4, 1935 v ~.1X KMCJGAAD A I Y PAGE .... M Governor Will Stay Home To End Argument Fitzgerald Wishes To Stop McDonald Controversy Prior To Vacationing LANSING, Aug. 3. - ('P) -Gov. Fitzgerald postponed his summer va- cation at Mackinac island today to settle the controversy between him- self and Chairman Charles S. Mc- Donald of the state liquor control commission. The governor ordered the commis- sion last Monday to turn over for in- spection all liquor commission li- censes to the state police cut the number of state stores from 102 to 75, pare payrolls by 150 employes, and eliminate abuses which have crept into the liquor traffic. He then ar- ranged to leave on his vacation Aug. 5. McDonald replied with criticism of the administration, charging the choice of his employes had been turned over to patronage dispensers, and liquor law enforcement hamp- ered. He agreed to most of the re- forms demanded by Gov. Fitzgerald, but none of them has been put into effect. The governor said today that he would not leave on his vacation until Aug. 6 and planned to force adoption of his proposed reforms by that time. "I have accepted the responsibility of cleaning up the liquor traffic in the state, and I wil not leave the capitol for a vacation until my sug- gestions are carried out," he declared. "If the present commission will not do what I have demanded, another one will." Bell Meets Stauffer In CityGolf Finals Dr. Margaret Bell will meet Mrs. Forrest Stauffer, wife of the Barton Hills club professional, in the finals of the women's city golf touranment this afternoon at the Ann Arbor Golf and Outing Club. Mrs; Stauffer, who was runner-up to Miss Jean Kyer, who did not de- fend her title, in the 1934 tourney, entered the finals by disposing of Mrs. W. Boak, 7-5. Dr. Bell eliminat- ed Mrs. Louis Andrews, one up, to go into the final round. The championship consolation was won yesterday by Mrs. A. E. R. Boak, defeating Mrs. Russell Dobson, Jr. Mrs. B. Cushing defeated Miss Har- riet Heath, one-up, to win in the first flight. Frensdorf Dies Of Intestinal Ailment Edward N. Frensdorf, of Hudson, Mich., militant leader of Michigan Democrats for the last 40 years, one- time candidate for Governor and fre- quent aspirant for other high offices, is dead. An intestinal ailment for which he underwent surgical treatment in St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital here a month ago, caused his death in that insti- tution early Saturday morning. Even in the last few days he main- tained an active interest in state and national affairs. Funeral services will be held Tues- day afternoon in Hudson. Mr. Frensdorf was 66 years old and unmarried. He lived with a sister in a pretentious home standing on the same lot in Hudson as the house in which they were born. Major League Standings AMERICAN LEAGUE Francisco-Oakland Bridge Unit Spans A Mile of Vater -Associated Press Photo. Engineers expect to complete the San Francisco-Oakland bay bridge by November, 1936, two months ahead of schedule. This view shows the catwalks built out over the bay for a mile. Soon the cables for the second suspension unit will be "spun" another mile from the concrete center anchorage to Yerba Buena island (left). Spans east of the island, due to culminate in a cantilever bridge, also are visible in this picture, taken after two years of construction on the project. $75,000,000 Bridge, A New World CoosuMovesOToCompletion SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 2. - -(P) -Dwarfing the sucrrying ferryboats it will replace, the $75,000,000 San Francisco-Oak~land Bay bridge, larg- est in the world, assumes day by day more of the final shape which will loom against the San Francisco bay skyline. Construction work, begun two years ago, is now more than half complete. The entire project is ahead of sched- ule, and Chief Engineer Charles H. Purcell of the California toll bridge authority has promised his superiors, Gov. Frank F. Merriam and Earl Lee Kelly, state director of public works, that the bridge will be ready for pub- lic use November 1, 1936, two months ahead of the scheduled date. Two Bridges Involved The great bridge 8%/4 miles from end to end, actually involves two bridges - one the two mile-long sus- pension spans from San Francisco to Yerba Buena island in the middle of the bay and the other a cantilever and truss bridge from the island to Oakland - a tunnel through the top of Yerba Buena and great approaches on both sides of the bay. Its two decks, will be capable of handling 30,000,000 vehicles a year. The upper deck wlil provide six lanes far automobiles, and the lower will carry two interurban train tracks and three lanes for heavy trucks. In length, it is three times that of the great Firth of Forth bridge in Scotland. On the San Francisco side its lower roadway will be from 185 to 220 feet above high water. The tall- est tower rises 505 feet above the sur- face; the deepest pier is sunk 235 feet. Dreamed Of Since 1856 The dream of bridging San Fran- cisco bay has been held by Californ- ians since 1856, but only within the past decade have plans been pushed to reality. It is being financed through the sale of bonds to the re- construction finance corporation, which will be paid from tolls over a period of 20 years. One of the most spectacular phases of construction now is underway - the "spinning" of the cables from which will hang the suspension spans Buena. Two by two, the 17,264 wires which will make up each cable are being strung into place. On the easterly half, steel work is being pieced together to close the re- maining 1,900-foot gap. The last 1,- 400 feet, which will form one huge BACK-TO-FARM ORDER KNOXVILLE, Tenn., Aug. 3.- (P) - In giving Taylor Seals a 15-year probation sentence, after Seals plead- ed guilty to counterfeiting charges, Judge George Taylor said: "Go up in some mountain valley, marry you a great big country girl, and raise a crop." CALIFORNIA SETS AUTO RECORD SAN FARNCISCO, Aug. 3. - (IP) - A new record for out-of-state auto- mobile travel in California was set in the first six months of 1935 when 366,482 automobiles from every one of the 48 states and many foreign countries crossed the state's borders. Some 2,000,000 acres of Oklahoma's cultivated land is virtually ruined - most of it abandoned - due to ero- sion. cantilever span, will be erected girder by girder out over the water from each side until it joins in the center. Traffic Details Remainf Already completed, of course, are the anchorgaes, piers and towers, and work is being pushed on the compli- cated approaches. The task of lay- ing the decks on the suspension side and the flooring of the structure still lie ahead. Beyond the sheer structure, details of the transportation system remain to be determined. Engineers and traffic experts foresee the likelihood of marked changes in the stream of traffic, now handled by passenger and automobile ferries. Terminal facili- ties, particularly at the San Francisco end, must be established for the elec- tric trains which will bring commut- ers across from the East bay districts. End Paroles For Traffic Violators LANSING, Aug. 3.-- (P)- A strin- gent parole policy for state prison in- mates serving sentences for motor law violations went into effect Fri- day. Commissioner of Pardons and Pa- roles Joseph C. Armstrong announced that he would require that all pris- oners convicted of negligent homicide, leaving the scene of an accident, or repeatedly violating the drunk driving law, serve their minimum sentences without allowances for the pleas of friends. Armstrong said that the new policy was adopted with the intention of stiffening punishment, rectifying lax observance of traffic laws. "In most cases where a man be- comes a prison inmate for violating state motor laws, his friends imme- diately go to his rescue and attempt to free him before he has completed his sentence," Armstrong said. "In the future, when a violator re- ceives an indeterminate sentence he may be sure at the time he will serve the minimum period." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is con- structive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office ofthe Summer Session, Room, 1213 A.H. until 3:30; 11:30 Saturday. VOL. XVI No. 37 SUNDAY, AUG. 4, 1935 Episcopal Student Group: The Fe lowship Hour for students will be held this evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Piersol at 625 Oxford Road. Cars will leave the church at seven o'clock. All Episco- pal students and their friends are cordially invited. Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: Services of worship today are: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 11:00 a.m. Children's Hour; 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon by the Rev- erend Frederick W. Leech. Members of Pi Lamba Theta So- ciety will meet at 4 o'clock this afternoon at the University Element- ary School to go to tea at the home of Professor Cleo Murtland. There will be no orchestra rehearsal tomorrow. David Mattern. Congregational Church: Service of worship at 10:30. Dr. Charles R. Brassfield of the Medical School will speak on "Education and Religion in the Southern Highlands." A ladies' trio comprising Jean Seel- ey, Mary Morrison and Katherine Russell will sing Stainer's "God so Loved the World." This will be the closing service of the summer. Demontration Debate: A debates on the Nationalization of Munitions 1935-36 debate question in the Mich- igan High School Forensic Associa- tion, will be held at 7:30 p.m. 4203 Angell Hall, Tuesday, August 6. All interested are invited to attend. Members of the faculty and stu- dents of the department of physical education will meet for the farewell luncheon Tuesday, Aug. 6, at the Michigan Union at 12 noon. Prof. J. L. Brumm will be the speaker. Candidates for the M. A. Degree in English: An examination in the read- ing knowledge of a modern language will be given on Monday, August 5, 1935, at 7:15 p.m. in Room 2225 A. H. Please leave your name and the language in which you desire to be ex- amined before noon of August 3rd in the English Office, 3221 A. H. First Presbyterian Church meeting at the Masonic Temple. Dr. Lemon will preach the last sermon in the series of "Dialogue With God," en- titled "God's Good News." The stu- dentdclass which is studying the Book of Revelation will meet at 9:30 as usual. There will be no meeting at the Church House on Sunday evening. Rev. Norman W. Kunkel will preach next Sunday; his topic, "The Logic of Religion in a Day of Confusion." Reading Examinations In French: Candidates for the degree of Ph.D. in the departments listed below who wish to satisfy the requirement of a reading knowledge during the current academic year, 1934-35, are informed that examinations will be offered in Room 108, Romance Language Build- ing, August 10. It will be necessary to register at the office of the De- partment of Romance Languages (112 R.L.) at least one week in advance. It is desirable that candidates for the doctorate prepare to satisfy this requirement at the earliest possible date. A brief statement of the nature of the requirement, which will be found helpful, may be obtained at the office of the Department. This announcement applies only to candidates in the following depart- ments : Ancient and Modern Uan- guages and Literatures, History, Ec- onomics, Sociology, Political Science Philosophy, Education, Speech. .Charley Yates of Atlanta, Western amateur champion from Bob Jones' old home course, East Lake, tees the ball high, like Jones. Bight Spot 802 Packard Street TODAY, 12 Noon to 8 P.M. - 60c - T-BONE STEAK with Mushrooms - 55c - ONE-HALF SPRING CHICKEN Fried Southern Style ROAST CHICKEN with Dressing -50c- GRILLED PORK CHOPS Apple Sauce --45c - LAMB CHOPS with Jelly BEEFiTENDERLOIN with Mushrooms - 40c - ROAST LAMB or BEEF - 35c - S\/IrFTAPI F DI ATI Only 3 Nations Left Who Still Hold'24 Carat' Gold Standard NEW YORK, Aug. 3. - () - Should the economic winds of thec present currency crisis in Holland( blow the guilder of the gold standard tree, France and Switzerland alonec would he left on the bough from1 which other currencies have dropped one by one since 1928. The currencies of other nations,. claiming gold standard quality, are1 being held up by props of rigid re-e strictions that really remove them from the category of what economists consider genuine gold standard coun- tries. 'Restricted' Gold Standard Italy and Germany are merely on the gold standard by their own def- inition. Both have restricted interna- tional gold transactions to the point where they can no longer be consid- ered gold standard countries, strictly speaking. The countries that chose to remain on the gold standard in the early years of the depression, instead of devaluating, have had to lower their prices and costs of production to the point where they could compete with devalued currencies on the foreign markets. Among these were France, Switzerland, Holland, Belgium, Ger- many and Italy. The recent move of the Italian gov- ernment, permitting the Bank of Italy to reduce her gold reserve below the 40 per cent of the currency require- ments, is considered by economists as the beginning of the abandon- ment of Italy's restricted type of gold standard. Gold Reserves Decline Italy's continued deficits and un- favorable trade balances have shown that she couldn't make the deflation- ary grade. For the first four months of 1935, Italy had to report an un- favorable trade balance of more than They'll Have Sodas In Borneo Jungle NEW YORK, Aug. 3. - (P)-Mar- tin Johnson and his wife will cele- brate their silver anniversary as ex- ploring partners east of Suez. They are sailing Aug. 15 on a Dutch freighter for a two-year jaunt in Borneo, taking with them $52,000 worth of cameras and lenses; and they plan to bring back a complete picture of jungle life on a sound film. Their equipment ranges in size from garden seeds to a small amphibian plane, in which they will fly over the jungle and their boxes and crates already overflow several rooms at the Museum of Natural History! Bill Skelley of the San Diego Amer- ican Legionhjuniorbaseballgteam Shurled a no-hit, no-run game against the San Bernardino nine. $80,800,000, and a governmental defi- cit of about $200,000,000 at the end of the 1934-35 fiscal year. Italian gold reserves have steadily declined since April, 1934, when they were $609,000,000, to June, 1935, when they had fallen to $498,000,000. Although still large, Holland's gold reserves have also declined since Oc- tober, 1934, when they were $601,- 000,000, to June, 1935, when they had fallen to $427,000,000. Belgium Left In March The registered unemployed in Hol- land now number 355,000 against 295,000 a year ago, out of a popula- tion of more than 8,000,000. Exports from the Netherlands have fallen, in the January-June, 1935, perido, to $216,920,000, from $230,520,000 in the same period of 1934. The Netherlands budget deficitthis year was estimated at more than $50,000,000. The latest country to leave the gold standard is Belgium, which did so March 29, 1935. The belga was de- valued 28 per cent, or from 23.54 to 16.95 cents. Hobo Steals $1,200 Ring And Then Sells It For $1 TUSCON, Ariz., Aug. 2. -(if') -- Theft of a $1,200 diamond ring netted in itinerant only $1. The ring, stolen from a Tuscon home, was sold by a hobo for that figure to K. C. Heron ,railroad, brake- man, who at first believed the stone was only glass. When he found it was genuine, he notified police. GOSSARD $1400 A double voile girdle, medi- um with a front with nine- inch elastic section over hip, and shaped longer in back. Two narrow bones at front, Two pair hose supporters. Lace medallion trim. Size 26 to 30. 8 NICKELS ARCADE ii ii Where To Go !" '5 2 p.m. Majestic Young and Charles hai." Theater, Loretta Boyer in "Shang- '2 p.m. Michigan Theater, Janet Gaynor in "The Farmer Takes a Wife." 2 p.m. Wuerth Theater, George Ar- liss in "Cardinal Richelieu" and "Mary Jane's Pa." 7 p.m. Same features at the three theaters. Canoeing every afternoon and eve- ning on the Huron River, Saunder's Canoe Livery. Dancing at the Blue Lantern Ball- room, Island Lake featuring Clare Wilson and his orchestra. FRONTAG-E FO1'R SALE For a limited time lots on Portage Lake Shores and Woodland Beach subdivi- sions at Portage Lake will be offered at sacrifice prices. Located only 15 miles north and west of Ann Arbor, these two Author Of Fake Suicide Note Shown After Arrest In Chicago Detroit ............. New York .......... Chicago............ Boston............. Cleveland ........... Philadelphia..:... Washington ..,..... . St. Louis .. .. .. . ... . W. .63 .54 .51 .50 .46 .39 .40 .31 L. 37 37 39 45 47 48 57 62 Pct. .622 .593 .567 .526 .495 .448 .412 .333 Yesterday's Results Detroit 5-7, Cleveland 4-3 (First game 12 innings) . New York13,Washington 2. Boston 5, Philadelphia 4 (11 innings). Chicago 7, St. Louis 7 (Game called end of 10th, rain) Today's Games Cleveland at Detroit. New York at Washington. Philadelphia at Boston (2). St. Louis at Chicago £2). NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pet. New York..........62 33 .653 subdivisions offer convenience and economy in summer residence. Well graded, well wooded, and provided with fine sand beaches on an excellent lake. Prices range from $450.00. For addi- Chicago............63 St. Louis...........57 Pittsburgh ...........55 Brooklyn ............43 Cincinnati ...........43 Philadelphia........42 Boston.............25 38 39 45 54 55 54 72 .624 .594 .550 .443 .439 .437 .258 Yesterday's Results New York 3, Boston, 2. Chicago 11, Cincinnati 3. St. Louis 6, Pittsburgh 0. I~inn hia a 9-r% e nn.rlv1 1 1 tional information write or call R. Read, /1 f'a r ru ,% % , A -m '"i}}:4ii:C;:. ::"i:7 :. t.>:-: : :!ii47:4>i}??: :JY:": Pia.:"i?>:; i??: "iin" } ,ti"L.. .z.:.. ; .. :: diy:}}?b:v: :Yw:.kt ' ...