THE MICHIGAN DAILY The Careers And Personalities Of Our Senators: Rush D. Holt G-Men' Locate Fugitive After 16- Year Chase DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213 A.H. until 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday. others who ,are expected to occupy theHovrT msA et'n limelight during the 74th Congress. signature. Hoover Terms Arrest 'An 1. RUSH DEW HOLT His pretty, 21-year-old sister, Jan Example Of Cooperation who may be his Washington hostess, CHARLESTON, W. Va., June 25 - often travels with Holt. Another sis- And Perseverance' (AP) - Rush Dew Holt's colleagues will ter, two brothers and his parents find he knows their records. The make up the family, headed by Dr. WASHINGTON, June 25 - (P) - scrapbooks of this West Virginia dem- M. S. Holt, 84-year-old mayor of Wes- After 16 years of freedom, Fred C. ocrat bulge with clippings telling the ton. Smith - who fled from Leavenworth record of every senator and repre- Watkins. on St. Patrick's day, 1919 - is be- sentative on every subject that in- hind federal bars again, ending a terests Holt - including St. Lawrence "G-Men" hunt that extended to the waterway, federal power investiga- How To Pronounce Hawaiian Islands, California and tions, legislation sponsored by the Texas. American Federation of Labor. Names In The News Officials said Smith was a trusty The man who became the Senate's ____ in the warden's barns when he es- youngest member - he's only thirty Here's how names of persons in the caped, starting a career that took him -- keeps his hotel room piled with it h ayado ocmeca scrapbooks full of clippings from the news are pronounced: ito the navy and on to commercial Congressional Record, interstate Giulio Gatti-Casazza, former gen- vessels as a chief engineer. He was captured in a sailor's home at Staten commerce and federal trade commis- eral director of the Metropolitan Op- Island, N. Y. sion reports, federal power commis- era Company - Ju-lee-o Gah-tee Director J. Edgar Hoover of the hon bulletins. An omnivorous reader, Kah-sah-tzah, accent on first syllable justice department's investigative he gulps whole pages at a time, re- taining quantities of detail. in first name and in "Gatti," but on division, disclosed the arrest. He Hard work, speed, a good joke, a second syllable in "Casazza." termed it an "example of investigat- hearty laugh - he likes them all. Leopold Stokowski, conductor of ing co-operation and perseverance." Holt is a "good mixer," a neat dres- the Philadelphia Orchestra - Lay- Records say Smith entered Leav- ser, likes to dance. enworth June 13, 1916, to serve a six- He thinks little of driving his car o-pold Sto-kof-skee, accent on first year term for embezzlement while ste- 100 miles for a business or personal syllable in first name, second syllable ward of the army post exchange at engagement. His speedometer regis- in last. Second "o" in Stokowski is Fort Ruger, Hawaii. tered 20,000 miles for the recent cam- short. Although he had a 15-year-start, paign. Sergei Rachmaninoff, Russian pi- justice agents learned Smith's father, . Holt literally lives politics. With anist and composer - Sair-gay a physician, formerly lived in a small amazing energy, he sits up all night Rakh-mah-neen-off, accent last syl- California city and that Smith had studying government reports or pre- lable of first name and second syl- returned in 1930 to find his father paring bills for legislative action; lable of-last name, gone. They also learned Smith's true Benjamin D. Foulois, major general name wes Oliver Wendell Ruddock M.S.C.Sand chief of - the army air corps - and that he had enlisted in the navy StudentsWill Foo-loy, accent on second syllable, at Dallas, Tex., as Fred Charlton Eugene L. Vidal, director of air Jones in June, 1919, shortly after his Face Attack Charge commerce of the department of com- prison break. He deserted the follow- merce - Vee-dall, accent on second ing September. LANSING, June 25 - (P) - Two syllable. Followed this lead, the agents found Michigan State college students, Smith in sailors' snug harbor at Sta- Alexander Varsoke, 20, and Spencer ten Island where he had lived several Rogers, 20, bothof Amsterdam, N. Y. lT"Iior To Go *years and was known as a "quiet today were bound over for trial in and orderly resident." Among his pos- circuit court on criminal charges by sessions were found a loaded revolver Municipal Judge Sam Street Hughes. 2:00 Michigan Theater, "Doubting and a tear gas gun, shaped like a The two youths were accused by a Thomas" with Will Rogers. fountain pen, Hoover said. Lansing high school girl of having 2:00 Majestic Theater, "Goin' to Smith admittd, Hoover said, that attacked her after she and her es- Town" with Mae West. he was the Leavenworth fugitive. cort, James Jackson, 21, of Buffalo, 2:00 Wuerth Theater, "One More N. Y., another Michigan State stu- Spring" with Janet Gaynor and War- RECEPTION AT LEAGUE dent, had accepted a ride with them ner Baxter, and "Menace." The general reception by the fac- following a dance and they had 8:15 Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, ulty for the students of the Summer parked the car in a cemetery near "Moor Born," Repertory Players. Session will be held Friday at the here. Dancing at the Blue Lantern Ball- League, instead of the Union, as was Rogers was a member of the varsity room,'Island Lake, featuring Claire announced in the bulletins of the basketball squad at the college. Wilson and' his orchestra. Summer Session. Alumni Of Harvard And Pennsylvania NVa-, m d Tin IlOni IA i, dW-8sa L ri rL-&%IN'& a ~Y~4' - £~.'WJ A tFEL >IAI, JI~jJA~I145 tl lIn ULOsU3S School of Commerce and Finance, Ikeda remained in Tokyo to pursue similar studies in.Keio University. But after being graduated from Penn in 1890 Kushida emained in Philadelphia to gain frther experi- ence with Brown Brothers and Com- pany. He finished his American train- ing in 1895, the same year in which Ikeda was graduated from Harvard. Tall Financial Towers Both returned to Japan that year and enrolled in the service of the two "kingdoms" of which they were to become "premiers" 40 years later. The wealth controlled by the two holding companies is far beyond their modest capitalizations. Each governs a huge vertical financial-industrial- commercial combination, with banks and insurance companies to finance it; with trading companies spread all over the world, served by the com- bine's own shipping companies; with extensive holdings in the major in-i dustries of the empire. Mitsui dominates the cotton tex- tile industry, which has seized lead- ership in the world market. Mitsu- bishi goes in more for heavy industry, such as shipbuilding and steel mak- ing. Both have big mining companies. in H ,- ji H A- a- 10 fi x- p in 31 M m is d a e- F: 01 a u- a] of t1 ed la on edC esL -w its s inn th w ar I-k e e uf- iia its p be ri ly sy ti a i, 0- ell or ,r-- If- 22 its tn. e. I- sre a- ue ye tm. I- ise ndl n., >r- ar a- m 01r i AHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE Is at Your Service With a Complete Stock of for Every Department Large Quantities of USED BOOKS that are priced to your advantage! NOTEBOOKS, FOUNTAIN PENS, ART SUPPLIES, Etc., Etc. at f r A ro omA - -h u