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August 01, 1935 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1935-08-01

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AY AUGU T 1, 1935




Ru-al America
Finding Self,
Middle Western Farmers
Helped By Better Crops,
Rehabilitation Loans
KANSAS CITY, July 31. - (/P) -
Rural middle America is going off
By thousands, farm families are
becoming self-supporting, aided by
better crop conditions, resettlement
loans and their own efforts, a survey
showed today.
Since a year ago approximately 10,-
000 Kansas farm families have worked
themselves off the relief rolls and 9,-
600 families are beating back with the
aid of rehabilitation loans, Carl How-
ard, supervisor of farm management
of the Federal Resettlement Adminis-
tration for the state, reported.
Not more than 500 Kansas farm
famhilies are still getting relief, How-
ard said.
Of 17,000 Minnesota families on
relief in 1934, almost half - 8,000 -
again are3on4their feet through gov-
ernment loans to buy horses, cattle
and seed and because of better crops.
Nebraska farm families on relief
have dropped from about 3,000 to a
negligible number today.
In July, 1934, there were 27,484 Wis-
consin farmers on drouth relief. In
June, 1935, the number had dropped
to 550. Relief statistician Herman
Somers said this reversal was due to
"spendid weather conditions and im-
proved farm prices."
Many Are Dropped
Incomplete information from Illi-
nois is indicated that "in 43 counties
with heavy rural population" relief
clients dropped from 23,149 in 1934 to
19,968 in July, 1935.
Missouri relief officials reported
some 4,500 farm families "have be-
come self supporting through the ru-
ral habitation program this year.
Iowa farm relief authorities said
3,578 rural families were receiving
drouth aid'on March 1, 1935, but the
numnber had been reduced to 1,619
late in July.
North Dakota, heavily hit by drouth
last year, had 32,102 farmers on re-
lief, but the number has been re-
duced to 22,337. Of these, many "are
receiving only partial aid," FERA Sta-
tistician F. C. Hauser said.
In the west, Utah and Nevada re-
ported increases in relief cases this
year. C. O. Stott, Utah resettlement
chief, said "effects of the drouth are
still being felt in the state," and a
Nevada relief headquarters statement
asserted "farmers have had too short
a time to become self supporting or
better their crop conditions."
Arizona Improves
Better crop and water conditions re-
duced Arizona's rural relief load from
3,200 to 2,500 families.
Idaho reported 5,100 families on re-
Lief. Of 465 helped through rehabili-
tation channels in the last year "less
than 10 per cent have had any gov-
ernment aid since being loaned
A Minnesota relief official asserted
"if crop conditions continue excellent
and prices are right, virtually all cases
will go off relief and be self support-
California, without accurate figures
on the number of relief, reports 150
families taken off in six weeks and
a 'going" rate of 100 additional week-
ly in the immediate future through
Former Senator
Gillett Is Dead
After Sickness

Was Speaker Of National
House For Six Years;
Known As Old Guarder
SPRINGFIELD, Mass., July 21-
Qp) - Frederick H. Gillet, former U.
S. senator from Massachusetts and
for six years speaker of the national
house. died early today at Springfield
He was 83, a Republican of the old
guard.sHerserved Massachusetts in
Congress for 38 years.
He became a patient at Springfield
hpspital July 10, and on Monday at-
tending physicians said death was
Dr. James A. Seaman said death
was due to leukemia, a blood de-
ficiency rare in men of his age. Mrs.
Gillett and Dr. Seaman were with
him when he died.
The former senator had been in re-
tirement, writing his memories and
spending his winters at Santa Bar-
bara, Calif., since he left the senate
in 1931.
In 1919 he succeeded the late
Champ Clark as speaker of the house,
where he had served since 1893. He
was the first Massachusetts man
chosen speaker since the Civil War.
After six years as speaker, he en-
tered the Massachusetts senatorial
fight and defeated Senator David I.
Walch, who was seeking re-election.
He retired after six years in the sen-

News Of The World As Illu-trated In Associated Press Pictures

United States
Cognizant Of
Nazi Attacks
State Department Goes On
Record For 'Religious
Freedom And Liberty'
WASHINGTON, July 31. - (P)--
Recognizing current Nazi activities
against Jews and Catholics, the State
Department was on record today for
"religious freedom and liberty."
Diplomatic officials acted on a for-
mal German protest against an al-
leged insult to a Nazi flag, stripped
by a mob from the liner Bremen in
New York harbor. On receipt of the
protesting note from the German
embassy, the department relayed its
contents to Gov. Herbert H. Lehman
of New York.
Word came from Mayor Fiorello
H. La Guardia, of New York, that
those involved in the flag incident
"will be prosecuted."

With preparations for war going forward both in Italy and Ethiopia, Emperor Haile Selassie of the
African kingdom is equipping his loyal troops with tho garb of modern warfare. Here is a detachment spic-
and-span in new khaki after discarding their native attire. However, Ethiopian soldiers still disdain shoes
for bare feet as shown in this picture.

Authorities at Coeur D'Alene, Ida. Lloyd Nordstrom, Davenport, Ia.,
sought clues to the whereabouts of with a score of 145 became the
two-year-old Bobby Rush, missing medal winner of the 36-hole quali-
more than a week, while his par- fying round at the national public
ents turned to a spiritual medium links golf championship tourna-
for word of their son. ment in Indianapolis.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received atthe office of the Summer Session, Room 1213
A.H. until 3:30: 11:30 a.m. Saturday.

VOL. XVI No. 34
Professor H. H. Highie of the de-
partment of Electrical Engineering
will give an illustrated lecture on
'Residence Lighting" this afternoon
at 5 o'clock in the Auditorium of the
Natural Science Builning. -
Reading requirement in German for
Ph.D. Candidates:
Candidates in all fields except
those of the natural sciences and
mathematics must obtain the official
certification of an adequate reading
knowledge of German by submitting
to a written examination given by the
German department.
For the Summer Session this ex-
amination will be given today at 2
p.m., in Room 203 U. H.

Tea for Graduate Students
Mathematics, today, August 1,
3:30 in Room 3201 Angell Hall.


Summer Session French Club: The
next meeting of the Club will take
place tonight at 8:00, in the "Second
Floor Terrace Room, Michigan
Mr.Charles E. Koella will give a
talk on "Education d 'un Prince."
There will be games, songs, dancing
and refreshments.
A demonstration of portable sound
motion picture equipment will be
made at the University High School
Auditorium, Thursday morning be-
tween. 10 and 11 o'clock, and this
afternoon from 1 to 4 o'clock.
Graduation Recital: Ralph R. Trav-
is, Organist, student of Palmer Chris-
tian, will give a Graduation Recital,
this afternoon, August 1, at 4:15'
o'clock in Hill Auditorium, to which
the general public, with the excep-
tion of small children is invited.
Southern Club Picnic: The South-
ern Club picnic will be held at Port-
age Lake on this August 1.
Transportation will be provided for
those who desire it. Cars will leave
Angell Hall at 4:30. Tickets should
be purchased in advance for fifty
The Summer Session Glee Club
meets this evening at 7 o'clock in
Morris Hall.
David Mattern.
Character Education and Moral
Training-Sample units of the- talk-
ing motion pictures, "Secrets of Suc-
cess," developed for the use of schools
and other agencies for the develop-
ment of character and morals, will be
shown in the University High School
Auditorium, this morning, Aug-
ust 1, at 11 o'clock. George A.
Stracke, visual education specialist
of the Flint public schools, will be
in charge of the demonstration.
Attendance will be limited to teach-
ers, school administrators, those in-
terested in moral and religious edu-
cation, and to sociology students who
have the permission of their in-
Meeting of the Michigan Council of
English Teachers. Sessions will be
held in the Elementary School Li-
brary at 4:15 and at 7:30 today.
Discussions will be lead by Dr. Thom-
as Knott, formerly editor-in-chief of
the Webster's New International. Dic-
tionary, Mr. Carl Wonnberger of
Cranbrook School, Miss Margaret Mc-
Lin of Wood River, Illinois; Mr. Fred
Walcott of the University High School
of Ann Arbor; and Mr. Bert Boothe
of the University English department.

to bring its own dishes, sandwiches,
diink, and one main dish, salad,
desert, or a hot dish.
.Teacher's Certificate-Comprehen.
sive Examination: All candidates ex,
pecting to recieve a Teacher's Certifi-
cate at the close of the Summer Ses-
sion are required to pass a compre-
hensive professional examination
covering the work of the required
courses in Education leading to the
Certificate. The next examination of
this sort will be held on Saturday
morning, August 3, in the University
High School Auditorium at 9 o'clock
sharp. Candidates expecting to take
this exmaination should leave their
names immediately with the Recorder
of the School of Education, 1437 Uni-
versity Elementary School. Graduate
students who will have received ad-
vanced degrees by August will be
exempted from this examination.
Reading Examnations In French:
Candidates for the degree of Ph.D.
in the departments listed below who
wish to satisfy the requirement of a
reading knowledge during the current
academic year, 1934-35, are informed
that examinations will be offered in
Room 108, Romance Language Build-
ing, from 9 to 12, on Saturday morn-
ing; August 10. It will be necessary
to register at the office of the De-
partment of Romance Languages (112
R.L.) at least one week in advance.
It is desirable that candidates for
the doctorate prepare to satisfy this
requirement at the earliest possible
date. A brief statement of the nature
of the requirement, which will be
found helpful, may be obtained at the
office of the Department.
This announcement applies only to
candidates in the following depart-
ments: Ancient and Modern Lan-
guages and Literatures, History, Ec-
onomics, Sociology, Political Science
Philosophy, Education, Speech.
For the last two weeks of the Sum-
mer Session there will be no band
concerts on Tuesday evening pro-
gramstby the Faculty of the School
of Music.
Fire Destroys
Stock Barns In
Kansas City
KANSAS CITY, July 31. --()-
Fire fanned by a south breeze raged
for an hour in the Kansas City,Mo.,
stockyards early today before it was
brought under control.
At least 33 mules were destroyed
when a $25,000 barn, which housed
300 animals, was cut down by flames.
More than 125 horses, some of them
unbroken western saddle stock, were
released by hostlers and stampeded
down a main traffic artery, hindering
fire trucks en route to the scene.
Attendants found the fire had a
good start by the time they were at-
tracted by the braying of the trapped
Approximately one block, one-tenth
of the area devoted to horses and
mules, was burned. Most of the other
animals were housed to the south and
east and were not in danger.
Fifteen fire companies were called,
two of them from Kansas City, Kas.
The horses were consigned to the
Cuban government and were being
branded preparatory to shipment this
rG~~f _.YJ . _J . . 4u ..7....

The Graf Zeppelin, Germany's veteran dirigible, appeared small when it flew over the hangar of its new
dirigible sister, the "LZ 129," at Friedrichshafen, Germany. The LZ's newly covered bow can be seen loom-
ing in the hangar. The ship will be 812 feet long and 135 feet high, and is scheduled to make trial flights
in October.

In answer to a letter from four
leading Jewish organizations, acting
Secretary William Phillips declared
that Americans considered religious
freedom and liberty of conscience "the
most fundamental principles of our
civilization and political faith" and
were sympathetic to the maintenance
of those concepts in all countries.
German Protest
He added that he could "fully un-
derstand" the solicitude regarding the
"experience which these (religious)
groups are reported to be suffering
in Germany."
The German government formally
protested against what it termed a
serious insult to the German national
emblem in a note delivered to the
State Department by Dr. Rudolph
Leitner, German charge d'affaires,
acting under instruction from the
Berlin foreign office.
While the department did not make
public the text of the note, it was
learned authoritatively that it re-
quested the American authorities to
make every effort to insure that the
anti-Nazis who tore down the swas-
tika flag be punished.
Phillips' Answer
It was learned also that the note
did not demand an official apology.
Wilbur J. Carr, acting secretary at
the time of the incident, made an
informal and verbal apology the next
day by expressing regret that irre-
sponsible individuals would mistreat
the flag of any friendly nation.
Phillips' letter to the American
Jewish Committee, the American Jew-
ish Congress, the B'Nai B'Rith and the
Jewish Labor Committee, after prom-
ising to give careful consideration to
allegations of mistreatment of Jews,
Catholics and other religious and ra-
cial groups in Germany, said:

Ancient Indian Villaoe Yields
Secrets To University Sciei
LAPEER, July 31. -(A)-- One of Dr. Greenman said thats
Michigan's largest ancient Indian of the skeletons found thu
villages, discovered through a trap- "bundled" or "fixed," in
per's curiosity, is yielding its secrets with burial customs of prim
to University of Michigan anthropolo- "Bundling," he explaine
gists. ed of dismembering the ski
Forty-two skeletons already have piling them together in
been taken from the site, eight miles burial pit. "Flexing" co
north of Imlay City, in Goodland bending the legs back a
township, and Dr. E. F. Greenman, body before burial.
who heads a field expedition for the The explorers have fou
University Museum of Anthropology, community kitchen, equi
said he expected to find more. primitive coiled earthenw
Carmen Baggerly is the trapper dating the potter's wheel,
who discovered the village last sum- stone implements.i
mer, while attempting to learn- why Norman Humphrey, a gi
arrowheads were so numerous on the thropologist, George Quim
farm of Thomas Youngs. When he anthropologist, and Theoc
uncovered some skeletons he notified son of the museum direc
the museum and exploration was sisting Dr. Greenman.
planned for this summer. Quimby is conducting

geological formations as a sideline,
with particular attention to the "Im-
lay channel" which dates to Michi-
gan's glacial period.

all but two
us far were
nitive races.
ed, consist-
eletons and
a common
insisted of
against the
nd a large
pped with
ware, ante-
and many
raduate an-
by, a senior
dore Guthe,
ctr, are as-
a study of

,. _ .


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