AY, JULY 25, 1935 THE:MICHIGANDAILY '' PAGE !EE Summer Sports Program Now Half-Completed Guardsmen.Hurl Tear Gas In Terre Haute Strike First Handball Te Organized; Ells Leads Swimmers eam Is wort With more interest being displayed than at any time in recent years, Intramural athletic activities have been more than half-completed, ac- cording-to Randolph Webster, direct- or of summer Intramural activities. Greatest interest has been shown in the softball league, according to Mr. Webster, in which the Giants are leading five other teams with five wins and no losses. The Giants arc captained by E. Espelie. Other cap- tains include Cubs, V. W. Hicks; Braves, Kent Bowsher; Pirates, All Norlin; Tigers, F. X. Lake; Athletics, Aid Kushner. First Hardball Team For the first time, according to Mr. Webster ,a hardball team has been organized among Summer Session students. The team has met a local independent team, the Blazing Ar- rows and played to a 5-5 tie, and has defeated Lewis and Frisinger. members of the city industrial league. 7 to 5. In the swimming competition, one of the most popular competitions lass year, Bob Ellsworth is leading all competitors through the 50-yard backstroke event with 490 points, H B. Kellogg trailing with 410. The swimming and diving events are list- ed on the competition for the all- around championship. L. S. Norman is the lone semi-final- ist already determined in the all- campus golf tournament. Quarter- finalists include Carlton Nelson in the upper bracket and Warren Guthrie, Ed Galloway, Arthur Emerson and James O'Brien in the lower bracket. Tennis In Semi-Finals In the tennis doubles Emil Schnap and Charles Tompkins have reached the semi-finals in the upper bracket and will meet Raymond Shoberg and, A. Sorenson for the title. In the singles, quarter-finalists include C. N. Rendail, B. E. Paletz, L. Springer and G. Wheeler. Miller Sherwood, Varsity player and. semi-finalists ir the city tennis meet, was eliminated by default. With the first round not yet com- pleted in the horseshoe singles, the teams of Espejei and Smith, Freeal and Black, Robinson and Lockhart, and Benson and Aroher have reached the semi-finals in the doubles compe- tition. In the handball tournament J. Cohen and Menachem Massell have reached the semi-finals while Joseph Ratwer and John Speicher are fa- vored to go to the semi-finals round. Charles Tompkins and Julian Stef- fenhagen will meet for the champion- ship in the codeball competition. h inese Flood Toll Continues To Increase 34 To Receive Diplomas From Michigan State Informal Exercises Are: Planned For Masters,' Bachelors' Candidates LANSING, July 24. - () - With- out fuss or fanfare, Michigan State college will graduate 29 candidates for bachelor's degrees and five mas- ters' degrees at the close of the Summer Session this week. There will be no formal commence- ment program. The graduates will, however, be guests at a dinner Thurs- day night and will hear an address by Dr. Robert S. Shaw, president of the college. Candidates qualifying for bachelors degrees and the courses completed are: Liberal arts-Grace LeslienAnder- son, Grand Rapids; Kathleen Clark Arver, Rockford; William Casimir Kulsea, Jackson; James Henry Quel- lo, Laurium, and Mildred Irene Rose, Flint. Public school music-Lorraine Nel- son Gaylord. Home economics-Helen Bardwell, Cass City; Lottie Benton, Copemish; Jennie M.sCheney, Imlay City; Helen Meta Ellis, Mt. Clemens; Enid May Moore, Union City; Fay Eleanor Scudder, Ovid; Marjorie Smitton, Grand Rapids; Ruth Katherine Tay- lor, Buffalo, N. Y.; and Boneita Ethel Tucker, Clarksville. Agriculture-Isadore Lewis Crosby, Wakefield; Ivan Davis, Mio; Milton Kemper Stoker, Detroit; Jesse Josiah Cook, East Lansing; and Walter Aug- ust Thurow, 'Lansing. Applied science-Garnet Murphy, Alpena; Barbara Ellen Oswalt, Vicks- burg, and Irving Esee Silverman, Lansing. Physical education-Clarence Bos, Grand Rapids. Veterinarymedicine - Lawrence Kemp, Hubbardston, and John Charles Schwabland, Blissfield. Medical biology-James Madison Severns, Fennville. Engineering-Elmer Wilford Colby, Shaftsburg, and Roy Nixon, Corning, N. Y. Those who will receive higher de- grees are: Master of arts--Arthur Magill, De- troit, and Louis McKay, Grand Rap- ids. Master of science-William C. Brown, Capac; William Henry Van Petten, Allen, and Virginia DeFresne Lauzon, Lansing. PARK VISITORS INCREASE There were 65,034 visitors to the Great Smoky Mountains National park in June, as compared with 48,- 922 for June, 1934., Spurns Wife Slayer Promise Co-operation Any Attempt To Set Peaceful Relations In Up England Lands U. S. Stand On Italy, Ethiopia -Associated Press Photo. Indiana national guardsmen, several thousand strong, had the situation under control in Terre Haute, scene of a general strike, after several brief skirmishes in which they hurled tear gas. Top picture shows guardsmen equipped with machine guns, ready for action at gates of Columbian Stamping and Enamel com- pany, center of labor trouble. Below are guardsmen with equipment lined up in front of Terre Haute armory. Shantung Governor 5,000,000 People Homeless Says Are Anti-Catholic Move Pushed By Germans Baden State Government Orders Dissolution Of Youth Soiety (By The Associated Press) BERLIN, July 24. - The Bden state government intensified the cam- paign against "political Catholicism" today ,announcing that the youth or- ganization, Deutsche Jugendkraft (German youth-strength), would be dissolved and its property confiscated. For the first time in the succession of events leading to the Nazi fight against Catholic youth organizations, even indoor sports were forbidden. Meanwhile, an independent inves- tigation in Catholic Upper Silesia revealed that the campaign of the Hitler youth for attracting the grow- ing generation to its banner already had borne rich fruit and that the Roman Catholic church there was having difficulty in retaining its grip outside devotional hours upon the Catholic youth. Steel Helmets Left Alone The steel helmets - the German war veterans' organization --thanks to the personal intervention of Franz Seldte, leader of the organization, with Reichsfuehrer Hitler, seems as a national body to have been given a brief breathing spell, possibly until October. Another "bund" of former service men has been dissolved. It is the Reich Federation of Baltic Fighters. This federation, said to have been made up mostly of German nationa- lists, never merged with the accred- ited formations of the Nazi party, whereas the Steel Helmets did merge. It is an'open secret that many of these Nationalist fighters in the un- official so-called free corps do not approve of certain tendencies such as presents of political jobs to Nazi party members, and that they freely vented their criticismhat their meet- ings. Meetig Forbidden As the present policy of the Hitler regime seems to be the wiping out of every formation which might become a center of dissension, the Free Corps Fighters' Organization also fell under the ban. From Erfurt, word reached the capital that despite Seldte's visit to Hitler ,the tbcat adthorities forbade the Erfurt Steel Helmet organization to meet or to wear distintvie garbe or badges. Jews still bore the brunt of the Nazi drive against "reactionaries." The district leader of Solingen, Friedrich Kari Florian, reiterating the position that Nazism protects re- ligion ,asserted in an article: "It is a mere incident that there are Catholic and Protestant Germans, but foremost God wanted us to be Germans. Anyhow, we wish the churches full success and as much demand that they collaborate with us, not against us." Search Made For Two OnLake Erie CLEVELAND, July 24. - () - Coast Guards and Ohio National Where To Go 2 p.m. Majestic Theater, "Black Fury" with Paul Muni, and "Captain Hurricane" with James Barton and Helen Westley. 2 p.m. Michigan Theater, "Strand- ed" with Kay Frances, George Brent, and "College Scandal" with Arlene Judge and Kent Taylor. 2 p.m. Wuerth Theater, "Hold 'Em Yale" with Patricia Ellis, and Jackie Cooper in "Dinky." 7 p.m. Same features at the three theaters. Canoeing every afternoon and eve- ning on the Huron River, Saunder's Canoe Livery. Dancing at the Blue Lantern Ball- room, Island Lake featuring Clare Wilson and his orchestra. Stevedores Strike At Windsor Docks WINDSOR, Ont., July 24. - (R) - Stevedores employed by the Canada Steamship lines and the Canadian Pacific railway on the Windsor docks are on strike, demanding a 50-cents- an-hour wage scale in place of the present 30 cents. All of the approximately 100 work- ers met and organized a union Tues- day night. A second demand of the men is that they be paid more for calls to handle small cargoes during the night. Under present conditions, they. claim they often are called out of bed to do jobs which earn 15 or 20 cents. They are asking for pay from the time they are called until they return to their homes. 1 I II Civil Service Exam Will Be Given Augy.13 Competition Is For Post Of Senior Educationist At $4,600 Yearly Salary An open competitive civcil service examination will be held for the post of Senior Educationist in State School Administration, it has - been an- nounced by the United States Civil Service Commission. Applications for the position must be on file with the commission not later than Aug. 13. The educationist post is with the Office of Education in the Depart- ment of Interior. The entrance salary is $4,600 a year, less a deduction of three and a half per cent toward a retirment annuity. Applicants must have been grad- uated with a bachelor's degree from a college or university of recognized standing upon the completion of at least 118 semester hours and, in ad- dition, must have had two years of postgraduate study in state, city and county school administration and re- lated fields. Certain additional ex- perience is also required. Full information may be obtained from the Secretary of the United States Civil Service Board of Exam- iners at the post office or custom- house in any city which has a post office of the first or the second class, or from the United States Civil Ser- vice Commission, Washington, D. C. Associated Press Photo. Although Newell P. Sherman of Worcester, Mass., said in a pur- ported confession he drowned his wife because of his infatuation for 17-year-old Esther Magill (above), she spurned him and said he never had a chance" to win her affec- tions. Lansing Police Are Puzzled In W oman's Death No Clews To Identity Of Killer Of Mrs. Wickham Are Reported LANSING, July 24.-() -Police admitted today that they were with-1 out material cews in their search for a man who left Mrs. Ethelyn Wickham, 38, dead in a lonely ravine after she had been criminally as- saulted. There was no clew to his identity, however, and an autopsy failed even to establish the cause of the woman's death. Coroner Ray Gorsline said bruises on the body, which had led to a theory of murder, apparently had been inflicted a day or so before her death. Officers were awating a report from the state chemist as to whether an analysis disclosed poison in the body. The coroner said his examination showed Mrs. Wickham had been as- saulted. He pointed out that Mrs. Wickham's clothing h a d been smoothed as she lay dead and her arms folded across her breast, in- dicating that she died in the presence of her attacker. TYPING SUPPLIES PAPER - RIBBONS - CARBONS RI D ER'S 302 South State Street Watch Repairing! HALLER'S Jewelry State and Liberty I r I (By The Associated Press) Sir Samuel Hoare, Great Britain's foreign secretary, lauded the United States government in an address to the house of commons because of its attitude on the dispute between Italy and Ethiopia. He promised "His Majesty's gov- ernment will always be ready to co- operate with the United States gov- ernment in seeking to preserve peace." Authoritative British sources said Great Britain would do its utmost at Geneva to prevent action of non- action by the League of Nations coun- cil which would "legalize" the threat- ened war. The war ministry of Italy pro- claimed today that every young Fas- cist graduating from the Italian youth movement at the age of 18 be- comes a "soldier." "From that day, he assumes obliga- tions of military service which he will satisfy, according to the scope of the organizations of the regime, until he is called to actual service," said war ministry publications, establishing regulations for pre-military age train- ing. The publications of the ministry, mobilizing an army for East Africa service, specified that in this pre- liminary period the youth of Italy would give a certain portion of each week to military training and physi- cal exercise until the regular con- scription age of 21 was reached. Recognition of the youths between 18 and 21 as soldiers, however, gave the nation a heavy reserve of partly trained men on whom it could draw for action against Ethiopia. Approximately 85 per cent of the members of the Columbia University (New York City) graduating class have obtained positions. SHANGHAI, July 24. - ()') - The Hankow Red Cross society announced today it had picked up 30,000 bodies of persons drowned in the present floods along the Han and Yangtze rivers near Hankow alone and re- ports from other points indicated a far greater loss of life. While Central China .turned to the grewsome business of counting its dead, which were piling. up by the tens of thousands along the banks of rivers from which flood waters were receding, the northern provinces con- tinued to battle the floods of the Yellow River. The Yellow River, crashing barrier after barrier to swallow immense new areas of fertile farmlands, has al- ready 'blanketed more than 10,000 square miles of the Shantung coun- tryside. Governor Han Fu Chu of Shan- tung sent an urgent telegram to Nanking reporting nearly 5,000,000 of his people homeless. The neighboring provinces of Hopei, Honan and Shensi are also seriously hit. Chinese press reports say the refugees are clinging to the remnants of dykes under a pitiless mid-summer sun and dying like flies. Efforts are being concentrated to -prevent the spread of the water into northern Kiangsu province, where a farming population of 1,000,000 in the low lying districts surrounding Hinghwa is menaced. The most strenuous labors failed to forestall the collapse of the dykes surrounding Hanyant lake on the Shantung-Kiangsu border, where the waters stood eight feet higher than the neighboring land. When the barriers~ went out, the flood deluged 1 J One Group of SPORT SHOES Formerly priced $5 50 to $7.50 Now $3.95 COLORE D SH I RTS $2.50 Values, Now $2.00, 3 for $5.75 $2.00 Values, Now. $1.60, 3 for$4.75 SPORT SHIRTS $1.00 THE IDEAL SUMMER HOME YOu'VE joined it together from books that you've read and places you have seen; you've taken the best ideas and have adapted them and re-adapted them to your personal dream of what a real and perfect summer home should be like. You've pictured it, you've planned it, you've put a little money aside, perhaps, so that some day you can have it. Many times you have built it, complete and perfect in your Tomorrows! Build it just once more, complete in your Present - TODAY! YOU will find the setting for this perfect summer cottage within easy driving distance of Ann Arbor on beautiful Portage Lake. Situated between the lake and the Huron River, frontage is available on both lake and river. Well-wooded highly restricted, provided with fine sand beaches, yet reason- ably priced, Woodlawn Beach offers you the ideal location for a summer cottage. W~oAmft%"r geft&h A t va ==sm .Ama I 111111I I I