THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1935 died. These McGehees are, of course, those of "So Red the Rose." And Cousin Micajah's gallantry in making jewelry for the girl he loved out of the first gold he mined in California is a typical Mc- Gehee gallantry. There are 19 sketches in "Feliciana," and all but two are about the south or southerners. AROUND THE FTOWN .. . By RUSSELL F. ANDERSON ie We spent most of yesterday hanging about the n local police department . . . after watching the , blue-coated boys come in and out . . . we have a bit of warning for our readers . . . there is a little drive on, to pick up all speedsters . . . and from the amount of culprits brought in yesterday we're inclined to think that they're in earnest . . . sev- eral summer school session students were among r those brought down ... we nearly passed away from laughter at the antics of a school teacher-- a summer session student ... who begged that her name not be placed on the police blotter . . . but with tears in her eyes (and there was real salt 11 in them) she wrote it down . . . so let us warn t you to be careful ... you should know that the local police work on the theory that every city has an inherent right to be seen by the passing motorist! v We're still blushing ... on our way back to the x Press Building last night . . . we passed a local . church . .. (the one that is having the rummage sale today) ... out in front there was a sign (and ' still is) . . . printed on a large sheet of wrapping per ... it reads . . "Women of the congregation have cast off clothing of all kinds. They may be Dseen in the basement today between three and r five." * * * * Speaking of the church reminds us of an inci- dent that occurred last Sunday.. . that we almost forgot to tell you about . . . it was a sermon we heard, given by a minister who is an ardent believer m the evils of drink . . . towards the latter part cf his sermon ... he reached the climax with the y statement . . . "that if I had my way about it, e all spirits and alcohols would be dumped in the 1, river" .. . and we nearly fell out of the pew .. . when he finished. . . and announced that the next s hymn would be "We Will Gather At The River." * * * * e Yesterday afternoon one of our lecturers told us that . .. brass may become the materials for all ornaments . . . that leads us to remark that we s know a number of sorority girls (and a few summer - session school mams) ... who will be 100 per cent decorative! - During our wanderings ... following the above- d mentioned lecture ... we had occasion to go over s to the University elementary school ... in passing - down one of the corridors we overheard a teacher questioning her little charges . . . "If the plural of w mouse is mice, does it follow that the plural of t spouse would be spice?" . . . we didn't catch the e answer ... as we had passed down the hall .. . n but we wish we had ... as the darn thing has been - bothering us all way ... the plural of spouse? ... - the only word we can think of is bigamy! n * * * * c We think all puns belong in a certain rank ... but having stumbled on the rankest . .. we pass it h on . .. the setting is local . . . the athlete comes e running in . . . and remarks . . . YOST FIELD e HOUSE strong I am! s - t A NEW YORKER as yAT LARGE t By JAMES B. RESTON NEW YORK -- A confirmed femininst, Mary Pickford has started out to prove that she can attain as high a rank in the production of mo- d tion pictures as she once did as an actress. This was a sudden decision, as all her decisions are. She was thinking of coming back to the New __ _ ____ The SOAP BOX Letters published in this column should not be construes as expressingtheseditorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Some Disconnected React ions Dear Soap Box: Here follow some disconnected reactions: Your contributors should be prevented from throwing "ilk" at one another. The word is mean- ingless anywhere this side of a Scotch Peerage. The two stories you credit to Donal Haines were probably old when Donal was drumming on his high chair. A generation ago the sergeant in- structor took keen pleasure in telling about the quick and the dead to each new platoon of gas rask novices. And the boat on heavy dew goes back certainly as far as Twain. We are told at intervals that (R) means truth told interestingly. Let us look back beyond this reek's " . . . pasty-faced youth whose defense is based on a plea of congenial insanity . . . " to a story released by (A) on Feb. 26, 1935. A Detroit high school was on fire and "when the tons of water failed to check the rush of the flames po- licemen ordered the occupants of 16 homes to evacuate." If that is truth-told-interestingly, what is to become of our liberties? Finally, why razz the Nazis as if they were the first to make a fetish of blood? A still popular national hymn contains the prayer "Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons. Marchons." Let an alien blood fill up our furrows. Let's go! Yours in all seriousness, -Norman Anning. Sex-Mad Slayer Snte nced To Electric Chair -Associated Press Photo. A circuit court jury which deliberated less than, four hours in Peoria, Ill., found Gerald Thompson guilty of the slaying of pretty Mil- dred Hallmark, with a mandatory sentence of death in the electric chair. Thompson (left) is being returned to his cell after the verdict was read. The Careers And Personalities ur enators: Key Pittan I Washington Off The Record By SIGRID ARNE KATHERINE HARRISON, daughter of the sen- ator from Mississippi, had a longer vacation than she had planned, because she got into a tight spot. She and Senator McAdoo of California were leaving a Delaware resort for Washington the same day. McAdoo is an enthusiastic flier. Miss Har- rison is not. But McAdoo offered her a lift in his airplane, and she accepted. When they arrived at the airport, Miss Harrison had had time to do some thinking. She looked back to the ocean, sighed, and said, "Oh, its so beautiful. I think I'll go back for another week." And she did. Washington has no more faithful public servant than old Frank Cittidino who was the. last of the lamp lighters. When the new elec- tric switches were attached, he worried. To this day, he makes a daily round of 56 gas lamps left in the city to see that their mechan- ical controls have not failed. EPRESETATIVE DEWEY SHORT of Missouri played the part of his own ghost at a political meeting held in his state. He was making several speeches in the Mid-West. His schedule was so full his Washington secretary, worried that he would fail the homefolks, sent them a long wire signed with Short's name. But Short knew nothing of the wire. He headed for the conclave and arrived just as the chairman finished reading his wire to the meeting. The invitation list to a formal dinner in- cluded the name of a suprem court justice. He declined by a note to the hostess explain- ing, "I have to spend the evening at home seek- ing the least erroneous solution to a seemingly insoluble problem." UHERE are several trees on capital grounds Hgrowing incognito. They are those known to have been planted by George Washington. The di- vision of buildings and grounds will not reveal their identity in order to protect them from sou- venir hunters. WHEN OCCASION PERMITS, Vice-President Garner likes to play tricks with the name of his secretary, Louis Friday. Friends drop into Garner's office for aid and ad- vice. He looks exceedingly solemn and finishes with, "Better take it up with Friday Saturday." "What day?" says the perplexed friend. "Saturday." "Yes, but what did you say about Friday . . and so on until Garner has had his joke. Congress has a Frank Buck, Jack Dempsey, Jim Farley, Will Rogers and John McCormack. But they are not the wild animal trapper, the fighter, the postmastr general, the humorist or the singer. They are respectively the rep- resentatives from California, New Mexico, In- diana, Oklahoma and Massachusetts. HANFORD MacNIDER, a former assistant sec- retary of war, has deep sympathy for admin- istration speech-makers. When one worries in PlacNider's hearing, he tells of the commencement speech he made at West Point. He labored several nights over the address. The day of the ceremony he sat on the platform next to a doughty major general who growled: "Well, the greatest commencement address ever made here was made by General Sherman. It was just one sentence: "'Gentlemen, you now belong to the army.'" WASHINGTON, Aug. 2. - (IP) - The senate really likes spare, quiet Key Pittman. For a decade his dem- ocratic colleagues kept nominating him for president pro tempore. Now that his party has control, he oc- cupies that honorary post. Behind Pittman are memories of gold rushes to Dawson, Alaska, and Tonopah, Nev., in which a frail youngster from the south learned about the brawling, pioneer west. But the senator from Nevada to- day is an impeceably dressed, soft- voiced symbol of dignity. He avoids free-for-all debate save at times when foreign relations, for which he is senate spokesman, silver policy or western issues are up. Unobtrusive, he speaks quietly, striding back and forth as he does so. Hunting and fishing, the recrea- tions of his youth in the west, ap- peal more to Pittman than golf. His CLASSIFIED FOR SALE FOR SALE: Antiques, glassware, fur- niture, jewelry, doll furniture, books, many other miscellaneous items. 408 S. Seventh St. (Near W. Lib- erty). Dial 7068. FOR SALE: 1931 Ford de luxe road- ster. Priced for quick sale. Inquire R. Read, 610 Forest, Phone 2-1214 or 6539. ORIGINAL ETCHING BY DUBAIN- NE-(F.ENCH ARTIST) SCENE LUXEMBURG GARDENS - $10 FRAMED. U L R I C H'S BOOK- STORE, CORNER EAST AND SOUTH UNIVERSITY. FOR SALE: Antique jewelry, brace- lets, brooches, earrings, etc. Rea- sonable. Phone 8050. 2020 Dev- onshire Road. 5x NOTICE WOULD COOK and plan for a small fraternity. Next semester. Can supply references, white. Dial 7723. 41 LARGE Elberta and Hale peaches will ripen about Aug. 7, special price to trucks. A. E. Epler, Keensburg, Ill., Wabash Co. LAUNDRY LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned Careful work at low price. lx PERSONAL laundry service. We take individual interest in the laundry problems of our customers. Girls silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar- anteed. Men's shirts our specialty. Call for and deliver Phone 5594 611 E. Hoover. 3 STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea- sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006. 4x LOST AND FOUND LOST: Gray and black enameled Evans cigarette lighter in Women's League Bldg. on Thursday, July 25. Reward, J. F. Bailey, 822 Oakland, Phone 2-3872. 49 rod and gun feats are not mere con- versation. In the celebrated Alfalfa club, that jovial organization to which only "good fellows" are admitted, he is a high ranking member. Pittman was an early "Roosevelt man," performing service for the President's candidacy in the west. He has been in the senate since 1912, but is no veteran office-seeker and was first elected without passing through earlier campaigns as most senators do. His first political appointive place was that of prosecuting attorney in hard-living Nome, Alaska, who's "consent" form of government he helped to draft back at the turn of the century. His personal friendships in the senate help him to expedite commit- tee business. Every senator knows "Key." ST. LOUIS THEATER BURNS ST. LOUIS, Mo., Aug. 2. - (A) - Fire early today destroyed the Odeon theater, which for many years wps the scene of the St. Louis symphony orchestra concerts. Twice in one game Dick Bartell of the Giants reached second on his own bunts: each time a fielder flung the ball into right field. MICHIGAN Graf t-C argo Aoainst O.S.U. By Governor I)eclares Professors Are I Pay Of Corporations And Public Utilities CHILLICOTHE, 0., Aug. 2. - () -- A bitter controversy between Gov. Davey and officials of Ohio State Uni- versity flared up today with the state executive charging that senior pro- fessors of the university are in the pay of "big corporations, including public utilities." Gov. Davey made the charges last night while addressing 1,500 persons at the Clarksburg field day. "If I had my way, I would 'can' the senior professors at Ohio State," he said. "They work two hours a day, five days a week and take three month vacations each year. -They write books and articles for pay; they lec- ture for pay and they work for big corporations, including the public util- ities for pay." The governor's attack came only a few hours after John sB. yullen secretary of the University's Alumni association asserted Davey had made "dishonest assertions" about the uni-- versity's president, Dr. George W. Rightmire. Fullen sent a bulletin to all district alumni governors and officers of the alumni clubs asserting that "Mr. Da- vey said at Akron Sunday that 'Pres- ident Rightmire slipped in a $3,500 raise for himself in preparing the uni- versity's budget and when I cut it out he made an ill-tempered attack on me." Fullen's note said "Mr. Davey knows that the university's budget was pre- pared in strict accordance with the instructions of the state director of finance ... who specifically instructed the university to allow for salary re- storations, in accordance with action of the legislature." "..'.~ ~ ysterious, .,.~,-.. an*Iiai year's stran-. est\romance --powerful yet tender! Adolph Zk pr...nt WARN E R f myterous 11 ALISVN I York stage, of doing anything to keep her working hard when the United Artists corporation was reorganized and she de- .ided to go into the production end of the industry. Since then, she has been coming to New York regularly and the 3rrival of Mary Pickford is still in event even in this town. She seems somehow to have decided to lose herself in ac- tivity. Her interest runs to countless organizations, all of R UTHLESS DRAMA, that crackles with thrills ..throbs with romance! with LIONEL BARRYMORE C1130 LEAN ARTHUR .0oV HESTER MORRIS Calto( f G-MSuccessor to House": C LMARY PICIKFORD gSIPWDRTH a Walter Wanger oil u C t i OUs A Paramount Picture MA JEST IC 11 -_ .. ..: 11 vwhich she works at with indefatigable energy. By JOHN SELBY Now, at 42, she seems a peaceful and fascinating "FELICIANA," by Stark Young; (Scribners), woman. She was at the Waldorf when I saw her Ehis time, working in a huge suite in the towers, N APPRAISAL of Stark Young's "Feliciana" i suite flooded with light from several large win- will prove difficult for numerous reasons. lows which look away to the south across magnifi- The most interesting is that Mr. Young's stories lent buildings. Within an hour there, she received are mostly sketches, and many of them are negro two long distance calls from Hollywood, another sketches written from the viewpoint of the south- from London, and another from Chicago. erner of the ruling class, which is understand- In the other room sat 11 or 12 reporters wait- able and for Mr. Young proper. But there is in- ng for interviews; press agents interrupted her cluded the feeling that the upper class southern Jonversation; the door-bells whirred, the servants white is the protector of the Negro, and a good bustled around. And all this she took as calmly many who are familiar with the situation see it the is if she were alone in her huge Beverly Hills other way. These feel that the Negro was not only home. the base of the southern pyramid, but that it also * * * * was he who protected his master. NEW YORK clamored to see her in the play Co- So it is that Mr. Young's sketches will sound off quette, which she recently presented on the key to a certain number of readers. This circum- ;oast, but she would not bring it back East. She stance is unfortunate, for there is a great deal ,xplained that once she had seen Helen Hayes (ifr charm in "Feliciana." Even when the charm plav the same part, and she considered Miss Hayes' Lydia MENDELSSOHN Theatre Perform nce Tonight + DOUBLE BILL Sir Janmes M. Barre's - Mystery Satire, "Shall We Mol iere's Satire on the Medical Profession Te Doctor h'In Spite Of -NHimself"" Join The Ladies?" lF.7t wuEeTU1 ;II 1 1 ii