Fmm ;, ~THiE ?MIPC IGAN DAILY - _ U. S.Will Keep" Out Of Foreign Tiffs,Roosevelt Expresses Determination To Avoid All Issues Not Concerning Country Cites Ethiopian Case Stresses Importance Of 'Good Neighbor' Policy In Avoidance Of War WASHINGTON, July 27. - W) - The nation was assured today that the administration will give foreign conflicts a wide berth. A determination to avoid issues that do not concern this country was expressed yesterday by President Roosevelt at a crowded press con- ference, when the Italo-Ethiopian subject was brought up. This, and a continuation of the "good neighbor" policy, he enunciat- ed as two cardinal points of insurance against war, although he emphasized that the subject was too broad to be explained briefly. The East African controversy, the President said, might be one' of the cases in which the United States has n'o concern other than an interest in the maintenance of world peace. The President's views came after hostility to the regime of Reichs- fuehrer Adolf Hitler of Germany had been expressed in Congress two con- secutive days. Senator King (Utah Dem.) asked for an inquiry by the foreign rela- ations committee into the treatment accorded Jewish and Catholic resi- dents of Germany. Under King's resolution the committee, with $5,000 to spend, would inquire "into charges that Jewish citizens have been denied their political and civil rights and have been compelled to leave Ger- many." The day before Representative Dickstein (New York Dem.) described Hitler as a "madman" with an "in- sane" theory of government. As to the Italo-Ethiopian matter the President said that while this country is not concerned except in the general interest of world peace the feelings and opinions of Ameri- cans concerning world affairs could not be controlled by governmental decrees. He declined to express his own op- inion as to what the American people think of the threatened war in Africa. Booth Tarkington's Friendship Makes Last Days Bright ROME, July 27.- (P)-The friend- ship of Booth Tarkington, American author, for an humble Italian coach- man has reached across the seas and the years to brighten the old man's declining days. His latest gift to Antonio Anso- lini, aged hackman, now in the home maintained by The Little Sisters of the Poor, was brought to Rome by Abris Silverman of New York, repre- sentative of the Hungarian chamber of commerce in the United States. The gift, a set of brightly-colored silk bandanna scarfs, together with Tarkington's greetings and best wishes, made the old man the center of the envious attention of all the other inmates of the home. More than two decades ago when Tarkington was living in Italy and struggling for recognition, he came to know Antonio, then a sturdy Roman cabby, who used to drive him and his cronies around the capital in a "carozza." Through the years, the acquaint- ance ripened into a friendship, which on AntoT As part, extended to all America s coming to Rome. Tark- ington Wehf on to fame and for- tune and when the coachman's old horse died, promptly bought him an- other. After that, Antonio never accepted money from Americans. His stand was in front of the American embassy and a goodly portion of his business was with American tourists. The St. Louis Cardinals have 28 games on their home soil in the last month of the current season. All-Stars WhoWill FaceChicago Bears Aast'29 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213 A.H. until 3:30: 11:30 a.m. Saturday. -Associated Press Photo. Some of the finest football players of the 1934 season will be-asseon bled in Chicago, August 29 to meet the Chicago Bears at Soldier's Field. The players, eleven of whom are shown above, were selected by fans in a nation-wide poll. They will be given several weeks of intensive drill before theygo into battle. Levies Of Tax BillBroadened By Committee Finance Group Estimates That Revenue Will Total $50,000,000 WASHINGTON, July 27. - (P) - A tentative decision to broaden vast- ly the scope of the Roosevelt tax bill" by increasing levies on incomes as low as $50,000 was reached today by house ways and means committee Demo- crats. Until today the Democrats had agreed only to increase the levies on incomes above $150,000 a year, but they found that to make a substantial increase in revenue they would have to drop below that sum. Representative Samuel B. Hill (D.- Wash.), acting committee chairman, estimated the change would mean revenue from individual income total- ing $40,000,000~ to $50,000,000 instead of the $20,400,000 previously antici- pated. With that increase, he asserted, he felt the whole bill, including the taxes on inheritances, gifts,excess profits and corporation incomes, would produce $275,000,000 a year under present conditions and around $400,000,0000 when times were bet- ter. His recollection of the tentative agreement was that rates on the low- er incomes - in the $50,000-$60,000 class - would be only 1 per cent above those at present,graduating to a maximum of 75 per cent on that portion of an income over $10,000,000. Artificial Lilies 'Dip' Large Picture Hats LONDON, July 27. - (AP) - Arti- ficial arum lilies are a graceful trim- ming on the new ultra-large picture hats of stiffened organdy or transpar- ent material. Three blooms, the stalks attached to the left side of the crown, trail across the front of the brim to end with the longest flower point at the edge. The slight weight causes the frail brim to droop over the.right eye. Pale green is a favorite shade to combine with these white lilies with their yellow centers. Ostrich feathers curl across the front of hats modeled in similar style of fine straw. Almost 10,000 cases of oyster seed have been imported from Japan re- cently and planted along the coast of Washington. The Careers And Personalities Of Our Senato WASHINGTON, July 27.-(P) - Portly but vigorous, Joseph T. Robin- son of Arkansas hides a quick temper beneath the dignity with which he directs administration strategy as majority leader of the Senate. At times his sense of humor serves to ease tension. Despite his 62 years, Robinson has the strength of a man who worked on a farm as a boy and always jumped at every chance to hunt or fish.He plays golf, but it's a good day whenI he shoots 100. He's moredat ease handling a gun than a mashie. Robinson's ruddy, strong-featured face is framed between a black hat and a dark suit of conservative cut. Meticulous about his dress, the sen- ator makes no effort to be a fashion plate. Within a month in 1913; Robinson was representative in congress, gov- ernor of Arkansas and senator-elect. A World Germany Would Have Days Of 36-Hour Length BERLIN, July 27. - (P) - If Adolf Hitler could change the arrangements of the universe as he has revolution- ized Germany, he probably would lengthen the day to 30 or even 36 hours. Only on such a schedule could the ideal Nazi crowd into a day all that is expected of him. Mr. Perfect Nazi should be. (1) A member in good standing of the National Socialist Workers' Party. (2) A member of the brownshirted "SA' or the black shirted "S, the two wings of the political soldiery of national socialism, except when he is in either the labor service or the regu- lar army. (3) An active promoter of the Nazi welfare league. (4) A leader of the "air protection community" of his apartment house or block. (5) A "man of confidence" of the shop or factory in which he works. (6) A "Parteigenosse" (party com- rade) who, over and beyond these specified duties and offices is ready at any hour of the day or night to perform for the party any duty de- sired of him. (7) A "model worker" in his calling or profession. The man, who with real convicton, joins the Nazis and attempts to live up to all that is expected of him, must subordinate family ties, busi- ness interests and religious duties to the supreme principle of service to national socialism. =OW rs: J. T. Robinson On January 14, 1913, heresigned the seat he had held in Congress five terms and on the sixteenth was in- augurated governor. Twelve days lat- er the legislature elected him sen- ator. He's been in Washington since then. He is calm while speaking and not given to much gesturing. In debate, he thinks rapidly and makes quick, wise decisions on strategy. Intensive reading has enabled him to speak in- formatively on a great many subjects. For relaxation, Robinson reads de- tective and mystery novels and poetry. He is thoroughly familiar with most of Shakespeare's plays and verses, and can quote the Bible - book, chapterf and verse. He likes music, especially simple, sentimental ballads such as his mother played on the old parlor organ. Robinson is decided in his opinions, and forceful in suporting them. De- spite his aggressiveness, he is toler- ant of others' opinions and willing to listen. He is generous, but resents an imposition. Selkirk Thrills YanK Followers Who Like Ruth NEW YORK, July 27. -(R) - At first the idea of filling Babe Ruth's spacious brogans terrorized George Selkirk quite a little, try as he would to ignore the "spot" he was on, play- ing right field for the Yankees. But with the American league cam- paign now shortly past mid-season it develops, that the Englishman has been doing a handsome job out there in right. At the midway he was tied with Lou Gehrig for the team batting leader- ship at .318, after a July rush of .400 hitting that extended over three weeks. He also led his mates in both doubles and triples. The right field bleacherites at Yan- kee stadium have "adopted" George wholeheartedly, giving him the old Ruthian handkerchief salute when- ever he poles one - and they went simply wild when he leaped high and speareda sure home run ball, chok- ing a Tigersrally in the opener of a crucial series with the Detroits! Seek Gunmen Near Chicago Following Trip. Wounded Man Tells Police That Doctor Was Also Involved In Incident PEORIA, Ill., July 27. - (P) - Search for three men who escaped with $2,000 of a tavern payroll fol- lowing a daylight robbery and street gun battle turned today to Chicago on information police obtained from Dick Day, wounded confederate of the robbers and identified as a member of the old Dillinger mob. Chief of Police Fred Naussabaum who minimized the Dillinger angle of the holdup after questioning Day, said the wounded man had disclosed that a Chicago doctor was involved in the crime. Through the physician, Nuss- baum said, police hoped to locate the fugitives. Day, a paroled Indiana convict, was identified first by the federal de- partment of investigation at Wash- ington. They advised officers here of his past record with the late "Pub- lic Enemy No. 1," and that he had police records in Terre Haute, Ind., and Kansas City, Mo. Nussbaum said Day also told him a Peoria man was involved in the crime which the captured gunman was reported to have said was plan- ned in Chicago. Day and three com- panions, the officer said, drove here Thursday night and yesterday morn- ing waylaid Joseph Backes, a payroll guard and Ed Ryan, tavern messeng- er, while they were en route to the tavern from the Commercial Mer- chants National Bank with $6,000. At the order to throw up his hands, Backes fired at Day, who returned the shot. Day was hit in the hip and Backes struck by a score of shotgun slugs, both falling to the street. Mrs. John Edinburg, a bystander, also was wounded. Day and Mrs. Edinburgh were pain- fully injured, but expected to live. Backes is in a critical condition. Eye Glass Frames Repaired. Lenses Ground. s".ea HALLER'S Jewelry State Street at Liberty VOL. XVI No. 31c SUNDAY, JULY 28, 1935 All Lutheran Students enrolled in Summer School are invited to a picnic this afternoon at Portagef Lake. Students will meet at Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. 309 E. Wash- ington St. at 4:00 p.m. Married stu- dents are to bring their families. Call 5981 or 3401 for reservations before1 Saturday noon. Bring your bathing suit and 25c for eats. Services in Trinity Lutheran church Trinity Lutheran Church locat- ed on E. William St., Fifth Ave., will continue for the second Sun- day the combination service. Opening liturgical service at 9:15. Sermon by the pastor, Rev. Henry Yoder on "Acres of Diamonds." Ser- vice closes at 10:45. Students welcome. Rev. Henry Yoder. Episcopal Student Meeting: The fellowship meeting for students will be held tonight at the resi- dence of Professor Morris P. Til- ley, 1015 Ferdon' Road. Cars will leave from St. Andrew's Church at seven o'clock. All Episcopal stu- dents and their friends are cordially invited. Saint Andrew's Episcopat Church: Services of worship today are: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 11:00 a.m. Children's Hour; 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Reverend Henry Lewis. Summer Session Symphony: The orchestra will play a short program this evening at 7:30. Please be at the library steps at 6:30 for an im- portant rehearsal with the mixed chorus. David Mattern. Summer Session Mixed Chorus: The chorus will give a short program this evening at 7:30. Please, be at the library steps at 6:30 for an important rehearsal with the or- chestra. David Mattern. Methodist Episcopal Church: To- day 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship Service. Dr. C. W. Brashares has chosen as a sermon subject, "Who Uses You?" Congregational Church: 10:30 Ser- vice of worship with sermon by the minister, Rev. Allison Ray Heaps. Subject, "The Gospel of Beauty." Miss Jean Seeley will sing and James Pfohl will be at the organ. Stalker Hall- for University Stu- dents and. Friends: Today, 6:30 p.m. Informal devotional hour for Uni- versity students and their friends. Dr. C. W. Brashares, pastor of the church, will be the speaker and lead- er for the discussion hour. His topic is "Life Choices in the Light of Re- ligion." This will be the concluding event in the summer program series on "Rethinking Religion." Refresh- ments and fellowship will follow the meeting. The Third Vesper Service will be held this evening at 7:30 o'clock on the Library Terrace. The program, directed by Professor David Mattern of the School of Music, will be as follows: Petite Suite, Debussy. I. En Bateau. 11. Cortege. Summer Session Orchestra con- ducted by Walter Bloch, Flint, Mich- igan. Invocation. Hymn. Summer Session Chorus, Ye Watch- ers and Ye Holy Ones, 17th Century, German. Conducted by Carl Lund- gren, Springfield, Illinois. Hymn. In Joseph's Lovely Garden, Tradi- tional Spanish. Baritone Solo by Henry Austin. Summer Session Men's Glee Club. Conducted by Franklyn Weddle, Flint, Michigan. Fierce Raged the Tempest, Chorus, Candlyn. Hymn. Sinfonietta. Andante. Allegro molto Orchestra, Conducted by Fred- erick Ernst, Louisville, Ky. A Mighty Fortress is our God, Lu- ther-Brewer. Min's Glee Club, Conducted by James Pfohl, Winston-Salem, N. C. Chillun Come On Home, Spiritual- Cain, Chorus. Hymn. Song of Victory, Fletcher. Chorus and Orchestra. Benediction. Dr. James D. Bruce will give an illustrated lecture on 'The Modern Concept of Preventive Medicine" at 5 o'clock p.m. Monday, July 29 in the Auditorium of the Natural Science Building. Physical Education Luncheon, Wed- nesday, July 31 at 12 noon, Michigan Union, Dr. R. W. Waggoner will be the speaker. C. E. 26: There will be no meeting of C. E. 26 Monday evening, at 8 o'clock, July 29. John S. Worley. Ford's Grenefield Village Excur- sion, Wednesday afternoon, July 31 Busses leave from in front of Angell Hall at 1 o'clock. Party returns to Ann Arbor about 5 oclock. A fee of (Continued on Page 4) Bright Spot 802 Packard Street TODAY, 12 Noon to 8 P.M. -60c- T-BONE STEAK With Mushrooms - 55c HALF SPRNG CHICKEN Fried Southern Style ROAST CHICKEN With Dressing -50c - GRILLED PORK CHOPS Apple Sauce - 45c - LAMB CHOPS Mint Jelly -- 40c - ROAST BEEF, LAMB, AND PORK - 35 - VEGETABLE PLATE With Hard-Boiled Egg Tomato Juice or Noodle Soup Mashed or French Fried Potatoes Vegetables, Bread, Butter Coffee, Iced Tea, Milk Dessert With All Meals Dine in Comfort, Delightfully Cool! Plenty of Parking space Fountain in Connection CURB SERVICE i BALLOT' For Coach of the All-Star College Football team which will meet the Chicago Bears August 29 in Soldier Field. (1) HARRY G. KIPKE, Michigan (2.. . . . . . . . . . . ... .... .. .- - - - - - - - (2) (3)... ... .......... .. ...... ...... ..".... iAdre.. .. .. ........ ........................ . Forget Your Figure Worries in Hot Weather Wear a SHADOW GARMENT- of ' t * ...., 7 '' , l l . , _ ., t ,. ;4 ,. . , , .y . -., k , ti i p L @j7Yonth-5nd AnEvent You CCan't Afford To Miss If you're a miss who wears a size 12, a woman 46 or her shorter-sister from 16%2 to 262. DRESSES for hot days- for cool days- for sports, travel, or afternoon and evening.... Knits ... Wash Crepes ... Sheers Prints ... Laces Sale Prices from $5.00 Cotton Dresses at $2.00 and $3.95 Blouses, Sweaters at 1.49, $2.50 Artcraft Hosiery at 75c and $1.00 $1.00 and $1.3 5 Values [ Typewriting and Mimeographing Work done in our own shop by experienced operators at mod- erate rates. Student work a specialty. Typewriters of all makes. Bought, sold, rent- ed, exchanged, cleaned and re- paired. Typewriting Supplies Paper. Ribbons. Carbon Paper. It's of airy net - lined with cool voile - and your hot weather worries are over when you put it on! It smoothes out hip bulges, and flattens the tum- my. The tiniest, lightest little bones at center front only - the elastic panels over the hips are good and generous for comfort - and are tissue thin. Sizes 26 to 36. $5 I III