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July 24, 1935 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1935-07-24

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Y 24, 1935


Group Is Given
New Nazi Blow
tligious School Training
In Secondary Education
Made Obligatory
2 Priests Sentenced
Lihks 'Between Religion,
School And State To Be
Copyrght, 1935, by the Associated Press)
BERLIN, July 23. - Gen. Hermann
Wilhelm Goering, minister of aviation
and premier of Prussia, today dis-
solved the Reichsbund (National As-
sociation of the Catholic War Vet-
erans) on the ground that the unity of
the German people was disturbed by
the existence of separate veterans'
The action against the Catholic
veterans followed another decree
which provided that students in high-
er schools need not attend religious
Various interpretations were placed
on the school decree - that it might
be another attempt to break the hold
of parochial schools, that it might be
an effort to curb religious resentment
among youths, or that it might be a
concession to neo-paganists, paving
the way for more general teaching
of the "Germanic" religion. -
Loosens Links
The decree, at any rate, was con-
sidered to loosen further the tradi-
tional German links between thetstate
and schools and religion.
Its importance, however, was
deemed to have been made somewhat
negative by the developments of the
last two years. During that time
a slackening has become noticeable
in school functions exercises and dis-
cipline in religious affairs, with the
emphasis having been placed on Nazi
This decree followed another, is-
sued by Wilhelm Frick, minister of
the interior, ordering Catholic and
Lutheran confessional youth organi-
zations to cease all mass appearances
in public and to discard their uni-
forms and emblems.
The well-drilled Nazi press, mean-
while, fanned the flames of anti-
Semitism with new allegations of;
Jewish "racial irregularities."
Proctor Martin Utsche and the Rev.
Fr. Rudolf Wilmsen were convicted
Monday of violating the law prohibit-
ing removal of gold or foreign ex-
change from Germany.
Two Priests Sentenced
Proctor Utsche was sentenced to
four years' imprisonment and loss of
citizenship for five years, and was
fined 75,000 marks. Fr. Wilmsen
was sentenced to three years' im-
prisonment and five years loss of
citizenship, and fined 20,000 marks.
Authorities conviscated $33,000 worth
of bonds and 8,500 marks.
Their trials were part of a series
involving nuns and monks accused of
smuggling out foreign exchange.
Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler's. new,
director of religious affairs, Hans
Kerrl, was away from Berlin on a,
three-week leave. He announced he
was absenting himself "to prepare for
mastering the task" to which he was
recently appointed.
Danzig Protests
Against Polish
ustosns Levl es

s -(P) - The Danzig government to-
day made an official protest to Poland
against the latter nation's collecting
customs duties with its own officials
on goods routed through Danzig.
The protest asserted that Danzig
was unable to carry out the Polish
Finance Ministry's decree, asserting
it contravened the legal arrangement
between Danzig and Poland.-
Dr. Arthur Karl Greiser, president
of the Danzig Senate, said in the(
"The decree represents an inroad of
extraordinary import into the legal
arrangement existing between the
Free City of Danzig and the RepublicI
of Poland.
"I have therefore ordered the Cus-
toms Department of the free city of
Danzig not to carry out this order. I
expect the immediate withdrawal of
this order.
"In addition, the Senate of the freec
city of Danzig reserves to itself thet
right to take all measures deemedf
necessary for the protection of Dan-
zig's interests. It especially reservesr
the right of demanding reparations
for all damage arising to Danzig from1
the order."
WARSAW, July 23. - (P) - The
Ministry of the Treasury decreedt
Sunday that customs duties on goods
destined to Poland through the free1
city of Danzig were not to be paid in
Danzig. Instead, the Polish govern-f

Bloody Battle waged By Strikers -1

This remarable Associated Press picture was taken at the height o
waged between strikers and non-strikers outside the plant of the Morrelll
and shows men with raised clubs striking at one another. Heads werel
factions, estimated to total nearly 400, clashed near the plant gates when V
to storm they picket lines to reach their jobs.

Senate Lobby
Spurs Inquiry
In Utility Bill
Denies Strife With House
Investigators; Black Calls
New Witnesses
WASHINGTON, July 23.--() -
The Senate lobby committee, scorn-
ing talk of strife with House investi-
gators, sought further testimony to-
day on the campaign of the utliity
bill's foes.
The committee, headed by Senator
Hugo Black (Dem.), Alabama, called
to the stand more power and com-
munications company officials to
piece together the story of 127,000
telegrams which were sent to the
Capital condemning the Administra-
tion-backed "death" clause for un-
necessary holding companies.
Black said "there's enough dirt to
keep 20 committtees busy," in dis-
counting reports of rivalry with the
House Rules Committee, which has
been hearing charges and denials
that a Roosevelt aid used intimida-
tion in an effort to sway a vote on
the bill. This House committee also
plans to take up activities against
the bill.
Black's statement recalled a re-
mark by Rep. John O'Connor (Dem),
New York, chairman of the House
committee, that the Senate inquiry
was hastily started while his was "a
deliberative committee."
Three witnesses from York, Pa.,
were called by the Senate committee
today. They are Quay C. Haller, agent
for the Metropolitan Edison, subsi-
diary of the Associated Gas & Elec-
tric Co.; J. E. Coble and Luther A.
Coleman, York managers of Western
Union and Postal Telegraph.
Black and power consumers at
York charged that many unauthori-
zed telegrams were sent to members
of Congress opposing the dissolution
TriangleGi r l
Confesses She
Spurned Slayer
WORCESTER, Mass., July 23. - (,)
- Seventeen-year-old Esther Magill,
designated by authorities as the "un-
conscious reason" for a wife murder
and absolved from blame, said she
told Newell P. Sherman, "in a polite
way," to drown himself.
Sherman, Miss Magill's fellow em-
ploye in a textile machinery factory,
who is held in the death of his wife,
was quoted as answering:
"I won't, but maybe someone else
Sherman's wife, Alice, was drowned
in Lake Singletary at Sutton Satur-
day night. Alfred Cenedella, assistant
district attorney, said Sherman con-
fessed killing her.
"Several times he asked if I would
marry him if his wife was out of the
way," Miss Magill related. "I told
him last May that I would have noth-
ing to do with him, but he kept
asking me to meet him.
"I have been in his company at
times, but his mother or wife always
was around. When I got to know
his wife, she invited me to her home,
and we frequently met at different af-
"He told me he was having trouble

Elected By Lawyers

rn Sioux Falls
-i LYiv op
Publication i
University. Cop
A.H. until 3:30; 1
Excursion No. 8:
Vilage this aftern
$1.00. Busses leave
Angell Hall at 1 0
returns to Ann Ar
of 25 cents will b
village. The con
i this year include se
and will also provi
see the museum.F
be made by 5 o'cl
July 23 in Room 12
Pi Lambda Thet
Meet at University
at 5 o'clock pm t
to make reservatio
School of Educa
dent Golf Match, t
Golf Course Tw
somes will be star
tervals between 3:
All faculty men a
are invited to play
Supervisor In
The National St
-- _- _ - hold its weekly mee
--Associated Press Photo. Michigan Union a
of the bloody hand-to-hand battle 302. Various topic
Packing plant at Sioux Falls., S.D., us interest will be
lacerated and bones broken as the
he non-striking workmen attempted Educational Con
Howard Y. MCl
______________ _____4:10 p.m. today in
versity High Schoc
12 s of Mental Hygiene
Empl yees School."
Are Hurt In Band Concert: A
on the Library Ter
Distillery]Blast Band and Summer
sl e yB a will present a vari
mer Session stude
are asked to join
Fire Sweeps 6 Story Steel Michigan songs.
Building; Damage Set copies of the songs
At $2,700,000 Graduation Rec:
Donald, Organist,
PEORIA, Ill., July 23.--(1-Fire Christian, will give
which swept the huge $6,500,000 Hi- cital, Thursday,
ram Walker distillery following a ter- o'clock in Hill Au
rific explosion was brought under the general public
ecntrol today after causing damage tion of small chil
estimated at $2,700,000.
Twelve men were injured in the Michigan Dame
blaze and one workman apparently of Summer Sessio
was killed. He has been missing since action-contractb
the blast in the rackhouse where he o clock, at the L
was working.
Six million gallons of whiskey were
set afire, sending greenish-yellow
flames high into the sky. The flaming
whisky enveloped the plant in eerie
light under which the firemen worked.
The force of the explosion was felt
throughout the city.
Rackhouse Destroyed
Rackhouse number 3, where the
blast ocurred, was destroyed. The
six-story steel building fell to pieces
under the intense heat. Although the
fire was under control, firemen said it
would be some time before the whis-
key burned itself out.
The rackhouse was the only build-
ing entirely destroyed, but other
structures in the plant were seriously
Frank Dornberger, an employe, or
was blown 20 feet from the doorway
of the rackhouse into an excavation
20 feet from the blazing building.
Originating at the rackhouse No. 3,
where newly made liquor was stored
for aging, the flames destroyed the
building - 11 stories high and 150
by 180 feet in size -then it spread
to the cooperage shop and threatened
another rackhouse. The first ex-
plosion, which witnesses said was fol-

lowed by lesser ones, occurred at
about 10:15 p.m. (Central Standard
Time) last night and flames threw a
luridklight across the sky until day-
Dozen Injured
Virtually every piece of fire fight-
ing appartus in Peoria, Bartonsville
and Peoria Heights was called to the
blaze. Special switching crews were
hurriedly sent out by railroad of-
ficials to move freight cars loaded
with liquor from the danger area.
Firemen were handicapped in their
fight against the leaping, alcohol-fed
flames by low water pressure, but
eventually brought the blaze under
control after hope for the entire
plant had almost died.
A dozen persons were treated for
injuries, caused principally by falling
debris. The majority of those hurt
were firemen and policemen, though
a few spectators were singed by the
Where To Go
2 p.m. Majestic Theater, "Black
Fury" with Paul Muni and, "Captain
Hurricane" with James Barton and
Helen Westley.
2 p.m. Michigan Theater, "Becky
Sharp" with Miriam Hopkins.
2 p.m. Wuerth Theater, "Hold 'Em
Yale" with Patricia Ellis, and Jackie
Cooper in "Dinky."
7 p.m. Same features at the three

No. 27
JULY 24, 1935
Ford's Greenfield
oon, - Round trip
e from in front of
'clock p.m. Party
bor by 5 p.m. Fee
e charged at the
ducted tour will
veral new features
de opportunity to
Reservations must
ock p.m. Tuesday,
213 Angell Hall.
L. J. Rouse
td Picnic at Delhi
Elementary School
today Call 22143
,tion Faculty-Stu-
oday at University
osomes and four-
ted at regular in-
00 and 4:00 p.m.
nd men students
R. W. Webster,
tramural Sports.
udent League will
ting tonight in the
t 8 p.m. in Room
s of current camp-
ference: Professor
sky will lecture at
7 Room 1022, Uni-
il on "Applications
in the Secondary
t 7:30 this evening
'race the University
Session Glee Club
ed program. Sum-
nts and the public
in the singing of
s will be available.
ital: Thane Mc-
student of Palmer
a Graduation Re-
July 25, at 4:15

noon. Prizes will be awarded. Play-
ers are requested to bring ten cents
and to be promptly on time.
Summer Session wives and their
children are invited to the Island,
Friday afternoon, July 26. Each per-
son should bring sandwiches for her-
self. Michigan Dames will furnish


Summer Session French Club: The
next meeting of the Club will take
place tomorrow, Thursday, July 25,
at 8:00 p.m., in the "Second Floor
Terrace Room," Michigan Union.
Mr. Norman Lee, grad., who has
lived 23 years in Paris, will speak on
"La vie parisienne."
There will also be a "mystery"
game, songs, dancing and refresh-
Graduation Recital: Luther Leav-
engood, Violinist, from Baldwin,
Kansas, student of Professor Wassily
Besekirsky, will give a Graduation
Recital, Thursday evening, July 25, in
the School of Music Auditorium, at
8:30 o'clock, to which the general
public, with the exception of small
children, is invited: Mary Fishburne,
will be the accompanist.
Summer Session Glee Club: Meets
Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in Morris
Hall. All men -who are interested are
invited to attend.

Thursday, July 2
TAngell Hall. Th
Professor C. C. Cr
mental problem
tics," and Dr. J. D
and construction
Everyone interest
Michigan Reper
ial Matinees to'
Mr. Parker," Fri
July 26 and 27 at:
Excursion Tol
leave at east en
Science BuildingE

the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213
.30 a.m. Saturday.

David .Mattern.
Club: Meeting
25, at 4:15 in 3017
1e speakers will be
aig on "The funda-
of classical statis-
). Elder on "The use
of factor .stencils."
ted is cordially in-
rtory Players: Spec-
"The Princess and
day and Saturday,
2:30 p.m.
Put-In-Bay. Busses
ntrance to Natural
at 7:15-a.m., Friday,

The. Committee, in charge of the
rooms for the American Psychological
Association Convention, Sept. 3-,
wishes to obtain a list of single and
double rooms available at that time'
The houses must be within a five
minuteuwalking distance from the
League. The committe ewould also
like to learn of a place where small
children might be cared for during
this period.
Will those persons interested please
call 4121, ext. 793 from 1-4 p.m.
Miss M. Sabom.
A "devil scorpion" with a three-
membered tail that forms a trident
is the latest freak to be added to
the Charleston, S. C., museum.
-- Engraving
0. D. Morrilt
Prompt Service, Moderate Prices
314 S. State St.
Typewriters ... Stationery
Student and Office Supplies


July 26. Tickets may be secured in
the. office of the Summer Session.
Round trip bus rate, $1.25; round trip
steamer rate 75 cents.
Women Students: The department
of Physical Education for Women
will sponsor a swim in the Intramural
pool on Friday. A supper will follow
at the Women's Athletic Building.
Women students interested are asked
to sign up in Room 15 Barbour Gym-
nasium by Friday noon.
Reading Requirement in German
for Ph.D. Candidates: Candidates in
all fields except those of the natural
sciences and mathematics must ob-
tain the official certification of an-
adequate reading knowledge of Ger-
man by submitting to a written ex-
amination given by the German De-
For the Summer Session this ex-
amination wil lhe given on Thursday,
August 1, at 2 p.m. in Room 203 Uni-
versity Hall.
Students who intend to take the
examination are requested to register
their names at least one week before
the date of the examination at the
office of the German Department, 204
University Hall, where detailed in-
formation with regard to examination
requirements will be given.
A. 0. Lee.

ditorium, to which
c, with the excep-
dren is invited. JEWELRY and
s invite the wives
n students to ant H A L L ER'S Jewelry
bridge party, two I1State at Liberty
League, this after-

--Associated Press Photo.
William L. Ransom (above) of
New York, was elected president of
the American Bar Association at
the annual convention in Los An-
Cancer Is Seen As
Universal Threat
To AllHumanity
This is the eighth of the series of
shortsarticles, sponsored by the Mich-
igan State Medical Society, in which
the essential facts about cancer are
made clear.
In the preceding article it was stat-
ed that cancer is a universal disease,
attacking the entire animal kingdom.
Even among plants destructive new
growths, behaving like cancers, are
seen. There is no race of mankind
which is immune 'to this disease. It
has been claimed that cancer is a
disease of civilization, but more com-
plete knowledge of the ills of primi-
tive peoples shows that they, too, suf-
fer from cancer. Their apparent
freedom from cancer is due in part to
the smaller proportion of the popu-
lation which reaches the age when
cancer is frequent.
Neither is cancer a new public
health problem, although it is only
now receiving the attention which it
deserves. The oldest medical writ-
ings, ancient Egyptian papyri, de-
scribe cancer, and Greek surgeons
were operating upon it 2,500 years
ago. The fossil bones of extinct ani-
mals, and ancient mummified human
remains both show positive evidences
of cancer.
There is practically no part of the
human body in which cancer may not
occur. However, most cancers arise
in relatively few situations. Knowl-
edge of these, and of the early 'signs
of cancer in each of them, is of great
importance in securing diagnosis and
treatment while cure is still possible.
In women ,the breast and uterus
are the most common sites of origin
of cancer. It is the frequent involve-
ment of these organs which makes
the cancer rate much higher in wom-
en. On the other hand, cancers of
the lips, mouth and esophagus are
many times more common in men.
Cancer of the stomach is common
in both sexes, although more frequent
in men, while cancer of the large in-
testine occurs about equally in both
In addition to these situations,
cancers are not infrequent on the
general skin surface, particularly the
face and hands; also in bones, the
lungs, larynx, the bladder, and in the

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