THEMICHIGAN DAILY IGAN DAILY of the Summer Session I 1, AI Publi.ed every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. ;Memberof the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER ossotiated t oUeate $ress - 1934 &&gige gg 193- S wsct4s" MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otb.erwise credited in this paper and the local news palshed herein. All rights of republication of special ispatches are reserved. ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage grantee( by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, Offices: St ent Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave., chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 *ANAGING EDITOR ................JOHN C. H ALEY ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR . .ROBERT S. RUWIH ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene, William Reed, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. ASSISTANT EDITORS: Eric W. Hall, Joseph Mttes, Elsie ierce, Charlotte Rueger. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINtESSMANAGER ..............RUSSELL 'PA ASSISTANT BUS. MGR..........BERNARD OS I EL Circulation Manager ....................Clinton B. Conger re Political Implications.. T WOULD BE INTERESTING to know to what extent President Rosevelts tax program was influenced by polit- ical considerations. That the President failed en- tirely to view the effects of his proposals upon the 1936 set-up can hardly be claimed, for he is far too astute a politician not to have visioned the suppbrt of some of the "Share-the-Wealth" con- tingent. But if the proposals were designed primarily for their political effet, the President may be sdmewhat embarrassed by the stimulus for their immiediate enactment which has been given by a body in the Senate which appears to be bring- ing together such diverging forces as those of Senators Borah, Long, and Robinson. On the other hand, if the President had paid no attention to the political consequences he must feel highly gratified at the effects which have been evidenced to date. There is some reason to believe that the pro- posals were not intended forfimmediate enactment, a fact which leads to the possible conclusion that they were designed mainly for consumption during the 1936 campaign. At no time has the President attempted to force the issue of the new taxes while Chairman Doughton has placed them on the "ought" rather than the "must" list of current legislation. It would be something of a backfire to have them immediately enacted if t is true that they were planned for use next year. At the moment however, the President is being given perhaps the strongest support of the current session in the unified backing of the Senate group, a fact which must certainly increase his political as well as personal prestige. It is this fact which leads to the conclusion that no matter what the original considerations of the proposal were, the immediate political effects are wholly favorable to Mr. Roosevelt, and will be in his favor next year, however premature they might be termed by him at this date. Another Popular Erpotation.*.* HE IMPETUOUS enthusiasm with which Americans, but lately en- grossed in selling bonds and rearing skyscrapers, have taken to enjoying, albeit not understanding good music offers another lucrative field for that body of men which is not above capitalizing on public ignorance. Among the more contemporary instances of pub- lic exploitation may be listed this wholesale traffic in singers, this high-pressure salesmanship of- prima donnas destined to last a day but heralded with all the acclaim due only a Calve or a 'Galli- Curci. While music was still a cultural interest reserved. for only the rich, the demand for artists was more limited than now and, at the same time, more critical, since the financially select numbered among their ranks patrons of music who truly understood and appreciated it. Consequently sing- ers trained long and rigorously, perfecting and maturing their technique. Such training pro- duced artists like Martinelli and Schumann-Heink, Nwho are still singing superbly after several decades on the concert stage. The advent of the radio, however, popularizing good music, has produced a demand for singers which threatens to undermine the former merited esteem of that profession. Nowadays, potential prima donnas, after a hasty apprenticeship and possessed possibly of a voice containing only three or four good notes in its range, are foisted by com- mercial interests, intent upon cashing in on this bit of near-talent, upon a public with little musical background and indiscriminately receptive in its consciousness of cultural backwardness. Certainly the public can not turn to its news- paper music critics for enlightenment; these ap- Distinction In Another Field... COL. CHARLES A. LINDBERGH'S recent invention of a device which is capable of reviving vital organs is another dem- onstration of that distinguished gentleman's ver- satility. It will perhaps put an end to the dis- paraging activities of a number of self-styled icono- clasts who have attributed the Colonel's succes to so-called "luck." This is not the first instance in which Col. Lind- bergh has won recognition in scientific fields. In 1931 he perfected an apparatus for the separation of blood corpuscles which represented a distinct achievement. Both this and the new Carrell- Lindbergh pump present the noted flyer as a successful authority in a phase quite unfamiliar to the general public. It would be difficult indeed to pass lightly over this work for the latest device is one which scientists have been striving to de- velop for more than 125 years. To the learned as well as to those of lesser scholarship, Col. Lindbergh rates as a real popular hero. Whereas, his flight in 1927, now considered as "epoch mak- ing," may become little more than an obscu-rity in the annals of documented history, it is not improb- able that he will be remembered as a top-ranking scientist for many a decade. BO' O KS By JOHN SELBY IWHAT SO PROUDLY WE HAILED,' By Emile Gauvreau; (Macaulay). EMILE GAUVREAU'S "What So Proudly We failed" would not be so shocking had We not read William Henry Chamberlain's balanced and impartial history of the Russian revolution two days ago. The Gauvreau book is at the opposite end of the scale: sensational where the one is calm; reportorial in style, where the Chamberlain work is literary. Mr. Gauvreau is editorial chief of the New York Mirror, one of the tabloids. He went to Russia on a conducted tour and stayed something like two months. He went, by his own account, very few places where his party was not taken on a schedule, and these places were not out of the well trodden path. He took with him a mind amply trained in the technique of the less staid newspaper man, a supply of adjectives, and a trusting heart. He therefore came home with a set of impres- sions which has been brought back in different verbiage by a number of gentlemen in the past. He found Russia working, incredulous of certain facets of American "civilization," eager to progress (whatever that may be), wearing cotton stockings and sometimes no shoes, loaded with radio sets, earnestly desirous of receiving from America the goods which Russian machines cannot yet pro- duce.' He went thence to France, where in order to find the temper of France he went to Deauville, Paris and Cannes, describing dowager and gigolo en route. He returned on a luxury ship, and went to his desk. There he began retelling some of the things he found the Russians viewing with horror, even incredulity; the murders the sex crimes, the gangster activities, and so forth. The inference is that Russia is heaven bent, America hell -bent. Yet horrors exist in every land, curiously enough, and there will be those who feel that Mr. Gauvreau's astigmatism was bad when he found none in Russia, and so many in the United States. "A critter's a critter, wherever he be." worth the risks of imitation. In Anierica the failure of the NRA was not a question of a court decision by "nine men." The failure was inherent in the scheme itself, and an Englishman's natural craving for "safeguards" would prevent his sur- lender of freedom without fairly demonstrable as- surance that Mr. Lloyd George's New Deal would not go the way of Mr. Roosevelt's. The act is, of course, that many of the New Deal's pet ideas are being tried in Great Britain now, including milk control, easy money and a vast housing project. But the gigantic spending theory has not been adopted despite the cmbined efforts of Mr. Lloyd George and Mr. Keynes. Nor, in view of the characteristic British regard for the budget and Britain's already high ta~xes, is it likely to become so popular as in this country, where posterity's capacity to pay is more highly regarded. -Baltimore Evening Sun. A Signi ficaint Decision ENDEAVORING to prevent abuses of the injunc- tion in labor disputes, 13 states (including three this year) have enacted laws based on the Norris-La Guardia "yellow-dog" Federal act of 1932. It has been contended by such legislation's opponents that the provisions for jury trials in contempt cases were unconstitutional. Judicial power would be destroyed, and the courts would lose dignity if juries passed on the question of con- tempt, it was asserted. A decision of great import- ance, in clarifying this moot point and in respect to the rights of workers, has recently been handed down by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, which unanimously upheld the law giving alleged violators of injunctions the right to trial by jury. The procedure of Judges granting an injunction, issuing processes against those accused of violating it and then determining their guilt - a chief point of attack by those who advocated the legislation - was effectively characterized by Justice George W. Maxey in his concurring opinion when he said: "No human being is ever benign enough to be in- trusted with absolute power. Unless we have a jury trial in these contempt cases, one individual acts as lawyer, Judge and jury." He went on to state that such procedure brought court processes into disrepute, impaired the security of citizens and gave to one man law-making and law-enforc- ing power similar to that seized by dictators in a similar role of "saviors of the people." Finding ample authority in the state constitution for the act's regulation of the powers of courts, Justice Maxey's opinion passed on to uphold the people's right 'of trial by jury, as asserted in the Federal Constitution, and to quote the United States Supreme Court in ex parte Milligan: "The illustrious men who framed the Constitution were full of wisdom, and knew that a trial by an es- tablished court, assisted by an impartial jury, was the only sure way of protecting the citizen against oppression and wrong." The decision is a landmark, in keeping with American traditions. It clarifies the rules for in- dustrial disputes and it 'assures to both sides the right to justice as meted out by tribunals drawn from the people. It should encourage other states to enact similar laws in this troubled time. -St. Louis Post Dispath. A Washington BYSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON W ASHINGTON, June 24. - An overnight reset- ting of the 1936 political stage came with President Roosevelt's special taxation message to Congress. Its blunt wealth redistribution philos- ophy aimed at breaking up great aggregations of capital whether as individual fortunes or corporate surpluses obviously presents the issue on which Mr. Roosevelt stands ready to fight it out next year at the polls. Beside it, such matters as the NRA upset in the Supreme Court or what may happen there to other "new deal" unprecedented creations like AAA, the social security bill, the labor disputes measure or any other, could sink to minor signifi- cance politically in the coming campaign. Even the question of changing the constitution to es- tablish national authority over national, social or economic problems could become a mere detail. MR. ROOSEVELT proposes an immediate exer- cise of Federal tax powers to accomplish social and economic objectives reaching far beyond those of any "new deal" project heretofore presented. To informed "new deal" insiders, his tax message rep- resents the "new deal" as he visualized it when he uttered the phrase. The details of tax suggestions may be new. But the conception of an orderly process of disintegration of "over-concentrated" capital as baneful to public welfare, now flatly stated, they hold to have been implicit in the Roose- velt program from the start of his march toward the White House. There are credible intimations that Mr. Roose- velt, left to his own judgment, would have struck out for this same objective in his campaign speeches; that party councillors won him from that only by great and concerted effort. Whether that is the fact or not, the President in the eyes of most Washington press gallery onlookers has met the challenge of recently revived Republican party activity head on, preempting the . issue-making function himself. He has broken new ground and taken the offen- sive, as they see it; and incidentally moved again to weld into support for his program the whole range of so-called leftism, from Republican mod- erate liberals to Democratic extremists like Huey Long, and including the Townsend-planners, Sin- clairities, Northwestern farmer-laborites, Wiscon- sin progressives and all the rest. To substantiate that view they cite Long's prompt and chuckling "Amen" when the message was read in the Senate. ERTAINLY this seems true: rr a ianihlt "n lraQQ rr -tr" mat^ fin gani nes will tion on \ is N org SWe Uni ~mee 7:3 the diat p.m fere S firs in t Mi T is C and Fre 1ont and T app the fan A ILa We 3 the ber S che den anc s not 1 par strI St Un exc e ris cre a ran s e A Y ev wo] Iad n 1 0 r s IS .s 4 j i DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN tl ais the Dullettu 1o oonstructive notice to all member atip fty oyreceived at the office of the Asistant to the Pr e somw u 1 am. Saturday. "KNEEL TO THE RISING SUN," By Erskine Caldwell; (Viking). IT MAY RELIEVE the late spring drought to have Erskine Caldwell's "Kneel to the Rising Sun" on the stands. It is not that this collection of short pieces is Mr. Caldwell at his best, but that Mr. Caldwell something less than his best is still more important that most late spring fiction. There are those who discern in this youngish Southerner some kind of a world corrective. And many treat him with the respect that a man in rocky country might treat rattlesnake antitoxin (or whatever the stuff is). They realize he has his uses, but they don't want to take him bnless necessary. Excepting, of course, "Tobacco Road," which play has shocked people into buying tickets for quite some time. As usual, Mr. Caldwell uses the "Story magazine formula." His stories have almost no plot at all, and sometimes they do not even bother to draw a single character full length. They are shreds of narrative, grated off the flank of life. "Candy- man Beechum" is, for example, merely the account of a very tall negro walking through a town to see his girl, who lives a couple of miles on the other side. The negro stops at a catfish house to buy a bowl of fried cat for his supper. The night police- man first offers to lock Candy-man up until Mon- day for safe-keeping. When Candy-man backs away, the policeman draws his gun, and pulls the trigger. Candy-man falls, there is some more by- play and the piece ends. s-As Others Sep e Coolness NEW DEALS are not what they used to be, or Mr. Stanley Baldwin might have been more worried about the New Deal, complete with brain trust, which Mr. Lloyd George proposed for England. Instead of indicating agitation or alarm, Mr. Bald- win discusses the Lloyd George New Deal as in- ferior to the plans which the government already has. * , -..e.... . ~ . ~ fn n n nr n t~a a n _