THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. 7 WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1935 Ireland Fears Future Attacks As Riots Go On Religious Strife Spreads Throughout Irish Free State BELFAST, Northern Ireland, July 23. - (A) - Fears of a widespread anti-Protestant attack in the Irish Free State received fresh impetusnto- day as houses in County Meath and elsewhere were plastered with the slo- gan, "Remember Belfast." Religious strife, arising from the Orangemen's celebration July 12 of the anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne, . spread extensively. Anti- Catholic outbreaks occurred in Prot- estant Ulster and anti-Protestant demonstrations in the Catholic Free State to the south. This city, where the conflict orig- inated, became quieter today, al- though a 19-year-old girl, Mary Sun- pingham, was wounded in the leg last night during an exchange of shots. After a special conference of Na- tionalist members of parliament, a delegation departed for London, hop- ing to meet Premier Stanley Baldwin immediately. Dock workers at Limerick, on the Shannon river in the southwestern section of the Free State, called one strike, refusing to unload a cargo from a vessel owned by a Belfast firm. Agitation arose for another strike in Belfast, where shipyard workers returning from vacations were at- tacked. After a brief skirmish, the workers finally reached the shipyards with only one casualty. Clergymen exhorted thousands of workers inside the shipyards to throw their support to the cause of peace, and the workers consented to stay at their posts. Windows were smashed in several sections of Ireland. Among the build- ings destroyed by fire was a Protes- tant church in Kilmallock, County Limerick, Irish Free State. With nine fatalities already regis- tered here, Coroner Thomas Alex- ander held an inquest after which murder indictments were returned naming "persons unknown." Seven States Join In Need Of Relief Help Improved Crop Conditions Cause Demand For More Labor PangbornPlans.Non-Stop Flight Around World -Associated Press Photo. A non-stop flight around the world is contemplated this fall by Clyde Pangborn, globe-circling flier, in his new ultra-modern Uppercu-Burnelli transport plane. The huge ship, shown flying over lower Manhattan in a test, has a fuei capacity of 2,500 gallons, giving it an estimated range of 8,300 miles on two engines. A National Figure, Johnson Is Still A California Booster WASHINGTON, July 23. - (P) - Fiery and independent, Hiram War- ren Johnson has become a national figure, but he is still partial to his native California. He likes to tell about the view from Telegraph hill in San Francisco, his home. Born in Sacramento, September 2, 1866, Johnson was elected governor on the Republican ticket in 1910, re- elected in 1914 and sent to the senate in 1917 by the state he has served ever since. The entire nation learned his name during his campaign against entrance of the United States into the World Court. He was dubbed a "President hater" because he could not see eye to eye with Wilson, Harding, Coolidge and Hoover. However, he supported Roosevelt despite his party 'and in turn was supported for re-election last November by the Democrats. Johnson's age and iron-gray hair belie his vigor in debate on the sen- ate floor. He speaks seldom, but is always listened to. Sitting idly on the Republican side of the senate, he rests his chin on the heel of his hand with his fingers over his mouth. When speaking, he often makes a hacking motion of the right hand for emphasis. This medium height senator who dresses conservatively is one of those who attend all sessions. He is mar- ried and has a grown son. The "Johnson political machine in California" is often mentioned, but the senator says he has no organiza- tion, just "a lot of friends." He re- ceives about 100 letters daily from constituents. In 1920 Johnson is said to have re- fused the vice presidential nomina- tion of his party. Coolidge took it and became President when Harding died. Scoutmasters' Award Is Given W. W. Bishop, Jr. Announcement was made today at the headquarters of the Washtenaw- Livingston Council of Boy Scouts, that the award of the Scoutmasters' Key had been granted William W. Bishop, Jr., a scoutleader of more than ten years standing, and now a field com- missioner of the council. He is granted the Scoutmasters' Key award on the basis of having served as a Scoutmaster for five years and completing a iseries of scout leader training courses as well as spending a period of two weeks or more in scout camping. A Chemist's Report On Moth-Proofing: Micro-Clean Garments Positively Moth- Proof (Signed) JOHN L. HARDIN, Chemist. HARDIN LABORATORIES, Cincinnati All garments Micro-cleaned are ready to be hung away for future wear -- and are 2 1 Thompson Faces Death Penalty, CHICAGO, July 23. - (A') - Partial discontinuance of work relief was ef- fective in seven midwestern states to- day as the Government sought to bring farm jobs and workers together. Most recent state to join the move- ment to force unemployed to help in the harvest fields was South Dakota, where 19,000 family heads were stricken from relief rolls as farmers complained they could not hire men. A "marked increase" in demand for farm help was reported. by the Fed- eral Department of Agriculture, which announced a survey showed harvest hands were offered a country- wide average of $1.41 a day, with a top of $2.25. Improved crop conditions were cit- ed as cause for the demand. Relief clients contended low wages for harvest work, compared with 40 cents an hour paid on Federal work projects, prompted their disinclina- tion to go to the fields. Nebraska prepared to stop Federal work relief allotments in 26 counties and to reduce them by half in 15 others until assured that farmers had hired the men they needed. Illinois halted work relief in rural areas. Iowa stopped aid for able- bodied workers in nearly 20 counties and advised them to go to the fields. North Dakota stopped work on all but specialized projects. Kansas and Ohio both issued warn- ings that refusal to take farm work would bring denial of relief. Red- wood County, Minn., cut off relief projects. Union To Furnish Ticker Scores Of All Ball Games Ticker service on all baseball games, both American and National Leagues, has been installed in the billiard rooms of the Union. Game scores will now be furnished inning-by-in- ning for the remainder of the Sum- mer Session. The billiard room is open every day, except Sunday, from 1 to 7 p.m. Tables will be available for billiards, pool, snooker, and ping-pong. The swimming pool will also be in use for the remainder of the summer. 'GO TO WORK OF ELSE-' WASHINGTON, July 23.-U(P)- The relief administration today pur- sued its plan to strike from the relief rolls all persons who turn thumbs down on jobs. -Associated Press Photo. Death in the electric chair faced Gerald Thompson, 26-year-old Peoria, Ill., youth, as he went on trial for the slayirig of Mildred Hall- mark. The prosecution sought a jury qualified for the death penalty. Thompson, heavily manacled, is shown as he was led to the courtroom by two officers. Pond To Try Fli l1 ToR ome Next September DETROIT, July 23. -(W) - Com- mander George R. Pond, in Detroit for the All-American aircraft show, announced today he will attempt a States to Rom* next September. Last year Commander Pond was forced down in Ireland on a similar flight. In his projected flight this year, he said he will be accompanied by Ugo d'Annunzio, son of the famous Ital- ian poet-aviator. Commander Pond said he will use a new type of fuel called "X-gas," which is considerably lighter than or- dinary airplane gasoline. He hopes to accomplish the flight in 24 hours. Nearly 40 sportsmen pilots were flying from Cincinnati to Detroit to- day to "take over" the aircraft show at the City airport. The fliers gathered in Cincinnati from several eastern cities for the race. On their arrival here the sportsmen will be greeted by Gov. Frank D. Fitzgerald. Wednesday will see the organiza- tion of the Over Fifty club for pilots who have passed the half century mark in age. The club will be or- ganized at the home of Gar Wood, world famous champion speedboat pi- lot and flying enthusiast. Show officials announced today that Clyde V. Panghorn will arrive here Wednesday with which he hopes to make a non-stop refueling flight around the world. Pangborn's plane has a cruising speed of 200 miles an hour. He plans to start from Los Angeles for the globe circling flight and return to that city with only three refuelings. Treasury Announces U. S. ,T:.11 1 *1"f"W i tm C'n "- Japan Apologizes For Bullets Hiting American School SHANGHAI, July 23. -(P) - If the American mission school of Huping College at Yochow, Hunan province, was struck by bullets from a Japanese gunboat, it was unquestionably an accident, Rear-Admiral Teijiro Sugi- saka of the Japanese Yangtze patrol said today. Admiral Sugisaka said he was in- formed of the incident only today and instructed the Japanese resident naval officer at Hankow to make a full investigation and to express re- grets to the American consul-general if the Japanese navy was found to be at fault. The charge that a gunboat deliber- ately bombarded the school because of Japanese displeasure over anti- Japanese sentiment expressed at a YMCA conference there is "ridicu- lous," Sugisaka asserted. Bullets Possible "Under no circumstances would we consider such an act. Although I have not yet received any details, it is quite possible the school building was struck by stray bullets during anti-aircraft target practice. "It is customary for gunboats to fire at flares and it is conceivable that in doing so projectiles dropped into the school compound. If so, it is extremely regrettable. "As theaincident allegedly occurred July 16 and our consul-general at Hankow was not notified until July 22, it appears improbable that even the missionaries took the matter very seriously." Japs Criticized . American missionaries 'arriving here from Yochow reported that a shower of soft-nosed machine gun bullets fell from a Japanese gunboat last Thursday and the Rev. Edwin Beck of Tiffin. 0.. said the shootina Fish Debates Impeachability Of Legislators Says Democratic Leaders Are Doubly Impeachable If Roosevelt Is WASHINGTON, July 23. - (A') - Rep. Hamilton Fish, Jr. (Rep.), New York, said today that if President Roosevelt is "impeachable," then Democratic leaders in the House of Representatives are doubly so. He accused them of letting the House "vote away its constitutional functions until it had no more legis- lative clothing left than Gandhi." The statement by Fish recalled the recent declaration by Rep. Bartrand H. Snell (Rep.), New York, minority leader, that President Roosevelt's ac- tivities were approaching "'impeach- able grounds." Snell accused the President of being "inconsiderate" of the Constitution." Another development today was a disclosure by authoritative sources that Republican leaders of the House have been arguing with one of their members, seeking to disuade him from submitting formal impeachment charges against the President to the House. The Republican chiefs de- clined to name this member. What Fish Said Fish, mentioned by some of his col- leagues as a possible Republican pres- idential candidate next year, said: "I'm not advocating impeachment for the President, but if he is im- peachable, then the Speaker of the House and the Democratic leaders are doubly to blame, doubly responsible and doubly subject to impeachment. "They have led the House into dele- gating power after power to the Presi- dent. The President demanded that the State Department have the right to form the nation's tariff policies; he demanded ,in the $4,880,000,000 work- relief bill, that he have the right to control the purse strings. "He got both --powers assigned to Congress by the Constitution, and the House leaders were responsible." Just Like Gandhi "It is inconceivale that Reed, Can- non, Clark or Longworth (former speakers) would have let the House vote away its constitutional func- tions until it had no more legislative clothing left than Gandhi. "The impeachment of President Andrew Johnson was started, and failed, because Congress tried to usurp his powers by refusing to let him remove a cabinet member. Now things are at the other extreme, and a supine and cowardly Congress is voting all its legislative powers to the President." Hope Is Held For Mild Tax Measure WASHINGTON, July 23.- (A') - A conservative decision by the House Ways and Means Committee Demo- crats on a portion of the new tax program lent some hope today to those legislators who want to see pas- sage of a comparatively mild measure. The deision was made in regard to inheritance taxes as the commit- tee Democrats began shaping the tax bill Monday in response to President Roosevelt's recent message. One suggestion before thescommit- tee was to class inheritances as part of a man's income and tax them at the same rates that would apply if they were income, but the committee- men rejected this plan. In secret session, they decided that income and inheritances should be taxed separately. The importance of this is that rates are progressive so that an income taxaver must pay no guaranteed Moth-proof as LOST - One pair of false teeth on campus some time between 3 A.M. and 5 A.M. Please return to Thomas H. Kleene. Dial 4925. No reward! long as they are clean! GREEN E'S CLANERS 6&lDYERS QY1ICROCLE*AN ~ UNDER THE MICROSCP, Phone 2-3231 516 East Liberty - 440 South State 1119 South University - Mack & Co. Basement Within 24 hours after Mr. Kleene had the misfortune of so great a loss, the above ad found the possessor of the set of false teeth who, in turn, returned this valuable article to Mr. Kleene promptly. Your ad, too, whether you want to rent, sell, exchange or find a lost article, will get quicker results every time in...