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August 09, 1935 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1935-08-09

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The Weather
Fair, slightly warmer in west
and south portions tomorrow


Sitr AMm


Electi-q~m Board

Official Publication Of The Summer Session



Wextern Wisconsin Hit By Heavy Flood Waters

Ask Help
Of Church
Overthrow Of Hitler And
Fascism Would Be Goal
Of ProposedAlliance
Call All Nations To
Fight Against Nazis
Chinese Delegate Warns
Of Growing Imperialism
In Latin America
MOSCOW, Aug. 8. - (A) - The
unusual proposal that Communists
ally themselves with churchmen for
a fight to overthrow the Nazi regime
was presented today to the Seventh
Congress of the Third Internationale
F. Walter, the German delegate,
said communists are prepared to unite
with Catholics in a fight against Fas-
cism in Germany.
"We told the Catholic workers we
are ready to fight with them for free-
dommofnconscience, as we have one
common enemy -ftascism," Walter
declared. He predicted a united front
governmentin Germany "after the
fall of- the Nazis, "
Harry Pollipp, of .England, urged
"lovers of freedom in France, Eng-
land, and America" to help overthrow
the Nazis. "We call upon them to
encircle the Nazi hell with a steel
ring!" he shouted.
Pollipp said death sentences passed
in Germany on communist leaders
Rudolf Klauf and Albert Kayser was
the first time "even Fascist courts"
had decreed death as a punishment
for political belief and that the
Internationale is organizing "a strong
movement" to rescue them.
The Chinese delegate, Wang Ming,
said growing "military, economic, and
political imperialism in Latin Amer-
ica has endangered the national exist-
en. e of, a number of seni-colonial
Detroit Whips
Sox In Series
Opener, 5 To 2
Crowder Wins His 13th As
Tiger Infield Smothers
Chicago Rallies
DETROIT, Aug. 8. - (Special) -
A stellar defensive exhibition by De-
troit's vaunted infield enabled Alvin
(General) Crowder to pitch the Tigers
to a 5 to 2 victory over the Chi-
cago White Sox in the opening game
of their current series at Navin Field
Four double plays, all occurring at'
crucial moments when potential Chi-
cago runs were on the bases, helped
Crowder register his thirteenth win
of the season and sent the Detroiters
into a five-game lead over New York
in thesleague pennant race. The
Yankees were defeated by Phila-
delphia, 9 to 6.
Before Crowder had been com-
fortably settled on the mound, the
White Sox drove out three hits and
had a run across the plate with no
outs registered, but a fast double
play, Gehringer to Rogell to Green-
berg, on Washington's ground ball
put a halt to the uprising.
The Tigers knotted the count in
the second on Greenberg's long double
off the scoreboard and Goslin's timely
single to right. Just prior to this the

Bengals had quelled another poten-
tial rally when Sewell hit into a
double play with Dykes on first.
In their half of the fourth the
Tigers picked up another run to go
into the lead. Rogell opened the in-
ning with a sharp two-bagger down
the right field foul line, advanced to
third on Fox's sacrifice bunt, and
scored on Owen's drive over the
drawn-in White Sox infield.
Three singles and two passes ac-
counted for two Detroit runs in the
fifth. The final Tiger scoring ef-
fort came in the eighth after Fox
had doubled against the scoreboard
with nobody out.
Prominent Italians Die
In Egyptian Plane Crash
ROME, Aug. 8. - UP) - Seven Ital-

-Associated Press Photo.
Damage estimated at several hundred thousand dollars and one death resulted from devastating floods
which swcpi wcstern Wisconsin and southern Minnesota. Many cities and towns were reported under wa-
ter. This air viev shows the inundated village of Viola, Wis., where seven square blocks of business and resi-
dential districts wiere under water.

Zenge, 'Jones'
Same, Clerk At
Hotel Declares
Final Witnesses Will Be
Heard By Cook County
Grand Jury Today
Norman Jedele, desk clerk at the
Jennings House, on Catherine Street,
yesterday positively identified pic-
tures of Mandeville Zenge wearing
dark glasses. as the mysterious "L.
Jones" who lived in the Jennings
house shortly before the kidnaping
and emasculation murder of Dr. Wal-
ter J. Bauer, 38-year-old University'
chemistry student.
The pictures of Zenge, 26-year-old
Canton, Mo., carpenter who is now
being tried in Chicago for the murder
of Bauer, were brought to Ann Arbor
by Lieut. Otto Erlanson and Sgt. Er-
nest Peiske of the Chicago homicide
The Chicago officers conferred im-
mediately with Ann Arbor police on
the brutal killing. Erlanson and
Peiske inspected thoroughly the
rooms occupied by Bauer at the Jen-
nings House.
CHICAGO, Aug. 8. - (m) -- After
hearing four witnesses called today
by the state in an effort to show
Mandeville Zenge was the man who
left Dr. Walter J. Bauer dying from
an emasculation operation last week,
the Cook's County grand jury ad-
journed until tomorrow.
Assistant State's Attorney Charles
P. Dougherty said final witnesses will
be called then in an effort to gain
the indictment of the 26-year-old
Missouri farmer accused by the state
of killing the osteopath who won the
love of his fiancee.
Prosecutor Dougherty said Mrs.
Louise Bauer, the widow, would be
resumoned before grand jurors to-
morrow because they told him they
could not fully understand the testi-
mony which she sobbed out to them
last Tuesday.

Mussolini Orders Huge Secret
Military Maneuvers This Month
T r -

Ousted American Reporter
Says 1} Duce's Soldiers
Are Spiritless
ROME, Aug. 8. - (A') - Premier
Mussolini gave strict orders today
that gigantic military maneuvers to
be held near the Brenner Pass be
kept secret, following unconfirmed
reports that Italy has made great
strides in developing offensive weap-
ons hitherto unknown.
More than 500,000 men will take
part in the war drills, to be held
some time this month along the Al-
pine range.
Il Duce gave his orders for secrecy
in response to queries from foreign
correspondents for the privilege of
witnessing the maneuvers.
"No form of newspaperman will be
allowed," said his spokesman, who
laughed when asked if photographers
would be allowed.
One of the arguments of Europe'
against Mussolini's African plans has
been that he cannot send great con-
tingents to Africa without bleeding
to death the Italian army counted
upon by England and France to ex-
ercise a "stabilizing influence" in
European politics, particularly to
preserve Austria's independence
against Nazi Germany.
ADDIS ABABA, Aug. 8. - (P')-De-
velopments in the Italo-Ethiopian
dispute lent strength today to the
growing belief that Emperor Haile Se-
lassie is turning to the Orient for
munitions the rest of the world thus
far has denied him.
Daba Birrou, a former Foreign Of-
f ce official, will leave soon for Japan
on an unannounced secret mission,
which was believed connected with
getting credit for munitions and
foodstuffs for conducting a war.
A lack of supplies is becoming more
evident daily as outlying troops pour
in the capital to get equipment, only
to find none is available.
Coupled with this development, was

a report (officially confirmed in1
Tokio) that Japan would shortly1
establish a legation here.-
NEW YORK, Aug. 8. -(P) - David
Darran, former Rome correspondent
of the Chicago Tribune banished from1
Italy because his dispatches were1
displeasing to Premier Mussolini, re-
ported on his return today that fre-
quent "pep talks" by Il Duce are re-
quired to sustain the morale of troops;
leaving for Ethiopia.s
"If you see pictures of troops de-
parting for Africa showing scenes of
high-spirited enthusiasm they are the
bunk," he said on the liner Manhat-
tan. "There is no feeling of gay ad-
venture about the Ethiopian enter-
"If Mussolini fails in his Ethiopian
objectives it will be his finish as a
dictator. He would like to get out of
it if he could without losing prestige.
I don't think he realized that the
British Government would take such
'a firm stand. Il Duce's plans in
Africa have given a great boost to
anti-Fascist organizations all over
Juvenile Stars
To Be Featured
In Floor Show
Concluding Dances Of The
Summer Session To Be
Given This Week-End
The largest floor show of the sea-
son with dance specialties, song nov-
elties, and varioas other forms of
entertainment has been planned as.
a fitting climax for the concluding
dances of the Summer Session to be
held tonight and tomorrow night in
the spacious ballroom of the Mich-
igan League, Jean Seeley, chairman
of social activities, announced yes-
Three juvenile dance artists, all
stars of the recent production, Juniors
on Parade, will be featured as the
main attractions in the program
which has been arranged by Roy
Hoyer.tThey were recently acclaimed
by critics of the dancing profession.
Nancy Corey is to open the show
with one of her own melody inter-
pretations, "Waltzes of Yesteryear,"
with Al Cowan's orchestra furnishing,
the musical background. In her dance
number, she will play the part of a
sophisticated East-side-of-New York
girl, and will be dressed accordingly.
Another juvenile dancer, Dickie
Gauss, will continue the show with
a progressive waltz selection. He has
been featured in several Ann Arbor
exhibitions during the past year. Pa-
tricia Burd will follow him with a
musical comedy and tap dance num-
ber. She has appeared in stage pro-
ductions for many years. being

Enactment Of
Secuirity Bill
Now Probable
After Seven-Months Fight,
Early Passage Is Seen
By New Dealers
Plans Of Private
Pension Rejected
Huge System Of Old Age
Pensions Largest Item
In Roosevelt Program
WASHINGTON, Aug. 8. - (IP) -
After nearly seven months of Con-
gressional turmoil, the gigantic
Roosevelt social security program to-
day neared the statute books, minus
a provision 'for exempting private
pension plans.
Administration leaders in both
Houses expressed confidence that the
long legislative battle virtually was
won when House and Senate mem-
bers of a conference committee ad-
justing differences on the bill agreed
to eliminate the Clark amendment ex-
cluding private pension plans from
the operation of the measure.
The House quickly voted approval
of the conference agreement. Ap-
proval of the Senate, which may act
tomorrow, will send the bill to the
President for his signature.
House approval was only a for-
mality, since that body already had
voted overwhelmingly against the
Clark amendment. In the Senate,
leaders said they hoped for early ap-
proval, despite a threat of opposition
from Senaator Bennet C. Clark, Mis-
souri Democrat, author of the long-
disputed clause.
Study For Next Session
In an effort to pacify opposition,
the conference committeemen agreed
to set up sub-committees to study the
problem presented by the existing pri-
vate pension plans, with a view to
working out legislation at the next
session of Congress, if possible, to
save them.-..
The Clark amendment would have
exempted from the proposed 6 per
cent payroll tax on employers and
employees all of those covered in
private pension plans offering bene-
fits equal to those in the bill. It was
designed to permit existing company
pension plans to continue in opera-
Administration forces fought the
proposal, however, on the ground that
it would lay the bill open to consti-
tutional objections.
The old age pension system is the
major proposal in the vast social pro-
gram advanced by the President.
Yield Two Billion A Year
By 1950 the tax is estimated to
yield about $2,000,000,000 annually
and cover 25,000,000 workers. Only
agricultural, domestic, Government
and casual workers would be ex-
cluded. By 1980 it has been estimated
the fund will have accumulated al-
most $50,000,000,000.
To supplement this system, the bill
also would set up a system of Federal
old age grants to assist the states in
caring for needy aged.
The Government would offer to
match state contributions tothe
needy old up to $15 a month. States
with constitutional prohibitions
against such contributions would not
have to match the funds for the first
two years.
Similar Federal grants would be
offered by the Government for needy
blind persons of all ages.
The third major section of the bill
would impose a payroll tax of 3 per

cent by 1938, on employers of eight
or more persons. They could deduct
90 per cent of this tax if it was paid
into a state unemployment insurance
system. The tax is designed to en-
courage states to set up their own
unemployment insurance laws.


Break Out

In French Towns;
5 Killed, 200 Hurt

Called To Lobby Quiz

-Associated Press Photo.
Testimony of Patrick J. Hurley
(above), secretary of war in the
Hoover cabinet, before the Senate
lobby commttee, was marked by
frequent bitter clashes with Chair-
man Black. Hurley said he ob-
jected to "being s:ngled out" for
Major League Standings

Detroit ..''...
New York.......
Chicago ...........
Boston ............
Cleveland .........
Philadelphia ......
Washington,..... .
St. Louis ..........
Detroit 5, Chicago

W. L.
..63 37
..56 40
..52 44
..52 48
..49 49
..41 51
..43 57
..33 63

Philadelphia 9, New York 6.
Cleveland 14, St. Louis 8
(Second game incomplete).
Only games scheduled.
Games Today
Chicago at Detroit.
Cleveland at St. Louis.
Philadelphia at New York.
Only games scheduled.


Marine Workers Protest
Economy Laws Resulting
In Pay Cuts
Seaports Center Of
All Demonstrations
Transatlantic Liners Are
Delayed; Angry Workers
Parade InMany Cities
PARIS, Aug. 9. - (Friday) -() -
Five persons were reported killed and
200 injured in prolonged rioting
through the narrow streets of Toulon
that did not quiet down until long
after midnight When infantry men
and guards closed all roads leading
from the city.
The rioting grew out of demonstra-
tions late yesterday by marine work-
ers protesting pay cuts decreed in
Premier Pierre Laval's new economy
The Toulon disorders were the
worst of a series which occurred in
many French seaport cities during
the day.
Transatlantic liners were tied up
and angry threats hurled against gov-
ernment officials as the marine work-
ers continued on strike in Le Havre
and paraded in demonstrations at
other ports.
Woman 'In Red'
The Toulon riots reached their cli-
max as Premier Laval and his cab-
inet completed 83 new decree law
"for economic recovery."
Two were known dead, while the
bodies of three others believed to be
dead were reported by spectators t
have been hid by rioters among whom
were communists, led by a woman "in
After many hours rioting, the dem-
onstrators gradually disappeared
from the streets. Military authorities
clamped down with strict surveillance
of the city's residents.
Large army and navy forces gar-
risoned at Toulon, which is France's
principal Mediterranean naval port,
were held in readiness to prevent
fresh disorders, and 200 troops from
Draguignan were en route to the
While the exact number of wound-
ed lacked confirmation, 18 persons
were known to have been seriously
wounded in the exchange of gunfire
between mobile guardsmen and mani-
Strict Measures Taken
Officials denied reports a state of
siege had been proclaimed, but ad-
mitted strict measures were being
taken to prevent any continuance of
the disorders that had the city in an
uproar through the night.
They announced they had arrested
more than 50 persons among whom
was the left wing member of the Tou-
lon municipal council and a city
councilman from La Feyne.
Earlier manifestants had paraded
through the streets of Cherbourg, and
at Brest angry shipyard laborers had
marched with their wives silently be-
hind a dead comrade, killed in rioting
One person was seriously injured in
that city when 200 workmen clashed
with mobile guards.
Two thousand workers at the Ar-
senalnin Lorient paraded in a dem-
onstration but no clashes were re-
Among the liners tied up at Le
Havre were the Champlain with more
than 800 passengers for New York.
Dole Workers Quit,
Blasted By Johnson
NEW YORK, Aug. 8.-UP)-Ap-
proximately 350 relief workers
dropped their tools today in a spread-
ing movement to join- organized la-
bor's protest against the government's

"security wage."
Their action drew a verbal blast
from Gen. Hugh S. Johnson, Works
Progress administrator for New York
City, who denounced it as "an at-
tack on relief, the government' and
the whole nation."
With flying squadrons of union men
pulling skilled laborers off WPA proj-
ects through Manhattan and Brook-
lyn, Gen. Johnson declared:
"If the threatened strike is called

New York . .
Chicago ....
St. Louis ...
Pittsburgh . .
Brooklyn ...
Cincinnati ..
Boston .....

W. L.
.65 36
.66 41
.61 39
.56 49
.45 56
.45 58-
.46 56
.26 75

Yesterday's Results
Philadelphia 7-6, New York 4-3.
Chicago 9, Pittsburgh 5.
Only games scheduled.
Games Today
'Boston at Brooklyn.
New York at Philadelphia.
Cincinnati at Pittsburgh.
St. Louis at Chicago.
LONDON, Aug. 8.-(W) --Mrs. Del-
phine Dodge Baker announced today
she would wed Timothy Godde, for-
merly of New York, next week, but
the date has not been fixed.

Hearn And Strand Will Sing At
Summer's Final Union Dances,

Two programs of entertainment
featuring a diversified group of ar-
tists will climax the Union's Summer
Session social program at the final
membership dances to be held at 9
p.m. tonight and tomorrow night in
the cool Union ballroom.
Heading the entertainment bill for
both evenings will be George Hearn,
celebrated radio vocalist and an ac-
complished dancer. Singing with
Bob Steinle, and his Melody Men, who
will furnish the music for dancing,
Hearn will appear before the micro-
phone to present "Weather Man,"
"Love Me Forever," and "I Couldn't
Believe My Eyes."
Barbara Strand, who is currently
playing a leading role in the Reper-

Russell, will also sing several vocal
solos. Miss Russell shared the lead-
ing role in "Chocolate Soldier." "In
the Middle of a Kiss" and "Star
Gazin' " will be her feature selec-
Two other members of the Reper-
tory players staff, Fred Shaffmaster
and Vaudie Vandenberg, who have
previously sung for Union members
and their guests this summer, will
return tonight.
Vandenberg, who has played an im-
portant part in the last two Mich-
igan Union Operas, will sing "Lulu's
Back In Town," "Paris In The
Spring," "East of the Sun and West
of the Moon," and "Way Back Home."
A former member of the Varsity

It Must Be The Hit Weather;
Anyway, 180 Want To Freeze

HOLLYWOOD, Calif., Aug. 9.- (P)
- A handsome young scientist an-
nounced today more than 180 persons
had volunteered to let him freeze
them alive as an experiment.
The experimenter, Dr. Ralph Wil-
lard, says he has revived small an-
imals after freezing them solid.
Just as Dr. Willard was saying
he hoped to be able to try his pro-
cess on a human being soon, Dr.
C. C. Warn, general manager of the
city humane department, sounded a

ing alive will destroy certain disease
germs. A monkey thus frozen and
"revived" is to be tested in this re-
Dr. Willard announced Monday
that of three monkeys he said he
had frozen solid, one, named Jekal,
revived happily with no ill effects.
Another, named Matilda, never came
out of the permanent chill, and the
third is in the ice chest "and will be
revived next week."
Discussing the experiments, Dr.

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