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August 01, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1935-08-01

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The Weather
Generally fair in-north, pos-
sibly local showers in south
portion Thursday.

C, , r



Starting On The Road Back .. .
Tag Day From The Boys' View .

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Four Students Asked Not
To Re-enter This Fall By

Fisch, Feldman,
And Cohen Are


Were Prominent In
N. S. L. Activities
President Denies Action
Resulted From Political
Fopir University juniors told The
Daily last night that they had been
"asked" by the University authorities
not to re-enter in the fall because
"they are not the type of student
wanted on the University campus."
The four are William Fisch, '37,
of Newark, N. J., who served as
executive secretary of the N. S. L.
during the past school year; Josephi
. Feldman, '37, of New York City,
who was editor of the 'Student News,'
campus leftist publication, during
the past year; Daniel Cohen, '37E, of
Trenton, N. J., who was prominent in
activities of the N.S.L.; and Leon
Ovsiew ,'37, of Elizabeth, N. J.
All stated last night that they had
received a letter from President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven, which read as fol-
"It has been decided by the authori-
ties of the University of Michigan
that you should be asked not to re-
nter the University. It has proved
to be impossible to persuade you to
refrain from interfering with the
work of the University and with the
work of the other students.
Sincerely yours,
Alexander G. Ruthven.
President Ruthven, contacted at
his summer home near Frankfort,
Mich., last night, affirmed that "the
action has nothing whatsoever to do
with the National Student League."
No Protest Against N.S.L.
No protest concerning the National
Student League or its activities had
been lodged with him, President
Ruthven declared.
"Action taken in the cases of Feld-
man, Fisch, Ovsiew, and Cohen was
taken individually," the President
pointed out. "We do not consider
that they are the type of student
wanted on the University campus.
"This action has nothing -at all to
do with the political or social be-
liefs of the students concerned."
During the scholastic year 1934-
35 the N.S.L., with the four students
as leaders, campaigned on many
fronts. Before the Michigan-Georgia
Tech football game the organization
conducted a movement to secure the
participation of Willis Ward, star
Wolverine Negro end, in the game.
Organized Mass Meeting
The N.S.L. also sponsored the lec-
ture delivered in Granger's Ballroom
by Evelyn John St. Loe Strachey,
radical British economist.
On still another occasion-at the
time of the nation-wide anti-war
strike - the N.S.L. organized a mass
meeting on the steps of the Library.
The Oxford Pledge, in which the
oath-takers refused to support their
government in any war, defensive or
offensive, it may conduct, was ad-
ministered and subscribed to by an
undetermined number.
On April 16 of this year President
Ruthven issued a statment relative to
"perversive" attempts to interfere
with the work of students and the
conduct of the normal course of Uni-
versity affairs. His statement, in
which he predicted that further "in-
terference" would be met with disci-
plinary action, follows in part:
"University work has been inter-
fered with and the reputation of the
institution has been called into ques-
tion recently by perversive activities
of a few professional agitators, by
certain other misguided persons not
connected with the University, some
of whom are residents and citizens of
the state, and some of whom are not,

and, unfortunately, by a small group
of immature students.

Good Riddance Of Bad Rubbish
There are four reasons why the University of Michigan is
going to be a better school when the regular session opens in
September, and all four of them were taken care of by President
Ruthven's decisive announcement yesterday.
In refusing four trouble-makers, William Fisch, Daniel
Cohen, Joseph Feldman, and Leon Ovsiew, the privilege of re-
entering the University, administrative officers consciously laid
themselves open to the criticism that will naturally follow from
others of the same ilk as those who were asked not to reenter
in the fall.
But officials had the courage to do this because they fully
realize the indisputable rightness of their course. The "former
students," (we wish they might not even claim this appellation)
have been nothing but a detriment to the University from the
first day they arrived in Ann Arbor. They have been publicity,
hounds, agitators, and black marks on the name of the University,
invariably placing their personal advantage above any end they
might, at first glance, be seeking.
They have capitalized on the most unavoidable of situations
in order that they might stay in the limelight, and have flaunted
the name of the University across innumerable front pages because
they thought only of themselves. They claimed to be eternally
striving for the "little fellow," but when they presented their
perennial cases their names were always the first things to be seen.
As "good" university citizens, for so they name themselves,
they took part in such "commendable" activities as the May Day
junket to Detroit in 1934, the storming of the meeting of the
Board of Regents a year before to present a series of "demands,"
the hanging of William Randolph Hearst in effigy on the Library
steps, and the attempted strike against war to include a walk-out
from classes.
Many statements will be issued by the four concerned in
which they will attempt to confuse the issue by bringing in ques-
tions of freedom of speech, discrimination, infringement of aca-
demic freedom, and the fight against war and fascism. Regardless
of such talk, the fact remains they have been asked to stay away
because they, as individuals, were bringing only discredit to Mich.
igan. That they were good.students, thyat they were cultured, and
that they might have been Michigan men of whom all might be
proud is not to be denied. The-fact remains that they were
trouble-makers, and as such they got only what they deserved.


Laborers Is
Prof. Murtland Pleads For
Movement To Raise The
Worker's Status
Gives Lecture At
Education Meeting
Many Schools Organized
By Trade Unions In
Large Cities
Workers' education, a movement
designed "to inspire workers to stand
as free men commanding a socially
recognized worthy status as workers
in a great community," was described
yesterday by Cled Murtland, associate
professor of vocational education, in
an afternoon educational conference
speech in University High School.
"In the 29 years of the workers
education movement," Professor
Murtland declared, "it has taken on
characteristics which identify the
various types of workers education
as differentiated from adult educa-
"Whether initiated by workers
themselves as in the trade unions, or
by labor allies as in the universities
and colleges, the latter interpretation
stands," Professor Murtland stated.
"The fact that it is education for
young as well as adult workers en-
gaged in a variety of occupations and
keeps as its purpose the improvement
of workers' influence within their own
fieldsrrather than as a stepping stone
out of their class and their jobs gives
the movement its distinction.
"Types of schools are readily iden-.
tified by sponsorship, by curriculums
and methods of teaching and by the
trends in the movement. Trade union
colleges, such as Brookwood, or-
ganized by trade union workers, base
their curriuums on trade union his-
tory and philosophy and the tech-
niques and economics of collective
bargaining. Classes in trade union
centers in the larger cities use a
similar program. Although these
schools often enjoy the suport of
trade union allies, the personnel is
composed mainly of workers who car-
ry union cards. Many of the students
are prospective labor leaders."
The International Ladies Garment;
Workers Union, the speaker con-
tinued, has carried on extensive ac-
tivites in public school centers of
New York. The programs of this
group include general cultural sub-
jects and recreation as well as labor
economics and trade unionism.
"Summer schools for industrial
workers, Professor Murtland declared
organized by labor allies, represents
another branch of workers education."
'Help Send A Kid
To Camp' Is Tag
Day Slogan Here
Today is the day when you can con-
tribute to a kid's summer-time hap-
For today attaches of the Univer-
sity Camp for Boys at Patterson Lake,
Mich., where 300 boys between the
ages of nine and fourteen are now
having "the time of their lives," will
be selling tags on campus and in the
two business sections of the town.
Sale of these tags contributes to a
large degree for the support of the
kids at the University camp. If you

buy a tag it means you will be aiding
in whisking some lad from the hot
pavements of a Hamtramck street and
transportaing him to the environs of
a cool lake.
The tags cost a penny, a nickel, a
dime, a quarter, or whatever you feel
you may contribute.
Don't fail to buy a tag.
Help send a kid to camp!
55 Naval Cadets Die As
Soviet Submarine Sinks

Ethiopian Soldiers Le arn Art Of Camouflage

Police Concentrate

Dying Michigan Graduate
Student Names Rival In
Love As Suspect
Fear Of Insanity Is
RevealedBy Bauer
Mysterious Disappearance
Of 'Jones' From Local
Hotel Investigated
Police of Michigan, Illinois, and
Missouri joined force's yesterday to
track down the brutal slayer of Dr.
Walter J. Bauer, 38-year-old Univer-
sity osteopathic technician, who Tues-
day morning was kidnaped from Ann
Arbor and made the victim of a crude
emasculating operation in Chicago.
Bauer, who was taking a post-grad-
uate course in the Summer Session.
revealed to Chicago police in a dying
statement in Jackson Park Hospital
that he had been forced to drive his
abductors to Chicago in his own car,
and that there he had been bound
hand and foot with oil-stained rags
and 'operated upon."
Police were concentrating their ef-
forts upon a search for a jealous
suitor of Bauer's pretty wife, Louise,
whom he married July 14 at La
Grange, Mo., the home of the bride's
Chicago detectives said Bauer told
them he suspected a Kirksville, Mo.,
man whom his wife had described
as being intensely jealous of him.
Michigan and Missouri police are aid-
ing in the search for the unnamed
suspect and full descriptions of him
have been broadcast.
Mrs. Bauer and the chief of police
of Kirksville, Mo., were en route to


For Slayer Of Baner On



-Associated Press Photo.
In preparation for possible war with Italy, Ethiopian youngsters are
being trained in the ways of jungle combat. Foreign instructors teach
them the modern warfare, but they must steep themselves in native tac-
tics because of the peculiarities of Abyssinian terrain. This trio, with
sticks for guns and grass for camouflage, is becoming adept at the pro-
fession of a soldier.

Campus Queen
To Be Picked At
League, Dance
Personality, Scholarship,
Beauty To Be The -Basis
For Selection

Major League Standings


Detroit .........
New York.... .. .
Philadelphia .......
St. Louis ..........

. . .52
. .,39
. .30





From St. Louis
To Keep Lead
DETROIT, July 31.- The league-
leading Detroit Tigers "hit 'em when
they counted" today and defeated the
St. Louis Browns 9-3 to increase their
lead over the New York Yankees to
three games. The Yanks were rained
out in their game with Philadelphia.
Tommy Bridges, who started for
the Tigers, pitched effectively though
not excellently to gain his fifteenth
victory of the season. He allowed the
Browns eight hits but managed to
keep them well scattered and finished
the last three innings without allow-
ing a hit.
Hank.Greenberg, Marvin Owen,
and Pete Fox were the big siege guns
in the Detroit offense today, each of
them getting three for four. Green-
berg hit his twenty-eighth home run
of the season in the third inning with
Gehringer aboard. Owen and Fox
each included a triple in their reper-
toire of safe base hits.
Roger Hornsby, manager of the
Brownies, crossed up the dopesters by
not indulging in his usual "bullpen
parade" strategy and allowed Ivy
Paul Andrews to go the route, al-
though he allowed 13 clean hits.

Senate Votes To Restore
50,000 To Pension Lists
WASHINGTON, July 31. - (P) -
With only one dissenting vote, the
Senate today swept away virtually the
last remnants of the Roosevelt econ-
omy act of 1933.
. It passed 74 to 1 and sent to the
White House a House bill restoring
all benefits to veterans of the Span-
ish-American War, Boxer Rebellion,
and Phillipine insurrection which
were in force prior to the economy
law. The bill would return nearly
50,000 pensioners to the roles at an
additional cost the first year esti-
mated by veteran administration of-
ficials at $45,581,132.
Haile Selassie Refuses
Mandate For Ethiopia
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, July 31.
- ) Emperor Haile Selassie's gov-
ernment, hoping for peace with Italy
but carefully keeping its powder dry-
told the world in ringing language
today Ethiopia's independence was
not for sale or barter.
A defiant foreign office communique
declaring its nation would refuse out-
right an Italian or other mandate ap-
peared as the Emperor met his su-
preme chieftains, the kings of the
hinterland over whom the king of
kings reigns in secret session.

An all-campus queen who is to be
elected by students of the Summer
Session will reign at the first formal
prom to be held from 9 p.m. to 12
p.m. Saturday in the ballroom of the
Michigan League. Al Cowan's or-
chestra will furnish the music for
the affair.
This prom will mark the first for-
mal dance to be given during the
Summer Season. The campus queen
will be elected on the grounds of per-
sonality, beauty, and scholarship.
Each dormitory, sorority, and leaguel
house having seven women in its
house has chosen one person to repre-
sant them at the dance.
The central committee, consisting
of John Healey, Jean Seeley, Laura
Jane Zimmerman, Louise Paine, Van
Dunakin, and Fred Norton, is to meet
at 5 p.m. today in the Undergraduate
Office of the Michigan League to pick
five women from the list turned in by
the houses. These five names will be
placed on a ballot, and presented to
everyone attending the regular Sum-
mer Session dances on Friday and
Saturday nights at which time those
attending may name their choice..
The winner of the contest will be
announced during the prom, and will
lead the grand march with her escort.
In addition to the entertainment
planned by the orchestra, a floor show
consisting of one of Ann Arbor's well-
known dance teams as well as several
song specialities will be presented.
Travelooue on
Guatemala Is
Told By Hubbs
A travelogue of life in Guatemala
was presented by Dr. Carl L. Hubbs,
associate professor of zoology and
curator of the fish division of the
museum of zoology, at one of the
regular Summer Session lectures pre-
sented at 5 p.m. yesterday in the
Natural Science Auditorium.
Dr. Hubbs was director of the Mich-
igan-Carnegie Institute expedition
sent to the land of the ancient Mayan
civilization to study specimens of fish
and mollusks in the undiscovered

Yesterday's Results
Detroit 9, St. Louis 3.
Chicago 6, Cleveland 4.
Boston 6, Washington 4.
New York-Philadelphia, rain.
Games Today
St. Louis at Detroit.
Cleveland at Chicago.
Boston at Washington.
Only games scheduled.



New York ....... .
Chicago ..........
St. Louis .........
Pittsburgh ........
Philadelphia ......
Boston ...........



. .41


Kipke Poll Support Shifted
To Join State Bachman Drive

Yesterday's Resultst
Brooklyn 5-0, Boston 3-4.1
Philadelphia 5, New York 3.
Chicago 4-5, Pittsburgh 2-6
(second game 11 innings).
Games Today1
Brooklyn at Boston.
Chicago at Pittsburgh.t
St. Louis at Cincinnati.
Only games scheduled.
British Protest
Italy's Policy
Toward League
(Copyright, 193-9, by the Associated Press)
GENEVA, July 31. - (,) - A flat
Italian demand that the League of
Nations Council limit discussion of the
Italo-Ethiopian crisis to its arbitra-
tion phase met such firm British re-
sistance today that the Council, if
necessary, must ultimately thrash the
whole thing out.
That open clash developed as the
Council met to seek ways of saving
Africa from war and, after an hour,
adjourned to give negotiators 24 hours
to work out bases for resumption of
arbitration and conciliation proce-
Ethiopia's representative, Prof. Gas-
gon Jeze, who backed up Britain's de-
mand that the council's agenda not
be restricted, told the Council arbitra-
tion had failed and there seemed "no,

CHICAGO, Aug. 1. - (Thurs-
day)-(0P)-Mrs. Walter J. Bauer
arrived here early today and im-
mediately conferred with the
homicide squad in an attempt to
solve the mystery slaying of her
Chicago last night to aid in the in-
vestigation. Mrs. Bauer is night su-
perintendent of nurses at a Kirks-
ville Hospital. A guard has been
thrown around Mrs. Bauer at the
Kirksville College of Osteopathy
Nurses' Home. A rejected suitor, po-
lice learned, visited Mrs. Bauer about
a week ago and threatened to kill
Bauer was residing at the Jennings
House on Catherine Street in Ann
Arbor. Local police believe that a
mysterious person named "L. Jones"
who took a room Sunday in the same
hotel, may be deeply implicated in
the baffling case. "Jones," Ann Arbor
police state, wore dark glasses and
did not so much as remove his cloth-
ing for a period of two days. He dis-
appeared about the time Bauer drove
to Chicago.
The Bauer case has been further
complicated by the revelation that Dr.
Bauer told Dr. Earl Laughlin of the
staff of tpe Kirksville College of Os-
teopathy that he feared he was in-
sane. Dr. Laughlin said he received
a letter from Dr. Bauer last night in
which Bauer expressed the belief that
he was temporarily insane from worry
and lack of sleep.
As Bauer lay dying on his hospital
bed, he said:
"Before God, I never harmed a
woman or a girl in my life. Why
should anyone have done this to me?"
H-0 obie To Give
Fisnal Summer
Lecture Today
An illustrated lecture on "Residence
Lighting" will be given by Prof. Hen-
ry H. Higbie of the electrical engi-
neering department in the last of the
Summer Session series talks at 5 p.m.
today in Natural Science Auditorium.
Professor Higbie is internationally
recognized as an outstanding author-
ity on illumniation engineering, and
his book on electrical engineering, re-

Joining with the state-wide drive
which was launched last night to put
Coach Charlie Bachman of Michigan
in as coach of the all-star college
football team, Russell Runquist, leader
of a group which has sponsored a
drive for Coach Harry G. Kipke, an-
nounced a shift of support from the
Wolverine mentor to Bachman.
'It was pretty apparent that Kipke
was out of the running and that we
could only hope to make the best show
possible," Runquist said, "so we fol-
lowed Kip's own move when he cast
hi, vnn f nrw Pphmrn_ , "

Last night's broadcast over ten state
radio stations featured talks by Gov.
Frank Fitzgerald, Mickey Cochrane,
manager of the Detroit Tigers, and
Elden Auker, Tiger pitcher.
Telegrams of support were read
from Coach Kipke, Coach Gus Dorais
of the University of Detroit and
Bachman yesterday morning was
reported in third place, behind Ed-
ward (Slip) Madigan of St. Mary's
and Bo McMillin, Indiana. Kipke
had dropped one place, to fourteenth.

MOSCOW, Aug. 1. -() - Fifty-
five officers, seamen and naval school
students perished when the Russian
submarine B-3 collided with another
vessel and sank in the Gulf of Finland
July 25, it was announced today.
First news of the disaster was given
out early today by the Tass (official
Russian) news agency.

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