eather Allummum . 0--Md . iiE lowers at vaious .out the day today. SOicialr igan OficalPublication Of Tlhe Summer Session Editorials American Ratlonaliation ... Radio Vs. Newspapers .. The Isolation' Myth .. . ;. ' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1935 PRICE: FIVE CENTS kOn Harold Smith Made Member Of International Union Of Cities dng Is ten Off al Tsai's Troops Are en Back By Loyal iese Army ricans Saved y Two Attaches itified Secretaries Of SEmbassy Risk Their s In Rescuer 1G, June 28. -(A) - Chinese bellious at Japanese-dictated r the evacuation of Hopei fought their way to the very this "Forbidden City" today, e beaten back by loyal troops all-night battle. nidentified secretaries from ed States embassy' risked s at the height of the firing e a number of Americans d outside the walls. gripped Peiping during the the fighting raged, but best on indicated only one civil- killed. The city's defenders no casualties. Grn. Tsai Arrested atineers, military circles here e part of the command of ii, one of the subordinates isted Hopei Governor, Gen. h-Chung. At Japan's insist- i had been ordered to leave June 25. He failed to go, Peiping Military Council or- arrest. He w'as brought here r. ight his men seized an ar- in and attacked the defenses uth gate of the sixteen-mile- - Wall. To the fire of the ree-inch gun, guards replied hine guns, rifles and trench The armored train retreated tai, railway iwPom, arn,, tousand loyal troops sallied before noon, cut the railway rounded the armored train ured it. The rebels fled in ion of the demilitarized zone., dartial Law Declared shots fell inside the city dur- welve-hour engagement, but tle damage. Martial law was in Peiping,, and all 16 gates ed. Two w'ere reopened this: n, however. A curfew law re- 11 persons to be off the streets' p.m. was issued late today. aw, once lifted, was restored. se army officers here, vir- rs of Hopei through the Nan- ernment's acceptance of their concerning the province, 1 themselves with watching eaving Chinese troops to deal invaders. tiversary Of -ajevo Sees >ld Turmoil By JOSEPH MATTES While nations of the world bristle with independence and seek to isolate themselves further behind economic and political barriers, their cities are organizing internationally to solve their common problems of local gov- ernment -and a member of the Uni- versity faculty, Harold D. Smith, di- rector of the University Bureau of. Government since last fall and di- rector of the Michigan Municipal League for the past eight years, is one of the authorities on government who have been selected to help direct the movement. Mr. Smith will serve on the per- manent bureau, or board of directors, of the International Union of Cities and Local Officials. Members of the bureau of the In- ternational Union of Cities include such figures of world renown as Ed- uoard Herriot, the three-time premier of France who has lately been one of the leading figures in France's economic crisis. Other countries which will have representatives of their cities on the Bureau are Great Britain, Germany, Holland, the Netherlands, Roumania, Hungary, Spain, Poland, Belgium, Switzerland, and Czechoslovakia. Serving with Mr. Smith in the American membership of the Bureau, which is the largest, are Mayor Daniel W. Hoan of Milwaukee, president of the United States Conference of May- ors; Louis Brownlow, director of Public A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Clearing House; Clarence E. Ridley, executive director of the International City Managers' Association, and Paul V. Betters, executive director of the United States Conference of Mayors and of the American Municipal Asso- ciation, of which Mr. Smith is past president. The ultimate objective of the In- ternational Union, Mr. Smith says, is to establish in Europe, probably at the present secretariat in Brussels, a point of distribution of local gov- ernmental affairs throughout the cries of the member countries. Also anticipated, he said, is some type of instruction in the science of municipal government, including training of officials already in public service, and training young persons aspiring to municipal careers. Universities will play a large part, Mr. Smith believes, in the work of the Union by, aiding in the compila- tion and exchange of information on municipal affairs among members, (Contiied on Pate 31 Police Seek Acquaintance Of Dickinson. Evidence Of Rendezvous Is Clue In Murder Of New York Lawyer Chance Testimony Gives Connection Taxi Driver Links Name Of Victim With Suspect; Woman Is Sought DETROIT, June 28.- (P)-Frag- ments of evidence pointing to a strange rendezvous between Howard Carter Dickinson, Harvard's great lawyer and nephew of Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes, and William Lee Ferris, Detroit hotel habitue, sent detectives on a widening search for Ferris tonight to question him about the "ride" killing of Dickinson Thursday morning. The New York counsellor, who was to investigate the reported claim of Mrs. Elizabeth Carmichael Wither- spoon for a daughter's share of the estate of the late William Yawkey, wealthy lumber dealer and sportsman, disappeared from his -hotel (Book Cadillac). He was found shot to death and coatless Thursday morn- ing in Rouge Park, apparently dump- ed from an automobile. Identified By Taxi Driver Ferris's name was tossed into the Summer Session Students Will Visit Downtown Detroit Today Important institutions in downtown Detroit will be observed by Summer Session students today. The ex- Aursion group leaves from Angell Hall at 8 a. m. The all-day tour of Michigan's principal city will be conducted by Prof. Louis J. Rouse of the mathe- matics department, who is in charge of all trips except those to Niagara Falls and to Put-in-Bay in Lake Erie, which are in charge of Prof. R alph L. Belknap of the geology de- partment. At the Detroit News Building, which houses a plant exemplifying all that is best in the mechanics of production of a modern newspaper, the Summer Session excursionists will view the editorial rooms, art depart-. ment, the composing rooms, and the gigantic presses. Next the party will tour the downtown business district, devoting its attention principally to Washington Boulevard, Grand Circus Park, and lower Woodward Avenue. Belle Isle is next on the program. Then comes the all-important stop for luncheon at the Fisher Building cafeteria. After the noon hour the party will remain for a time in the same build' ing to inspect the broadcasting stu- dios of Radio Station WJR. At the Detroit Institute of Arts a staff mem- ber will interpret for the party the much-disputed Diego Rivera fres- coes, and will serve as a guide through the Institute's many valuable col- lections. The Institute boasts dis- plays of modern and medieval Euro- pean Art, late and early Roman and Greek art, Asiatic art, and colonial, nineteenth century, and contempor- ary American art. From there the University party will cross Woodward Avenue to the white marble Public Library, known as a splendid example of early Ital- ian Renaissance architecture. Al- though only a short time can be de- voted to the main rooms of the Li- brary, ample opportunity will be af- forded to see the famous murals of Gari Melchers and others. The.Ital- ian Renaissance ceilings, the ex- quisite stained glass windows, and the portico ceiling of mosaics will also be pointed out; , The next trip to be sponsored by the Summer Session is a morning visit to the schools of the Cranbrook Foundation, in Bloomfield Hills, on Saturday, July 6. Reservations for this excursion must be made at the- office of the Summer Session, in Room 1213 Angell, Hall, before 5 p. m. Fri- day, July 5. Expenses to cover round trip bus tickets will total $1.25. y Fischer Is Beaten By Fred Haas Loses 5-3 To Louisianan In Semi-Finals; Yates Also Downed Putter Goes Back On Michigan Star Ed White Triumphs Over Defending Champion In Great Upset First Of Angell Series Offered In Quarterly Former President Subject, Of Feature Article In Current 'Alumnus' " The first of a series of articles about the late James Burrill Angella former president of the University, features the summer quarterly issue of the Michigan Alumnus, which was released yesterday. The articles compiled and written by Wilfred B. ,haw, director of alumni relations, includes correspondence yeeiyed ky Presisent. Angell relative to the presidency of the University and tells the story of his negotia- tions with the Board of Regents and the simple facts of his final accep- tance of the office. An article, written by Henry S. Dennison, president of the DennisionI Paper Manufacturing Company of Boston, Mass., and who delivered the seventh annual Convocation address this spring, is also included in the current Alumnus. Other articles included in the is- sue are "An Appreciation of Gari Mel- chers," by Prof. Bruce M. Donaldson of the divisions of fine arts, "Modern Developments in Paleontology" by Prof. Ermin C. Case of the zoology department, and an article by Dean J. B. Edmonson of the education school on "What is the Crisis in Ed- ucation?" The full text of the 1935 Com- mencement speech, delivered by Sec- retary of State Cordell Hull June 17, as well as the text of the annual Hopwood lecture on "Literature ver- sus Opinion," delivered by Henry Hazlitt, prominent New York Liter- ary critic are included in the issue. Annual Faculty Reception Is Held At League Bottles And Hinges Their Treasure But They Saw Millions 3,000 Attend Function;' Summer Session Receives Students Staff { Approximately 3,000 students and' members of the faculty attended the Summer Session reception last night; which was held from 8:.30 p.m. until 1 a.m. in the Michigan League. This function was not only the occasion of the first official welcome given to the student body, but also a general open-house of the Michigan League. The receiving line, composed of members -of the Summer Session faculty, was headed by Louis A. Hop- kins, director of the Summer Session and Mrs. Hopkins. In the ballroom and the Grand Rapids Room, there was dancing to the music furnished by Al Cowan and his orchestra from 9:45 p.m. until 1 a.m. During the intermission, the Men's Glee Club sang several selec- tions for the reception. In addition to the dancing, other entertainment was furnished includ- ing a bridge tournament, fortune tell- ing, and a pool in the game rooms. The garden and the balcony of the third floor dining room were made available for refreshments. Other members of the receiving line were Regent Junius E. Beal and Mrs. Beal, Vice-President Shirley Smith and Mrs. Smith, Vice-President Clarence Yokum and Mrs. Yokum, Vice-President James Bruce and Mrs. Bruce, Dean Claire B. Griffin and Mrs. Griffin, Dean Edward H. Kraus and Mrs. Kraus, Dean James Edmonson and Mrs. Edmonson. Dean Herbert Sadler and Mrs. Sad- ler, Dean Albert C. Furstenburg and' Mrs. Furstenburg, Dean Joseph A. Bursley and Mrs. Bursley, Dr. Earl V. Moore and Mrs. Moore, Director Emil Lorch and Mrs. Lorch, Prof. John W. Sundwall and Mrs. Sundwall, Dean Alice Lloyd, Miss Ethel McCormick, Prof. Louis M. Eich and Mrs. Eich, and Prof. Paul A. Leidy and Mrs. Leidy. case Friday by Chief of Detectives NEW YORK, June 28. - (A')- The Fred W. Frahm after Andrew J. Smy- good crew of the schooner Pilgrim gen, a taxi driver, had gone to police tied up their craft at the Battery to complain about a worthless three today and unloaded a miscellaneous dollar check given him by a chance collection of bottles, rusty hinges and acquaintance, a few coins-their "bag" in a two Frahni identified the check writer months treasure hunt in the Carib- as Ferris on Smygen's description, bean Sea. and when the cab driver unfolded his But there are treasures in the story he quoted Ferris as saying he southern waters and the Pilgrim's out- had a date with a New York lawyer fit is ready to go back in November named Dickinson who had a lot of and dig them out, Skipper Harry money. Frahm immediately declared Adams, Jr., 28 years old, of Bethlehem, that Ferris would be hunted down. Pa:, promptly announced. After Smygen's disclosure, detec- One member of the crew, Harry tives said they were able to trace Burke, of Park Ave., said: "There is telephone calls from Dickinson's room as much gold in the Caribbean sea to another hotel (The Detroiter) as the total war debt of the United where Ferris was registered under the States." He estimated that as much name of Taylor until Thursday morn- as $25,000,000smight be recovered ing when he checked out. Judging from history records. Carl C. Oglesbee, Dearborn coun- cilman and proprietor of a restaurant, identified Dickinson's body today as that of a man who visited his bar about 1 a.m. Thursday morning with two companions. Oglesbee and his bartender, Rich- ard Watson both viewed the body. Watson also identified Dickinson as the customer. "One of the men was very big. He probably weighed 250 pounds. The other was small," Oglesbee said of the two men. "Dickinson," Watson said, "asked for 'half a shot' of the best whisky we had. I served it to him. The other men had beer." Oglesbee said "Dickinson" paid for the drinks, taking a bill from a large roll. He said they left as soon as they had finished their drinks. Margaret Reuter, 26-year-old cash- ier at the restaurant, said she noticed the man identified as Dickinson "be- cause of his moustache." She said she saw him take a large roll of bills from his pocket but did not recall whether he carried a brief case of top coat. In trying to reconstruct the killing, police said Dickinson's body had been dumped into Rouge park some dis- tance from the point where he was killed:.The body was coatless. nental Powers Turn wshares To Swords Years After Shot By The Associated Press). t fired at Sarajevo 21years' terday echoed around the r four bloody years until peace last ended humanity's most war. 7 years since the Armistice 1 revolutions, government up- occasional fighting, but no declared war in Europe. 'ear 1935, however, finds the Sunderland Urges Courts' Inspection Tigers Regain. Third Place In Pennant R a c e Take Doubleheader From St. Louis As Greenberg Hits Three Homers ST. LOUIS, June 28 - Downing St. Louis in both ends of a doubleheader, Detroit Tigers today regained third place in the American League pen- nant race. Behind the four-hit pitching of Elden Auker Detroit won the first, 10 to 1, and took the second, 7 to 2, as Victor Sorrell allowed the Browns six safeties. Hank Greenberg, Detroit's larrup- ing first baseman, was the center of the Tiger attack as he stretched his league leadership by pounding out three home runs to boost his season total to 23. Defensively, the Tiger star was in on four double plays which cut down potential St. Louis scoring. Getting their runs in pairs, the Tigers coupled scores in five innings of the first game on a total of 11" hits off three pitchers, Cain, Hansen and Coffman. In the second game Detroit garnered the same number of hits off Russ Van Atta and Gerald Walkup. Cain was the loser in the first, Van Atta in the second. The entire Tiger lineup except for Owen and Sorrell, who failed to con- nect in the second game, was repre- sented in the hitting. Pete Fox con- nected for three hits with two doubles and a triple. Goslin extended his string of games in which he has hit safely te 16, hitting in both games of the double header. Detroit advanced to within four games of the league-leading New York Yankees by today's two victor- ies, and gained a half game on Cleve- land, although the Indians defeated Chicago. Appointment Of Yale Professor Is Announced' To Come Here To Instruct In Greek History And' Archeology The appointment of Dr. Clark Hop- kins, now associated with Yale Uni- versity, as an associate professor of Greek and Latin on the University faculty was announced yesterday at the office of President Alexander G. Ruthven. Professor Hopkins, regarded as one of the leading young archeologists of the country, has been called here particularly to undertake the in- struction in classical archeology and the Greek historians which was form- erly in, charge of Prof. Benjamin D. . Meritt. Professor Meritt left the faculty two years ago to go to John Hop- kins University and is now associated with the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton, N. J. The new appointee has published a number of articles in Yale Classical Studies and other publications and has furnished long sections of the re- port of the Yale Expedition at Dura, canducted jointly by Yale University and the French Acaemy of Inscrip- tions an Letters an published by the Yale University Press. Professor Hopkins has also pre- sented current reports of the Dura excavations before the French Acad- emy of Inscriptions and Letters. In connection with the expedition to Dura, Professor Hopkins was first scientific assistant in 1928-29, as- sistant professor in 1929, and since 1931 has been the director. Granted a Ph.D degree from the graduate school of the University of Wisconsin in 1924, he has since been connected with the Yale University as instructor in Latin, Greek, and Ancient History from 1924-27; as Sterling Fellow, studying at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, 1927-28; and assistant professor, 1929-35. A graduate of Yale with the class of 1917, where he was a Phi Beta Kappa, Professor Hopkins spent the years 1919-21 as Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, and from 1921-27 as an in- structor in English and Latin at Rice Institute, Houston, Tex. WASHINGTON, June 28 -- () - Charles Yates, of Georgia Tech, and Johnny Fischer, of Michigan, former winners of the crown, saw their hopes of another title fly away today before the withering fire of a pair of south- westerners, Ed White, of Texas, and Fred Haas, of Louisiana, in the semi- finals of the National Intercollegiate golf championship. Playing a spectacular brand of golf that was almost as"hot" as the heat wave that burned down on the Con- gressional course, the slender black- haired White upset the 1934 victor, Yates, by a 4 and 3 margin. Simultaneously, the gangling Lou- isiana sophomore concocted even more of a surprise by bowling over Fischer,'the veteran Walker Cup ace and 1932 titlist, 5 and 3. White's victory was doubly pleas- ing to the quiet-mannered Texan, for just a year ago he ran into Yates in the final of this tournament at Cleve- land and was beaten, 5 and 3. He started out early today to even up the old score with the Georgian, win- ning the first two holes and never al- lowing Yates to go ahead. For the 33 holes that the match lasted, White was one under par. Plays Steady Golf Haas' golf was steady but not nearly so sensational as that of his 36-hole final rival from the adjoining state. In fact it was Fischei.'s' er- rors as much as Haas' playing that brought about the Wolverine's de- feat. Johnny had no less than seven three-putt greens. Haas, nineteen-year-old lad who won the Southern Amateur and Wes- tern Junior last su nmer, was trap- ped to lose the third but won the fourth when Fischer ran into the first of his epidemic of three-putt greens, another of which he had on the sev- enth. Fischer played well on in two for a birdie on the eighth, but re- quired three putts to lose the ninth. The Michigan boy three-putted the tenth, drove into a ditch on the eleventh and won the twelfth to be- come only one down as Haas took two to come out of a trap. Fischer three-putted the thirteenth but won the fifteenth as Haas was short. Fred put an approach six inches from the cup to win the eighteenth with a birdie three and to go to lunch two up. Misses Four-Foot Putt Haas won the twenty-fourth as Fischer missed a four-footer and the twenty-seventh when Johnny again required three putts. They had halved the twenty-third and twenty-sixth in birdie fours. Fischer sank a 12-footer for a birdie on the thirty-first but lost the next as he missed the green. Haas wound things up with a 15-foot, putt for a birdie on the thirty-third. White, a twenty-one-year-old boy from Bonham, Tex., won the first and second, when Yates three-putted and drove into the rough, but Charley squared it with a birdie three on the fourth and a par on the seventh, where White three-putted, Ed bonged in a six-footer for an eagle on the eighth, but Yates evened it up with a deuce on the short ninth. Ed got down a 15-footer fo a birdie on the tenth but Charley came level again as White missed the short four- teenth green. It was the last time the Georgian could look ahead with- out a deficit for White rammed in a twelve-footer for another birdie on the sixteenth and they halved the eighteenth with birdie three. The Texan got a birdie four on the nineteenth, lost the twenty-second to Yates' birdie, manufactured through a 15-foot putt, and then won the twenty-third, twenty-fourth and twenty-sixth. Charley found a ditch on the twenty-third, missed a short putt on the next and bowed to White's birdie four on the twenty-sixth. Yates won the thirtieth with a par three but White rammed in another birdie on the thirty-first to go four up as they 1 ,. re ha Av- trn h tc BEDFORD SPRINGS, Pa., June 28. -.(to)-Prof. Edson R. Sunderland of the University of Michigan warned today that the country's legal proce- dure should be tested and overhauled by judicial councils if courts are to meet increased public needs. "Courts are not absolutely indis- pensable, only relatively so," he told the Pennsylvania Bar Association. As procedure slows down, as costs mount and as disturbance to litigants' peace of mind increases, he continued, .l Official Liquor Taster Reports Improvement In State's Supply LANSING, June 28.- P) - Mich- proved to be diluted and colored grain igan's official liquor taster reported alcohol. 3 C f the continent again beat- "other means may be found of liqui- a steady improvement in the product plowshares back into swords. dating 'disputes. Losses may be Friday. s of soldiers drill. Muni- charged off and forgotten, settlements Dr. Edward S. Blake, chemist in tories hurry out their crop may be entered into and arbitrations the laboratories of the State Depart-1 may be affected. Furthermore, the ment of Agriculture, has tasted and e spots in Europe are many, government may come to the aid of analyzed 2,279 samples for the State some of them: I those who find the processes of the Liquor Control Commission. The - Benito Mussolini, poured courts too slow, costly and uncertain." samples included 936 bottes of whisky, nto Africa by tens of thou- 290 of gin, 182 of brandy and rum, d awaits only the end of the Sweet267 of other iquors and 604 of wine. ,son, most observers say, to wee t Undergoes He reported that 20 per cent of the 'thiopia Meanwhile Il Duce, M r Operation liquor sent him by the commission dolf Hitler's designs on Aus- M op t does not reach the sandard claimed for it. In some samples of wine, he ANY-The Reich rearmed at Cedric Sweet, outstanding candi- said he found an acid commonly used e speed. Labor service, semi- date for Michigan's 1935 backfield, for removing corns. It was used in in organization, is imposed who is attending summer school to the wine as a preservative. ermans. A formidable air regain his scholastic eligibility lost None of the products are bought by ,oai67 evist _ ur nnv1 hlil- diming- the last sme vesterdanv the commission until the state chem- Blake said that he had found the same company offering the same whisky for sale under six different la- bels in one instance, and in many in- stances had found companies man- ufacturing identical whiskies and sell- ing them under different trade marks. In testing samples, Blake first mea- sures the contents of each bottle to see if they equal the manufacturer's claim. He then measures the alco- holic content and tests for any pos- sible denaturant. Aging Blake explained, increases the combinations of organic acids and alcohol, known as esters, and increases its palatability. The improvement of stocks offered by the commission dur- ing the past months is entirely due 3 E ,' C V Winifred Hall To Head French Club Winifred Hall was chosen presi- dent of the Summer Session French club at the first "get-together" meet- ing, held Thursday night in the sec- ond floor Terrace Room of the Union. Miss Hall graduated from the Uni- versity in 1933, and is now teaching French in Brown City Freshman col- lege. About 30 students attended the meeting, which was conducted entire- ly in French. Prof. Charles Koella of the French department welcomed 'the club and gave a short talk on "TheImportance of France in an In- Sternational Way." The next meeting will be held Wed- - . - . _ . f-- Union Will Hold Second Summer Dance Tonight