E TWELVE THE MICUTGAN DAILY THURSDAY, Al THE MCH__ADAIL 'Inlellectual1 Bull Session,' ParleyCalled Questions Of Importance Discussed .Every Spring By Students And Faculty T he University's New And Beautiful Law Quadrangle Forei gn Counsellorship Makes Prof. Nelson An Internationalist Every Spring a three-day parley,x completely under the management of- students, is held on the Michigan; campus. Jointly sponsored by all campus organizations, fraternities * ';t and sororities, sessions of the Parley ~ are held in the Michigan Union.£ In brief, the three-day "Spring Parley" can be regarded as an "in- tellectual bull-session" to which the" entire campus is invited. The es- tablishing of the Parley, several years- ago was a result of student effort to- ° wards the re-evaluation of intellec- tual standards. Basically, its pur- pose as set out by its executive com- mittee, was "first to facilitate the ex- ! change of ideas within and between . the student and faculty groups; sec- ~ ond, the promotion of friendship be- ' tween the sometimes awed, sometime obstreperous students and the fre- quently austere, and distant faculty." In this, it has proved successful far beyond any contempiated expecta- tions. Drawing made inside the s During the three-days sessions the ters and the C ok Leai Res'earch1 total atendance, consisting of both faculty and students, usually runs . more than 1,000. Last year's Par- D aily Jud red ley was sponsored and fostered by 31 campus organizations, and thrown ) open to the entire student body. Seventeen promising members of the faculty, including deans and depart- - vB Association ment heads, were chosen to form a! panel to answer student queries, though the students themselves car- Title Is Termed As'Marna ried the bulk of the discussions. i sA In previous years the theme of the Cum Laude' Honor Of Parley has been such topics as "What 214 Papr Co t can We Believe?" dividing the dis- ; cussions into four sub-topics such ashange," "R- The Michigan Daily has been ac- ligion and the Church," "War and corded a "Superior All - American' the Student," and "Sex and the Fam- Honor Rating" and was further des- ily." Lectures on the part of the ignated as cne of four "Pacemakers" faculty and harangues on the part among 214 collees and universitiesl of students are strictly disbarred. in the United States judged this yearI The managing personnel, and the 6y the Associated Collegiate Press of subjects for next year's Spring. Par_ the National Scholastic Press As- ley, will be determined several weeks sociated, it was announced recently after the regular school session opens by Fred L. Kildow, director.. in the fall. All freshmen are wel- Mr. Kildow, in a letter to the edi- come to participate and aid in the tors, stated that the designation of setting up of the organization as wel, "Pacemaker" is not just another rat-' as attend the finally arranged ses- ing but "it is our magna cum laude- sions. jan additional honor." - By DAVID QUAIL Few individuals have attained the feeling of internationalism shown by Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, counsellor to Foreign Students. His enthusiasm, echoed whole-heartedly by the Uni- versity, has resulted in numerous pro- jects for the aid and orientation of approximately 200 foreign students in the University. These projects are helpful in providing a large amount of information and back- ground without which the foreign student would be greatly hindered. Being an English teacher in the University, Professor Nelson can readily see and correct the difficul- ty faced by students unacquainted with our language. He, therefore, conducts two special classes in Eng- lish to which these students are in- vited. Problems Dealt With Various personal problems that may trouble foreign students are dealt with individually and thor- oughly by Professor Nelson. It is under his guidance that there is pro- duced the International Directory, a means by which foreign students may become acquainted with one another. Many of the plans carried out un- der the direction of Professor Nelson require assistance. Through the co- operation of faculty members, social 'events are frequent. These events include teas, dinners, and informal gatherings. Likewise, the University has helped to provide countless tours of the University campus and Ann Arbor. Trips Planned Professor Nelsen also plans trips to various localities near Ann Arbor which will represent to foreign stu- dents things typical of the United States. Special dinners for foreign students are often provided through cooperation with the Rotarians. It is thus that Professor Nelson and the University accomplish the task of preparing foreign studer is for a fuller life here and irn the lands to which they may some day return. Being in the hospital is no excuse for not taking examinations at the University of Missouri (Columbia). Every student patient who was able to write took exams at the end of the first semester anyway. A new addition to the library of the University of North Carolina includes 58 books printed in the 15th cen- tury, more than 800 manuscripts on parchment, dating back to the 9th century, and a number of manuscripts of the medieval period. Botanical Gardens, 51 Acres Of Fertile Land, Located Here Among the valued possessions of the University is its Botanical Garden, a plot of fertile land consisting of 51 acres, which offers facilities for all :)hases of botanical instruction and research concerned with growing plants. Among the equipment which be- longs to the Botanical Gardens are seven greenhouses, a two-story brick laboratory, and ample word rooms. The entire tract has been piped for water. An important feature of the green- houses, it has been pointed out, is the provision of several separate , ooms for individual research prob- lems, each equipped with automatic heat contral and independent ventila- tion. A collection of growing plants for caching and exhibiticn purposes is now being developed on a wide scale. [t includes more than 2,000 species mnd varieties, including some of the nore important economic and orna- ncntal species of the tropics and a -epresentative colleection of hardy tcrennials, shrubs, and trees. The Gardens are responsible for the decoration of all University buildings. pacious quadrangle of the University Law Club showing men's living quar- Library. The Law Quadrangle is one of the beauty snots of the campus. F ruiversity R. O.T. C. Regiment Aneil 4 es de Anicplite Heavy Enrollment With record of nearly a 100 per cent increase in size in the past four Commanding Officer years. the University Reserve Officers Training Corps regiment is looking forward to an even greater enroll- ment during the coming school year. Considered as one of the top-rank- ing units in the corps area, which includes schools in Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana and Michigan, training here is on a purely cptional basis in con- trast to several schools in which it is rer'uired of all first and second-year students. In spite o; this, however, h , nit n fif o b asrrn.,' Tnn h-tt li 1 - : i E 7 k Ult: IR Ias gw r mJ. a .~Ir a aLI1on with approximately 400 members to a r-giment with nearly 800. Heading the staff of regular army officers who instruct cadets in the regiment is Lieut.-Col. Frederick S. Rogers, who will start his third year in the local headquarters in Septem- ber. Colonel Rogers, who holds the Scores High University title of professor -of mill- All of the paners, which are an- tary science and tactics, is assisted E iht Speakers nualy rated by the Association, were by Maj. Rosswell E. Hardy, Capt. judged en news values and sources, Richard R. Coursey, Capt. Walter B. ritiFoA N news writing and editing, headlines, Farriss, and Capt. Merton G. Walling- A re I iii t typcgraphy, and makeup, and de- ton. Major Hardy and Captains partmnent pages and special features. Coursey and Wallington have their .oLecture ,eries Out of a possible total score of present ranks tentatively, as they Lect re ~ ries 1,000 The Daily was awarded 880 have but recently received word that points. they are eligible for promotion under (Continued from page 5) The Editorial columns and the the new army bill. The promotions man biorah sa h sport page were both given the maxi- will not be official until later in the man biographer, who will speak here mum number of points, the former month. Dec. 12. Mr. Ludwig is known as 50 and the latter 80, and the "sub- Students wishing to elect courses in one of the most outstanding contemp- jects and constructive purpose" of military science, which will ultimately orary biographers. the editorials were termed "excell- lead to a second lieutenancy in the Mrs. Sinclair Lewis To Lecture ent" on the whole by the judges. United States Army, enroll in the usu- Dorothy Thompson, wife of Sin- -The highest score for a single de- al manner when they select their oth- clair Lewis, will be the next speaker 1 partment was achieved by the de- er courses. Twelve hours of military on the Oratorical Association series, partment pages and special features, training ar wed toward aradtm- PAUL W. PHILLIPS the highest position, of regimental master sergeant, going to the man who has the best record in his previ- ous two years. Fourth-year students are the offi- cers of the regiment, and hold ranks from lieutenant to colonel, the latter being the commanding officer. Each of the three battalions is commanded by a major, each company by a captain, and each platoon by a lieutenant. During the.second two years of the course students redeive pay from the government, as well as during the time they are attending summer camp - the final requisite for eligibility for a commission. Three branches of the service are offered students: infantry, ordnance, and signal corps. As a general rule, students in the literary college enroll in the infantry, those in engineering in the signal corps, and those heading toward business administration in the ordnance. There is no rule on this however, all cadets being given their choice. After being questioned by a stu- dent on a certain author, a University of Chicago professor launched a vig- orous attack on the author in ques- tion, only to find that he was the father of the student who had raised the question. In a popularity contest at St. Thomas College (St. Paul, Minn.) the election resulted in a tie for two men, so now there are two "Mr. Tommy's" instead of one. 8ELI AID7 speaking here Jan. 25. Her subject will be "Rediscovering America." Mrs. Lewis is at the pres- ent time engaged in writing a series of articles for the Saturday Evening Post. Father Hubbard, the glacier priest, wil folow Mrs. Lewis on the program. His subject and the. date which he will speak have as yet not been de- cided. He was acclaimed last year, however, as one of the lecture sensa- tions of the platform. Another speaker whose date of appearance and subject have not been announced is Edward Price Bell, foreign editor of Literary Di-. gest. Mr. Bell has just returned from 0 trip around the world where he personally interviewed all the. fam- ous political leaders. All of the lectures will be held at Hill Auditorium. The admission prices of single lec- tures and season tickets will be an- nounced in the Orientation week is- sue of The Daily. with a score of 210 out of a possible 220. Fifteenth Year Headlines. typography, and make- up were awarded 225 points out of a. possible 280 points, while of a pos- sible 250 points the news values and sources of stories in The Daily gar- nered 210 points. This year marked the fifteenth All- American Critical Service conducted by the Associated Collegiate Press. All newspapers entered in the rat- ing were classified according to the size of the college and the frequency of publication. The officials stated that "A monthly newspaper in a col- lege of 250 is in no sense in competi- tion with a daily in a university with an enrollment of 10,000, and an All- American in the first group men- tioned is probably not the equal of an All-American in the latter group." ion, credit being given at the rate of one hour each semester for the first two years and two hours each semester for the third and fourth years. Inasmuch as the complete training takes four years, it is rec- ommended by officials that the course be started in the first year of resi- dence at the University. The organization of the unit fol- lows regular military tables of organ- ization, with the exception that most divisions of the regiment are smaller than is normal. When a student first enrolls he is issued the regular basic uniform and becomes a private, continuing in this grade until he has completed one year of instruction. The second-year students are promoted to the grade of corporal, according to their past records. Greeting,. TO THE MEN WHO WILL ENTER MICHIGAN THIS YEAR! Welcome to Michigan. And congratulations, too. You've chosen wisely. You'll be proud of Michigan - of the faculty - of your fellow students. And you're sure to like the stores here. Especially this store of ours, -with its friendly, informal atmosphere. You'll find that we are up on what university men want. Varsity-town clothes for instance - nothing more distinguished. When you get to Ann Arbor, drop into our store - browse around - look things over- and let's get acquainted. STATE STREET on the Campus I' i Upon entering the advanced course, at the beginning of the third year on Deferred rushing has recently been a competitive basis, the cadets be- abandoned at the University of Chi- come non-commissioned officers and cago. as such fill the positions of sergeants, IIt FRESHMEN! We Welcome You to Michigan and the Student Headquarters for USED BOKSS and NEWan r 6.1ES We have priced everything to your advantage and endeavor to give you the finest possible service. NOTEBOOKS PENCILS PAPER STATIONERY FELT GOODS DESK LAMPS ARCHITECTS' and ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES I FOUNTAIN PENS LAUNDRY BOXES GREETING CARDS ate! at u®® .. I U - mIdmb ombAdoblm AL m -wm ___ U 1