The Weather Thundershowers today and tomorrow; somewhat warmer today; cooler tomorrow. YI A6F Atf tgan ~Iuitr Editorias The 'Big Train' Rounds The Bend .. . A Vacation Interrupted ... Box Seats For Il Duce's Show . . Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XVI No. 38 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1935 PRICE: FIVE CENTS Remove Olympics From Reich, Cry U. S. Publications Expect Greek Arbitrator In AfricanTalks Nicholas Politis 'Certain' Choice As Britain, Italy, And FianceApprove Formerly Greeks' Tempest In A Teapot About Cartoon Lulls State Department Sends Its Regrets To Japanese For VanityFair Tidbit It's All In Our Idea Obtain Murder Warrant Against Zenge In Killing Of University Osteopath I Commonweal, Century Claim Wouldn't Play Christian Germany Fairly A h There, Miss Patton National Guardsmen Patrol Kentucky Polls Envoy To Paris Of Humor, It Seems Statements Follow Protests By Jews Violence Against Athletic Youth Organization Of Catholics Is Charged NEW YORK, Aug. 5. -(P) - On the heels of the latest demands by Jewish organizations that the United States withdraw its support from the 1936 Olypmic games in Berlin,, two church publications - one Protestant and the other Catholic - today called editorially for equally drastic action. The Commonweal, a Catholic week- ly, in effect urged a boycott of the Olympics by all Catholics. The Chris- tian Century, a Protestant magazine, declared fair play could not be ex- pected in Germany and recommended the transfer of ithe international ath- letic meet to some other country. Previously anti-Nazi feeling, inso- far as the Olympics are concerned, has largely been confined to Jewish elements. Violence Is Charged The Commonweal traces discrim- ination and even violence against the athletic youth organization of Ger- man Catholics, despite assurances from Reichsfuehrer Hitler and pro-' tests from the Vatican. Frequent at- tempts have been made, the editorial charges, to -disband the Deutsche Jugendkraft, organized in 1920 to foster the athletic work of youngj German Catholics and numbering nearly a million members in 1932. "Let there be no compromise the Commonweal editorial concluded. -Associated Press Photo The Senate Lobby Committee was told by pretty Bonnie Patton (above) that the mysterious box her father, Representative Patton, had received from John W. Carpen- ter, Texas utilities head, contained cigars. She said E. V. Sellars, NRA employe, had seen her father smoke one of them. Arbitration Commission Is. Invited To Venice But Makes No Decision GENEVA, Aug. 5. - (T) - The se- lection of Nicholas Politis, former Greek minister to Paris, as an umpireI of the Italo-Ethiopian arbitrationi commission, seemed certain tonightl after a meeting of Ethiopian dele- gates. The Ethiopian representatives. Prof. Pitman Benjamin Potter ofk America and Dr. Albert G. de la1 Pradelle of France were reliably re-I ported to approve the choice of Po- litis, after the names of Max Huber of Switzerland, noted jurist, and Dr.f K. H. L. Hammarskjold, former pre- mier of Sweden, had been prominent- ly mentioned. The two delegates were reported al- so to have under consideration an Italian suggestion that the delibera- tions of the commission be resumed in Venice.1 From an authoritative source it was learned the British, French, and Italian governments had approved the Politis selection.- Prof. Gaston Jese, as an agent of1 Ethiopia, planned tonight to urge, and early meeting of the commission; to appoint an umpire. It was believed no place of meeting will be suggested, but in the absence of an official reco- mendation of the Italians, the com- mittee normally would resume its negotiations at Scheveningen, the Netherlands. LONDON, Aug. 5. -- (W) -A League of Nations protectorate for Ethiopia that would include some recognition, of Italian demands appeared today as the likely major subject for Tri-Power discussions in Paris next week. The scheme, which in similar form already has been frowned upon by both Italy and Ethiopia, may be ap- proached from new angles during the conversations between Great Britain, France and Italy, informed quarters said. It was understood that Anthony Eden, Britain's minister for League affairs, was not likely to propose such a plan, but the British government nevertheless was represented as will- ing to discuss any project aiming at a solution acceptable to both Premier Mussolini and Emperoir Haile Selassie. ROME, Aug. 5. - (A') -World War veterans clamored for admittance into the ranks of Italy's rapidly growing armed forces today and pessimistic views were expressed upon the outlook for conciliation. The National Federation of World War Storm Troopers sent in its sec- ond request to Premier Mussolini to be allowed to enter East African serv- Artist Gropper Pictures Emperor As Bespectacled Coolie Hauling A Cart WASHINGTON, Aug. 5. -(UP) - The State Department expressed its regret to Japan today that an Amer- ican periodical's cartoon of the Em- peror had been misunderstood in Nip- pon. It was the second time within a week that an official expression of re- gret had been made in answer to dip- lomatic representations. Last week the incident was the ripping of the Nazi emblem from the German liner Bremen. In neither instance was a formal apology asked, or given. Hull Points To Denial Secretary Cordell Hull pointed out. to Ambassador Saito today that Frank Crowninshield, publisher of the mag- azine Vanity Fair, already had pub- licly denied that the caricature had meant to be offensive. Ambassador Saito, discussing what he called the "unfortunate incident" with newsmen, indicated that Amer- ican officials had expressed their re- gret at the misunderstanding which had arisen because of divergent na- tional ideas of humor. The same offi- cials emphasized that the United States exercises no control over the American press and could not be responsible for what it publishes. Gropper Enigmatic Meanwhile, in New York City, Wil- liam Gropper, the artist who pictured the Emperor as a small, bespectacled coolie pulling a Jinrikisha, under the title of "unlikely historical situations" and a caption reading "Japan's Em- peror gets 'the Nobel peace prize," is- sued a statement hinting that there might be more "misunderstandings." Gropper said he 'had 30 or more drawings that were even "better" than that published in Vanity Fair. State department officials gave no hint as to whether they would seek the cooperation of artists, writers and publishers in refraining from publish- ing material diplomatically embar- rassing. The Vanity Fair cartoon was con- sidered especially disrespectful by Japanese officialdom since it con- siders his Imperial Majesty a direct descendant of Amaterasu O-Mikami, the sun goddest and a sacred divinity. A NEW MANSION LANSING, Aug. 5.-(A')-The fi- nance committee of the State Admin- istrative Board sought revenues today with which to match Federal funds in a proposed $125,000,000 state building program. Auditor-General John J. O'Hara said the program, as now drawn, would include $159,542 for a Gover- nor's mansion and $1,289,745 for an addition to the present state office building. -Associated Press Photo. National guardsmen controlled polling, places in Harlan county during the Kentucky primary election which culminated a campaign of almost unparalleled bitterness. They are shown at a precinct voting station in Harlan, storm-center of many previous election battles. ' -f Major League Standings * . ,.AMER ICi AN LEAGUE.. "Mr. Brundage (president of the Detroit. American Olympic Committee)as- New York..... sures. us that the German govern- Chicago...... ment has offered a kind of guarantee Boston....... that no discrimination has been tol- Costond. ...... erated. We answer: A German gov- Philadelphia... ernment which does not respect aPWadphitan.. covenant solemnly arrived at with the Washingos ..... iIoly See will probably not bother St. Louis.. a great deal about what it says to Yesterd Mr. Brundage." New York 10, Brundage Would Wait end fifth, ra W. L. 62 37 55 ,38 , 51 42 . 51 47 . 47 48 . 40 50 . 42 57 . 33 62 Pct. .626 .591 .548 .520 .495 .444 .424 .347 Classical Music Will Supplant Football, Is Belief Of Heifetz NEW YORK, Aug. 5. -(P) - JaS- cha Heifetz, internationally famous violinist, predicted tonight that "with- in a few years classical music will draw.more people to the.stadiums of America than football." He made this statement at Lew- isohn Stadium, where, on bright au- tumn Saturday afternoons, Benny Friedman's City College football squad plays before eager crowds. In contrast, 3,000 extra chairs had to be lined along the gridiron to ac- commodate the crowd which came to- night to hear Heifetz play the Tschai- kovsky concerto and the Chaussons "Poeme" with the New York Philhar- monic Society's orchestra. Heifetz said he felt "the amount of good music being played on the radio today has precipitated a musical renaissance.'' He added he did not believe the people would be satisfied to listen to symphony music over radio in the future just as they. are not satisfied to listen to descriptions of the foot- ball games. CLAUDE CLAPTRAP AGAIN WASHINGTON, Aug. 5. - () - Sen. Huey P. Long (Dem. La.) today proposed an open public debate on the New Deal with President Roose- velt and offered to "guarantee the crowd." ay's Results Boston 2, (called in). Brundage and other American Olympic officials have taken the at- titude that there is time to reconsider this country's Olympic attitude if and when the German pledges have, been violated. It is the policy of the International Olympic Committee to allow at least three years for a city to prepare for the games. Germany's athletic plant is now nearly completed for the 1936 meet. Invitations to the games in Ber- lin have been accepted by'48 nations, eight more than participated in the Los Angeles Olympics in 1932. Arms Debate To Be Held At 7:30 Today Nationalizing Of Munitions Will Be Argued By Six Graduate Students A debate on "Nationalization of Munitions," in which six graduate students enrolled in two Summer Ses- sion speech classes will participate, will be held at 7:30p p.m. today in Room 4203 Angell Hall. Debating on the affirmative side of the question, which is to be the subject used for all contests in the Michigan High School Forensic Asso- ciation next fall, are Edward Lauth, Foster C. Shoup, and O. Bertram Hone. Defending the negative side 'will be Raymond Shoberg, Leroy Lewis, and Karl Robinson. The members of the affirmative team are enrolled in Prof. G. E. Dens- more's speech class, while the mem- bers of the negative team are in James H. McBurney's class. The critic judge of the debate will be K. G. Hance of Albion College. The chairman will be William P. Hal- stead of the speech department here. The subject to be debated upon is Cleveland 4, Chicago 2. Washington 10, Philadelphia 7. Only games scheduled. Today's Games New York at Boston. Chicago at Cleveland (2). Philadelphia at Washington. Only games scheduled. g "] t y f i It NATIONAL LEAGUE W. New York... , ......65 Chicago ............64 St. Louis ............59 Pittsburgh ...........55 Cincinnati ..........45 Philadelphia........44 Brooklyn ............44 Boston.............25 L. 33 40 39 47 56 56 S 75 Pet. .663 .615 .602 .539 .446 .444 .440 .250 Largest Sets r in 'Chocolate t Soldier' Play a This Week's Offering Said o To Be Unusual, Keeping Popularity Long T ime The sets designed by Alexander i Wyckoff, stage director of the Michi-t gan Repertory Players' production ofY *The Chocolate Soldier," are two ofk he largest ever used on the Lydia E Mendelssohn stage, Valentine B. Windt, director of the Players, said yesterday. The interior, which is the elaboratet t boudoir of a young Bulgarian girl, has windows with a semi-circular bay 13 eet in diameter, and 18 feet high. The other set is an exterior, of aj Bulgarian country estate.. "'The Chocolate Soldier' is un- usual," Mr. Windt stated, "in that, t is not dated and old-fashioned, al- though it was written in 1908. It is one of the few operettas which has retained its popularity without seem- ing out of date." Productions of this play have been given almost continually since it was. first written, the most recent per- formance being given by Vivienne Segal and Charles Purcell two years ago. The costuming of "The Chocolate Soldier" has been directed by Evelyn Cohen, costume designer for the Players, and 50 new costumes have been made for the production. They are all based on actual photographs of Bulgarian peasant costumes. The settings for the operetta, which takes place in 1885 when Servia and Bulgaria were at war, are all copied after Bulgarian models. This production is the first in which the School of Music has combined with the Players, and the University 24-piece orchestra and a chorus of 40 voices will be features. Mrs. Stauffer Beats Dr. Bell In Tourney Mrs. Forrest Stauffer, wife of the Barton Hills club professional, won the city women's golf championship Sunday, defeating Dr. Margaret Bell, 4-3. Although playing a longer ball off the tee, Dr. Bell's erratic direction with both wood and iron brought her defeat before the steady play of Mrs. Stauffer. George Booth Fellowship In Architecture Revived. furry Of Legal Activity In Behalf Of Carpenter Culminates In Warrant drs. Louise Bauer Is Served Subpena 'risoner Embraces Father As They Meet In Chicago Jail For A Brief Chat CHICAGO, Aug. 5. --, P) - A flurry f legal activity in behalf of Mande- ille W. Zenge, young Missouri car- >enter held in the emasculation-slay- ng of Dr. Walter J. Bauer, ended to- lay with the state obtaining a mur- ter warrant against him. The warrant, issued by Judge J. McCarthy in Felon Court as the rosecution hastened to forestall a abeas corpus hearing launched for he prisoner, was made returnable to- norrow. Assistant State's Attorney Charles . Dougherty said that he expected L grand jury indictment against the >ne-time suitor for the hand of the lain doctor's wife would be returned y then. Widow Subpenaed He announced that Mrs. Louise 3auer, the widowed bride, who flew iere from Cleveland last night at the equest of police to confront the aciturn Missourian, had been served with a subpena requiring her appear- 4nce before the grand jurors. Ten other witnesses will be heard y the Grand Jury, Dougherty said, among them, possibly Joseph Bauer, f Cleveland, the victim's brother, to stablish the corpus delicti. The prisoner had a brief chat with his father, J. Andy Zenge, Canton, MIo., dairyman, as he waited hear- ng in Judge Cornelius J. Harring- on's courtroom on his petition for a Habeas writ. Father and son em- braced as they met and talked spirit- dly for a few minutes that Judge McCarthy had issued. Habeas Corpus Writ Denied But Judge Harrington refused the writ when the State informed him hat Judge McCarthy had issued a first degree murder warrant and young Zenge was returned to the custody of Lieut. Otto Erlanson of the homicide squad. Dougherty said his witnesses would be able to give the grand jurors a complete record of Zenge's move- ments from the time he registered at Jennings House in Ann Arbor, Mich., where Dr. Bauer was kidnaped, until his arrest here last week. Men's, Women's Education Clubs To Give Banquet Courtis Will Give Feature Address Of Evening; McClusky Toastmaster The annual banquet given by the Men's Education Club in conjunction with the Women's Education Club at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday in the ballroom of the Union will be the last meeting of the Summer Session for both or- ganizations, it was announced yester- day by Dr. Warren R. Good of the School of Education. Prof. Stuart A. Courtis of the School of Education will be the speaker for the evening, discussing "The Master Problem in Democracy and in Educa- tion." Prof. Howard Y. McClusky of the School of Education will be the toastmaster. Special music has been planned for the banquet. In charge of the social connections of the banquet will be Miss Gertrude Appointments and Occupational In- formation. Miss Ethel McCormick, director of Summer Session social ac- tivities, and Marian Demaree will as- sist Miss Muxen. E. D. Kennedy, superintendent of the public schools of Claire, Mich., has charge of the entertainment pro- gram. Arthur H. Cansfield will direct the publicity and Prof. Jackson R Cl.,n ..nnn urill h a n Aiscn,. 1 ice, I i e) Yesterday's Results New York 5, Brooklyn 4. Cincinnati 3, Chicago 1. Philadelphia 9, Boston 1. Only games scheduled. Today's Games Brooklyn at New York. Pittsburgh at Chicago. Cincinnati at St. Louis. Boston at Philadelphia.- Mob Lynches A Negro After Storming Jail PITTSBORO, Miss., Aug. 5. -(A) - The body 'of Bodie Bates, Negro suspected of attempting to attack a white girl, was found swinging from a rope under a Yalobusha River bridge. Twelve hours after the body was cut down, officers said they had no information regarding the identity of members of a mob who snatched him from the county jail last night. The assault on the jail was not revealed found. Sheriff Jack W. Powell said he had Surgical Treatment Of High Blood Pressure By Dr. Peet Is Promising' By ROBERT S. RUWITCH These glands, which pour the hor- of all cases. Only about 15 per cent Intense interest throughout the mone, adrenalin, into the blood were not benefitted. medical profession in the surgical stream in abnormal amounts, are in Dr. Peet performed his first opera-t treatment of high blood pressuresst has resulted through the medium of a large sense responsible for the ner- tion of this type in 1933 and despite a paper which Dr. Max Peet of the vous and excitable condition which numerous highly successful treat-L ments, he is only willing to term his University Hospital recently read be- characterize many high blood pres- technique "promising." fore the International Neurological sure patients. Hypertension is not It is significant, however, that in Congress in London. ncsaiyftl thsbe one The treatment which Dr. Poet has necessarily fatal, it has been pointed his first case Dr. Peet met with com- devised for hypertension - or high out, but persons suffering from it us- plete success. A man, 29 years old blood pressure - is one, based on a ually become victims of some sys- and father of five children, came to belief that the condition of hyper- tematic disorders, either such as the the hospital to be treated for what tension is manifested at the outset above or severe headaches or failure is known as "malignant hyperten- and is followed by the thickening of of the kidneys to function through sion." This is a condition generally the arteries to care for it. This tenet their inability to carry off its waste found in persons under 40 years of is in variance with the long held belief products with the decreased blood age. The patient was nearly blind that high blood pressure results from supply. and in intense pain, his general symp-e an attempt by the heart to force an When Dr. Peet performs his opera- for treatment. His systolic pressure adequate blood supply through con- tion he removes the splanchnic nerves --rtresuen. istolcopressure stricted arteries, on both sides of the body. In this - the pressure on the compressbhn A common analogy for hyperten- way he believes that the constictioi, stroke of the heart -was 270 while sion has been to liken it to the con- of the abdominal arteries will be les- between 130 and 140 is considered nection of a length of common va- sened, allowing them to expand to an aboout normal far 29 years of age. riety garden hose to a high-pressure extent in which they will provide for After the operation the patient re- hydrant. Within a definitely limited a reservoir for the area. And it is gained his eyesight, his nervousness time the tension becames too great further held that by exercising the became negligible and his blood pres- and the hose bursts; so does the blood nerves leading to the superarenals sure was retained at 140. After a