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August 02, 1935 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1935-08-02

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Foul FRIDAY, AUGUST 2,1935

Charges State
Is Not Getting
Fair AAA Lot
Commissioner Charges
Michigan Contribution
Far Exceeds Benefits
LANSING, Aug. 1- Michigan is
not getting a fair break in distribu-
tion of federal benefits under the
AAA, Commissioner of Agriculture
James F. Thomson, maintains in re-
porting that up to May 1 the state
contributed $4,812,296.78 in excess of
benefits paid.
Thomson claimed that the process-
ing and related taxes collected in the
state of Michigan since the AAA
went into effect amount to $9,790,-
476.17. Benefits paid equal $4,978,,
"The benefits which have been re-
ceived in Michigan went to less than
30 per cent of our farmers and ac-
countedfor less than 6 per cent of
the farm income," Thomson said.
"But the entire public had to
share the cost of the AAA taxes.
As far as Michigan is concerned, the
AAA has turned out to be something
like Huey ,Long's share-the-wealth
"Poor workers in the city, who
can hardly get along, have had to
help pay AAA processing taxes. So
have poor farmers who haven't been
able to stay on one farm long enough
to be eligible for AAA benefits. And
the benefits have gone to help more
prosperous farmers, who have an es-
tablished busines and who don't need
the help.
"I am in sympathy with anything
which will help the farmers. If the
'AAA benefits were spread among all
farmers instead of only that 30 per
cent who need them least, as a farmer
I couldn't kick. But even then I
could object, as an official, to a con-
tribution by Michigan which is $4,-
812,296 in excess of the benefits re-
ceived back."
Sugar Island
May Serve As
Research Plot
University Officials Are
Investigating Possibility
Of Future Development
University students will use historic
Sugar Island, the center of fur trad-
ing activities near Sault Ste. Marie
when white men first began to explore
the Great Lakes region, As a research
ground if the present plans are car-
ried out, it was announced by Prof.
Louis A. Hopkins, director of the
Summer Session, yesterday.
Professor Hopins left yesterday for
an inspection trip of the island which
is loctated just below the Soo in the
St. Mary's River in the company of
'several other University officials.
Former Gov. Chase Osborn has do-
nated" more than 3,000 acres of the
island to the University.
Dr. Hopkins will meet Dr. George
LaRue, head of the zoology depart-
ment, and Prof. Willett F. Ramsdell
at the biological station, and the
three will journey from there to the
island. Prof. Harlow O. Whittemore
of the landscape design department is
already on the island with a group
of students studying the possibilities
for landscape work.
The University has had possession
of the land for some years but little
use has been made of it other than

for camping trips by the forestry de-
Wild life, plants, and trees abound
on the historic island. There have
also been reports that many Indian
burial mounds are locted there. It is
expected that the University will draw
up a plan for futureddevelopment of
a portion of the land.
Michigan Conservation
Projects Await Approval
LANSING, Aug. 1.- (P) -The first
projects of a huge conservation pro-
gram awaited the approval today of
the Works Progress Administration.
P. J. Hoffmaster, director of the
state conservation commission, listed
initial projects, estimated to cost
$995,000, which he planned to lay be-
fore Harry Lynn Pierson, state PWA
director. In the usual course of events
Pierson would forward the proposals
to the national works allotment board.
goffmaster said the program which
he hopes the PWA will aid in Mich-
igan may total $10,000,000 when all
projects are listed. Theyk will be sub-
mitted as prepared by the different di-
visions of his department.
The projects detailed today will re-
quire the expenditure of $443,280 for
eradication of fire hazards in forest
areas; $396,128 for improvement of
fish hatcheries, $156,00 for miscel-
laneous improvements. Included in
the list are projects in 21 state parks,

Ethiopia Builds Modern Hospital In War Preparation

-Associated Press Photo.
A moddrn hospital, recently established by Emperor Haile Selassie out of his own funds, may be of
tremendous value to Ethiopia if war should break out with Italy. One of the spotless operating rooms of the
institution is shown above. The personnel, with the exception of two Swedish physicians, is entirely native.

Secrecy Of Radio Telegraphy
To Be Broadcast By Police

EAST LANSING, Aug. 1. - (') -
The secrecy of coded radio telegraphy
is to supplement radiophone police
broadcasts in Michigan before au-
Lieut. Caesar J. Scavarda, chief of
communications for the state police,
said today he would discuss the plan
with police executives of Michigan at
a meeting at Blainey Park Aug. 6 and
urge them to install such equipment.
Scavarda is secretary of the National
Police Communications Officers as-
An application already has gone in
to the federal communications de-
partment for a license to link the state
police headquarters here into a radio
telegraph chain extending through
the nation.
The communications chief ex-
plained the radio telegraph will not
do away with oral broadcasts to which
crime fans like to listen. He said both
systems will be used--the spoken
word of the radiophone to provide
contact between police headquarters
and mobile units in the field such as
cruiser cars and motorcycles and the
radio telegraph for conversation be-
tween police headquarters in this and
other states.
At present, Scavarda revealed, po-
lice departments all over the land are
violating the federal law which for-
bids point-to-point conversation with
radiophones. He said that because of
the nature of police work they have
been permitted to "get away with it."
In addition to bringing law en-
Deadlock On
Utilities Bill
Is Tightened
Some Think Adjournment
Will Come Before Bill
Is Acted Upon
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1. - (P) -
Striking two swift blows against the
Administration's proposal for man-
datory abolition of "unnecessary"
holding companies, the House today
tightened the deadlock over the Utili-
ties Bill and left its future clouded.
In some quarters of Capitol Hill
beliefs were expressed privately that
adjournment of Congress might see
the measure still unacted upon.
In quick succession, the House vot-
ed 210 to 155 against what many
members termthe "death sentence,"
and then instructed its conferees on
the bill to insist that outsiders be
excluded from conference sessions.
This action was aimed at Ben Co-
hen, Administration aide who the
Senate conferees insist be admitted to
deliberations on the bill. The House
vote was 183 to 172 for exclusion.
Three-Week Deadlock
The latter controversy had held the
bill in a seemingly unbreakable dead-
lock for nearly three weeks, and to
all appearances that deadlock was
but made the tighter by the action
of the House.
Chairman Byron K. Wheeler, of the
Senate Conferees, was indignant.
"The House hasn't the right or
authority to tell the Senate what
should be done as to its conferees,
nor has the Senate the right to tell
the House," he said. "The presence
or nonpresence of an individual
means nothing."
Second Part Of Boston's
Book On Metals Printed
n-4 T ..F "A ahli .nv L:r . +1,

forcement within the law, he pointed
out, the radio telegraph has the ad-
vantage of being more accurate than
the spoken word broadcasts, and pro-
viding absolute secrecy by the use of
The national police chiefs associa-
tion endorsed the radio telegraph as
a supplement to radiophone at its re-
cent convention. Scavarda said that
with this encouragement the Michi-
gan state police and police depart-
ments in many large cities that had
pioneered the cause of radio tele-
graph immediately laid their plans to
set up the equipment and obtain li-
censes to operate it.
Budoe Proves
Only U.S. ope
For Davis Cup
Carefully Fornied Plans,
Dependable Players Must
Play Important Part
NEW YORK, Aug. 1. -(P) --After
eight fruitless years in quest of the
Davis Cup, which France snatched
from America in 1927, the United
States is removed further than ever
from a real prospect of recovering the
famous international tennis trophy.
False hopes have been erected an-
nually, only to come tumbling down,
leaving not only dissatisfaction but
frequent bitterness in their wake. It's
about time the U.S.A., dominant on
the courts for nearly a post-war dec-
ade, quit "kidding" itself, discarded
alibis and faced the facts.
The salient facts, in retrospect, are
that since 1927 America has taken
only four singles matches in six chal-
lenge round flings. Three of these
were gained by Big Bill Tilden, the
other by Ellsworth Vines. England
made a clean sweep of the singles this
year and last.
This country has more tennis-play-
ing talent, per capita, than any other
nation. It has adequate facilities and
coaching fair the development of
younger players. Tournament play is
conducted throughout the year.
Why, with all this apparent oppor-
tunity and inspiration, can't the Unit-
ed States develop a team capable of
picking up where Little Bill Johnston
and Big Bill Tilden left off?
The answer seems two-fold: First,
that no sustained, long-range Davis
Cup plan of operations has been for-
mulatdd; second, that America's class
of top-flight players has proved er-
ratic, undependable or too receptive to
professional inducements.
The United States Lawn Tennis As-
sociation may have been guilty of too
much optimism. It may have used
bad judgment in making some team
selections. But the governing body
can't be blamed wholly if past per-
formances prove an unreliable crit-
erion or if American players fail to
measure up to expected form.
Sidney Wood was left on the side-
lines during this year's challenge
round rout, despite the obvious indi-
cation Allison could not be counted
on for three successive days of top-
notch play.
The current American "first 10"
is a tipoff. Of the first six ranking
players, Allison, No. 1, alone competed
in the Davis Cup competition abroad.
Wood was benched, Frank Shields and
Frankie Parker were not called on,
while Lester Stoefen and George M.
Lott turned professional.j
The No. 9 player, youthful Donald
Budge, turned in a sensational per-
formance and is the lone cause for
optimism about the future. He is a
orpaa mrns'~cne~ftTHi doubles mate.!

Candidates Are
Announced For
Contest Winner To Reign
At Summer Session's
Formal Dance
(Continued from Page 1)
ard Fuller, dance students who played
the leading roles in "Juniors on Pa-
rade" will present some modern pro-
gressive rhythm in their own dance
The show will be brought to a con-
clusion with the Misses Gustine and
Chubb doing a minstral strut dance
Hostesses for tonight's dance in-
clude: Maude Airey,,Elizabeth Ander-
son, Ruth Archibald, Kay Bevis, Kath-
erine Burns, Myra Chauncey, \Peg
Conklin, Thelma Cooper Jeannette
Duff, Mary Alice Emmett, Catherine
Ferguson, Marguerite Garber.
Gertrude Glatt, Mary Ellen Hall,
Eileen Icheldinger, Pearl Icheldinger,
Bernice Lowery, Elva Pascoe, Louise
Paine, Kay Russell, Jean Seeley, Ger-
da Stanger, Alberta Stien, Sophie
Stolarski, Esther Theurer, Frances
Thornton, Violet Villany, Doriothy
Wikel, Laura Jane Zimmerman, and
Helen Ziesle.
Schmidt Announces
Plans For Airline
MOSCOW, Aug. 1. - (P) - Plans
for a passenger airline across the
North Pole between Russia and the
United States were revealed today by
Otto Schmidt, head of the northern
sea route department.
He said such plans would be based
on whether the forthcoming flight
of Sigmund Levaneffsky and two com-
panions is successful, and that two
years of trial flights and other prep-
arations would be required before a
line could be put into operation.
Weather reports showed that condi-
tions along the proposed route were
improving, but Schmidt said he
thought it was wise for the fliers to
wait until at least tomorrow for their
takeoff. He indicated the start would
be made after sunset. The fliers plan
to arrive in San Francisco in daylight
after a flight of from 60 to 72 hours.
No Boston Braves For
Famous Film Comedian
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 1. - (P) - As Joe
E. Brown tells it, he's not going to
buy the Boston Braves, the St. Louis
Browns, or any other base ball team,
for that matter.
The mouth that Brown made famous
grinned from ear to ear as the movie
comedian said, "Nope, no more base
ball clubs," when he was asked of his
plans last night as he left by plane for
Wichita,. Kan.
"I'm as great a base ball fan as
ever, but I have no ambitions to be
a front-office magnate."
BATAVIA, N. Y., Nug. 1. - () -
A terrific wind storm, a'ccompanied by
hail and heavy rain, swept inland
from Lake Ontario today, leaving a
10-mile wide strip of damaged crops
across Niagara county before blowing
itself out with heavy damage to
buildings northwest of here.

Dedicate New
Taft Memorial
Ohio, Michigan Groups
Attend Ceremonies; 24
Floats Participate
MORENCI, Aug. 1. - UP) - A new
bridge on the Taft Memorial highway
over Silver creek was open to traf-
fic today after dedication ceremonies
attended by groups from Ohio and
The ceremonies opened yesterday
afternoon with a parade in which two
dozen floats and several bands par-
ticipated and closed last night with a
speech by Murray D. Van Wagoner,
Michigan highway commissioner.
Frank Holder, of Cincinnati, execu-
tive vice-president of the William
Howard Taft Memorial Highway As-
sociation, was master of ceremonies.
Delegates attended from many cities
of southern Michigan and northern
Ohio. Every city along the route
from'Lima, O., to Lansing, except one
was represented by its mayor.
Van Wagoner said he knew "of
no better way to attract visitors to our
state than the adoption of a unique
type of hospitality at Michigan's gate-
He spoke of the "nation-wide atten-
tion the tourist lodge erected on US-
12 near New Buffalo has drawn and
said similar lodges may be placed at
other main highway entrances to the
The Taft highway extends from
Sault Ste. Marie to Ft. Myers, Fla.
Senate :Lobby
Group Told Of
Campaign Plot
Advertising Man Says He
Suggested 'Whispering'
Of Roosevelt 'Insanity'
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1. - (P) -E.
P. Cramer, New Jersey advertising
man, told the Senate lobby commit-
tee today he had suggested months
ago that utilities companies start a
whispering campaign that President
Roosevelt was nsane.
Meanwhile, the House rules com-
mittee received testimony from Ber-
nard B. Robinson, Chicago utilities
official, that he had paid Robert
Smith, Washington lawyer, $500 to
teach him his way around Washing-
ton -how to use the Congressional
Directory and the like.
Robinson said he came to Wash-
ington, representing the Associated
Gas & Electric Co., to oppose the
utilities bill.
'Whispering Campaign'
Chairman Hugo L. Black of the
Senate committee recalled what he
termed a recent "whispering cam-
paign" that Mr. Roosevelt was in bad
health. It was quickly drowned by
widespread press denials from Wash-
ington. President Roosevelt himself
took cognizance of the campaign.
"Didn't you suggest in March, that
a whispering campaign be started to
convince the Nation that the Presi-
dent was insane?" Black asked.
"I don't recall," Cramer, a middle-
aged man with closely cropped hair,
"Didn't you suggest a whispering
campaign be started?"
"I sugested that as one of the mat-
ters that might be considered," Cram-
er replied in a low voice.
'Not A Well Man'

Robinson said he talked by tele-
phone Sunday night with H. C. Hop-
son, who is sought by the Senate lob-
by committee for questioning. Rob-
inson said he did not know where
Hopson was when the conversation
took place.
"Mr. Hopson is not a well man.
I've been told by physicians that if
he ever developed a sore throat, he
would choke to death."
Questioned sharply by Senator
Black, Cramer agreed there was "no
basis" for believing the President was
insane, and that he had never seen
"So far as you knew it was false?"
Black said.
"I don't know," Cramer replied.
"Had you heard any such state-
ment from any doctor?"
"Certainly not."
"You intended it as a pure fabrica-
"I intended it as analogous to the
campaign against Hoover."
"Despicable? Senator Lewis B.
Schwellenbach (Dem.), Washington,

VOL. XVI No. 35
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate: A tentative list of candidates
to be recommended for the Teacher's
Certificate at the end of the Summer
Session has been posted on the bul-
letin board in Room 1431 University
Elementary School. Any student
whose name does not appear on this
list and who wishes to be so listed
should report this fact at once to
the Recorder of the School of Edu-
cation, Room 1437 U.E.S.
Blanks for the payment of the
certificate fee may be secured in the
U. S. To Answer
Germany Soon
On Torn Flag
The State Department's reply to the
German government, giving assurance
of an effort to prosecute persons who
ripped the Nazi emblem from the
liner Bremen, is expected to be pre-
sented shortly.
The diplomatic reply to a protest
from the Reich government will be
handed to Dr. Rudolf Leitner, Ger-
man charge d'affaires.
While William Phillips, acting Sec-
retary of State, did not reveal the
contents of the note, it was learned
it will relate briefly the efforts of the
New York police department to guard
the German vessel and subdue the
crowd last week.
The note will also point out that
some.of those who participated in
the incident have been arrested.
Whether the reply will contain an
apology - which was not demanded
-or an expression of regret, was
not learned.
The German note of protest said the
Bremen incident constituted an insult
to Germany.
SIX LAKES, Aug. 1. - (P) - Wil-
liam Allen, 51, of Altona, was fatally
injured early this morning when a
truck he was driving collided with
an oil tanker, driven by Harris Basch,
of Muskegon, on M-46, one half mile
east of Six Lakes.
Basch, who was uninjured, said he
saw Allen's truck weaving from one
side of the highway.to the other and
assumed Allen must have fallen
asleep at the wheel. He said he
sounded his horn and pulled as far
over to the side of the road as pos-
sible in an attempt to avoid a colli-
sion, but Allen's truck struck the
tanker head on.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213
A.H. until 3:30: 11:30 a.m. Saturday.

office of the Recorder. This fee must
be paid by the end of the Summer
C. O. Davis, Secretary
School of Education.
The Michigan Dames invite all
Summer Session students and their
families to a pot-luck supper at the
Ann Arbor Island at 5 o'clock this
afternoon. Each family is asked to
bring its own dishes, sandwiches,
drink, and one main dish; salad,
desert, or a hot dish.
For the last .two weeks of the Sum-
mer Session there will be no band
concerts or Tuesday evening pro-
grams by the Faculty of the School
of Music.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
U. S. Civil Service examinations:
Principal Horticulturist (Bulb and
Floricultural Investigations), $5,600.
Asst. Engineering Draftsman to
Principal Engineering Draftsman, $1,-
620 to $2,300.
Notices are on file in 201 Mason
Attention Summer Session Stu-
dents: The Summer Session prom
this Saturday evening will be sum-
mer formal. The men will dress as
usual, if they wish, and the women
students will come formal. The price
of admission will remain the same, 25
cents per person.
Jean Seeley.
Where .To Go
2 p.m. Majestic Theater, Charles
Butterworth in "Baby Face Harring-
ton" and Jessie Matthews in "Ever-
2 p.m. Michigan Theater, Lionel
Barrymore in "Public Hero No. 1."
2 p.m. Wuerth Theater, Jean Ar-
thur in "Party Wire" and Buck Jones
in "Stone of Silver Creek."
7 p.m. Same features at the three
8:30 p.m. Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater, "Shall We Join The Ladies"
and "The Doctor in Spite of Him-
self" by the Michigan Repertory
9 p.m. Summer Session Dance,
Michigan League Ballroom.
9 p.m. Union Membership dance,
Union Ballroom.
Canoeing every afternoon and eve-
ning on the Huron River, Saunder's
Canoe Livery.
Dancing at the Blue Lantern Ball-
room, Island Lake featuring Clare
Wilson and his orchestra.

i. Al

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Shores and Woodland Beach subdivi-
sions at Portage Lake will be offered at
sacrifice prices. Located only 15 miles
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Prices range from $450.00.

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