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August 14, 1935 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1935-08-14

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_____________________________________________ I I

Mussolini Stiffly
Adamant At Talk
Of Compromise
Rome Planning Unyielding
Policy For Approaching
Tri-Power Conference
Eden Off For Paris
Young British Diplomat To
Urge Economic Rather
Than Political Peace
ROME, Aug. 13. - () - Informed
circles described Italy's policy today
in the forthcoming tri-power confer-
ence on the Ethiopian situation as
one of "no compromise."
These sources said Premier Musso-
lini outlined this policy yesterday in
discussions with his aides and offi-
cials who will attend the Paris con-
versations, beginning Thursday, with
representatives of Great Britain and
It was said that Italy will neither
abase her demands for a definite set-
tlement of her dispute with Ethiopia
nor give further heed to suggestions
of compromise whic~h involve conces-
sions on her part.
LONDON, Aug. 13.--(W)-- An au-
thority said today that Anthony Eden,
minister for League of Nations af-
fairs, will urge an economic rather
than political basis for the solution of
the Italo-Ethiopian dispute this week.
It was stated he was prepared to
offer this suggestion Thursday when
the tri-power conference on the Ethi-
opian question opens in Paris among
representatives of Great Britain,
Italy, and France.
The British government is repre-
Sented as hopeful that Premier Pierre
Laval of France would make some
definite poposal along economic lines
which would be acceptable to Pre-
mier Mussolini of Italy.
.An economic settlement, it was
said, might involvetvarious conces-
sions in .Ethopia to Italy. These
might be railway, mineral and trade
rights and perhaps a definite voice
in Ethiopia's further import and ex-
port trade.
Eden departed for Paris today after
nine days intensive survey of the
possibilities for reaching an agree-
ment. He worked at the foreign of-
five until a few minutes before his
One of the first things Eden is ex-
pected to do in Paris is to emphasize
how serious would be any disregard
of treaty obligations.
ADDIS ABABA, Aug. 13.-()---
The loyal response of Emperor Haile
Selassie's subjects to the call to the
colors found 10,000 native women suc-
ceeding today to the jobs abandoned
by the men.5
They became servants in the homes
of native and foreign residents as
their husbands and fathers prepared
*to march with the volunteer armies
toward the borders. Most of the
troops will go to the Somaliland fron-
The emperor, still hopeful of a
peaceful settlement of the dispute
with Italy, nevertheless reiterated
yesterday to his crown council the
readiness of his followers to spend
their last drop of blood in defense
of their land.
His foreign minister also made offi-
cial denial that Haile Selassie had of-
fered to cede a strip of Ethiopia
to Italy in exchange for an outlet to
the sea, as reported in Paris dis-

So Tall They Can't See The Sun

-Associated Press Photo.
Last year's virtually barren fields are yielding corn so tall in South
Dakota that farmers are overjoyed with prospects of a great crop. Fed-
eral crop experts predict the yield will be 80,745,000 bushels, or more
than 68,000,000 bushels above the production in 1934. Here is some of
the state's finest near Sioux Fals.

Reed Predicts
Possible Defeat
For Roosevelt
Former Missouri Senator
Gives Republicans Good
Chance In 1936
FAIRVIEW, Aug. 13.-(P)-Former
Senator James A. Reed, (Dem., Mo.),
predicted today that if the Republican
party adopts a good platform and
nominates a good candidate, it can
defeat President Roosevelt in 1936.
He expressed the belief, however,
that the Democrats should nominate
a conservative candidate rather than
Mr. Roosevelt.,
"There is a decided reaction against
the so-called New Deal, the one-time
fiery orator of the Senate said in an
interview at his vacation camp on
Flat Lake. "The people are turning
against it.
"The one-man heresy of the man
who happens to be President cannot
destroy the Democratic party, it will
live always under some name."
The constitution, he declared, "can-
not be destroyed by a President who
swore to uphold it but who has tried
to tear it down, aided by a disgrace-
ful congress."
Reed said he believed it would be
possible to defeat President Roosevelt
for renomination. He made it clear
he favored the selection of a con-
servative rather than a liberal Demo-
cratic candidate.
He mentioned three former gov-
ernors whom he said would be ac-
ceptable nominees in his opinion.
They are Alfred E. Smith of New
York, 1928 standard bearer; Sen-
ator Harry F. Byrd of Virginia, and
former Gov. Albert C. Ritchie of
Two Spartan
Relay Teams
Ranked First
EAST LANSING, Mich., Aug. 13.-
A' )--Michigan State College's med-
ley distance and four-mile relay
teams have received the National
Rules Committee's No. 1 ranking.
The ratings were based on the
medley squad's victories in the Kan-
sas and Pennsylvania meets and the
four-mile squad's triumph at Penn-
Members of the medley team were
Dee L. Weaver, Buchanan, who ran
the 440; Jimmy Wright, Berkley,
Mich., in the 880; Tom Ottey, Ard-
more, Pa., in the three-quarter mile,
and Wes Hurd, Detroit, in the mile.
The members of the four-mile
team included Charles Dennis, Lud-
ington; J. Nelson Gardner, Hastings;
Ottey and Hurd, each of whom ran a
Of the two groups only Ottey and
Hurd will be lost to the Spartans this
year through graduation. Dennis is
a junior and the others sophomores.

Death House 'Pal'
Of Hauptmann To
Die During Week
TRENTON, N. J., Aug. 13. - (A) -
John Favorito, a prison comrade of
Bruno Richard Hauptnmann, will go
to his death this week for the slaying
of an acquaintance of Charles A.
During the dragging months of
awaiting results of appeals to New
Jersey's high courts, the inevitable
death house friendship developed be-
tween Favorito and the man convict-
ed of the Lindbergh baby slaying.
The 25-year-old Edgewater mechanic
on his way to the electric chair, was
expected to bid farewell to Haupt-
The court of pardons, court of last
resort, recently refused clemency to
Favorito, convicted of slaying Emil
Vyborny, gasoline station operator, of
Englewood Cliffs, during a $4 holdup.
Col. Lindbergh, who occasionally was
a customer at the gasoline station,
inquired several times about Vybor-
ny's condition in the Englewood hos-
pital, where the victim of the shoot-
ing died last Christmas day, nine days
after the holdup.
Hauptmann, who found six death
house companions when he came to
Trenton after conviction at Flem-
ington, will be left with two, Charles
Zeid, Philadelphia gangster, convict-
ed of killing a Camden detective, and
Arthur Johnes, Newark Negro, con-
victed in an Essex county killing.
While Hauptmann awaits the de-
cision of the court of errors and ap-
peals whether he shall have a new
trial, his counsel, C. Lloyd Fisher,
is at work upon "new evidence."
Fisher, after a visit to Hauptmann
yesterday, said he discussed this evi-
dence with him and considered it
important. He declined to reveal its
nature, but said he planned a visit
soon to California in connection with
it. Hauptmann's sister, Mrs. Emma
Gloeckner, in Los Angeles, recently
retained a lawyer to present 'new
Abbott Resents Hint
Of Political Infidelity
atio J. Abbott, Democratic national
committeemen who was challenged
yesterday by Giles Kavanaugh, col-
lector of internal revenue, to tell how
he voted in the 1934 election, was
ready today to "stack my Demo-
cracy up against his feeble efforts."
Kavanagh had issued his challenge
in denying Abbott's charge that he
violated a promise by dismissing Ab-
bott's son, Floyd, from the collector's
"I have no desire to enter into any
controversy with Kavanagh," said
Abbott, who attended the banquet
of the Northern Michigan sportsmen's
association last night.
"He is headed for enough trouble
as it is. I simply say that I am
willing to stack my Democracy up
against his feeble efforts over the past
35 years and allow the public to judge
who has been the most helpful to the

Denies Police
Are Hostile To
State Rum Act
Detroit's Pickert Brands
Schroeder's Charges As
'Silly' Nonsense
DETROIT, Aug. 13. - Charges
that the Detroit police have shown
hostility to the State Liquor Control
Act and have sought to discredit the
home rule provisions of the act, made
in Lansing Monday by Rep. George
A. Schroeder (Dem.) of Detroit, were
characterized as "silly" today by Po-
lice Commissioner Pickert.
"The records of the department
will not bear out the charge," Pick-
ert said. "The whole thing is non-
Schroeder, speaker of the House
made his statement when he was
testifying at the opening of an in-
vestigation into the operations of the
act by a committee of the Legislative
Discredit Act
He charged that the Detroit police
have sought to discredit the Liquor
Control Actbecause the Legislature,
in framing the act, exempted Wayne
County from the home rule provi-
"This was done because of the cn-
ditions in Detroit under prohibition,"
Schroeder said. "Bootleggers just
paid the officers in their precinct and
that's all there was to it."
The committee, called together by
Schroeder and Lieut.-Gov. Thomas
Read, spent most of Monday organ-
izing and discusing the scope of its
The greatest breakdown in the liq-
uor control system is the lack of co-
operation of local officials in en-
forcement, members of the committee
agreed. It was suggested that the
license fees, returned to the local
communities for enforcement, might
be witheld from those communities
where enforcement is bad, but there
was doubt as to whether this could be
Beer Garden Blight
The beer garden in Detroit is a
"blight" Rep. Schroeder said. He
said the Legislature had the German
type, family beer garden in mind
and that he never had an idea there
would be more than five in Detroit.
Lieut.-Gov. Read suggested that
the members of the Liquor Control
Commission, Frank A. Picard, for-
mer chairman, and Mrs. Frederick
M. Alger, who resigned last week, be
summoned to testify before the com-
mittee and that Gov. Fitzgerald be
invited to give his views of what
should be done.
The committee agreed that the next
meeting would be held in Lansing
Aug. 21, and announced that they
would hold hearings later in Detroit
for perhaps two or three days.
Senator Adolph F. Heidkamp
(Rep.), of Lake Linden, and Rep. Carl
F. Delano (Rep.), of Kalamazoo,
members of the committee did not
attend Monday's session.
Wants Change In Law
Alphone B. Conrad, Detroit drug-
gist, representing the Wayne County
and Detroit Association of Specially
Designated Distributors (private
package liquor merchants), was the
first witness before the committee.

Leads Meat Strike

Where To Go
2 p.m. Majestic Theater, Clark
Gable, Loretta Young and Jack Oakie
in "Call of the Wild."
2 p.m. Michigan Theater, Dick Pow-
ell in "Broadway Gondolier."
2 p.m. Wuerth Theater, Dick Powell
in "Golddiggersof 1935," and John
Beal in "Laddie."~
7 p.m. Same features at the three
8:30 p.m. Lydia Mendelssohn The-
ater, "The Kingdom of God."
Canoeing every afternoon and eve-
ning, Saunder's Canoe Livery.
Dancing at Island Lake in the Blue
Lantern Ballroom featuring Claire
Wilson and his orchestra.
M.S.C. Invites
57 To Practice
Football Early
19 Lettermen Included In
List Of Grid Candidates;
First Session Sept. 9
EAST LANSING, Aug. 13. -(A)-
Invitations went out to 57 Michigan
State College students today to at-
tend the early football practices that
get under way Sept. 9.
Among them are 19 letter winners.
The regulars are Art Brandstatter of
Ecorse, fullback; Dick Colina of De-
troit, quarterback; Steve Sebo of
Battle Creek, and Kurt Warmbein of
St. Joseph, halfbacks; Joe Busolitz
of Edwardsburg, center; and Gordon
Dahlgren of Chicago; Lou Zarga of
Gary, Ind.; Howard Zindel of Grand
Rapids, and Sidney Wagner of Lan-
sing, in the line.
Other lettermen are Albert H. Ag-
ett of Kinsport, Tenn.; Robert All-
man of Bay City; Dick Edwards of
Dimondale; Don Wiseman of Cadill-
ac; Fred Ziegel of Detroit; Henry
Kutchins of Hamtramck; Julius
Sleder of Traverse City; Archie Ross
of Grand Rapids; Vincent Vanden-
burg of Muskegon, and Mike Wilson
of Kalamazoo.
Other footballers to whom invita-
tions were addressed are:
Vincent Apenavice, Hilton N. Y.;
Richard Arnold, Cedar Springs; Jack
Bergin, Lowell; Paul Beaubien, Flint;
John Boyko, Hamtramck; Jack Cool-
idge, Muskegon; Jess Corona, Detroit;
Robert Elder, Marine City; Frank
Gaines, Lansing; George Goltz, Big
Rapids; Thomas Gortat, Muskegon;
Wililam Guckelberg, Birmingham;
Charles Halbert, Grand Rapids; Joe
Hess, Niles; Edgar Jones, Lansing;
Abe Hess, Pontiac; Milt Lenhardt,
Detroit; Walter Leuck, Dundee, Ill.;
Robert McComb, Muskegon; John
McKibbon, East Lansing; Don Mil-
ler, Ardmore, Pa.; Harrison Neumann,
Lansing; Norbert Micknavich, Nor-
man Olman, Raymond O'Malley and
George Petoskey, all of Grand Rap-
ids; Stanley Pilzinksi, Detroit; Mike
Polmac, Monroe; Nelson Schrader,
Northville; Fred Schroeder, Classon;
Harry Speelman, Lansing; Howard
Schwartz, LaGrange, Ill.; Frank
Szczepaniuk, Grand Rapids, and
Herman Taylor, Englewood, l. J.
and this causes extreme competition
and leads to chiseling," Conrad said.

-Associated Press Photo.
The title of "mother of the meat
strike" at Hamtramck, Mich., De-
troit Polish settlement, has been
conferred upon Mrs. Mary Zuk,
(above) for her militant activity in
the movement to get lower prices
on meat.
A.A. Foresees
Record Markl
In Attendance
CHICAGO, Aug. 13. - (k') - As the
Western clubs moved into enemy lots
today for their final Eastern inva-
sion of the campaign, President
Thomas Hickey, of the American As-
sociation, predicted an increase in
attendance this season of 100,000
more than last year.
A tight pennant race, so close that
today six of the eight clubs were
above the .500 percentage mark, and
night base ball were given credit for
the attendance increase by the vet-
eran league head.
"Through the first two-thirds of
the season, we were better than 40,-
000 ahead of last year," President
Hickey said, "and' with six teams
still holding a chance to win the pen-
nant, it doesn't seem unreasonable
to expect a total gain of 100,000.
Night base ball has been a great
boon. Six American Association
clubs, all execpt Minneapolis and St.
Paul, have night games and I expect,
they will have it next year. And I
think the major leagues will go in for
night base ball in a big way next

Utilities Appeal
Is Dismissed By
Detroit Edison Is Refuted
In Legal Effort To Have
Order Made Void
LANSING, Aug. 13.-- ()- Circuit
Judge Leland W. Carr dismissed the
appeal of the Detroit Edison Co. to-
day from a public utilities commis-
sion order that it reduce its rates.
The court also dismissed the ap-
peals of the city of Detroit and the
Michigan Manufacturers' association,
which had contended that the utilities
commission did not go far enough
in its rate cutting order.
The Detroit Edison Co. had con-
tended that an order reducing com-
mercial electricity rates in Detroit
by $1,500,000 was unfair. The com-
pany demanded that its rate schedule
be permitted to stand.
The Michigan Manufacturers' asso-
ciation in its suit contended tha all
customers of the company should
benefit under a cut of approximately
$5,000,000 a year. The city of De-
troit also had requested a reduction
in all of the rates but wanted a $2,-
000,000 cut.
Judge Carr in his decision said
the questions raised in the three suits
"become moot" and that none of the
plaintiffs had succeeded in proving its
contentions. He dismissed all of the
Oliphant, Former Ohio
Star, Will Coach Olivet
OLIVET, Mich., Aug. 13.--()-
Marshall Oliphant, who won three
football letters at Ohio State, will
report here Sept. 9 to begin his coach-
ing duties at Olivet College. The first
practice has been called for Sept. 16.
Olivet's new coach, a nephew of Elmer
Oliphant who won gridiron fame at
Purdue and West Point, has the task
of reviving football here after a lapse
of three years.
Wrestler Savoldi Asks
For His Reinstatement
CHICAGO, Aug. 13. --(A)- Jump-
in' Joe Savoldi, the wrestler, sought
reinstatement before the Illinois State
Athletic Commission today. Jumpin'
Joe was suspended indefinitely last
month for failing to go through with
a match against Danno O'Mahoney
recognized heavyweight champion.
Joe claimed he was injured in an
automobile accident a day before the
New Mexico's birth rate- 28.5 a
thousand persons - was the nation's
highest in 1934.
The Michigan Union
Hours 12 -5 Dial 4151



It 11

Speed Recount
Hearinos For
54 Politicians
State's Witness Testifies
That Supervisor Told
How To 'Blue-Pencil'

A Good'
1. Joins a local University o Michigan Club.-
There are 150 of these Clubs in all parts of the world.
They have their social programs and they initiate activ-
ities for the benefit of their members, their communities
and their University.
2. Concerns himself with his Class Organization.

DETROIT, Aug. 13.-(P) -Record-
er's Judge John V. Brennan has or-
dered more speed in the hearing of
54 politicians accused of attempting'
to "steal" votes in the recount of last
fall's state election ballots.
He said thatevening sessions would
be added if necessary:
J. L. Bartholomew, a Republican,
who said he "crashed the gate" and'
was hired to help with the recheck,
testified at yesterday's hearing that
George James, a supervisor, had in-
structed recount workers in the blue-
pencilling of ballots.
Bartholomew, who was the state's
third witness, said he had seen JamesI
mark blue crosses before the names of
Maj. Gen. Guy 14. Wilson, Democratic
candidate for secretary of state and
Patrick H. O'Brien, Democrat seeking
re-election as attorney general on
mixed ballots to shoal workers what
was expected of them.
James and John J. Beauparlante
ha#n ar n rAinrs 4n t +n nnf nn a.

Every Alumni

Class has its officers and

i ts program.

A Reunion is held once every five years on the Campus.
3. Reads the Michigan Alumnus.

The magazine is issued 26 times each year and is the chief
liaison agency between the University and its Alumni.

4. Remembers always that he is A Michigan Man.

-~ - ___ A - -I

I AfU E NE A k =f U fA P I

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