THE MICHIGAN DAILY GAN DAILY f the Summer Session -I 7 1 1 -O abli !led every morning except Monday during the versity year and Summer Session by the Board in .trol of Student Publications. ember of the Western Conference Editorial Association the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER' Associated, legiatt fee -i 934 ]|} gg 19Ss=e MAMSOW VASONSIN MIEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 'he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this paper and the local news dished herein. All rights of republication of special atches are reserved. ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as nd class matter. Special rate of postage granted by rd Assistant Postmaster-General. ubscription durig summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, 0. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00;, by mail, .dent Publications Building, Maynard Street, dirhigan. Phone: 2-1214. ;ives: National Advertising Service, Inc. 11 reet, New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave., 42nd St go, Ill. . EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925' QING EDITOR ........... JOHN C. HEALEY TANT MANAGING EDITOR ..ROBERT S. RUWITCH CIATE EDITORS: Thomas E. Grochn, Thomas H. ene, William Reed, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. TANT EDITORS: Robert Cummins, Joseph Mattes, Le Pierce, Charlotte Rueger. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 E& MANAGER.................RUSSELL READ TANT BUS. MGR. ..........BERNARD ROSENTHAL ation Manager ....................Clinton B. Conger 'ESS ASSISTANTS: Charles L. Brush, Frederick E. 0a not mean non-participation in other world affairs, and the person who looks to tradition to confirm his dogmatic belief in America's isolation, finds many instances illustrating the fact that we have participated in international life to a very marked degree: we fostered the Pan-American Union, we are members of numerous technical organizations associated with the League of Nations at Geneva, we signed several treaties that grew out of the Washington and London naval conferences, and besides others, we instigated and signed the Kellogg Peace Pact. To attempt to insist then, that our national role is one of isolation is to completely ignore the facts. Isolation, if the term is to have any real sig- nificance other than political capital, must mean a desire, backed by adequate action, to never again participate in war. When laudable interna- tional work is to be done, such as fighting disease, alleviating economic ills and the like, we will do well to participate to the fullest etent. In a world of rapidly contracting distances, any attempt to cling to some worn out philosophy of complete iso- lation must be a stupid myth at best, and the sooner we realize this, the happier our international life will be. Expostulating a policy of so-called isolation on our part and yet frequently injecting ourselves into the international scene only irks the other nations. They call us diplomatic hypocrites - and rightly so, in many respects. Therefore, let us forget this isolation myth and enter into a sincere attempt to bring about world- wide understanding. We may still remain "iso- lated" in regard to war - and that, after all, is the only legitimate excuse for any sort of isolation. The SOAP BOX Letters publishedin thiscolumn should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense all letters of over °300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Fortunate Postponement To the Editor: The statement issued from the White House yesterday which was responsible for the decision of Congressional leaders to delay the consideration of Roosevelt's new tax plan was indeed fortunate. Since the inauguration of President Roosevelt in 1933 we. have seen a score of "must" bills pre- sented to Congress and many of them have been passed. Some were fine and idealistic in purpose, but their practical application often resulted in disaster. The main reason for their failure was because of their hasty passage. They were railroaded through Congress with little consideration - and the flaws which carelessness caused became apparent soon after their application. During the first part of this week, it appeared that the new tax plan was to suffer the same fate as those other hastily-passed New Deal bills. Then the authoritative statement from the White House postponed the consideration. Now the Finance Committee of the House of Rep- resentatives will spend two weeks in listening to the opinions of interested persons, and one week in drafting the bill. Without doubt, the extended time for more de.- tailed consideration upon the proposed plan will make the ultimate bill, if passed, infinitely more agreeable to everyone. -JJ-L. evade the census takers or, if found,lie about their citizenship status through fear of deportation. The legally admitted alien who fails after a rea- sonable period of residence here to swear allegiance to our government is entitled to no greater priv- ileges than the government of his homeland grants aliens from the United States. Such privileges are few. Great Britain has more liberal laws than most European countries, yet the alien may stay in .Great Britain only on a permit which must be renewed every six months, and he may not work if his working would displace a British subject from a job. As for the alien who has entered this country illegally, he surely has no rights of residence. Yet Madam Secretary Perkins supports a measure to legalize the residence bf those aliens who entered the country in violation of the law before 1920 and have managed since to evade detection. Such alien lawbreakers would be logical recruits for a seditious army. The greatest bar at present to proper dealing with the alien problem is the difficulty of isolating the alien from the general population. Registra- tion of aliens should be a Federal policy. Until it is made so, passage by the Illinois legislature of the alien registration bill, which has the support of leaders of the American Legion and the Illinois Bar association, will help solve the problem so far as this state is concerned. -Chicago Daily Tribune. There Ought To B2 A Law URING THESE MONTHS when we all have the vacation urge and the itch to go someplace, there is one form of plague visited upon us stay- at-homes that is almost impossible to bear. That is the "wish you were here" cards from well mean- ing friends in the far corners of the country or even the world. The suppressed big game hunter or fisherman, held at home by the mere requirement of eking out his daily bread, invariably gets the well illustrated and scrawled card saying, "hunting fine or "they're thais long -? (the fish) and practically jumping in the boat. Or, the stay-at-home globe trotter and newsreel addict always get the usual photographs showing their "well meaning" friends draped gracefully over a window seat in the tower of Pisa. There is only one way to protect the stay-at- home and that way lies within the power of Post- master Jim Farley. We would advocate the barring of vacation cards from the United States mails. The chain-letter fad, even at its height, was never as damaging as this age-old custom. Yes, there ought to be a law. -The Daily Iowan. rn r ieriean ONE OF THE PECULIAR aspects of political thought" is its resistance to change while institutions are in a state of flux. That is, although institutions may succumb to political, social, or economic exigencies, the people of the state insist on deluding themselves into be- lieving that the status quo has been retained, only rationalizing the changes after they have been ac- complished. The recent history of the United States, in the era of the New Deal, concretely reflects that fact. That the philosophy of the New Deal has been to a considerable extent socialistic is a fact not to be denied. But even with such socialistic projects as the Tennessee Va'lley Authority in full operation, the great body of the American public which forms the nation's political thought refuses to look at it as such. Discounted as it may be by word of mouth, fundamentally individualism remains still the political shibboleth. So it is that when a proposal such as the tax pro- gram of President Roosevelt is advanced, a pro- gram indefintely and comprehensively socialistic in theory, it is rationalized to become a "share-the- burden-of-government" program, rather than a "share-the-wealth" plan. Following the laws of political thought, unless a definitely socialistic program does eventuate, changes in institutions will be rationalized to as- sume time-worn denominations. Radio Vs. Newspaper... THE RADIO and the newspaper have been arguing about their respective rights in property in news. The press can say that the radio is a government-licensed device and therefore may not be dependable at certain times, owing to political causes, and also that, owing to physical limitations, it cannot adequately and completely cover the news. On the other hand, radio news is more rapidly dispatched and can better keep the listener informed about things of the moment. To go back to the property rights, there is also the question of whether the press or the radio shall have the first "trade" value of the news. The whole question involves many points, and the case is open to controversy. In point of value to the public, however, the con- troversy boils down to the fact that no matter how it may be settled, the consideration still re- mains that both instruments have their own neces- sary fields. The radio news flashes are valuable to the public because they are very short and be- cause they are absolutely timely. The press is needed as a complementary unit to give additional facts and some attention to detail. In the last analysis, it would seem that each instrument might really profit by virtue of the existence of the other. The radio should serve to tell the listeners enough to stimulate interest in reading a further account in the paper and getting complete information, while good news stories should encourage the reader to be on the lookout for the latest developments to be heard over the rdio. Since both are trying to keep the public informed, cooperation rather than competition should yield the best results. A Washington BYSTANDER 'Obnoxious Dirt Sheet' To the Editor: I perceive that our dear friend the Count is back for the summer with that obnoxious dirt sheet of his, "What's Doing." Can't somebody do some- thing about him? All during the regular term the Count writes about alleged intimacies which he and his host of stooges uncover much to the annoyance of the very small group of undergraduates he writes about.. His stuff is cheap, vulgar, and he himself admits mostly wrieten on hearsay. The Count adopts the theory that the subjects of his writing can never sue him because after all "he only heard." We see by the character of his first issue this summer that he will be sore-pressed for gossip ma- terial. He will probably keep up that publicity drivel which he evidently must do to get adver- tising. Certainly he will not be able to arouse the interest of a majority enrollment of graduate students with his "keyhole kovers" of the exceed- ingly small group of socially inclined collegians. However, in the event that he does succeed in getting one or two juicy morsels about the Uni- versity's 400, please dear teachers that used to teach us in high school, don't believe that his scoops are indicative of the degradation of the modern college student; in fact don't even believe what you read about those fortunate few who will make the Count's columns, because the only "thing that prob- ably will be true about it is the name of the person written about, since the Count never seems to get to any of the places about which he writes. -Thoroughly Disgusted. As, Others See It Registration Of Miens THE MAYFLOWER passengers were immigrants, even though Chief Massasoit didn't have any Ellis Island at which to detain and inspect them. All our forefathers were immigrants, whether they landed in 1700 or 1900. But our earlier immigrants, and the more de- sirable among those who came later, did not re- main aliens. They had left the old world behind them for good. Their interest and their allegiance was in the new. Acknowledgement of the debt which' America owes to immigration should not blind us to the necessity for proper regulation of the alien, the backward looking immigrant who By KIRKE SIMPSON W ASHINGTON - It fell to the lot of Madam Secretary Perkins of the labor department to function as official New Deal mourner for the glories that were NRA. Her annual report for the fiscal year '34 was presumably on the presses when the Supreme Court so deflated NRA. It was written largely around the theme of NRA, viewed solely from its effect on national labor standards and influence toward evolution of a "realistic, flexible, practical" labor policy for the government. From those angles, Miss Perkins unhesitatingly pronounced the now discarded recovery act "the most comprehensive attempt to improve working conditions in competi- tive industry that has ever been undertaken by any nation." A good title for the report might be a para- phrase of Mark Anthony's line: "I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him." She came to praise NRA, not to bury it; and to assert that its good works for labor would live on after it in national policy; but not its police powers. AMERICAN LABOR POLICY THE ESTIMATE of NRA's place in history was written, of course, long before its end came in the Schechter decision. The report does not mention, even by inference, that demise. Miss Perkins let it stand as was, however probably, be- cause neither NRA itself, nbr the'compulsory code system that fell with it have much to do in Madam Secretary's mind with establishment of a perma- nent "labor policy." There is little to support the idea of governmental "regimentation" in Miss Per- kins' conception of what that policy must be or from what source it must originate. Answering her own question: "Is there an Amer- ican labor policy?'" Miss Perkins finds one evolv- ing "in somewhat more than a rudimentary stage," but not "as a program conceived by a govern- ment." In a democracy, as Miss Peerkins sees it, labor policy is a "program of action" by employers and employed workers out together "in a society which develops naturally out of the work that they do and the life that they lead." Government's func- tion she defines as stimulation of this "mutuality" and fostering "development in both groups of self- government in the public interest." * * * * SELF-IMPOSED DISCIPLINE F LABOR'S rights are defined by government, "certain obligations will, of course, be expected of wage earners," Miss Perkins warns, adding: "It is for the public interest that these obliga- tions should be defined by labor itself and that such discipline as is necessary should be self-im- posed from without. This is the basis of all pro- fessional codes of ethics in modern society." Certainly there seems little about this view of perhaps the most socially-minded member of the cabinet family to suggest that the New Deal was definitely tending toward a permanent NRA regi- mentation when the Schechter case blow fell. Malcolm W. Bingay says "the wealth of the world cannot be shared until the brains of the world l.1" A rhe 'Isolation' 4yh. .0.* "I T HE TERM "American isolation" has been used so frequently and, we ight say, thoughtlessly in connection with our Lternational position that comparatively few peo- e quite realize just what it means. Despite the common misconception that Amer- an isolation means a sort of superior and beau- ful aloofness from the 'debased' lives of all the her nations - and particularly, non-participa- on in thes o-called dinnmatic intrigueo f Eurnne