The Weather. Generally fair today and to- morrow; somewhat warmer in west and south portions to- morrow. Official Publication Of The Summer Session Editorials Propaganda, As Utilities Use It . PRICI~: lIVE CENTS VOL. XVI No. 37 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, AUGUST 4, 1935 PRICIF rlV 'CENTS e... . ---- -- Jane Fletcher Is Queen Of Campus At Summer Prom _. Large Audience At First Annual Ball Selects Her Over Three Rivals She's Dressed In A Simple Crepe Gown Jean Coler, Janet Miller, And Mary Stirling Attend As Court Of The Queen By CHARLOTTE D. RUEGER Jane Fletcher, '36, was elected cam- pus queen last night by a large au- dience of dancers at the first Summer Prom of the season, held from 9 p.m. until midnight in the ballroom of the League. Miss Fletcher has been prominent on campus, being chairman of the dance committee for the Junior Girls' Play as well as the Sophomore Cab- aret. She has served on several dance committees, and been active in class affairs. Promptly at 11 p.m., amidst a blast of trumpets, the queen was announced to the capacity crowd attending the Prom. The grand march started with Miss Fletcher leading the line with her escort, Donald Miller. Imme- diately behind them came her court, consisting of Jean Coler, attending with John Healey, Janet Miller, with Jerry Hines, and Mary Stirling with Fred Norton. Sdvere Pink Formal For the Prom Miss Fletcher chose a Severely simple pink crepe formal accented by a row of matching but- tons running up the back. The dress flowed into a short train. Her only accessories were long rhinestone ear-f rings. In her arms, she carried an old-fashioned bouquet of spring flow- ers which wer: presented to her by Jean Seeley, chairman of the summer social activities. Miss Coler selected a pink chiffonj formal banded the full length with Irish crochet. Her dress was cut on princess lines flowing into a short train. Her formal was completed by a three-quairter length jacket which tied with a saucy bow at the neckline.' Miss Miller In White Miss Miller, prominent member of - this year's Junior Girls' Play, wore a strikingly simple white crepe for- mal accented by a moire jacket of the new American Beauty shade. The jacket was fashioned with a high neckline. Miss Miller wore no acces- sories. The fourth member of Miss Fletch- er's court, Miss Stirling, prominent senior on campus who has served on several dance committees as well as class projects, was dressed in a green formal trimmed up the back by a long series of ruffles in an invert- ed "V." During the line of march a colorful array of balloons descended from the ceiling where they had been caught by a net. The ballroom was decorated as a true fairyland for the Prom, being lighted by a myriad of tiny lanterns with Al Cowan's music furnishing the background. A special floor show with dancing, novelties, song specialities, and var- ious other types of entertainment was presented in addition to the program planned by the orchestra. One of the highlights of the show was reached when the original "Lady in Red" made her Ann Arbor debut doing sev- modernistic song and dance numbers. 3 New Books Are Published By University They Liked Her JANE FLETCHER Music School, Players'Will GiveOperetta 'The Chocolate Soldier' To Open Four-Day Run Next WednesdayNight The Michigan Repertory Players- will combine with the School of Music 'for the first time in the presentation of "The Chocolate Soldier;" an oper- etta by Oscar Straus and Stanislaus Stange, which will open Wednesday night at the Lydia Mendelssohn The- ater for a foui-day run. The University orchestra of 24 pieces, directed by Prof. David Mat- tern of the School of Music, will play for the show. Joseph Conlin will have charge of the chorus of 40 voices, who will sing the most popular songs of the production. Valcntine B. Windt, di- rector of the Repertory Players, is directing the play. The plot of "The Chocolate Sol- dier," which is based upon George Bernard Shaw's play, "Aims and the Man," takes place in Bulgaria. A young Servian soldier who has es- caped from the Bulgarian troops takes refuge in the bedroom of a young Bulgarian girl, and induces her to protect him. Although Play Production has col- laborated with the School of Music in several musical shows during the reg- ular year, this is the first time that the two departments have been com- bined during the summer term. Among the shows which the two groups have given together during the winter term are "Iolanthe," "The Gondoliers," and "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Because of the heavy advance sale' of tickets for "The Chocolate Soldier," a special matinee has been arranged. The matinee will be held at 2:30 p.m. Saturday. Soviet Fliers' Hop Halted By Fuel Trouble Russian Birdmen Were Off On Epoch-Making Flight To San Francisco Levaneff sky Once Rescued American Leader, Recognized As A Hlero, Was After Record Held ByRossi, Codos BULLETIN1 MOSCOW, Aug. 3. - (Sunday) - UP) -Oil trouble over the icy Bar-, rents Sea tonight thwarted 'the am- bitious attempt of three Russians to fly non-stop from Moscow to San Francisco across the North Pole. A defective oil line spoiled their dream of setting a new world's non- stop record in a 6,000-mile hop. The fliers turned about when over the southern part of the sea and returned to Leningrad at 3:30 p.m. E.S.T. 1 MOSCOW, Aug. 3. - (I') - The scarlet-winged Soviet polar plane, well ahead of schedule, roared over icy Arctic wastes toward the North Pole tonight in its attempt to fly non- stop from Moscow to San Francisco. All was well as the three confident Soviet fliers left .continental Europet today and headed across the 2,3911 miles of ice and water of the Barents1 Sea. This is the most hazardous part of their projected 6,000-mile flight.< At 7:25 a.m. Eastern standard time the radio of the plane UR. S. S. 251 told an excited Moscow that .it had, started over the sea. They were fly-< ing tonight in a zone of continuous daylight.r The fliers, if they maintained their first fast clip, expected to soar over, the North Pole by 9 p.m. Eastern standard time tonight,. As the load grew lighter through1 consumption of gasoline, the big plane traveled at an average speed of 108 miles an hour, although it had been expected to maintain only an average of 96 miles. Pilot Sigmund Levaneffsky, hero of Soviet aviation, ant is comrades ex- pected to reach San Francisco early Monday. If they do they will have broken the world's non-stop flight record set in 1933 by the French fliers Paul Codos and Maurice Rossi. Ice was a major hazard as the single-motored plane bore down on the Pole. The UR. S. S. 25 lifted its 11 tons from the Sholfoffsky Military Airport in a driving rain at 11:03 p.m. Friday, Eastern standard time. It crossed the White Sea and reached open water in less than eight and a half hours. All Moscow waited eagerly for news of the venture as the plane flew stead- ily across the roof of the world. The craft was made in this country. Strong winds were expected in the vicinity of Franz Josef Land, but this threat was not regarded as serious as that of ice. With Levaneffsky, who once flew to the aid of Jimmy Mattern when the American pilot was stranded in Siberia, are co-pilot George Baidukof and Navigator Victor Lychencko. Strikers Plan Battle Against All High Costs Detroit Women Repudiate Charge That Campaign Is Communistic 'Nothing We Could Do,' Pleads Packer Butchers Plan To Close Shops For Two Weeks If Strike Continues DETROIT, Aug. 3 - OP) - Ham- tramck housewives, whose meat strike has progressed from hair pulling to jail storming forcing more than half the butcher. shops in that and other suburban centers to close, announced today that the movement is only the start of a "general strike against the high cost of living." The strikers' statement, signed by Mrs. Harry Zuk, their leader, said they intend to win their fight for lower meat prices and "go on to the other necessities of life." It in- cluded a denial of the accusation that the strike is communistic. That charge, the manifesto de- clared, "is part of a ruse on the part of the butchers and meat pack- ers to frighten timid people and split the ranks." Three women and a man, arrested in a melee which followed attempts of a crowd to pour kerosene on meat being unlodaded at a packing plant late yesterday, were convicted of dis- turbing the peace today and placed on three-months probation each. The four had been taken to jail by police answering a riot call, but were released shortly afterwards when a crowd of 300 which gathered at the jail guaranteed their appearance in court. Although the Hamtramck meat shops remained open today display- ing signs reading "Meat Prices Re- duced 25 Pr Cent," the picketing con- tinued and sales were few. Mrs. Zuk said her "action commit- tee" had rejected an offer of the butchers to sell existing stock at re- duced prices in return for the strik- ers' promise that subsequently prices would be in line with wholesale meat costs. She said that the butchers would not sign an agreement to make the cuts permanent and declared the boy- cott would be made city-wide. The strike in Hamtramck, Detroit's largest Polish settlement, was 98ยง4 effective, she asserted. Walter Mendrzyk, acting president of the Hamtramck Butchers and Grocers Association, said all butcher shops there would close for two weeks if the boycott continued. "We're closing simply because there's no one to sell to," he said. Tigers Defeat Indians Twice As Rowe Stars Schoolboy Rowe, hero of a pennant campaign last year and only a me- diocre flinger this year, pulled him- self out of a mid-season lethargy long enough to chalk up two wins to his credit yesterday when-the Tigers beat Cleveland twice, 5 to 4 and 7 to 3. Rowe appeared in the role of relief hurler ina the twelfth inning of the first game, after Auker had held the Indians scoreless for seven innings only; to weaken in the eighth and allow the Tribe to tie up the count. The Schoolboy replaced Hogsett as a pinch-hitter in the Tiger half of the Seleventh. 1 Thefirst game was featured by f four home runs, two by "Big Hank" Greenberg, his 29th and 30th, and one each by two Indians, Berger and Trosky. Rowe went the route in the after- piece and had Cleveland eating out of his hand for the greater part of the game. With the Tigers leading by seven runs in the eighth inning, the Schoolboy relaxed and allowed three Cleveland runs to cross the plate. Web Of Circumstantial Evidence Around Coolly Defiant Zenge Tightens Ethiopian Women Ask chance To Battle I Duce Guest At Jennings Hotel Identifies Prisoner As Mysterious 'Jones' State Prepared To Demand Indictment Prisoner Denies Being In Ann Arbor Or Eever Seeing Slain Man r:CHICAGO, Aug. 3. - (')-- A net of circumstantial evidence was tightened about Mandeville Zenge today as prosecutors prepared to charge him : a with the fatal emasculation of Dr. Walter J. Bauer, his successful rival h for the hand of a pretty nurse. Assistant State's Attorney Charles Dougherty announced that he would formally book the adamant young - prisoner for first degree murder after a sixth man had connected him with circumstances surrounding the crime. "We have a perfect circumstantial case," Dougherty asserted. "I be- lieve that we have sufficient evidence S : to go before a grand jury and obtain ". an indictment." Oren J. Guiett, who occupied a room next to that of "E. L. Jones" at the Jennings Hotel in Ann Arbor, >:.viewed the suspect. He said: .. M'..".n ::G:L,4':::. ."That's Jones." -Associated Press Photo. The 26-year-old Missourian glanced Enthusiasm of Ethiopians to enlist in Emperor Haile Selassie's at his accuser and smiled. army was matched only by the vigorous demands of the nation's women Dougherty termed the identifica- that they be given the right to bear arms. Here is the wife of General tion "most important." Kabala, personal guard of the King of Kings and the Conquering Lion Dr. Bauer told police in a dying of Judah, herself the peer of most of the soldiery as a rifle shot, demon- statement that "Jones" had kidnaped strating her skill with a gun. him in Ann Arbor, forced him to drive to Chicago at pistol point, M n e.Aok V r d nu cbound hirri aha darsk alley and there o so ka eperformed the brutal surgery. Four other witnesses had identified AganCoervie s Wil Zenge as the tall man who fled the Headaches scene of the crime Wednesday morn- FeverH ding. A cab chauffeur pointed him out r HBe Presented as the passenger who left behind a WASHINGTON, Aug. 3. - (~ - A "suicide note" and blood-stained coat when he disappeared in the dark new disease, similar in many of its Dr. W. P. Lemon To ive vicinity of Navy Pier Wednesday symptoms to sleeping sickness and night infantile paralysis, has been tracked Concudig Sermon In But the suspect defiantly declared down by the Public Health Service. Summer Serieshis innocence. Together with identification of the "I'm not guilty of this crime," he malady, known as "acute lymphocytic Local churches have planned a va- told reporters in his first interview choriomeningitis," methods of treat- riety of morning and evening devo- since he was captured early Thursday. "I never was in Ann Arbor. I never ment and immunization were an- tional services for students which saw Bauer." nounced. None of the cases reported will be given today in the respective "Would you like to see Louise?" on were fatal to the patients, churches. The attractive widow's rejected Dr. Charles Armstrong and Dr. Dr. W. P. Lemon, pastor of the suitor squirmed in his chair. His Paul F. Dickens of the service found handsome face flushed. He pondered First Presbyterian church, will give that the disease was caused by a defi- a moment, lowered his head. Then: nite virus previously isolated and sermon in the sum- 'No." identified by Dr.Armstrong. Mon- keys' injected with the virus con- tracted the disease and serum made from the blood of individuals after they had the disease for two weeks proved effective in protecting other individuals against it. Formerly diagnosed as "acute asep- tic meningitis," the disease is iden- tified by symptoms of headache, fever, nausea, irritations of the brain and spinal cord membranes, increase in pressure of the cerebro-spinal fluid and increase in the blood cell count. To date it has been found in Cali- fornia, Maryland, Illinois, Ohio, Vir- ginia, and the District of Columbia, the Health Service reports. mer series entitled "Dialogues With God" when he speaks at 10:45 a.m. on "God's Good News." The services are being held at the Masonic Temple during the summer season. The. Rev. Norman W. Kunkel, as- sociate minister, will fill the pulpit next Sunday preaching on the subject, "The Logic of Religion in a Day of Confusion," it was announced yester- day. There will be no lawn service at the Church House this Sunday. The Rev. Frederick W. Leech, guest pastor,awill preach the sermon at 11 a.m. at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. Holy Communion will be served both at the 8 a.m. service and at 11 a.m. Grand Wins slam, 30 to 1 Shot, Arlington Futurity CHICAGO, Aug. 3. - In the first major upset of the 1935 turf season, Grand Slam, owned by the Bomar Stable of Detroit and a 30 to 1 shot, won the $60,000 Arlington Futurity today, defeating a field of America's greatest two year olds by two lengths. .. ---- Mongolians Make Their National Boundaries Strongest In World Net Encircles Him Announcement of the release of three new books by the University of Michigan Press was made yesterday by Dr. Frank E. Robbins, managing editor. A compilation of the transactions of the Supreme Court of Michigan from 1895 to 1914 has been recorded by Prof. William W. Blume of the Law School and constitutes one of the published works. "Greek Ostraca in the University of Michigan Collection" is the title a o nriv h Prof Levi Amundsen KALGAN, Chahar Province, China, Aug. 3. -(P - Outer Mongolia eith- er has not heard or is wilfully un- mindful of Japan's suggestion for the demilitarization of the frontiers bor- dering on Manchoukuo. Under the direction of Soviet Rus- sian advisers, who hold virtually the same power in Outer Mongolia that: Japanese militarists do in Manchou- kou, the Mongolians are going for-' ward energetically with the strength- ening of their border defenses. To keep out Japanese influences such as have flooded Chinese Inner Mongolia in recent months, the Outer Mongolians have made their national boundaries more nearly airtight than those of perhaps aiiy other nation in the world. Because of its great length, there is no fence or other physical barrier along Outer Mongolia's frontier. The carried off to Urga, the Outer Mon- golian capital, for trial. Only persons with the proper cre- dentials from the Outer Mongolian government are permitted to cross this forbidden territory - and such credentialsare seldom granted. Even tribespeople of adjoining areas of Inner Mongolia are prevented from communicating with relatives and friends at the other side of the border, so fearful are the Outer Mongolian authorities of the infiltration of Jap- anese propaganda. The main point of entry into Outer Mongolia from Inner Mongolia is at Wudeh, where the caravan trail be- tween Kalgan, North Chint, and Urga crosses the international frontier. The caravan traffic, which amounts tc about $4,000,000 silver a year, is mo- nopolized by a German firm, under an arrangement with the Sovietized Outer Mongolian'government. Even at Wudeh there is almost no rnnfact between the twn Mnnonlins NEW YORK, Aug. 3.-(VP)- Guarded by government secrecy, the air ministries of Great Britain, France Germany and Italy have taken over the production of ocean-spanning air- liners in an effort to skim the rising, cream of international trade. All four of these nations are at- tempting to build extra-size flying boats to obtain international com- mercial air supremacy. The imme- diate goal is trade with America by the use of their own planes across the Atlantic. The United States, just as anxious as any foreign nation for expanded air commerce, is relying on private enterprise for the development of air- passengers both ways across the At- lantic in flying boats with pilots whose ability is based on a back- ground of millions of hours experience in trans-oceanic flying. Already European governments have invested three years and many millions of dollars in an effort to produce multi-engined marine air- craft to compete with America's big flying clippers. These latter, twenty- ton, four-engined flying boats, are about to have a twenty-six-ton younger brother, a Martin ocean transport now completing tests at Baltimore. The French are eclipsing the Mar- tin with a thirty-seven-ton experi- ment, the Lieut. De Vasseu, which Three Nations Plan Secretly For Trans-Atlantic Air Power r a ;. Blushing Mary Denies Romance With 'Buddy' CHICAGO, Aug. 3.-- UP) --Mary Pickford arrived today with a bouquet .::::~:::. I