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August 06, 1935 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1935-08-06

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Conference Is

Parley Called
To Settle Fate
Of Utilities Bill
Compromise Is Expected;
Senator Wheeler Fishes
With The President
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5. - (A') -
Non-committal on definite chances
for a compromise, Senator Burton K.
Wheeler (Dem., Mont.), called Sen-
ate conferees together today to decide
their course of action on the utilities
bill now deadlocked in conference
with the House.
The general expectation was that
some compromise would be discussed.
Wheeler, who already has indicated
some concessions by Administration
forces might be possible, fished over
the week-end with President Roose-
velt on the yacht Sequoia. Undoubt-
edly they had opportunity to dis-
cuss the provision calling for com-
pulsory abolition of "unnecessary"
utility holding companies.
House Stands Pat
Both the President and Wheeler
are strongly for the abolition clause
voted by the Senate. On the other
hand, the, House turned this clause
down and only last week refused to
recede from its stand.
One important point to be decided
at today's meeting of the Senate con-
ferees was whether they would ex-
clude Ben Cohen, Administration at-
torney, who helped draft the measure,
from the conferences with the House
members. Three out of five of the
House men have refused to confer so
long as Cohen is present.
Rep. George Huddleston (Dem.,
Ala.,) one of those insistent that
Cohen be barred, has indicated that
concessions might be forthcoming on
some other points.
Compromise Suggested
When the bill was first before the
Senate, Wheeler spoke of a possible
compromise along the lines of in-
creasing the number of holding com-
panies permitted in a single system.
Lobby investigators, who have been
delving into the fight that preceded
congressional voting on the utilities
bill, are preparing to continue their
inquiries tomorrow, with the Senate
committee seeking evidence about a
"whispering campaign" against the
The House Committee, its special
counsel said, will recall Bernard B.
Robinson, of Chicago, for further
questioning. He was one of those
working against passage of the utili-
ties measure.
Civil War Vets
May Assemble
for Last Time

Camera Photographs

Dr. C. G. Suits of Schenectady
photographed man-made heat and
scientist is pointing to the image
The diagram explains the camera
Scientists Find
Sun Is Not So
Hot Af ter All
Man-Made Temperatures
On Earth Surpass Heat
Of Sun's Surface
NEW YORK, Aug. 5. - PA') - If you
lived on the sun, and shouted, "Help!"
your call would travel faster than a
mile a second, or six times as fast. as
sound on earth.
Knowledge of that fact has led
scientists at the General Electric com-
pany to the discovery that man-made
temperatures on earth surpass the
9,000 degree heat of the sun's surface.
For years man has been beating
the sun's heat with his electric car-
bon arcs, without knowing it. Even
scientists had calculated that man's
hottest known electrical are flames
were far under the sun's temperature.
It was by photographing sound as
it flashed across a flaming electric arc
that the Schenectady scientists dis-
covered the true temperature of the
hotter arcs.
Thermometers Would Melt
Carbon arcs flame at 9,400 fahren-
heit, tungsten at 11,300, and some of
the new welding arcs momentarily at
more than 13,000.
The laws of physics led to use of
sound waves in lieu of thermometers
by Dr. C. O. Suits, of the company's
research laboratories. Any conceiv-
able kind of thermometer would melt.
Under the physics laws the speed of
sound in the air is Known to depend
on the Brownian movement of the
molecules composing the air. The
Brownian moyement is merely the
fact that they are bumping each oth-
Air is a gas because the molecules
are separated, not in direct contact.
They are full of energy which keeps
them flying into each other.
'Bumps' Carry Sound
This energy is merely. heat. The
hotter the air ,the faster its molecules
fly, the oftener they hit each other. In
the earthly range of temperature, 90
below zero to a little more than 100
above, this difference is small.
So the air molecules bump at near-
ly uniform speeds. It is this bumping
which transmits air-born sound, and
the sound is uniform at 1,090 feet a
second because of the uniformity in
speed of the bumps.
Sun Sounds Travel Fast
A sound in direct contact with an
air molecule sets it to shaking. It
communicates this shake to the next
molecule struck, and all the others
continue to transfer the shaking,
which the ear registers as sound.
The laws of physics show that air
at the surface temperature of the sun
will transmit sound six times faster
than on earth.
In a bright gas flame sound travels
by exactly the same principle. Fur-
ther, in the gas flame it is visible as
a wave, an "increment" of added vi-
bration in molecules already vibrat-
ing so fast with heat that they glow
with light.

Sound Wave From Sun Camp Planned
-4---.-- ARCFor Group Of
150 Freshmen
Three-Day Program To Be
Enjoyed Before Annual
Orientation Week
Selections of approximately 150 in-
; coming freshman to attend the Fresh-
man Rendezvous Camp, annually
.;: sponsored by the Student Christian
Association, are being made this week,
Russell F. Anderson, president of the
Association, announced yesterday.
The Camp, conducted for three
days, September 20, 21, 22, seeks to
acquaint the freshman to the various
phases of University life prior to
Orientation Week. The strangeness
and complexities of the University,
Associated Press Photo. Camp officials say, are adjusted more
(left) devised this camera which has rapidly by the freshman who attends
proved it hotter than the sun. The. the Camp.
of a sound wave from the hot arc. Subjects of discussion wilil be:
's function. University rules, religion, studies,
s in._ freshman eligibilities, finance, ath-
letics, honor societies, fraternities,
East, West Meet and student atiities'
The Camp will provide facilities for
As American Youth swimming, all types of athletics, and
boating. On the program will be
Becomes Buddhist speakers, camp fires, and discussions.
Freshman attending will be liable
only for board costs.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 5.-(A') - Lawrence E. Quinn, '36, will be di-
Defying Kipling, and making the East rector of the Camp and William Wil-
and West meet, James Stewart of snack, '37 will assist him. Advisor
Berkeley, Calif., has recently been or- are Ira M. Smith, registrar of the
dained a Buddhist priest. University, Dr. E. W. Blakeman, and
Converted from Christianity to this Russell F. Anderson.
oriental faith, Stewart's conversa- Eighteen University students will
tion in the future will deal in such act as counsellors at the Camp.
mystic words as "the eightfold path,"
karma, nirvana, and Tathagata, in- LGe ct
stead of the common conversation of Law To ive Recital
the everyday American. Charles Law, violinist, will be heard
Although Buddhism has been de- in a graduation recital program
clining in India, its birthplace, Stew- Thursday evening in the School of
art, 24 years old, predicts that in- Music Auditorium. He will be ac-
creasing numbers of occidental peo- companied on the piano by Achilles
ple will adopt it. At present, the Taliaferro. ,
white Buddhist organization in Amer- Mr. Law is a student of Prof. Was-
ica, with headquarters in San Fran- sily Besekirsky. His program will in-
cisco, has more than 500 members. lude a Mozart concerto arranged by
There are three other westerners Joachim, a Caesar Franck sonata, and
who are following in his footsteps, shorter numbers by Delius, Dinicu
Stewart says, and taking the four- (Nrranged by Heifetz), Gretchan-
year training course for the priest- inoff, and Cassado.
hood. All of them are striving to
attain Nirvana, which is the "blowing --
out" or extinction of passion. This is
reached when the disciples attain the
knowledge of the four "truths" enun-
cated by Buddha. -
Stewart lives with his wife and
child in a modest home. On Sundays,
attired in the oriental robes of his -
calling, he conducts services in the
temple used by Japanese members
of the Shin sect, one of the 65 paths
of Buddhism.
As a Buddhist, Stewart proclaims
his adherence to the "middle path"
of holiness, declaring that too much
of it causes as much trouble as too
little. "In fact, too much holiness," he
says, has done much to kill religion".
Armys Gag Bill.
Opposed By 9
Those .Attacking Measure
Charge It Curbs Free
Speech And Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5. - () -
Nine organizations today attacked the
military disaffection bill, passed by
the Senate and favorably reported by
the House Military Affairs Commit-

The measure provides severe pen-
alties for critics of Army and Navy
policy and regulations. Opponents
charge the measure threatens free-
dom of speech and of the press.
Those attacking the measure in-
clude the United Textile Workers,
American Association of University
Women, National Council of Jewish
Women, Civil Liberties Union, Na-
tional Council for Prevention of War,
National Federation of Temple Sister-
hoods, People's Lobby Women's In-
ternational League for Peace and LV
Freedom and the Young Women's
Christian Association.
The textile union charged the
measure was "evidently the answer of
southern textile mill owners and
of Rep John J. McSwain (Dem., S.C.)
to the demand of the United Textile
Workers and other union organiza-
tions that Federal equipment shale
not be used by state militia against
organized labor in time of strikes."
Francis J. Gorman, vice-president.
charged the bill would enable anti-
union authorities to "persecute and
frame-up" union members.
, "The 'right to organize,'" said Keep abreast o
Gorman, "granted us under the Wag-
ner-Connery Act, would have littlf every chance tc
tmeaning in the textile industry in,
Georgia, if this bill becomes law." it offers you.
The other organizations called upon The Daily are
President Roosevelt to veto the meas-
ure if it passes the House. shopping, for
"We feel strongly that such peace-
time sedition legislation is not only to find the thin
unnecessary in view of existing laws,"


HOLLYWOOD, Aug. 5. -(/P) -
Miriam Hopkins' three-and-a-half-
year old Michael is an expensive baby.
As a "ruiner" of movie scenes, he
rates with tempermental stars and
spluttering lights and factious cam-
eras. In fact, Michael spoils a "take"
just about every day.
The blond Miriam is so fond of her
blue-eyed, curly-headed adopted son
that she has his nurse bring him to
her set every day. And when Michael
comes on the stage, no matter how
busy Miriam is, or what she is doing
she stops to visit with her son.
If Miriam sees Michael first, she
shouts, "Hello, son!" and stops work.
If the boy sees his foster-mother first,
he whoops, "Miriam, here I am!" The
director smiles indulgently, perhaps
admiring this great affection, but at
the same time considering the cost of
his ruined scene.
His Life Is His Own
Outside of these semi-public ap-
pearances in a studio, Michael Hop-
kins doesn't get around much. His
mother insists that his life be his own.
She feels, it is said, that it would be
unfair to the youngster to use him as
"color," to force him to grow up as
a background for her.
When Miss Hopkins adopted the
baby, at the age of two months, she
declared very emphatically that she
believes publicity for stars' families
is unfair to the families. That when
they are put into the limelight of re-
flected glory, used for publicity pur-
poses, they lose their identity as in-
dividuals. That's why Miriam re-
fuses to be interviewed abouther son.
She flatly refuses to talk about him,
although it issuspected that the fear
of kidnapping, a constant one in Hol-
lywood, is a contributing factor to her
wish to keep Michael in the back-
"Grow To Be Happy"
Friends say that Miriam is rearing
her child with a great deal of com-
mon sense. That she hopes to have
her Michael grow up as normally as
possibly and that she expects to ac-
complish this with a minimum of
"specialists" and expensive advisors.
Michael Hopkins is, no doubt more
pampered than the average child, but
that is the privilege and pleasure of a

When Her Son Visits Studio,
Miriam's Director Shall Wait

Conference Is
Reported By
Prof. Hebrard
Prof. Jean Hebrard of the College
of Architecture attended The Inter-
national Housing and Town Planning
Congress, held in London July 15 to
19, it was announced by Director Emil
Lorch of the architectural college yes-
Most important of the subjects dis-
cussed, Professor Hebrard reports,
were rural planning and preserva-
tion of the country.
The various problems connected
with rehousing the people in crowd-
ed and unhealthy sections of the sev-
eral countries were discussed, he said.
Positive planning of the ways and
means to accomplish the desired re-
forms was deliberated upon, Profes-
sor Hebrard reported.
The Congress was attended by pres-
ent administrators of housing plan-
ning throughout the world.
Straw, Linen, Lace
Used In New Gloves
LONDON, Aug. 5. -(P) - Fancy
gloves made of many different ma-
terials are said to have reached a
record in variety this year.
An evening novelty in kid-suede is
open-worked from the wrist to above
the elbow with a Venetian lace motif.
Others in silk are entirely of lace.
Afternoon wear gloves are popular in
tulle and muslin.
Gauntlets play an important part
for sports wear. Many smart women
wear them embroidered with large ini-
tials to match those on their pocket-
books. Gauntlets of straw are also
seen. Favored materials for sports
gloves are linen, floral tobralco, col
qte, and fine woolen fabrics with
spots or checks.
Eye Glass Frames
Lenses Ground.
HALLER'S Jewelry
State Street at Liberty


mother who can afford everything-
from playthings to daily ice cream
cones - that her child desires. As
for his future, Michael will be well
taken care of because his mother
established a generous trust fund
when she adopted him.
Constantly Changing Water


Ranks Of Veterans,
In Amarillo, Tex.,
Year In September


AMARILLO, Texas, Aug. 5.- (-') -
When the rapidly thinning ranks of
Confederate army veterans gather
here September 3 to 6 for what may
be their last general reunion, J. P.
(Jim) Flores, 92, Amarillo's "first
citizen," plans to be on hand to wel-
come them.
Flores, now confined to a wheel.
chair with a lingering illness, says he
thinks he'll be in condition to march
in the annual parade of the veterans.
But he'll go in the chair, if necessary.
Still the outspoken plainsman of
half a century ago, Flores cried, "The
hell you do!" when newsmen told him
they wanted a story about him.
Served Four Years
Tears well up in his eyes as he re-
calls that he helped line up 15 or 20
Union soldiers on a bluff overlooking
the Mississippi, and then shot them
down, letting the bodies fall into the
Flores enlisted in the first company
organized at Nacogdoches after out-
break of the war, 'and served until
Lee's surrender at Appomatox in Ap-
ril, 1865.
His war service marks but one
chapter in his eventful life. Flores
has killed Buffalo "just for the hides,"
has been a deputy sheriff and ranch-
Arrived 48 Years Ago
The nonagenarian came here 48
yearsago as bodyguard for J. T. Ber-
ry, who established the original town-
site of Amarillo. When Flores ar-
rived, he found only a real estate
office, a wagon yard, law office, a cafe
and a salloon in a tent. Buffalo, ante-
lope and wolves roamed on the nearby
Flores still insists that a .38 caliber
revolver be kept hanging at the head
of his bed.

Pressure Of DebtsV
Cause Farmers I
Overwork' La


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Where To Go

AMES, Ia., Aug. 5. - {') - Iowa
State college land-use specialists have
found that farmers heavily in debt
tend to make their land work over-
Farmers do this, the report states
because it takes more crops to bring
in the same amount of money, and
they need the money to pay interest
and principal on their debts.
The ultimate effect of overcropping
land, especially with corn, is to de-
plete soil fertility and increase ero-
Figures prepared by the specialists
show the effect of debt burden upon

able to offer you new savings.

You save time, too, and eliminate aimless

2 p.m. Majstic
Young and Charles

Theater, Loretta
Boyer in "Shang-

the ads in The Daily tell you what's new, what's reasonable, and where
igs you want for your home, your family and yourself !

2 p.m. Michigan Theater, Janet

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