The Weather Generally fair today and to- morrow; not much change in temperature. ~Art :3I1aitiu Editorials I Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XVI No. 33 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, July 31, 1935 .I3C1 ElYE CENTS Council Of League To MeetToda Future Of League Held At Stake In Settlement Of EthiopianQuestion War Preparations In Africa Continue England To Demand Full Investigation Of Border Disputes_ GENEVA, July 30.-()-With peace in Africa and possibly the fu- ture of the League of Nations at stake, statesmen of many nations gathered tonight for tomorrow's ex- traordinary session of the League of Nations Council. Preparations for efforts here to settle peacefully the Italo-Ethiopian quarrel contrasted sharply with ap- parent preparations for war. Italy sent more troops to join the tens of thousands already massed on the Eritrea plateau, while Ethiopia's field army, 10,000 strong, marched away from Addis Ababa, supposedly to the front. Conflict Held Almost Certain League officials said conflict was almost sure to develop around the council table. Italy, they pointed out, wants to limit discussion sharply, confining the council's procedure to, reviving the Italo-Ethiopian concilia- tion commission. Britain, on the other hand, desires full investigation of all issues, and may demand force- ful League action. Scandinavian states are reported determined to seek League protection for small states, such as Ethiopia.r A dispatch from London said the; British government's program in-; volved efforts to bring Benito Mus-1 solini to accept economic concessions,I instead of armed conquest, of Ethi-. opia. While Anthony Eden, Britain's sec-1 retary for League affairs, stopped over at Paris to confer wih Premier Laval,, expecting to accompany him to Gen-1 eva, Il Duce sent seven representa- tives, headed by Baron Pompeo Aloisi., Ethiopia's spokesmen were already upon the ground. Trying to Find Phraseology Eden and Laval were reported try- ing to find some satisfactory phrase- ology to cover Ethiopia's eventual sub- mission to Italy, in an eleventh hour, effort to avert war. Rome withheld comment on the council's chances for success, but 500 more officers and men sailed from Naples for East Af- rica. Eden apparently was slated for the role of "leading man" in tomorrow's drama. He brought with him the draft of his government's carefully worked out peace program, expected to prove an' obstacle to continuance of the League's current program of handling with gloves the African dispute with the African dispute with velvet gloves. Ethiopian spokesmen, too, were in- sistent that the council get to the bottom of the dispute, instead of lim- iting itself to discussion of the causes of frontier clashes and resurrection1 of the conciliation commission, which, collapsed recently at Scheveningen, the Netherlands.l Reno Is Told Depression To Die Next Year RENO, July 30-(P)--Postmas- ter-General James A. Farley predict- ed today the depression will be ended and that United States conditions in general will be "in good shape by next summer. En route with Mrs. Farley and' Ambrose O'Connell, his executive as- sistant ,to Honolulu for a vacation, the postmaster-general stopped here this afternoon before proceeding to San Francisco. "We are farther out of the depres- sion right now than most people realize," Farley said. "In my opinion, we will be in good shape by next September. Large corporations are again reporting profits. I think the whole PWA program has been in a largp mpssre resnnsrIih1efor this." To Head Nazi Drive -Associated Press Photo. A dominant figure in the 1934 "blood purge," Heinrich Himmler (above), chief of the secret police, was reported being considered for appointment as minister of the in- 'terior to direct a new Nazi drive against opposition elements. Dr. Hubbs To Give Lecture On Guatemala Will Discuss Exploration Of Rivers And Lakes In Maya Country Emphasizing the historical and geological aspects of Guatemala, Dr. Carl L. Hubbs, associate professor of zoology and curator of the fish divi- sion of the museum of zoology, will tell of the University of Michigan - Carnegie Institute Expedition to that country in another of the- summer series of lectures to be given at 5 p.m. today in Natural Science Auditorium. The lecture will be in the nature of a travelogue, with slides of the coun- try and its natives. The expedition left Ann Arbor Jan. 27 to explore jungle rivers and lakes of the ancient Maya country for un- discovered specimens of fish and mol- lusks. It was the fourth expedition sent into Central America by Uni- versity men under the auspices of the Carnegie Institute of Washington, D. C. Dr. Henry C. Vander Schalie, as- sistant curator of mollusks, accom- panied Professor Hubbs on the expe- dition, which was rich in important zoological finds. The two scientists began their work at Flores, Guatemala, in Lake Petin, sailing down the San Pedro River through British Honduras to the coast. Maimed Boy Earns College Education NORMAN, Okla., July 30. - (A) - Latham Yates, who worked his way through the University of Oklahoma despite loss of his hands in an ex- plosion two years ago, will receive his master's degree in mechanical en- gineering Thursday. The youth was maimed by the ex- plosion of a cannon he was loading for initiation ceremonies of a secret honorary engineering fraternity.. Link Name Of Barrister In LobbyQuiz $25,000 Fee Paid Former Roosevelt Partner By A. G. E. Company Utility Magnate Is Sought As Witness Officials Deny O'Connor Was Hired For Influence Over Congress WASHINGTON, July 30. - (') - The Senate lobby committee today was informed that Associated Gas & Electric paid a $25,000 fee to Basil O'Connor, former law partner of President Roosevelt and brother of Chairman John J. O'Connor, chair- man of the House Rules Committee, which is conducting a lobby inquiry. F. S. Burroughs, vice president of A. G. E., made the disclosure. Ques- tioned by Senator Ernest W. Gibson, Burroughs said O'Connor had been employed only for the past six months. Burroughs would not say definitely whether O'Connor was retained in connection with the Utility Bill lob- by. "He is a former law partner of the President,. but we didn't expect to influence him," the witness added. Had German Kin "Did you know he had kin in the Government service when you em- ployed him?" "I wouldn't say we didn't" the witness said, "but he wasa lawyer of standing and we need lots of help." Basil O'Connor formed a law part- nership with Franklin D. Roosevelt as Roosevelt & O'Connor in 1925. The partnership was continued until Mr. Roosevelt assumed the presidency in 1933. He remains in close contact with the President, serving as treasurer of th&aWarm Springs fund. His broth-- er, Rep. O'Connor is chairman of the House lobby investigation, paral- leling the House Inquiry. Broadcast Alarm Senate lobby investigators, mean- while, broadcast a general alarm for Howard C. Hopson, millionaire main- spring of the vast Associated Gas & Electric System, and threatened to flood the country with subpenas com- manding his appearance. New testimony revealed the missing witness to hold virtually dictatorial power over the A. G. E. structure, ex- tending downward through a bewild- ering maze of subholding companies to others which supply electricity, gas and water to 2,000 communities. The committee received investi- gators' reports showing the cost of A. G. E.'s fight against the Adminis- tration Utility Bill and its abolition for "unnecessary" holding companies had mounted to $791,000. The com- pany originally reported an outlay of $700,000, a figure repeated only yes- terday in a statement by Burroughs. Hurley Is Mentioned The day's evidence also brought in the law firm of Patrick J. Hurley, former secretary of war, as the re- cipient of $25,000 in fees for help in the campaign against the Utilities Bill. It showed, too, that with an original investment of $1,800, a subordinate company of A. G. E. piled up a two- year profit of $1,046,000 through ser- vice fees charged the operating com- panies. Hurley was out of the city and not expected back until tomorrow. Local Vote U.S. GivesKipke Slifrht Rise Michigan Football Coach Climbs To Thirteenth In All-StarVoting Heavy Balloting Is Returned Here 'Summer School Gridders' Cast Votes For Coach; Yost Given Support Encouraged by a slight though no- ticeable climb by Coach Harry Kipke in the poll for coach of the all-star football team which meets the Chi- cago Bears Aug. 29, and by a large return of ballots to The Daily, leaders of the group which is sponsoring a local drive for Kipke announced their intention to press the campaign. The balloting closes at midnight, Aug. 4. * In the poll results announced yes- terday by the Chicago Tribune, which is sponsoring the vote similar to the one which elected the all-star college squad, Kipke had shown a gradual climb from 17th in the standings to 13th. The Michigan coach has polled 165,- 047 votes on 35,627 nominations for first choice, 19,817 for second and 18,- 532 for third. Frank Thomas of Ala- bama was leading the list yesterday ahead of Slip Madigan of St. Mary's. Bernie Bierman was fourth and Charley Bachman fifth, one spot above Bo McMillin. A heavy return of ballots to The Daily since last Saturday, when the first ballot was printed, has satisfied the group that it is achieving-some measure of success, Russell Rund- quist, leading the organization, said yesterday. Four of Coach Kipke's grid pros- pects for the coming season aided in boosting the poll total of almost 2,- 000 which wa,receivg, by. The Daily. Frank Dutkowski and Harry Lutom- ski, both fullback prospects who may be transferred to guards, George Mar- zonie, the outstanding sophomore guard prospect, and Cedric Sweet, the regular fullback, all ast their ballots for Kipke. Sweet, Dutkowski and Marzonie listed Charley Bachman as second choice and Lutomski cast his second vote for Bo McMillin. Michigan graduates and former coaches were prominently mentioned in the balloting turned in here, with Bennie Friedman ranking high as Jack Blott, George Veenker, George Rich, Ivy Williamson and even Di- rector Fielding Yost were given sup- port. Adams Speaks On Problems In Philosophy Fundamental Issues Which Precipitate Crises Are Discussed By Visitor Fundamental issues which precipi- tate constantly recurring crises in philosophy were discussed yesterday in Natural Science Auditorium by Prof. George Adams of the University of California. Prof. Adams addressed as Summer Session audience on "The Present Crisis In Philosophy." Any distinctive American contribu- tion to philosophy or civilization will come from some fresh restatement or formulae for dealing with the rela- tion between the "principles of or- ganization which distinguish philo- sophical thought and the materials presented by nature and history, Prof. Adams concluded. Beginning with the assumption of man as living in two modes of ac- tion and knowledge, Prof. Adams stressed the common structure be- tween those two. Philosophy he sug- gested as a process of gaining per- spective, a perspective which is in the set of fundamental organizing principles by which man correlates the two modes of action and knowl- edge. In all knowledge, behavior, and conduct there must be the same com- mon structure, Prof. Adams said, the relationship between those same prin- ForViolating Civilization In Persecution New Flying Battles hip Has First Trial 1 U pbraids Germany -Associated Press Photo. Equipped with the latest devices for waging aerial warfare, this new bombing plane, dubbed the "flying battleship," was sent on its maiden voyage by its builders at Seattle, Wash. It will be demonstrated before army air officers soon. Ninth Inning Rally Fails; T 0 - ers o League-Leaders Defeated' By Browns 8-6 In First Game Of Series DETROIT, July 30.-(/P) -For the second consecutive time, a Detroit ninth-inning rally fell short with the bases loaded, and the Tigers lost to the St. Louis Browns in the opening game of their long home stand today, 8-6. Again Schoolboy Rowe was hit hard and often. He allowed eight runs and 12 hits in the seven innings he worked, and it was a home run by Julius Solters in the seventh with two on that drove him to the showers. Detroit lost no ground in the pen- nant race, however, for Philadelphia whipped the Yankees. Matching the Browns in number of hits, Detroit was unable to score runs in bunches and found themselves pecking away futilely at a four-run St. Louis lead throughout the last half of the game. With the bases packed and the Tigers two runs behind in the ninth, Billy Rogell lifted an easy fly to left ending the game. Detroit had scored one run previously in this inning, and the winning run was on base. Pete Fox's homer was the most not- able offensive move for Detroit, while Solters was the chief thorn in he Bengal flesh. His two singles and timely home run enabled.him to score twice and bat in two teammates. Tommy Bridges is expected to take the mound for Detroit in the second game of the series tomorrow. Major League Standings AMERICAN LEAGUE L ' Detroit.............57 New York ...........52 Chicago .............50 Boston ..............48 Cleveland ...........45 Philadelphia .........39 Washington .........39 St. Louis ............30 W o 37 37 37 44 44 47 54 60 let. .606 .584 .575 .522 .506 .453 .419 .333 OfJews State Department Attacks Current Nazi Activities Against Catholics Nazi Note Of Protest In Riot Is Received LaGuardia Promises That Those Who Tore Banner Down Will Be Punished WASHINGTON, July 30. -( P) - Taking direct official cognizance of current Nazi activities against Jews and Catholics, the state department today spoke out for religious freedom and liberty. Coincidentally, diplomatic officials acted upon a formal German protest against an alleged insult to a Nazi) flag, stripped by a mob from the liner Bremen in New York harbor. Upon receipt of the protesting note from the German embassy, the Department relayed its content to Gov. Herbert H. Lehman, of New York. La Guiardia Promises Action Almost immediately came word from Mayor Fiorello La Guardia, of New York, that those involyed in the flag incident would be prosecuted. In answer to a letter from four leadingrJewish organizations, Acting Secretary Williams Phillips declared that Americans considered religious freedom and liberty of conscience "the most fundamental principles of our civilization and political faith" and were sympathetic to the maintenance of those concepts in all countries. "A Serious Insult" He added that he could "fully un- derstand" the solicitude regarding the "experiences which these '(relig- ious) groups are reported to be suf- fering in Germany." The German government formally protested against what it termed a serious insult to the German national emblem in a note delivered at the state department by Dr. Rudolph Leitner, German charge d'aff airs, act- ing under instruction from the Ber- lin foreign office. While the department did not make public the text of the note it was learned authoritatively that it re- quested the American authorities to make every effort to insure that the anti-Nazis who tore down the swas- tika flag be punished. No Apology Demanded It was learned also that the note did not demand an official apology. Wil- bur J. Carr, acting secretary at the time of the incident, made an infor- mal and verbal apology the next day by expressing regret that irresponsible individuals would mistreat the flag of any friendly nation. The Nazi note had immediate reper- cussion on Capitol Hill, where Ger- man incidents have been discussed on the floors of both Houses. Rep. Samuel Dickstein, New York Democrat, chairman of the House Im- migration Committee, said that he would "bitterly oppose" any apology for the flag incident. Sen. William H. King, Utah Dem- ocrat, pressing his resolution for an investigation of Nazi activities, as- serted: "Let Germany apologize for the way she has treated our citizens and claimants." Giants' Team Leads Intramural League The Giants continued to dominate the Intramural softball league with a 9-2 win yesterday over the Cubs for lterseventh straight win. In se- ond place with three wins and three losses are the Braves and The Pirates, who last week battled to the only tie Yesterday's Results St. Louis 8, Detroit 6. Philadelphia 6, New York 5. Chicago 8, Cleveland 6. Boston 11, Washington 4. Today's Games St. Louis at Detroit. Cleveland at Chicago. Boston at Washington. New York at Philadelphia. NATIONAL LEAGUE New York. Chicago ... St. Louis ., Pittsburgh, Brooklyn . Cincinnati Philadelphi Boston .... W. ...........60 ... ...... 61 ...........55 .. 53 ...........40 ..........41 a ...,.....39 ...........24 L 32 35 38 43 51 53 53 68 Pct. .652 .635 .594 .552 .440 .436 .425 .261 Yeuterday's Results Philadelphia 11-2, New York 5-8. Chicago 9, Pittsburgh 6. Cincinnati 6, St. Louis 5. Only games scheduled. Today's Games Brooklyn at Boston (2). Philadelphia at New York. Chicago at Pittsburgh (2). St. Louis at Cincinanti, night game. ELLSWORTH WINS SWIM Bob Ellsworth won the Intramural 100-yard free style swim yesterday to maintain his lead in the all-events contest. Kellogg was second, End third and Runow fourth. The time was :62.5. Marshall Explains Importance Of The Satire In Moliere Farce By ELSIE PIERCE "In spite of the fact that 'The Doc- tor In Spite of Himself' is an extrav- agant and joyous farce," Oswald Mar- shall, guest director of the Michigan Repertory Players, who will open the Moliere comedy tonight at the Lydia Mendelssohn theater, "it is also sig- nificant as another of Moliere's many attacks upon humbug and quackery in whatever form he found it." "The Doctor in Spite of Himself" is a brilliant satire on the medical profession, he said, "and when the amazing state of medical science in the seventeenth century is known, Moliere's play hardly seems exag- gerated." feat of bringing drama one step closer to realism." Moliere was not only a playwright, but was an actor of note in his own times. He also managed his own company. He wrote many of his plays for the court of Louis XIV, bringing his company before the court. Moliere died, according to reports, after catching cold when playing in one of his own plays, "Le Medecin Imaginaire." However, in spite of the successes of his plays before thej court, he was refused the last rites and proper burial by the parish priest. It was only when the King himself countermanded the order that the grea t Frenc'h ni a vrri aht wxro , BALLOT For Coach of the All-Star College Football team which will meet the Chicago Bears August 29 in Soldier Field. (1) HARRY G. KIPKE, Michigan (2 ) ... . ... . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . (3 ) '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . game of the schedule. THE STANDINGS W L Giants...... .. .... 7 0 Braves ................3 3 Pirates ................3 3 Cubs .................3 4 Athletics ..............2 4 Tigers ................1 5 Pct. .100 .500 .500 .428 .633 .166 Result's Yesterday: Braves 13, Smith and Lutz; Ath- letics 12, Wagner and Kushner. Pirates 7, Bekkin and Schwedler;