IMostly cloudy today, local
thundershowers in south, cool-
er in extreme north portion.
Mf ian
of Deinoeray..
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Dr. Scott
Will Give
Law Talk
Will Speak On 'Sanctions
Of International Law' At
* 8 P.M. Monday
Tomorrow's Speech
Wiley Post Prepares For Moscow Flight
Mussolini May
Quit Councils
Peace Parley
Italy Refuses To
Certain Phases
With Ethiopia
Of Row
Is Fifth Of
Speaker Is Chairman Of
Annual Summer Session
Parley Here
Speaking of "Sanctions of Interna-
tional Law," Dr. James Brown Scott,
chairman of the Summer Session on
Teaching International Law, will
bring the public lecture series of the
Annual law parley to a close at 8 p.m.
tomorrow in Room 1025, Angell Hall.-
The meetings of this summer's ses-
sion, the fourth in Ann Arbor, will
be concluded Wednesday, Aug. 1.
Dr. Scott, who is the director of
the international law division of the
Carnegie Endowment for Interna-
tional Peace, is internationally, recog-
nized as one of the outstanding au-,
thorities on the subject of interna-
tional law.
During the present five-week ses-
sion of the parley, he has been teach-
ing two courses in "The Classics of
International Law Before Grotius"
Aid "Classic Projects of International
Organizations." Dr. Scott has also
led a group conference on the subject
of "The Case Book Method of Teach-
He has served as a delegate repre-
enting the United States to various
international conferences, notably the
Second Hague Peace Conference in
1907, Paris Peace Navy Conference,
in 1919, Arms Conference in 1921-
22, at which he was a techncal ad-
viser, and the Sixth Pan-American
Congress in 1928 at Havana.
Dr. Scott has been an officer of
several international law organiza-
tions. Since 1935, he has been presi-
dent ttJe American iwtitute oX n.
ternational Law. He has also served
at various times as the president of
the Institute of International Law,
secretary of the American Society of
International Law, and editor-in-
chief of the American Journal of In-
ternational Law.
He has written several authorita-
tive works including "The Hague
Peace Conference of 1899 and 1907,"
An International Court of Justice,"
"Peace Through Justice," and "Rob-
ert Bacon, Life and Letters."
Tommy Bridges
Pitches Tigers
To 6-2_Victory
Detroit Strengthens Hold
On First As Washington
Df eats Yankees
C L July 27.- (Special)
- Tommy Bridges, ace of the Tiger
mound staff, pitched his mates into
a tighter hold on first place in the
American League today by defeating
Cleveland, 6 to 2. New York again
lost to Washington, 8 to 7.
Today's victory marked the Tigers'
second win in as many day over the
Tribe from across the lake. Bridges
held the Indians scoreless for eight
and two-thirds innings before letting
up and allowing them to count twice
in the ninth on two singles and a
The league-leaders scored all six
of their runs in groups of three in the
fourth and seventh innings.
Three singles by Greenberg, Goslin,
and Fox, combined with two Cleve-
land errors started the Tigers along
the victory trail with three runs in
the fourth.
Doubles by White and Greenberg,
a single by Gehringer, and two walks
added three more runs to the De-
troit cause in the seventh. During
this spree, Winegarner relieved Lloyd
Brown on the mound for Cleveland.
Brown had previously taken up the
toiling where Harder had left off.
Bridges had the Indians eating out
of his right hand the entire route, re-
tiring five by the strikeout route and
walking none. He allowed nine well-
scattered hits.
The Tigers made twelve hits off the
offerings of the three Cleveland pitch-
ers. Greenberg and Goslin each col-
-Associated Press Photo.
An aerial trip that will carry them by leisurely stages from Los
Angeles to Moscow by way of Alaska and Siberia is contclmplated by
Wiley Post, round-the-world flier, and his wife, shown with their low-
winged monoplane. It was thought they had begun the flight when they
made a hurried departure from Los Angeles with Will Rogers, but they
turned up several hours later at Albuquerque, N. M., on a short vacation.
Service To Be
Five Guest Conductors To
Lead Musical Program
On LibrarySteps
Five guest conductors have been
invited to take part in the third
vesper service of the Summer Session
which will be held at 7:30 p.m. to-
day on the steps of the Library. Prof.
'LouifsA. Hpkins, director of the Sum-
mer Session, will preside, and Prof.
David Mattern is in charge of the
musical program.
This will be the last such service
of the Summer Session. The program
will open with Walter Block, guest
conductor from Flint, leading "Petite
Suite" by Debussy. This will be fol-
lowed by an Italian Hymn sung by
the Summer Session Chorus.
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, counselor
.of religious education, will pronounce
the invocation. A seventeenth cen-
tury German hymn, "Ye Watchers
and Ye Holy Ones" will be conducted
by Carl Lundgren, guest artist from
Springfield, Ill.
The Summer Session Men's Glee
Club will present for the next num-
ber "In Joseph's Lovely Garden," a
traditional Spanish hymn. Franklyn
Weddle, also from Flint, will lead this
selection with Henry Austin, bari-
tone, singing the solo part.
Continuing the program, the entire
chorus will sing "Fierce Raged the
Tempest," by Candlyn, and- will be
followed with a hymn by the audi-
ence, "Coronation.' The orchestra
will then join with Frederick Ernst,
conductor from Louisville, Ky., to pre-
sent "Sinfonietta." by Schubert.
Luther-Brewer's piece, "A Mighty
Fortress Is Our God" is to be sung
by the Men's Glee Club, and will be
conducted by James Pfohl, Winston-
Salem, N.C. The chorus will present
a spiritual, "Chillun Come on Home"
by Cain for the next number on the
Major League Standings
Detroit .............56
New York..........51
Chicago ............47
St. Louis...........28
Yesterday's Results
Detroit 6, Cleveland 2.
Washington 8, New York 7.
Chicago 8, St. Louis 5.
Philadelphia 7, Boston 6.
Games Today
Detroit at Cleveland.
Washington at New York.
Chicago at St. Louis (2).
Boston at Philadelphia.
New York
Chicago ........
St. Louis ......
Cincinnati ....
57 31
59 35
. 54 35
51 41
40 52
39 50
.37 51
23 67
Asks Limitation To
Clash On Frontier
Mussolini Charged With
'Dousing Cold Water' On
Hopes For Peace
ROME, July 27. -(P) -Italy sent
the League of Nations today an im-
plied threat to quit the council ses-
sion starting Wednesday if it dis-
cussed phases of the Italo-Ethiopian
quarrel which Italy did not want
talked about.
A' telegram to J. A. C. Avenol,
League secretary-general, said Italy
would not "have any difficulty in par-
ticipating in the session" if its work
were confined solely to "studying the
most opportune means of placing the
commission of conciliation and arbi.
tration in position to resume its la-
(The Italo-Ethiopian commisison
adjourned at Scheveningen, Nether-
lands, when members could not agree
on proper topics for discussion. Ethi-
opia wanted frontier issues handled.
Italy refused. This week Rome pro-
posed to Addis Ababa its revival.
Though Ethiopia has not replied of-
ficially, she is known to be still in-
sistent on discussion of territorial
Italy Limits Discussion
Should Italy's demands fail to be
met, the communication to Geneva
said, Italy reserved "the right to make
known its observations."
The Italian note limited the coun-
cil's discussion, in effect, to the fron-
tier clash at Ualual last December
in which 30 Italians and 110 Ethi-
opians died. That was the same
limitation she sought to set upon the
work of the conciliation commission.
Authoritative quarters here said to-
night that the League's hands had
been effectively tied. Premier Benito
Mussolini, they asserted, had doused
liberally with cold water any re-
maining hope that the controversy.
could be settled peacefully.
(At Addis Ababa, Emperor Haile
Selassie reiterated Ethiopia's desire
for peace. Welcoming convoking of
the council, he put it up to the League
to decide when one member could in-
vade another's territory and said Italy
makes arbitration impossible "be-
cause she desires to exclude the fron-
tier treaty." European diplomats,
meanwhile, continued trying to find
some way to avert war, centering their'
efforts at London where the'British
government faced press demands for
League action to force Britain to close
the Suez Canal to Italian warships.
Speakers urged British action to "halt
Italy Gets No Answer
Late this evening Italy had re-
ceived no answer to her request that{
Addis Ababa say whether Ehiopial
was willing to resurrect the concilia-;
tion commission, and warlike prep-
arations continued despite an ex-
plosion in the Bickford-Smith mu-
nitions factory at Varese.
Martial law was in force in Eritrea,
Italy's African colony, where Mus-
solini has assembled the greatest war
machine Africa has ever seen.
Lavoro Fascista, authoritative news-
paper, was among the first to point
out the quandary in which Italy's
note places the League.
"The July 31 council will only have
to take note of the fact that the Ethi-
opian delegates have prevented the
arbitration commission from fulfill-
ing its task," the newspaper said,
and that the fifth (neutral) arbitra-
tor has still to be nominated in order
to continue arbitration on the basis
of the compromise reached at Geneva
in May.
"In other words, the council itself
will have nothing to do but to ad-
journ until Aug. 25 (the final date set
by the Council for the full commission
of five to complete its work) or an-
nounce its failure."
Hungarian Nazis
Detected By Solon
BUDAPEST, July 27. - (P) - Try-
ing to check up on the increasing
Nazi propaganda in Hungary, a mem-
ber of parliament, Matthias Matolcsy,
disguised himself as a tramp and for
four weeks walked the roads of his
Reich's Press
Asks Apology
For Flag Tiff
Papers Declare Howling
Communist Mob Planned
Attack On Flag
Regret Expressed
By U. S. Official
Acting Secretary Asserts
State Department Knew
Nothing About Affair
BERLIN, July 27.-(P)-The
German press tonight demanded dip-
lomatic intervention and an apology
from Washington for the incident at
New York last night in which the
German flag was torn from the stern
of the steamship Bremen.
Some papers accused the New York
police of having known in advance
of a "planned attack" on the part of
what was called here a "howling Com-
munist mob."
The Hamburger Fremdenblatt said:
"The insult to the German flag by
Communists in New York must be
followed by diplomatic consequences.
"It must be expected that American
officials will excuse themselves for
this incident.
"The Communist demonstration is
a new proof of the atrocity which is
deliberately cultivated and which
finds no sufficient resistance on the
part of the local New York authori-
WASHINGTON, July 27.-(iP) -
Regret at mistreatment of the Ger-
man flag by anti-Nazi demonstra-
tors who last night tore it from the
steamship Bremen was expressed on'
behalf of the State Department today
by Wilburg J. Carr, acting secretary.
"We know nothing about the inci-
dent in New York," Carr told news-
papermen, "other than that which
appeared in the newspapers this
morning. Apparently there was a
demonstration at the pier which was
taken in hand by a large force of
police and quelled.
It would seem that two or. three
individuals got through the lines onto
the vessel and mistreated the German
flag. Of course, it is unfortunate that
two or three persons should have mis-
treated the flag of any nation with
which the United States is at peace."
(By The Associated Press)
Two. anti-Nazi incidents in Newi
York drew from Berlin yesterday1
(Saturday) a fresh demand for a for-;
mal apology in one case and a com-i
munique holding that a commercial
treaty had been breached by thej
The latter was the refusal of Mayor1
F. H. LaGuardia to license an un-
identified German immigrant, "Mr.-
K." as 2 masseur on the ground that
the Reich itself had violated the treatyj
under which he sought the license by
discriminating against American jews.j
An official release said that "this)
constitutes a clear breach" of thej
pact ,nd that "it is up to the American
federal government to give instruc-
tions to officials concerned to ob-
serve the treaties."
Senate leaders at the same time;
forecast that a resolution to investi-
gate the Reich's treatment of Jews
and Catholics would be pigeon-holed
as a result of state department oppo-
EDGEFIELD, S. C., July 27. - (IP) -
Two mules, weighing 1,200 pounds
each, broke from George Broadwa-
ter's pasture, collided head-on and
fell dead.
Quits Parole Board
-Associated Press Photo.
In order that a place might be
created for Judge T. Webber Wil-
son of Mississippi, shifted from a
post in the Virgin islands to end a
controversy there, Dr. Amy N. Stan-
nard (above) resigned from the
United States board of parole.
'Two Davis Cup'
Matches Lost
Biy IAmericans
Allison And Budge Are
Beaten By Perry And
Austin Of England
WIMBLEDON, Eng., July 27.-P)
-- There was something hauntingly
familiar about the atmosphere around
Wimbledon's cloistered confines to-
night as America's Davis Cup tennis
players, beaten in the two opening
singles matches of the challenge
round, tried to ass'ume cheery fronts.
The official count was two to none
for England, both Wilmer Allison of
Austin, Tex., and 20-year-old Don
Budge of Oakland, Calif., losing to
H. W. (Bunny) Austin and Fred J.
Perry, respectively.
Austin took the measure of Allison
in five sets, 6-2, 2-6, 4-6, 6-4; 7-5,
while Budge captured the, fancy of
the capacity of more than 15,000
by extendig the sparkling Perry
to four sets before bowing, 6-0, 6-8,
6-3, 6-4.
As matters stood the United States
was in exactly the same spot it oc-
cupied a year ago, both in the mat-
ter of defeats at the end of the first
day and prospects for the next three
matches. Allison's failure to "take"
Austin sent America's hopes of cap-
turing the coveted cup, lost since 1927,
down around the zero point.
The rival players will rest over the
Sabbath, resuming the international
court conflict Monday when the
doubles team will get into action.
Uncle Sam will be represented by
the veteran combination of Allison
and Johnny Van Ryn of Philadelphia.
Accept Two Resignations,
And Pass On Additions,
$30,000 Bequest Is
Accepted By Board
Teaching Staff
Members Of Dental And
Medical Staffs Resign;
Regents Act On Leaves
FRANKFORT, July 27.- (Special)
- The Board of Regents of the Uni-
versity of, Michigan, meeting here
yesterday at the summer home of
President Alexander G. Ruthven, ac-
cepted the resignations of two Uni-
versity faculty members and an-
nounced the promotion and addition
to the staff of 11 others.
The Board also acepted gifts to
the University amounting to more
than $35,000, heard the report of vice-
president Shirley W. -Smith with re-
gard to University fund investments
and made provision for gifts to de-
pendents of deceased faculty mem-
The resignations accepted are
those of Dr. Charles L. Brown, as-
sociate professor of internal medicine,
who will become head of the depart-
ment of internal medicine at Temple
University, and of Dr. Robert K.
Brown, former director of the op-
erative clinic of the dental school, as
of July 1.
Vacancy Is Filled
The vacancy on the executive board
of the dental college created by the
resignation of Dr. Brown was not
filled yesterday.
Additions to the faculty include the
appointment of Dr. Bradley M.Pat-
ten, now assistant director of medi-
cal sciences of the Rockefeller Foun-
dation and Dr. Phillip Northrup, now
a practicing dentist in Grand Rapids.
Dr. Patten will succeed the late Dr.
G. Carl Huber, who died last Decem-
ber, as director of the anatomical
laboratories and will serve as pro-
fessor of anatomy.
Dr. Northrup, who graduated from
the Michigan dental college in 1928,
was one of the outstanding athletes of
the Western Conference while an un-
dergraduate, holding the Big Ten
javelin record for a number of years.
He will serve as assistant professor
of oral surgery.
Three Others Named
Dr. Paul H. Jeserich, former assist-
ant professor of operative dentistry.
was made a professor by the Regents
to succeed Dr. Brown as head of the
clinic, while Dr. John W. Kemper,
former associate professor of oral
surgery, was named a professor to
succeeed the late Dr. Chalmers J.
Lyons in charge of oral surgey and
as consulting dental surgeon to the
University hospital.
Three assistant professors of in-
ternal medicine were named to as-
sociate professorships by the Regents.
They are Dr. Arthur C. Curtis, Dr.
J. C. Barnwell, and Dr. Herman
Other promotions approved include
Carl A. Berklund, from assistant to
associate professor of English, Mel-
ville Stout, assistant to associate pro-
fessor of electrical engineering, and
Dr. Robert L. Dieterle and Dr. Theron
S. Hill, both advanced from instruc-
tors to assistant professors of psy-
Accept Several Gifts
Gifts accepted by the Board of Re-
gents included a bequest of $30,037.03
by Dr. Barnard C. Hesse, the use of
which was not assigned, and provi-
sions for fellowships from the Michi-
gan Gas Association and the Upjohn
Company, Kalamazoo. An addition
to the George Willys Pack forestry
fund, amounting to $3,500, given by
Capt. Arthur M. Pack, and a gift of
$200 from the pharmacists' and
chemists' division of the American
Medical Association, were also ac-
A slight decrease of 4.34% in the
annual return from the consolidated
investments fund of the University
was reported to the Board by Mr.
The Board of Regents also approved
the extension of leave of absence of
Prof. Erwin E. Nelson, now serving in
Washington as a member of the Fed-
eral ,Food and Drug Administration.
A year's absence was granted to Dr.
Board Of Regents
Approves Changes
Yesterday's Results
Brooklyn 6, New York 4.
Chicago 9-12, Cincinnati 8-1.
Pittsburgh 10, St. Louis 4.
Philadelphia 5, Boston 0.
Games Today
New York at Brooklyn.
Chicago at Cincinnati.
Pittsburgh at St. Louis.
Philadelphia at Boston.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 27. -(P) -
Tom Mooney's supporters in his long
fight for freedom rallied here tonight,
on the eve of the nineteenth anniver-
sary of his imprisonment for the San
Francisco Preparedness Day bombing
of 1916.
The observance, to be climaxed with
a mass meeting tomorrow at the civic
auditorium, was planned to center at-
tention on his two present bids for
Overwhelming Odds Face Kipke
Fans In Vote On All-Star Coach
Moliere, BarriePlays To Be
Produced By Repertory Players
Admitting overwhelming o d d s
against the nomination of Harry G.
Kipke as coach of the all-star foot-
ball team selected by a nationwide
poll, Russell Rundquist, '36, who is
heading the local drive in support of
Kipke in the nation-wide vote, said
last night that his organization would
attempt to "make as good a show as
"I guess we started too late," Rund-
quist said, "but we can still show that
the body of Michigan students, fac-
ulty,, and alumni are behind the
coach who has sustained a great
Michigan tradition with his fine
Rundquist said that he had sent
a wire of protest to Arch Ward, sports
editor of the Chicago Tribune, which
A ballot box has been placed in the
lobby of the Union to facilitate the
collection of Kipke votes, Rundquist
said, and others will be placed on
the campus before the poll ends at
midnight, August 4. A printed ballot
form may be found on page 3 of to-
day's Daily.
Each fan is invited to name three
coaches in order of preference, the
coach receiving the largest number of
votes on the bawi' of three points for
first selection, two for second, and one.
for third, will be named to direct the
all-star squad in its second annual
game with the Chicago Bears, Aug. 29,
in Soldier's Field.
Starting late, Kipke has managed
Moliere's "The Doctor In Spite of
Himself," with J. M. Barrie's one-
act play, "Shall We Join the Ladies,"
as a curtain-raiser, will be the fifth
offering of the Michigan Repertory
Players, opening Wednesday night at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre for
a four-day run. Oswald Marshall,
guest director of the Players, is di-
recting both plays.
"The Doctor In Spite of Himself,"
first produced in 1666, is a satire on
the physicians of the day. It was one
of the first farces ever produced, and
is recognized as the model for all
plays of this type written since that
Barrie's play is a satire on the draw-
ing room mystery type of play, and
Lucinde's father, and Frank Funk as
Leandre, her lover.
Others in the cast will be Minard
Rose as M. Robert, Sganerelle's neigh-
bor, Ruth Le Roux as Jacqueline, Paul
Bauer as Lucas, Jacqueline's husband,
Goddard Light as Valere, Geronte's
servant, Carl Nelson as Thibaut and
Vaudie Vandenberg as Perrin.
The leading role of the host, Sam
Smith, in "Shall We Join the Ladies,"
will be played by Mr. Marshall, Claire
Gorman will have the role of Lady
Jane Wraye, George Hoffman will be
cast as Sir Joseph Wrathie, and Lil-
lian Holmes as Mrs. Preen.
The other roles will be taken by
Loren Winship as Mr. Vaile, Daniel
Goldman as Mr. Gourlay, Henrietta