; Lauren W. Schleh, actuary of the Detroit Life Insurance Company, treasurer; and Gerald Gabriel, actuarial adviser to the Detroit Pension Commission, sec- retary. The society is an association of ac- tuaries and ,life insurance executives who are interested in the actuarial phase of life insurance. HUGE BREAKWATER PLANNED LOS ANGELES, June 28.-(P) - Construction of 2,000 feet of break- water will be undertaken within a few months to convert 10 square miles of ocean into Los Angeles' outer harbor. The new breakwater, one of the most massive ever built, will be 64 feet in height and 188 feet wide at its base. 29, at 10 o'clock. This will be.the only opportunity I shall have to meet the foreign students until my return in September. J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor to Foreign Students Summer Session Band: Hours have been changed to MTWTh at 4 p.m. David Mattern. Summer Session Mixed Chorus: Please report to Library steps Sunday at 7:15 p.m. to assist in the first Sunday campus sing. David Mattern. History 102s and 105s will meet on Monday, July 1 and will not meet on Friday, July 5. A.E.R. Boak. A Campus Vesper Service will be held on the Library steps at 7:30 Sun- day evening with Reverend Allison Ray Heaps, pastor of the Congrega- tional church as preacher. Singing will be led by Professor David Mat- tern of the School of Music, with a chorus of 50 voices. First Baptist Church: Sunday at 10:45 a.m. Prof. Leroy Waterman, head of the Department of Oriental Languages and Literature, will preach. Subject, "Reckless Driving." 10:00 a.m. Summer Session students are invited to the student house, 503 East Huron, for a .forty minute dis- cussion led by Rev. Howard Chap- man, student minister. Subject, "A Rediscovered Book." 6:00 p.m. Student friendly gather- ing at Guild House, 503 East Huron. Miss Marian E. Shivers, assistant dean of women, and instructor in Chem- istry in Judson College, Rangoon, Burma, will speak on "Creative Forces in Education in Judson College." Miss Shivers is enrolled as a graduate stu- dent in the Summer Session. 7:30 p.m. Campus vesper service on University Library steps. Rev. Alli- son R. Heaps will speak. Congregational Church: Service of worship at 10:30. The sermon will be given by the minister, Rev. Allison Ray Heaps. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213 A.H. until 3:30: 11:30 a.m. Saturday. U. S. Emissary Denies Poland Is Pro-German Declares Her International Policy To Be Entirely Nationalistic MILWAUKEE, June 28.-(P)-Po- land's international policy was de- scribed today by John Cudahy, United States ambassador to Poland, as en tirely pro-Poland, its destiny in no way connected with that of Germany or Russia. The ambassador, in an interview termed reports that Poland, since signing a declaration of non-aggres sion with Germany had cast her lo with that nation, "absolutely un true." "Poland's international policy i not pro-French, not pro-German, no pro-Russian, but entirely pro-Poland, he said. "Her object is to maintain strict neutrality and friendly rela tions with the two great neighborini powers, Germany and Russia. Th non-aggression declaration signed with Germany in January had th same objective as a similar pac signed with Russia." "Many observers in France con sidered that any Polish treaty wit] Germany weakened the alliance wit] France that has existed for 17 years This is not true. The German-Polish and Russian-Polish pacts were merel: to cement relations. They were dec larations of non-aggression. Discussing the war debt questior the ambassador said, "Many in th United States can not be reconciled to the huge expenditures for arms ir view of the default of war debt's. Ir. Poland's case, a large military force is necessary to life. Poland has nc natural frontiers. She is a buffe state between Germany and Russia powers which may have conflicting interests. Both are historic enemie of Poland." Watch Repairingl HALLER'S Jewelry State and Liberty -- '. I 1' I. PUT-YOUR - WHOLE MEAL IN DUTCH OVEN SUSAN AND,0 INTO ANY CONVENIENCE OUTLET' I vbouff c os # I Isle of Man residents are endeav- oring to revive the ancient Manx Ian- guage, which has fallen into disuse, except on such occasions as the an- nual Tynwald reading of new laws. i . I 1 Here is the easiest way in the world to cook the family dinner ... and have the afternoon for yourself, for shopping or the theater or cards. Simply put ,your whole meal in Dutch Oven Susan and plug into any conve- nience outlet before you leave. It will cook a complete meal for a family of six-two vegetables, a roast, potatoes , and gravy- -while you are out. When you come home your dinner is wait- ing, perfectly cooked-piping hot and ready for the table. Dutch Oven Susan will do every cooking operation possible on a small stove. It will roast all cuts of meat to perfection; it will fry eggs, steaks, chops, etc.; it will bake cakes, pies, cookies, biscuits and muffins; and it will hold half-a-dozen pint jars when can- ning by the cold pack, hot water bath method. Yet it uses only about as much electricity per hour as an electric toaster. And it is so compact that it can be tucked away in a corner almost anywhere. Dutch Oven Susan is available in several styles and sizes--one to fit your needs exactly. The medium size model will roast a 10-pound ham, a 6-pound chicken, or a large leg of lamb. The large size will easily accom- modate a 15 f-pound turkey. And thereis "Small Sister" Susan, an electric casserole, with a two- quart capacity. See this modern appliance oil display at all Detroit Edison oflices, Depart- ment Stores and Electrical Dealers. I Ii -- - ----.i Canoes and EauiDment t~CtCI N I 3N & mu . V1 _ j III A. I