AT.URDAY,.AUGUST 3,1935 -TH E ,M 1,C-J tGA N. DA I LY PAGE THREL 1 .. . . FAGE TUREE Campus Queen Will Reign At Dance Tonight Mary Stirling, Jean Coler, Janet Miller, And Jane Fletcher Are Nominees (Continued from Page 1) tions which have been presented here recently. One of the highlights of the show will be reached when the original "Lady in Red" makes her formal Ann Arbor debut during the floor show. She has planned several modern song and dance presentations. Continuing the program, Edna Mae Gustine, Edith Chubb, and Richard Fuller, stars of "Juniors On Parade" :will join to present some modern pro- gressive rhythm in their own dance interpretation. The Misses Gustine The Daily wishes to apologize for an error which appeared in yesterday's issue. In the story concerning the selection of a Summer-Session prom queen, the line reading: "The committee presumably selected .. .," should have ben: "The committee pre- viously selected ..." and Chubb will bring the floor show to a conclusion with a minstrel-strut dance specialty. Tickets will be on sale at the door. Refreshments will be served in the Garden during the dance. Hostesses for tonight's dance in- clude: Maudie Airey, Kay Bevis, Jane Biddle, Katherine Burns, Dorothy Carr, Peg Conklin, Thelma Cooper, Virginia Davis, Dorothy Dorsey, Jean- ette Duff, Catherine Duncan, Mary Alice Emmett, Catherine Ferguson, Edith Forsythe, Marguerite Garber. Mary Ellen Hall, Eileen Ischel- dinger, Pearl Ischeldinger, Rosemary Klug, Louise Paine, Elva Pascoe, Kay Russell, Emma Schmidt, Jean Seeley, Sophie Stolarski, Frances Thornton, Violet Villany, Dorothy Wikel, Helen Ziefle, and Laura Jane Zimmerman. Prince Alexis Mdvani Killed In Auto reck Barbara Hutton's Former Husband Dies In Spain; Girl Companion Hurt BARCELONA, Spain, Aug. 2. - (P) -Prince Alexis Mdivani, 31 years old, divorced husband of Barbara Hutton and colorful figure of interna- tional society, died today as dra- matically as he lived. The Georgian Prince was killed in- stantly and his pretty young woman companion was injured critically in an automobile accident after he vol- unteered to drive the woman, who had missed her train, to her home in Perpignan, France. The couple left the palatial Pala- mos home of Mdivani's sister, Mrs. Jose Maria Sert, where the woman had been a house guest, shortly be- fore last midnight. Roaring toward the French border, Mdivani's powerful roadster struck a culvert in a winding road at Albons, Gerona Province, and plunged into a deep gully. Two hours later, just as her last guests were leaving, Mrs. Sert was notified by telephone that a motorist had found an overturned car and that a body had been taken to an undertaking establishment at Albons. Woman Believed Dying The woman, believed to be dying from her injuries, was taken to the Gerona Clinical Hospital. The Prince's sister, wife of a noted Spanish mural painter, ordered her own car and went immediately to the mortuary. Surgeons performed an emergency operation on the Prince's injured companion in an attempt to save her life. Suffering from a fractured skull, she remained unconscious, and hos- pital attendants said there was little chance for her recovery. , Attendants who prepared her for the operating room said they found no documents of identification. Until they could communicate with Mrs. Sert, there was no way of establish- ing the identity of the injured girl. Attendants said she was an at- tractive brunet, about 25 years old and apparently French. Servants at the Sert home, however, said they be- lieved her to be German. Although Mdivani frequently drove from Paris, where he made his head- quarters, to visit his sister, he was lit- tle known in Spai nexcept among a few intimate friends with whom he occasionally played polo. Moves Kept Secret The Prince's visits, especially dur- ing his estrangement from Barbara Hutton, American heiress to the Woolworth millions now married to Count Court Haugwitz-Reventlow, Countryside A Shambles After Disastrous Chinese Flood --Associated Press Photo, Rescue workers told of seeing coffins piled to great heights after the Yangtze river flooded low lying skk-_ tions of Hankow, China. This picture shows Chinese boys on a raft salvaginggoods from the shambles. Existence Of Penny Ante Now, Threatened By Mill Piece Plan Once Famous Child Star Seeking Fame Major League Work Appeals To Red Rookie Riggs, Rookie Infielder, Finds Big Time Pitching Easier To Hit CINCINNATI, Aug. 2. - (P) -The Reds have contributed more than their share of news to the National League race this season, what with the more than satisfactory showing of thelr two-thirds rookie lineup, and one of the most satisfactory de- velopments from Manager Charley Dressen's standpoint has been Lew Riggs' reaction to major league pitch- ing. Riggs, flashy young third baseman, apparently is one of those rare birds who find big league pitching more reachable with their bats than the minor league variety of curves. He never got to the .300 mark in his four seasons with the Columbus Red Birds of the American association, yet he wound up at the end of July with a .302 average. 'Just Like Hornsy' In this respect, Dwessen hopes, Riggs is like several other players who became outstanding stars in the big league firmament. Rogers Horns- by never batted .300 in the bushes; Ty Cobb was no whirlwind with the bat until he joined the Tigers, and Babe Ruth clubbed at just .231 in his one and only season in the sticks. Riggs came to the Reds last winter without any fanfare of publicity. Much was written about Johnny Mize, slugging first baseman from Roches- ter, who would cost President Powell Crosley, Jr., $55;000 if he was kept after April 15. But outside of Cin- cinnati little attention was paid to the announcement Riggs had been se- cured from Columbus at a cost of $20,000. Successor to Groh? Evidently the $20,000 paid for Riggs was well spent. Lew has been the most consistently good ball player on the Cincinnati Reds this year and deserves a full share of the credit for transforming the team from a cellar outfit into a first division threat. Riggs is 25 years old, 5 feet 11 enches tall, 178 pounds, and is a left- handed batsman. Unlike most south- paw hitters, Lew really hits left- handed pitchers better than he does right-handers. A worthy successor he is to the traditions of Heinie Groh, the greatest third baseman the Cin- cinati Reds ever had. UNWELCOME GUEST EAST ST. LOUIS, Ill., Aug. 2. - (P) - A guest at the wedding of Gus Park tossed a playful brick. It hit the bridegroom on the head and caused his death. Wiley Post And His Wife Begin Siberian HQp In Serious Roles NEW YORK, Aug. 2. - (P - "Papa -can I have a mill?" That may become a popular family phrase if congress approves Secre- tary Moregnthau's recommendation for the coinage of mill and half-cent pieces, although the head of the treas- ury department is interested more in facilitating the payment of sales taxes than in reducing the drain on Papa's spare change. Congress "created" the mill 143 years ago, but found no need to coin it. Uncle Sam is not the only coin- maker, however. Several states - notably Washington and Illinois - have turned out minor coins in the past year to make change for sales taxes that got into fractions of a penny. These could be used only in paying state sales taxes, whereas the proposed federal mills would circulate generally. However, if authorized by Congress, the proposed one-mill pieces would be legal tender only to the amount of three cents, while the half-cent piece would be legal to the amount of only 10 cents. Nothing smaller than a penny has been coined by the federal govern- ment in more than 70 years. In 1793, when the mint began striking off coins, the smallest denomination is- sued was that of the 5-mill, or half- cent piece. After 1835, there ceased to be any call for them, says Howland Wood, curator of the Numismatic Society of America, and their coinage stopped until 1849 when a small quantity was issued until 1857. All in all, nearly 8,000,000 of these half-cent pieces were put in circulation before the mint stopped turning them out. As far back as 1652, Massachusetts issued its own coins, based on English currency division. The famous Pine Tree shillings were part of this issue. Coins outside of the federal cur- rency have also been made by private enterprises. In a period extending roughly from 1830 to 1860,sgold coins were struck in various* states and territories by individuals when the government was not able to provide them fast enough. The Mormons of Utah issued their own coins until 1860. In the colonial days, America de- pended largely on English and Span- ish money for the conduct of trade. Spanish dollars were used largely during the Revolution. GUNMEN GET $24,000 DENVER, Aug. 2. - (P) - Three gunmei escaped with $24,000 in cash, stocks and jewelry today after they held up Max Schwartz, real estate man, in his office on one of Denver's principal downtown streets. OGUNQUIT, Me., Aug. 2. - (P) -J Not Mitzi Green of the impish antics, but Miss Green of serious mien, stepped on the stage of the summer playhouse here in quest of her am- bition to become a dramatic actress. The former child star of the motion pictures appeared in an important role in "Murder with Pen and Ink," a new play by Frederick Jackson. Now tall and willowy, a miss of 16 with an infectious smile, Mitzi admits she has much to learn about the stage. Some day she'd like to be an- other Katharine Cornell or Eliza- Beth Bergner, rather than a young lady with a gift of mimicry. To further this ambition, she has studied and perspired in the hot sum- mer afternoons with Walter Hart- wig's company at the little play-house during rehearsals of Jackson's com- edy. Hartwig, her director, has high praise for her dramatic talent. PETUNIA SEEDS AT $2,000 ENCINITAS, Calif., Aug. 2. - (P) - Seed of a new petunia plant, de- veloped by John Jendresen after sev- en years to resemble a snowflower in size, form and color is valued at $2,- 000 an ounce. -Associated Press Photo. A leisurely flight to Siberia by way of Alaska was begun by Wiley Post and his wife from San Francisco after difficulties over passports were cleared up. They made Seattle their first stop on the lengthy trip. Detroit GirldIs Cited To Get Heroine Award ROYAL OAK, Aug. 2. - (AP) - Elev- en-year-old Jeanne Warren, who thought that an ice cream cone and a permanent wave would represent a just reward for rescuing a drowning man, is gong to receive the first Mich- igan Veterans of Foreign Wars hero- ism medal as well. Thomas Dempster, commander of the V. F. W. post here, said the citation and medal would be awarded to Jeanne next month Boy Scout Troop Runs Afoul During Practice DOUGLAS, Ariz., Aug. 2. - (P) -A Boy Scout expedition after nightfall along the international border line ran into unexpected thrills. The boys were sent out one by one to practice the scout pace, but none returned. Scoutmaster Frank Chance started after them and found the boys had been stopped by a United States border patrolman who was on the lookout for "fence-jumpers." I , i dewxzhppe SEASON-END SL O 'DRESSES offers Seasonal Frocks at End-of-Season Prices. You'll Save Considerably in these further Reductions! DOWNTOWN - Next to Wuerth Theatre The Foremost Clothiers in Washtenaw County p *. DUTCH OVLENSUSAN"B RING YOU YOUR FIRST ENJOYABLE MEETING. WIT&4i ~' DTC(IN " If you have never known the enjoy. ment of modern electric cooking, if you are waiting~ until some day when you can afford an electric range . . . DON'T WAIT! Let This modern appliance will roast Dutch Oven Susan introduce you all cuts of meat to perfection; it NOW to electric cooking. Give will fry eggs, steaks, chops, etc.; your family and yourself all the it will bake cakes, pies, cookies, benefits of this modern way oi. biscuits and muffins; and it will preparing food-its delicious hold half-a-dozen pint jars when flavor, its healthfulness, its con- canning by the cold pack, hot venience and cleanliness. Dutch water bath method. Oven Susan will do every cook-OenSsniavlbe ing operation possible on a small tc nd us oly a s inseveral styles and sixes-one stove it y outas to fit your needs exactly. The much electricity ter hour as an medium size model will roast a electric toaster, It is so compact oulhaa-oudcck that it can be tucked away a 0oun ham, a 6-ound chk- itrne eotuckedyw ayne.en, or a large leg of lamb. The corner almost anywhere. large size will easily accommo- You can put a whole meal for a date, a 15 r/pound turkey. And family of six-two vegetables, a there is "Small Sister" Susan, an roast, potatoes and gravy-in electric casserole, with a two- this 'cooker, and go out for the quart capacity. See this modern afternoon. When you come home appliance at all Detroit Edison your dinner is waiting, perfectly offices, Department Stores and cooked-piping hot and readly Electrical Dealers. for the table. Dutch Oven Susan _______________ is easy to use: You simply plug 4 DIFFERENT SIZES IN it into any convenience outlet. 4, IFEr u UiA u This lot of dresses which was bought to sell to $19.75 is comprised of a pleasing assortment of crepes, sheers, prints, organdies and some linen formals. Priced to close at........ . This group of dresses consists of linens, novelty prints, honeycombs . . . in a choice of light and dark shades. Values to $14.95........ 5 1O95 $ 9 v 1 L- H All BRADLEY SUITS and DRESSES Whites, naturals, pastel shades /4 inia i' i a good assortment of sizes. HATS to Finish the Summer Season ONE TABLE AT-......... 69C ANOTHER GROUP AT .......... 1/2 Price ... , I i I IIr I