PAGE SIXTEEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, Extensive Orientation Activities Planned For All Freshmen J[omen tJ SocialProgram Completed For Coming Year Plans To Commence With Opening Of Orientation Week Schedule The gay whirl of Ann Arbor's social life will commence promptly with the opening of the orientation week for new students. The complete pro- gram for the year is filled with con- certs, plays, teas, dances, and recep- tions. With the closing of orientation week comes the usual round of soror- ity and fraternity rushing with the initial sorority teas starting on the Saturday of the first week. These will be followed with several days of dinners, and then the formals. The football week-ends are always crammed with tea-dances, homecom- ing celebrations, and formal parties. The first all-campus formal of the season is the Union Dance, held in the ballroom of the Michigan Union. With the first days of December is the annual Panhellenic Ball given by the sorority wonen on the campus. This is the only big affair of the first semester where the women invite the men. The Ball has always been held in the ballroom of the Michigan League with several breakfast parties given afterwards by each sorority. The Sophomore Prom is held short- ly after the vacation period, and is the last all-campus party until after examinations. The semester is brought to a grand climax with the J-Hop which always includes a num- ber of house parties in the celebra- tion. The Hop is the only party given during the year held in the Intra- mural Building, and usually is at- tended by approximately 800 couples. Nationally famous orchestras are al- ways obtained for this party.. The Freshmen give their first'class party when they open the second semester with the Frosh Frolic, also held in the Michigan Union Ball- room. This is followed by a number of smaller parties in the various dor- mitories, sororities and fraternities. The last all-campus party of the year is the Senior Ball. In addition to the above named entertainments, each school gives a party during the semester. These include the Slide Rule dance by the Engineers, the Caprice Dance by the Lawyers, the Architects Ball which is a costume affair, and the parties given by the Medical and Dental Schools. Members of University Women's Undergraduate Council Lecture Series Will Be Given For Students Dean Of Women Dinners, Treasure Hunts New Library To Be Opened For Women A new library will be opened in the Michigan League for the use of women students next year, it was an- nounced by Jean Seeley, president of2 the League, yesterday. Tht library is to be located on the third floor of the Michigan League, and will be run by undergraduates entirely. Funds for a complete stock of reference books have been raised by the various class projects. A tentative scheduled of hours when' the room will be open is 9 a.m. to 12 a.m., 1 p.m., to 6 p.m., and 7 p.m. to1 10 p.m. every day of the week. This new project was. voted on at the last meeting of the Undergraduate Coun- cil. Women working in the library will receive activity points. The Mississippi State College for, Women (Columbia) is the oldest1 state-supported women's college in America, and it is now in its 50th1 year. * * * * , * Campus Honor Societies Offer More Valuable College Career I S e nAnnAirbor It's The Collins Shoppe' for College Clothes .,. . I The Proper Clothes To Wear On Campus Are Inevitable, If You Shop Here .... The unanimous verdict of the hundreds of girls who answered our college ques- tionnaires selected the fol- lowing: KNITTED CLOTHES by BRADLEY for Class and Sports Wear- AN ELLEN-KAYE or CARTWRIGHT for Daytime and Tea Dancing AN EXCLUSIVE EISENBERG for a Glamourous Evening- Our sales personnel in- cludes college women to It is the ambition of every woman who comes to Michigan to attain membership in one of the several campus honor societies for women, since in this way she attains a fuller and more valuable college career. The most important group of this kind is the Michigan chapter of Mortarboard, national senior honor society, in which membership is based on scholarship, leadership, and ac- tivities. To be chosen for member- ship by this group is the highest honor which a woman student can attain, since only the most outstand- ing members of each class are elected. The ceremony at which the Mortar- board members of the outgoing senior class chooses new members from the woien of the junior class is one of the most-colorful traditions at Mich- igan. It takes place at the Installa- tion Banquet, which is held in the League ballroom, and is attended by every campus woman. After the new League heads have been installed the old members gather outside the room in their caps and gowns. At a signal from the president of the group, they march through the room singing, and each senior member goes to a -junior woman who has been elected, and taps her on the shoulder, placing her own mortarboard on the new member's head. The number of women chosen to Mortarboard varies each year. To be eligible a junior woman must have a scholastic average above the gen- eral average for all women on the campus, and must have taken an outstanding part in college life. Although membership in Mortar- Never a Seam- To Show! ~LE GANT' o f $1000 __ £ THIS LE GANT* has no seams over the hips-and the firmly woven Two-Way stretch Youthlastic* controls and flat- tn evn heavy foriaur with nn board is not limited to sorority wom- en, independent women have their own senior honorary group, known as Senior Society. This group chooses about 12 outstanding junior women to membership in the spring. Senior Society was founded by Mrs. Myra Jordan, who was dean of women in 905, and although the national society has extended the campus society sev- eral invitations to join, Senior So- ciety women have preferred to re- main a local group. The only other general honor group which bases its requirements on ac- tivities, and scholarship, is Wyvern, honor society for junior women. Wyvern chooses its members from the sophomore class early in the spring semester, when the whole group marches around to the homes of the new members, routing them out, and then taking them to the home of Mrs. Byr Fox Bacher, as- sistant dean of women, who is spon- sor of the organization, for refresh- ment. In the fall the new members also choose several more women from their own class to membership. During the school year members of Wyvern form special groups for fresh- men women to acquaint them with different phases of college life, in- cluding dramatics, athletics, music, and publications. There are also several honor so- cieties in which the only basis for choosing members is scholarship. Foremost among these groups is Phi Beta Kappa, which is open to men and women in the literary college. A few juniors whose scholastic rank- ing is the highest in their class are chosen, while seniorswhosehaverage is in the highest fifth of their class are chosen. About 50 seniors are chosen to membership in this na- tional society. The only honor society open to freshmen women is Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman scholastic sorority. The standard for- membership is that a woman has maintained a half' B, half A avera" during the first semes- ter of her freshman year. There are several honor groups for women in special departments. Among these are Athena, literary so- ciety, Zeta Phi Eta, speech group, Theta Sigma Phi, national journal- ism sorority, and Pi Lambda Theta, national education sorority. Senior Women Are Honored At Breakf ast One of the most important tradi- tions for women at the University is the Senior Breakfast, when the wom- en of the senior class assemble as a group for the last time in their col- lege careers. It is held' annually in the garden of the League on the last Sunday morning before examinations for the second semester begin. Seniors attend in their caps and gowns, and during the- breakfast slices of lemon are passed around the table, and candles are lit at each woman's place. According to the tra- dition, each senior who has become engaged during her college course must take a slice of lemon and eat it. Ech snion whn has hben marrid To Feature Program For First-Year Groups An extensive orientation program for freshmen women has been plan- ned by the Orientation committee of the League, headed by Margaret His- cock, '36. Activities will open during the first week of the school year, and will be continued throughout the first semester. The opening function to be held in honor of first-year women will be a dinner to be held at 6 p.m. Mon- day, Sept. 23 at the League. The guests will include President Alex- ander G. Ruthven, the central com- mittee in charge of orientation, fac- ulty advisors, and social directors of all the dormitories. Speakers for the occasion will be President Ruthven, Jean Seeley, '36, president of the League, Prof. Philip E. Bursley, counselor to new students, and Miss Hiscock. Plans for the year will be announced then. Lectures of interest to new wom- en students will be given at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at the League. Miss Seeley will discuss the activities of the League, and will explain oppor- tunities open for work there. Miss Hiscock will discuss orientation, and will introduce Jane Arnold, '36, presi- dent of the Panhellenic Association, and Maureen Kavanaugh, '36, presi- dent of the Assembly, organization for independent women. To Hold Treasure Hunt The highlight of the week will be a dinner and treasure hunt to be held Friday at the League, .to be followed by a dance. Special guests will be Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven, Dean Alice Lloyd, Regent Ester Cram, Miss Jeannette Perry, Mrs. Byrl Fox Bach- er, Mrs. Phillip E. Bursley, and Mrs. Joseph Bursley. Dean Lloyd will open the series of special orientation lectures the fol- lowing week. She will speak on "Col- lege Conduct," at 5 p.m. Wednesday in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. The second lecture on this series will be given by Prof. Francis Curtis of the School of Education, who will lecture on "How to Study" Wednes- day, October 9. In connection with this lecture a clinic study hour will be conducted for freshmen women Tuesday, October 15. This will be continuedas long as students desire. Humphreys To Speak Dean Wilbur Humphreys will de- liver the third lecture of the series, speaking on "Your University High- lights," Wednesday, October 16. A group of lectures on the arts will be another feature of the orientation program. Prof. Glenn McGeoch of the School of Music will open the series with a talk on "Music," to be given Wednesday, October 23. Other speakers will be Prof. John ,G. Win- ter of the Latin department, who will lecture on "Art," and a lecture on "Drama." Dean Lloyd will again address first- year women, speaking Wednesday, Nov. 13 on "Personality and Values." The closing lecture for freshmen will be given by Prof. Bennett Weav- er of the English department, who will discuss "the integration of In- tellectual, Social and Cultural Val- ues." Varied Sports Activities Are Offered Women An innovation last year of divid- ing the independent women on cam- pus into zones resulted in an increase of independent women in organized and individual sports offered by the Women's Athletic Association. The women's sport season is divided into four seasons, at least one team and two individual sports being of- fered during each season. In tour- nament play alone, 485 women par- ticipated and every sorority on cam- pus entered at least one team and two individual sports being offered during each season. In tournament play alone, 485 women participated and every sorority on campus entered in at least one team sport. Organized team sports winning fa- vor last year were hockey, basket- ball, baseball, badminton and volley ball Among the individual sports of- fered were tennis, archery, swimming, golf, ping pong, riflery, fencing, bowl- ing, riding, hiking and dancing. Aside from the regular curricular sports offered, the Women's Athletic Association has sponsored athletic clubs for women interested in par- ticular sports. Outstanding among these are Crop and Saddle, Dance Club, Swimming Club and Rifle Club. Of great interest in the spring last sason was the horse shnw snnnred Large Fields Covered By Activities League Council Will Continue MeritSystem Every Student Given Equal Opportunity Of Entering Into Activities By CHARLOTTE D. RUEGER The new plan of government based on the merit system will continue to operate again this year in the Michi- gan League, the organization which has for its purpose the binding to- gether of the activities and social life Women's activities on the Michigan campus play a large part in the Uni- versity schedule of each student. They include every field of interest from sports, dancing, acting, and singing to newspaper work and actual man-; agerial experience. It has been a custom at Michigan for the women in every class to spon- sor some one activity each year. For the past two years, the freshman women have given a dance in the1 spring for their project. This last season they held a Mardi Gras cele- bration at which time the campus, queen was chosen. Previously, they gave a May Day program before Lantern Night at Palmer Field. It has become a tradition for the sophomore women to hold a sopho- more Cabaret during the winter sea- son which runs for two days. The floor show includes a featured cast of dancers and singers. The women compose the songs and the dances to be given in the entertainment as well as managing the entire project. Junior Girls' Play The largest enterprise sponsored by the women of any class is the Junior Girls' Play which has been in the form of a musical comedy written as a satire on some feature of cam- pus life for the last several years. This is written and produced by the juniors, and even the staging, cos- tuming, and every angle of the pro- duction is handled by the women. As their last project on the camp- us, the senior women give Lantern Night. This is always held shortly after sun-set in the spring of the year at Palmer Field. The senior women, dressed in their caps and gowns, start the line of march, walk- ing two by two down the hill with the Varsity Band playing popular Mich- igan tunes. The field is lighted by the lantern each senior carries. Leading each class are honor guards wearing a jacket of their class colors. The underclassmen march behind the seniors. At the bottom of the hill the classes form an' illuminated block "M," and the seniors formally pass on their positions to the juniors. Each class then goes through this cere- mony in turn. Stanley Chorus Two years ago the Girl's Glee Club became the Stanley Chorus, and as such was incorporated into the Mich- igan League. The Stanley Chorus presents several local as well as out- of-town concerts during the year, and is the only organization of its type to have participated in the May Festival program. Throughout the year the Women's Athletic Association sponsors tourna- ments and games in every sport be- tween individuals, domitories, and sororities. At the end of the year a field-day for all women is held. At this time the year's awards are given. Another project of the Women's Athletic Association is the annual Penny Carnival, held in Barbour Gymnasium. Each sorority and dor- mitory takes charge of one booth which they decorate for the con- test. During the evening a board chooses the prize winning booth. Other entertainments, including a dance and an old-fashioned melo- drama, are in the evening's program. One of the newest projects on the campus is the Children's Theater or- ian-A + i nm, An on nnanr'a +nia Of Interest Traditional DEAN ALICE C. LLOYD Class Projects Sponsored By Campus Women of independent women. The merit system of government has as its foundation scholarship, leadership, and character, and was adopted in the Michigan League after a concensus of campus opinion had been recorded in favor of the new method. This method tends to give every woman from her freshman year until she graduates an equal opportunity to enter into activities, Jean Seeley, president of the League, stated. At the end of the freshman year, each woman is given the opportunity tc name and file a petition for a posi- tion in any field in which she may be interested. All applicants for minor committee jobs are accepted, thus giving each person a chance to work up into a higher position. For every- thing done, one point is given to the person and recorded in the perma- nent files. Undergraduate Council At the head of the League govern- ment is the Undergraduate Council composed of the president, vice-presi- dents representing the different schools, secretary, treasurer, xtle Woman's Editor of The Daily as ri ex-officio member, the president 'of W.A.A., and the chairmen of the various League committees. The function of the various eom- mittees is to be responsible for' all the activities sponsored by the League, They include: the merit system, so- cial, house-reception, theater and arts, and orientation cohimittees. Any woman may designate a choice to work with one or more of these groups. The work of the merit system com- mittee is mainly clerical, keeping rec- ords of individual women, dormitor- ies, and sororities' activitiy points in files and on the large merit system chart. The publicity committee is re- sponsible for all advertising in addi- tion to filing the clippings from news- papers. The social committee is responsible for all teas, style shows, and assisting with the President's receptions. The actual management of the League a' well as conducting tours of'the build- ing and campus, and receiving guests is the work of the hourse-reception committee. The theater and arts group spon- sors sculptor and art exhibits and manages the Children's Theater while the orientation committee arranges. a complete program for initiating new women into University life, and acquainting them with the campus. All applications for positions are turned into the Judiciary Council, a secret legislative groupin charge of disciplinary matters as well as taking care of all positions for offices. This council interviews each applicant considering her on the basis of activ- ities, scholarship and leadership. Minor Committee Jobs The council accepts all applicants for minor committee jobs, and turns the person over to the chairman of the group in which she has designated her choice. For the major jobs, the council suggests one person to the League Undergradute Council which in turn considers her on the same basis. The League Council then ap- points all the committee chairmen. The three major offices of the League, the president, secretary, and treasurer, are filled after the Judi- ciary Council has interviewed all ap- plicants, and turned its recommenda- tions into the League Council who in turn recommends one person for each of the three jobs to a board composed of three students and three faculty members with the chairman of the Judiciary Council acting as ex-officio head. This board then appoints the president, secretary, and treasurer. The vice-presidents are elected in the schools they represent. The other members of the Michigan League Council, the president of W.A.A., pres- ident of Panhellenic, and the Wom- en's Editor of The Daily are elected within their own group. The women of every class sponsor some project during the year starting with the Freshman Project, the Soph- omore Cabaret, to the Junior Girls' Play and the various senior activities. The positions for these projects are filled in the same manner as the positions in the League itself. advise the correct campus attire. ~w, ~ :~ i-I., I