JDAY, AUGUST 2, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FACE TRY= WAY, AUGUST 2,1935 ?AG~ THRE3 ActionOn Rum Reform Sought By Fitzgerald Demands Commission Turn Enforcement Over To State Police LANSING, Aug. 1. -- (/P) - Gov. Fitzgerald, goaded by the reluctance of Chairman John S. McDonald of the state liquor control commission to put into effect recommendations for the reform of the liquor act ad- ministration, threatened action to- day. -The governor demanded Monday that the commission turn over en- . forcement of the law to the state police. The commission agreed to do so yesterday but failed to set a date for the transfer of police powers from its own investigators. Gov. Fitzgerald recommended that the commission reduce the number of state liquor stores from 102 to 75. The commission, meeting yesterday, agreed to study that phase of the liquor traffic, and Chairman MDon- ald took first action on the recom- mendation by closing the store at Charlotte - in the governor's home county of Eaton. Friend Dismissed The governor also had recommend- ed that 150 employes be dropped im- mediately from the liquor control commission pay rolls as an economy measure. McDonald agreed, and as his first move in that direction dis- missed a friend of the governor, form- er State Senator William F. Turner, of Morley, long a Republican leader, who had been employed as personal director of the commission. The commission chairman charged that a representative of the adminis- tration was given control of patronage in the Detroit office of the commis- sion and immediately added 95 em- ployes. He named Paul Tara, of De- troit, as the patronage dispenser. He asserted that he had cut commission payrolls ontaking office, and the con- trol. of patronage was immediately taken from him. "My next comment will not be ex- pressed in words but in action," the governor said on learning of Mc- Donald's attack on the administra- tion. "I told the commission to put the reforms I recommended into effect, and they will go into effect." Backs Statement McDonald said he understood that the governor had changed his mind and did not wish the commission to install a business manager as he sug- gested Monday. Fitzgerald said he stood solidly behind the recommenda- tions he made and had changed none of them. The governor, in his monthly state- ment accounting for the stewardship of the state, which was issued last night, dealt again with his intention of clearing the liquor traffic of cor- rupt practices. Confident that his proposed reforms will be carried out, he said in part: "The situation today with respect to the legalized liquor traffic is worse than it was in the darkest days of the saloon. We have permitted condi- tions to grow up that demand drastic treatment - and drastic treatment is what I have prescribed, with all the force at my command. "Liquor law enforcement is being taken out of the hands of civilian, politically appointed inspectors. It is being turned over to the state Famous Plane Being Reassembled To Try New Hop m- "-Associated Press Photo. The famous plane "Southern Cross" is being reassembled at Bur- bank, Calif., preparatory to being shipped to London for a 11,300-mile hop to Sydney, Australia. Shown at the plane's side awaiting the arrival of Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith, noted flier, are Robert Bolton (top), chief engineer; Thomas Pethybridge (left), co-pilot of the proposed flight; P. G. B. Morriss, Kingsford-Smith's representative. The Careers And Personalities Of Our Senators: Carter Glass Cotter Agrees To Transfer Of Recount Case' Judge Brennan To Preside On Examination Of 48 'Vote Stealers' DETROIT, Aug. 1. - (P) - Judge Thomas M. Cotter of recorder's court agreed today to transfer to another judge examinations of 48 defendants who are awaiting hearings in the re- count vote "stealing" case. The hearings, scheduled for today, were postponed until Friday, because Judge John V. Brennan, who will preside, is engaged with another case. Judge Cotter transferred the exam- inations to Judge Brennan at the re- quest of defense attorneys and in consideration of the fact that he still is conducting a one-man grand jury investigation into various angles of the legislative recount of the 1934 Michigan election for secretary of state. Chester P. O'Hara, assistant attor- ney general, expressed amazement to- day when defense attorneys an- nounced they had obtained copies of testimony taken early in the year before a special investigating commit- tee of the state Senate. It was this Senate committee that recommended the one-man grand jury investigation which Judge Cotter has been conducting. O'Hara said he thought he had the only transcripts there were of testimony before the Senate committee. Defense attorneys asked for post- ponement until Saturday of the exam- inations to give them time to study the Senate testimony, but JudgeBren- nan ordered them to "be here to- morrow ready to go to work." State-Wide Meat Strike Is Planned DETROIT, Aug. 1. - () - Women leaders of "meat strikes" in four com- munities if the Detroit metropolitan area discussed plans today for a state organization which would extend the battle to force down prices over a broader front. Mrs. Myrtle Hoagland, head of a meat boycott movement in suburban Lincoln Park, proposed united action with housewives of Hamtramck, Highland Park and of Detroit itself. She suggested that women of the four communities form an organization. which would become a nucleus for a statewide, and perhaps a nation- wide protest against meat prices. Two groups of Detroit housewives asked police protection for pickets, who, they said, would be posted at butcher shops in their respective neighborhoods for the rest of the week. Picketing by Hamtramck women last weekend led to several street scuffles and butchers estimated their sales for the period declined 95 per cent. COINAGE BILL TABLED WASHINGTON, Aug. 1- The ad- ministration's bill for the coinage of new half-cent and mill pieces was tabled by the House Coinage Com- mittee today on the ground that it would convey too much authority to the Treasury. Sued For $150,000 Mutilationl Victim WASHINGTON, Aug. 31. - (i') - When the senior senator from Vir- ginia rises to speak, quiet reigns in the Senate, and everyone listens. The next day the papers carry his words at length. For what Carter Glass says is news. He never fails to speak his mind and he is a master of the spoken word. Few can express fury and con- tempt so tellingly as the fiery Vir- ginian Although a staunch Democrat, he has minced no words in attacking any feature of the New Deal that dis- pleased'him. Roosevelt calls him "an unreconstructed rebel," and they are warm friends. But he criticizes the administration whenever he thinks it deserves it. "I always intend to do my sworn duty as senator," he says. And ir that statement those who know him see implication of impending battle. Nearing 77, Glass retains the cour- age which gained him local fame as a °ed-haired schoolboy in Lynchburg. They call him "Pluck." Size meant nothing to him then, or now. He bristles before the most imposing op- position and although sometimes de- PWA FUNDS ANNOUNCED WASHINGTON, Aug. 1. - (IP) - Quickening on the swing from doles to work relief jobs was predicted by officials today as Harry L. Hopkins allotted direct relief funds to 13 states for only the first half of Au- gust. Allotments (for both general relief and special programs during the en- tire month) included $1,625,153 for Michigan. police, who will have no one to fear and no one to favor. "Licenses are going to be revoked and criminal charges are going to be filed wherever evidence demands such action." feated, he never is downed. Usually he wounds his adversary. His formal schooling stopped be- fore he was 14 when Glass went to work as a printer's devil, but he is versed in literature. He loves to argue the affirmative side of the theory that Francis Bacon and William Shake- speare were the same man. Diversions are backgammon and his fine herd of Jerseys. He excels at story telling. G-Men' To Assist Small-Town Bank WASHINGTON, Aug. 1.- (t) - I'he arm of the justice department agent is expected to reach out soon to protect the small town bank, long victimized by America's 5,000 known bank robbers. The "G Men," who collared nearly 140 robbers of national banks last year, are called upon to shield an- other $18,000,000,000 (18 billion) under a provision tucked away in the new banking bill, now in conference between Senate and House. The bill extended to all banks in- sured by the Federal deposit incurance corporation the "G Man" protection given last year to national banks and Federal Reserve member banks. "Country bankers" have feared since the Federal agents were put on the job last year, that the bank robber, frightened away from "big game,,, would redouble his attack on the small town bank. Under the new law, agents would be given orders to track down robbers who steal any of the $41,000,000,000 deposits in 14,280 banks, national and state. Russians Start To Raise Hulk Of Submarine -Associated Press Photo, Filing of suit for $150,000 at Beverly Hills, Calif., in which she was charged with alienation of af- fections didn't seem to perturb Mary Boland, stage and screen ac- tress. Mrs. Elizabeth Ross Kummer claims the affections of her hus- band, George Bernard Kummer, film studio employe and nephew of Miss Boland, were pilfered. Five Farmers Die In Mexico Political Riots Report Release Of Seventy Students Captured By Garridistas ,MEXICO CITY, Aug. 1.- (A") - Mexico's turbulent political situation produced reports today of the slay- ing of five Agrarians in the state of Colima. Dispatches from Colima said that the Agrarians were killed, supposedly in an ambush, while returning to Ocotillo after conferring with Pres- ident Lazaro Cardenas on Agrarian problems. From the state of Tabasco came reports that the new governor, Gen. Aureo C. Calles, and the military com- mander, Gen. Miguel Henriquez, had given opponents of Tomas Garrido Canabal, former political dictator of the state, 24 hours to leave under threat of forcible expulsion. . Capital representatives of the stu- dent group campaigning against Gar- rido obtained a Federal injunction to prevent the order from being put into -Assoclited Press Photo. Dr. Walter J. Bauer (above), 38, of Cleveland, University medical student, died in Chicago from the effects of mutilation by a pocket knife performed, he told police, by a man who kidnaped him here. Drive Started To Guard AAA From Tax Suits WASHINGTON, Aug. 1. - (P) - A new defensive drive to protect the AAA from processing tax suits was disclosed today at the justice depart- ment as the total of such suits zoomed to 636. Tax experts from the attorney gen- eral's staff are being sent to several parts of the country. They will aid federal district attorneys in their fight against suits for injunctons to halt colection of taxes. Half a dozen of these experts are out now, working on what are consid- ered key cases. Another will leave next week to defend the agricultural adjustment administration against suits of 17 packers in Chicago. Nearly 40 tax lawyers, assigned to federal district court cases, are available for the fight. Meanwhile, all the 90 members of the justice department's tax division, under Frank J. Wideman, assistant attorney general, are devoting most of their time to the attempt to save the New Deal -farm program. HE MISSED HIS CALLING Erie Bottom, 6 feet, 2 inches, tall- est automobile salesman in Tulsa, Okla., sells one of the smallest cars manufactured. Vessel Went Down After Crash With Loss Of 55 Seaman And Cadets MOSCOW, Aug. 1. - UP) - The So- viet government turned its resources today to the raising of the hulk of the sunken war-time submarine B-3, which became a death trap for 55 Russian officers, seamen and cadets. An official communique disclosed that the 18-year-old U-Boat, taking part in Baltic fleet maneuvers, went down in the gulf of Finland last Thursday in the worst disaster to be- fall the Russian fleet in years. The submarine, rising from deep water after an under-water cruise, smashed into a surface vessel. Water poured through a gaping hole in the U-Boat's side and it sank imme- diately. "All aboard the submarine per- ished," said the official statement. The government announced that 10,000 rubles - would be granted to the family of each victim and that pensions would be paid. It planned a mass funeral at Kronstadt, where many of the students were attending naval school. Complete details of the tragedy were not disclosed. There was no indication of how the sailors met death - whether they were killed in- stantly or died slowly of suffocation. The submarine was of the old "Bars" type, built in 1917 toward the end of Russia's participation in the World War. Bill To Control Bus And Truck Traffic Is Passed WASHINGTON, Aug. 1.- () -The House today passed the Senate-ap- proved administration bill to regulate motor vehicle carriers. The measure puts both common and contract bus and truck carriers under Interstate Commerce Commis- sion control. Trucks handling agri- cultural products, fish or newspapers are excluded, as are private carriers, school buses and the like. The standing vote was announced as 193 to 18. No record vote was taken. The University of Hawaii, conqueror of California in football on New Year's day, is negotiating with Yale for a game in New Haven in 1937. Eye Glass Frames Repaired.- Lenses Ground. ' H ALLER'S Jewelry State Street at Liberty --_ .r4 I ON THE SIDELINES By EDWARD J. NEIL (Associated Press Sports Reporter) Departure of the Detroit Tigers from New York without playing the fourth game of the "crucial" series was a great relief to the Yankees, but it only postponed the evil day of reck- oning. The Yanks have got to come to grips with Mickey Cochrane's Ben- gals again, and when they do, it looks to be just too bad for the New York- ers. Watching that series, though it wasn't full of sparkling baseball and contributed no great pitching feats, you couldn't help but see the dif- ference in the two clubs. One has a leader, Cochrane, a fiery, driving, dynamic crowder, the other has none. Technically Lou Gehrig is the cap- tain of the Yanks, the head of the New York forces in action. Lou hit a home run and helped win the first game, 7 to 5. After that he might as well have gathered bats for the rest of the boys. A Bad Time To Argue The difference between him and Cochrane never was more obvious than in the last play of the third game. George Selkirk had beaten out a bunt on Alvin Crowder, who was holding the Yanks to four singles. There was one out. Gehrig was next up. He slammed a hot grounder down the first base line. Hank Greenberg fielded the ball back of first and heaved to second, starting a double play. - There was ing the double play and ending the game. Naturally the umpire didn't change his decision, and Gehrig looked very silly out there, still. trying to argue while the crowd filtered down on the field out of the stands and headed for the exit gates, and all the rest of the athletes trotted for the showers. Snappy Endings Each of the three games the Yanks and Tigers played ended on a strik- ing note, with Gehrig's moan the low point. But seldom have two games ended as spectacularly as did the two the clubs split in the doubleheader opening the series. With two down in the ninth and a man on, two runs needed to tie the score at 7-all, it looked as though Jo-Jo White had hit a home run into the right field stands. But Sel- kirk went back, leaped high in the air in front of the screen and dragged down the ball in his gloved hand just as it was about to clear the barrier. That was a play. But the ending of the second game was just as good. Ben Chapman was on second, after doubling with two out in the ninth and the Tigers lead- ing 3 to 1, Red Ruffing came up as a pinch hitter and whanged a single to right. It was a line single, and it covered the distance out to Pete Fox in a minimum of time. Chapman tried to score, and Fox, with a per- fect peg, nailed him by five feet at - \I effect. They also sought the release of 70 students captured yesterday by Gar- ridistas as they entered the State of Tabasco from Vera Cruz. Silvano Barba Gonzalez, federal secretary of interior, promised prompt settlement of political difficulties in the State of Tamaulipas, asserting that unless Gov. Rafael Villarreal and his opponents solved their differences immediately, the government would intervene to restore normality. T' O -DRESE O offers Seasonal Frocks at End-of-Season Prices. You'll Save Considerably in these further Reductions! This lot of dresses which was bought to sell to $19.75 is comprised of a pleasing assortment of crepes, sheers, I prints, organdies and some linen formals. Priced to close at......... This group of dresses consists of linens, novelty prints, honeycombs9 . . . in a choice of light and dark shades. Values to $14.95....... All BRADLEY SUITS § and DRESSES Whites, naturals, pastel shades A R in a good assortment of sizes. !Ir HATS to Finish toe Summer Season ONE ANOTHER TABLE GROUP 1 AT . . . . ...,. .. A T .......... Ku __to