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August 08, 1935 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1935-08-08

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Hurley Clashes
With Black In

- I _____________________________________________________

News Of The World As Illustrated In Associated Press Pictures

Senate Inquiry

Denies He Was Employed
As A.G.E. Attorney To
Combat Utilities Bill
Was Cabinet Member
Tumulty Is Next Witness
On Stand Before Lobby
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7.--(AP) -
Patrick J. Hurley, former secretary
of war in the Hoover cabinet, clashed
warmly today with Senator Hugo L.
Black of the Senate Lobby Commit-
tee during questioning about his ac-
tivities as attorney for the Associated
Gas & Electric Co.
Joseph P. Tumulty,. secretary to
President Woodrow Wilson, the next
witness, testified he had received
about $33,500 since October, 1934,
from the American Waterworks Co.,
Commonwealth Southern Corp., Pub-
lic Service Co., of New Jersey, and
the Cities Service Co.
He said he paid $5,000 to former
Senator George Moses (Rep.), New
Haven, $2,500 to Judge Timothy Ans-
bury, lawyer, associate and friend,
and that he expected to pay about
$2,500 to John Walsh, brother of the
late Senator from Montana.
Hurley protested vigorously to be-
ing "singled out as a Republican" by
the committee, but Black cut him
short with the announcement that he
would be followed on the -stand by
Appearing voluntarily, Hurley be-
gan by reading his testimony before
the Senate Banking Committee two
years ago, as counsel for the company.
Called Outrage
He emphasized he was present at
that time as a representative of inves--
tors in the company.
Hurley testified his law firm had
received $100,000 in the last three
years from the Associated.
Black said H. S. Hopson, missing
witness sought by both the Senate
Lobby Committee and the House
Rules Committee, was in complete
control of the company.
House investigators went to Hur-
ley's Virginia estate yesterday to look
for Hopson, but he was not found.
At that time Hurley called the pro-
cedure a "disgraceful outrage."
"I have never been employed by
Mr. Hopson personally or for any of
his private interests," Hurley testi-
fied today.
Black asked what Hurley's fee was
in the case.
Shouts At Black
"You might ask Mr. Conboy (Mar-
tin Conboy, then attorney for Albert
H. Wiggin) what his fee was in the
case," Hurley answered.
"Do you object to answering the
question?" Black interjected.
"Why do you single out a Repub-
lican and don't ask any other-"
Hurley began.
Black then stopped Hurley again
to say that Tumulty would be the
next witness.
The Associated Gas & Electric Co.
has spentapproximately $800,000 op-
posing the utility bill.
The tall Hurley and the slim Black
shouted at each other. The com-!
mittee chairman finally told the wit-1
ness to sit down, and he did.
"Goldfish In Bowl"
"I don't know," Hurley flared, "why
you should select a Republican to1
single out . . ." but again Black
stormed him down, shouting:
"Just a moment, just a moment,)
Mr. Hurley, just a moment."
"If you object to answering the
questions... " Black started but Hur-
ley in turn cut him short.
"I am a goldfish in a bowl," the
witness shouted. "You can see me
from any angle."
"I think you can answer the ques-
tions," Black insisted.
Hurley then said the fee to his firm

for his appearance at the banking
investigation was $50,000, butnheem-
phasized that was separate from the
current enquiry.
In 10 seconds more he was involved
in an equally tempestuous exchange'
with Senator Lewis B. Schwellenbach
(Dem., Wash.).
'Wasn't ,Asked'
"Did you tell the committee that
Hopson was drawing $560,000 from
Associated that he was milking from+
the subsidries?" Schwellenbach
"I wasn't asked."
"You didn't volunteer the informa-
"I am trying to volunteer informa-
tion here, but I am not allowed to do
it. I did not represent Hopson or
any private company.
"You didn't show that Hopson got
$560,000 by milking these compan-
"I did not know it then and I'
don't know it now."
Again Schwellenbach repeated his
question and Hurley repeated his;
"You say you did not tell that
Hurlev Smiles1

With the courts being called upon to decide whether Otto F. Aken (left) or Noble J. Puffer (right) is
superintendent of Cook County, IlL, schools, the embattled pair laid in supplies to continue their seige-and-.
sit contest in the Chicago county building. Aken, present superintendent whose term expired, is shown
shaving as ho held fort in an inner room of the superintendent's office, while Puffer, elected last fall, made
ready to continue "residence" in the outer room as long as necessary. He is shown dictating a letter to
his secretary, Miss Ann Baumgartner.

Miss Mary K. Browne (left) of Cleveland, and Miss Ellamae Wil-
liams (right), 17-year-old Chicago golfer, tied with an 81 hole apiece,
two above par, to lead qualifiers in the women's western championships
at Westwood Country Club, Cleveland. The field of more than 100
women stars was reduced to 32 as match play started.

New Tax Plan
Miglit Change
Ford Co. Setup
Treasury Official Believes
Firm Might Be Changed
To One Widely-Owned
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7.-- P)- A
high Treasury official said today it
was "obvious" the Ford Motor Co
would "not be abandoned or closed"
because Qf the proposed 75 per cent
maximum inheritance tax.
But he conceded the levy might
"convert what is now a family in-
dustry into a widely-owned one."
Robert H. Jackson, general coun-
sel for the Internal Revenue Bureau,
was the witness. He told the Senate
Finance Committee yesterday the
Ford fortune was the "worst ex-
ample" that critics could use in con-
tending the inheritance levy would
work a "hardship" on large, going
He figured it this way:
Explains Procedure
Using the company's report to the
Massachusetts commissioner of cor-
porations in 1934 indicating its net
worth at $600,000,000, he said Edsel
Ford, the son of Henry Ford, was re-
liably reported to have acquired 41%/2
per cent of the outstanding stock in
1919, or about $246,000,000, which "is
not touched by inheritance or estate
Assuming the elder Ford's interest
now at around $354,000,000, Jackson
said the House bill, intended to cover
most normal estates, stops graduat-
ing the tax at $10,000,000. This
would make the Henry Ford estate 35
times the point at which rate gradua-
tion ceases.
In addition, he said, the company
had been accumulating surpluses at
the rate of $20,000,000 a year with-
out distributing it to stockholders,
where it would be subject to surtaxes.
Estimate Impossible
Jackson said it would be impossible
to arrive at a reliable estimate of the
tax that might be imposed on the
estate of Henry Ford, because it was
not known how much would remain
in his possession, how much would
pass to organizations exempt from
tax, nor what additional part would
pass to the son and others.
"The utmost to be anticipated," he
asserted, "would be that some part
of the equity now represented by the
common stock would be sold to other
interests or to the public."
Dynamite Home Of
Ecorse President
ECORSE, Aug. 7.(.?)-A dya-
mite bomb wrecked the front porch
of the home of William W. Voisine,
village president, early today and
shattered windows in a score of other
Voisine, his wife, and their 13-
year-old son, Robert, had returned
from a neighbor's house only a few
minutes before the explosion. Po-
lice said the bomber apparently had
known of his absence and had lain
in wait until his appearance.
The village president said he could
not explain the attack.
"I didn't think I had any enemy in
the world," he declared. "The p-
litical troubles I had last year are all
He referred to a move by the village
trustees to oust him from office on
15 points charging corruption and
misconduct in office.


Here's Steve O'Neill, new man-
ager of the Cleveland Indians, in-
stilling the spirit of fight into his
players as he attempts to lift them
from the second -to the first divi-
British Protest
New Attacks By
Italian Press
Ambassador Grandi Asked
To Inform Mussolini Of
English Attitude
LONDON, Eng., Aug. 7.-(P)- An
official source disclosed today that
the British government made "strong
representations" to Italy July 26 re-
garding "the recent violent attacks in
the Italian press against Great Brit-
The representations were made
through Ambassador Grandi of Italy
by officials at the foreign office and
it was stated he promised to inform
his government of the British atti-
Since that time, according to the
same source, the British government
has received no reply from Italy.
Ramsay MacDonald became act-
ing prime minister of Great Britain
today on .the eve of an expected
climax to the Anglo-Italian contro-
versy over Ethiopia.
Uneasy over already frayed rela-
tions between this country and Italy,
the government decided to let France
take the lead in next week's tri-power
talks at Paris. The decision was
reached before Premier Stanley Bald-
win departed for a vacation at Aix-
Les-Baines, France.
This decision, however, did not
mean any relaxation of Britain's de-
termination to uphold the sovereign
rights of Ethiopia, epecially in view
of the declaration by Anthony Eden,
minister for League affairs, that he
would assume responsibility for put-
ting the issue squarely before the
League of Nations council Sept. 4 if
the forthcoming tri-power confer-
ences failed.
Men and women have been digging
in the sand hills of West Texas for
years in search of $184,000 in gold,
which according to legend was buried
near a lake by robbers.
Hurley asked:
"Why don't you ask whether I have
stopped beating my wife?"
Black stepped in to pacify the con-
tesnts by nhervino

Once again the ship of matrimony has has floundered for Thomas
Manville, Jr., shown here with his fourth wife, the former Marcelle Ed-
wards, Follies beauty. In a separation suit she described the society
playboy and asbestos heir as a man with a "violent temper" and a user
of "wicked language,."

On his proposed flight to Siberia and Moscow Wiley Post, famous
world flier, will have, Will Rogers, film comedian, as a passenger as far
as Alaska. Here is Rogers peering from the door of a transport plane
at San Francisco on his way to Seattle to join Post and Mrs. Post. With
Rogers is Helen Hawkins, pretty stewardess.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213
A.H. until 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday.

VOL. XVI. No. 40.
Graduate School: All Graduate
School students who expect to com-
plete their work for a degree at the
close of the present summer session
should call at the office of the Gradu-
ate School, 1014 Angell Hall, to check
their records and to secure the proper
blank to be used in paying the di-
ploma fee. The fee should be paid
not later than Saturday, August 10.
C. S. Yoakum, Dean.
Mathematical Club: Meeting this
afternoon at 4:15 in Room 3017 A.H.
Professor J. W. Bradshaw will talk
on "A Certain Point transformation
in the plane," and Profesor G. Y.
Rainich on "A Recent Solution of an
Old Problem in Number Theory."
Everyone interested is cordially in-
Educational Conference: At 4:10
o'clock today Professor C. L. Clarke
of Lewis Institute, Chicago, will speak
on "New Issues in Adult Education"
in Room 1022 University High School.
Graduation Recital: Mr. Charles
Law, violinist, student of Professor
Wassily Besekirsky, will give the fol-
lowing graduation recital this eve-
ning,, to which the general public,
with the exception of small children
is invited. Mr. Achilles Taliaferro
will be the accompanist:
Concerto in D major, Mozart-Jo-
Sonata, Franck.
Serenade, Delius.
Hora Staccato, Dinicu-Heifetz.
Romance, Gretchaninoff.
Danse Du Diable Vert, Cassado.
Summer Session French Club: The
last meeting of the club will take
place tonight. There will be a ban-

quet at 6:45 in the "Second Floor
Terrace Room," Michigan Union.No
charge for members. Specal pro-
gram. Dancing. Informal.
Tea for Graduate Students in math-
ematics today, at 3:30 p.m. in 3201
University High School Demonstra-
tion Assembly: The final demonstra-
tion assembly of the University High
School summer session will be pre-
sented Friday morning, August 9, in
the high school auditorium at ten
o'clock. All pupils in the three math-
ematics classes will participate in the
program. Scenes from the life of
Archimedes will be dramatized. All

summer session students who are in-
terested are welome to attend the
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has recieved notice of the following
U. S. Civil Service examinations:
Chief Explosives Chemist, $5,600.
Area Medical Director (Indian
Service), $5,600.
Notices are on file in 201 Mason
Temple University (Philadelphia,
Pa.) will continue its policy of playing
night football games during the com-
ing season.

New Mt. Pleasant Oil Well
Causes Boom In County
MT. PLEASANT, Aug. 7.U- P) -
Thousands of acres in Montcalm
county were open for oil exploration
today with the bringing in of a new
well with a flush production of 50
barrels an hour.
The well, -drilled by the United
Producers Oil Co. on the Conners
farm, followed two important strikes
over the week-end, enhanced the im-
portance of the booming Crystal field.




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