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August 04, 1935 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1935-08-04

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Couple Charged
With Killing Of
'Witch Woman'
Accused Claim She Used
'Fire. Magic And Black
Magic' Against Them
CLEVELAND, Aug. 3. - (P) - For
Samuel and Matilda Waldman, years
of worry over an obsession that they
were being "hexed" by Mrs. Isadore
Cooper, were at an end today. Mrs.
Cooper, with two bullet wounds in her
body, was dead. The Waldmans were
in. jail.
Police, holding the 46-year-old Mrs.
Waldman on a charge of first degree
murder, said she freely admitted she
fired the shots to end the spell of
witchcraft which she and her hus-
band blieved Mrs. Cooper held over
Waldman was held for an examina-
tion of his mentality. He was in the
office of Police Prosecutor William H.
Schneider at the time of the slaying
yesterday, protesting to the prosecut-
or and Cooper that Cooper's wife, Ida,
was practicing "fire magic and black
magic" against him and his wife.
Waldman told the official that "at
night, balls of flaming fire would
come rolling into our house, strike
us on the legs and roll up our chests
end heads." He exhibited scars
which he said were caused by the
"balls of :fire."
Mrs. Cooper, 50, was shot while at
work in her delicatessen store. A
moment later, two passers-by seized
and held Mrs. Waldman until detec-
tives arrived. Then she told her story
to the officers and newspapermen.
"At 2:30 p.m. I lay down on the
bed and some power told me I was
in great danger, so I got my husband's
gun and went to the Cooper store,"
she said.
"I'm Waldman's wife," I told Mrs:
"'Oh, yes, you're the wife of the
fellow who thinks I've put the witch
on him'," Mrs. Waldman said Mrs.
Cooper replied.
. Mrs. Waldman said she then fired
three shots and Mrs. Cooper came to-
ward her.
"I feel better now," Police Sergeant
Stephen Tozzer said Mrs. Waldman
added at the end of her story. "I'm
Tozzer said Mrs. Waldman earlier
had attempted unsuccessfully to get
Mrs. Cooper to sign a note "releasing"
the Waldmans from witchcraft.

News Of The World As Illustrated In Associated Press Pictures

Here is the "new Washington" that has arisen to help house the United States government. It is a vast array of new buildings near the
conter of the capital, constructed in the shape of a triangle and boun ded on one side by the newly created "Constitution avenue." The parent
building shelters the department of commerce and was built during the Hoover administration at a cost of $17,200,000. Up Constitution avenue
and toward ,he capitol (upper right) run the department of labor ($4,740, 000) and the interstate commerce commission ($4,450,000), with a $1,998,-
000 connecting building. Adjoining (left) is the postoffice building which cost $9,300,000. Farther up Constitution avenue come the departments
of internal revenue ($10,400,000 with extensions) and justice ($10,255,0 00). Next is the archives building costing $12,017,000. A $3,000,000
structure is proposed to close the apex of the triangle. Building in the m iddle background is the union station.

Charge Unfair
Practices By
Nazi Traders
American Exporters Say
Their South American
Business Has Slumped
NEW YORK, Aug. 3. - (P) - After
prolonged protests to the governments
of South American countries, Ameri-
can exporters say that they are rely-
ing on the hastening of "most fa-
vored nation" treaties to outlaw cer-
tain "unfair" activities of German
traders in Latin-America.
The effect of those activities, they
complain, has been to cut down ex-
ports to the Latin-American markets
to the extent of 30 per cent of their
The National Foreign Trade Coun-
cil, speaking for American foreign
traders, reports that the competition
of the Germans is of a novel brand. It
organized in the desire of South
American countries to increase the
mhovement to their products, and in
the desire of Germany to increase
its exports and create credits in
American, Englsh and other moneys
of international circulation.
It is expected, the Council says,
that the action of the State De-
partment in fostering trade agree-
ments based on "most favored" prin-
ciples with the Latin-American coun-
tries, and the judgment of these
countries themselves, will bring about
a change which should favor export-
ers of the United States.
The Germans, the Council says,
normally sell more goods to Latin-
American countries than they buy
there, while the United States norm-
ally buys more in Latin-America as
a whole than it sells.
Because of the difficulties of pay-
ment from the Latin-American
world, Germany was faced with the
problem of selling no more than she
bought, or of increasing purchases to
the point where they equalled sales.
Having chosen the latter course,
and finding it profitable, Germany
began buying additional volumes of
goods and paying for them in marks
that could be used only for purchases
in Germany. The surplus goods were
then sold on the world markets and
balances of dollars, pounds or other
currencies of international circula-
tion were accumulated by the Ger-
mans. who. at the same time, were

Calls Clash Of
Public, Private
Works Ended
Harry L. Hopkins Predicts
Necessity Of A Works
Program For 20 Years
MT. PLEASANT, Aug. 3. -(R) --
Harry L. Hopkins who, as Federal
relief administrator will direct the
expenditure of more than four bil-
lion dollars, told an audience here
yesterday that there would be no con-
flict with private industry.
"There is grave danger in govern-
ment works, if they conflict with pri-
vate industry and capital," he warned,
"but there is enough work in Ameri-
ca for 20 years without any such in-
He predicted that the necessity for
a national works program would con-
tinue "indefinitely."
Hopkins spoke before an audience
of 2,500 persons, many of them state
and county relief officers, on a lecture
course program at Central State
Teachers College.
"The nation wants security," he
declared, "and this will come through
old age pensions, national works, sick-
ness insurance and other social ser-
vices. The security bills now before
congress are, and will continue to be,
the major political issue of the times."
He said that his travels over the
country had convinced him that "a
solid confidence has been maintained
despite the great economic upheaval."

Cured of an uncommon blood
and bone disease after eight oper-
ations and 85 blood transfusions,
Harold Pfleger (above), 14, was
told by doctors in a New York hos-
pital that he could return to the
home he once thought he never
again would see.
Chocolate Soldier
Department: Suits
Galore, Few Guns
BUCHAREST, Rumania, Aug. 3. -
-P)--Apparently confident that he
will remain in power for many years
to come, King Carol of Rumania has
ordered that all cannon, machine-
guns and other equipment to be fur-
nished to Rumania by the Skoda mu-
nitions works of Czechoslovakia under
a new $40,000,000 contract, shall bear
his initials and his royal crown. These
will be impressed upon the new equip-
ment with steel dies.
The king has also ordered that
every officer and soldier in Rumania's
army of 240,000 shall wear on his
hat and uniform, in gold to inverted
C's and the royal Rumanian crown
to represent the king's power and
When Carol declared in his parlia-
ment recently that Rumania intended
to have the most powerful army in the
Balkans, he probably 'was looking into
the distant future. For today, accord-
ing to experts, the Rumanian army,
considering the size and importance
of the country, is one of the most
poorly-equipped in Europe. The offi-
cers have fine uniforms and horses,
but army is seriously short of guns,
ammunition and airplanes.
But by insisting that the officers
and soldiers be paid regularly and
have all reasonable privileges, con-
veniences and good living conditions
the king has done much to improve
the army's morale. He has also won
the approval of many officers by or-
dering that the old-style uniforms,
which indeed were giddy enough from
the standpoint of color, be replaced
with snappier uniforms and even
louder colors.

Pilots Injured
As Plane Goes
Down In South
Eight Passengers Escape
Harm In Forced Landing
In New Mexico
ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., Aug. 3. -
(r) - The pilot and co-pilot of an
eastbound transcontinental air-
plane, were injured and the ship was
wrecked, but eight passengers es-
caped harm, when the plane crashed
making an emergency landing near
Barton, N. M., early today.
The injured are Cliff Abbott, pilot,
and Bill Jones, co-pilot, W. H. Os-
trander, traffic representative of the
company at Albuquerque, said. The
passengers were brought by taxi to
Albuquerque and placed on another
Ostrander said the plane, a Doug-
las cabin ship of the Transcontinental
& Western Air Co., struck a clump
of pine trees and both motors, the
left wing and propellers were torn
away. The accident occurred 20
miles east of here and taxis arrived
at the scene a short time after the
passengers climbed from the wreck-
age. In the meantime another plane
had been warmed up at the Albu-
querque airport and the passengers
continued east in it.
Pilot Abbott suffered cuts and
bruises and 'Jones was bruised about
the head.
There was a storm last night in
the region near where the accident
occurred, but Ostrander said he has
not been advised just what caused the
forced landing.
'Best Just To
Hit His Head'
DETROIT, Aug. 2. - (') - The re-
corder's court jury trying four per-
sons charged with slaying Howard
Carter Dickinson heard today that
William Lee Ferris and his women
companions discussed dispassionately
whether they should 'hit on the head'
or "shoot" their attorney plyfellow
The final statement of Florence
Jackson, who is on trial for first de-
gree murder with Ferris, Loretta
Jackson and Jean Miller, was read
into the record.
Before taking Dickinson on his last
automobile ride on the night of last
June 26, the lawyer's companions of
the night before met in Ferris' room
to discuss ways and means of getting
Dickinson's money.
"We told Ferris that probably it
would be best to just hit him on the
head," Florence Jackson's statement
said. "Ferris said it would be best to
shoot him.
"'If you hit him he will holler, Fer-
ris told us. 'He knows us now and
will identify us. The best thing to
do is to shoot him.'"

Miss Jerie Earle of Salt Lake City, who is in Hollywood, studying for grand opera, won thi perfect body
contest conducted by the National Chiropractic Association during its convention in Hollywood. Miss Earle
has long brown hair and weighs 134 pounds.



Press Coverage Of Washington
Soars 500 Per Cent In Century

WASHI'GtON, Aug. 3.- (I)-
The silk hat was one of the repor-
torial weapons which fell by the way-
side as Capitol press coverage grew
in a century and a third from one to
more than 500.
So revealed the Goldfish Bowl, news
sheet of the National Press Club,
which displays on its library walls
photostatic copies of the first Capitol
covering, Jan. 8, 1802.
For his National Intelligencer, the
Goldfish Bowl narrated, Samuel H.
Smith demanded, and received, a seat
right on the Senate floor. He was
joined there by sundry "letter writ-
ers," peddling their weekly product
to outside newspapers.
Only local papers were permitted
to record Congress debate until James
Gordon Bennett, who had been a "let-
ter writer," demanded and procured
an exclusive capitol correspondent for
his New York Herald with the help
of Henry Clay.
Gossip columns flourished in pre-
Civil War days. Examples: "Sausage"
Sawyer, a pre-Civil War Western
Democrat, succeeded in having a New
York Herald scribe expelled because
the latter columned how Sawyer dined
behind the Speaker's chair on crack-
ers and bologna, "wiping his hands on
his bald pate" and, as a final gesture
"picking his teeth with a bowie knife."

There were ghost writers, too, for
the tale was told of how solons suffer-
ing from lack of ideas "got in the
habit of buying better speeches from
crony scribes."
"This practice," the Goldfish Bowl
records, "came into particular no-
tice when the same speech was de-
livered twice in the Hbuse on the
same day. Its enterprising author
had sold it to two different legisla-
The Civil War was said to have
brought in the Presidential inter-
"Andrew Johnson used to send for
'Mack' of the Cincinnati Commercial,
in preference to sending a message
to Congress, because, as Johnson ex-
plained, 'everybody seems to read my
interviews, while nobody seems to read
my messages."
Jim Preston, Senate librarian who
superintended the Senate gallery for
35 years, was quoted: "In the old days
the most necessary implement in the
press gallery was a silk hat brush."
WILSON, N. C.-(AP)--As a de-
fense to a charge of shooting another
negro, Johnny Stewart, 15, told the
judge, "I only meant to shoot him
easy, judge, I didn't mean to shoot so

They Like 'Em Wrecked
EMPORIA, Kas., Aug. 2.-(A'
- Emporia encourages freight
car wrecks. In fact it's an in-
dustry here. A local salvaging
concern tears up dozens of
Santa Fe railroad cars each
Early California Map Found
SAN JOSE, Calif.- (P) - A map of
San Jose, made in 1779 when the city
was a pueblo with a population of
about 175, has been discovered in a
musty archives vault.

Constantly Changing Waiter





~Michigan Union Dinner

6nd Of Summer School
Together with our
Season-End Sale
gives wonderful values!
1/2 Off
All White, Pastel, Crepes and Knit
Sui ts and Dresses, a t.
sAll Cotton Dresses at- -/. OFF
Sizes 12 to 46
SU ITS. .One-Half Off
A few Swaggers, Fitted Tweed, and Novelty Wool.
Sizes 14 to 40.
Sports, Street, Travel, Afternoon, Evening
Sizes 12 to 46
Two groups of Dresses and Suits - darker shades of
knits . . prints . .. crepes . . . and chiffons.





1:00 to 2:30 $1.00 6:00 to 7:30
Choice of one:
Parisienne Melon Cocktail
Cream of Fresh Mushroom
Jellied Tomato Bouillon or Essence
of Chicken en Tasse
Consomme Royal Chilled Grape Juice
Branch Celery Mixed Olives
Sweet Pickles
Fresh Deep Sea Scallops, Saute,
Rasher of Bacon
Broiled English Lamb Chop,
Silced Pineapple
Stuffed Long Island Duckling,
Apple Rings
Grilled Porterhouse Steak,
Mushroom Sauce
Potato Rissole or ew Potatoes au Natural
Corn on the Cob or Fresh Peas au Buerre
Frozen Punch
Florida Grapefruit Salad
Egg Muffins, Hot Rolls, French, Graham,
Rye, White Bread
Tea Coffee Milk Buttermilk Ice Tea
Butterscotch Cream Pie

Pretzel Bell Tavern
Special Features





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