Generally fair today except
possibly thunderstorms in ex-
treme south; tomorrow cloudy.
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
The President
Steps Out . .
A rove
Senate Passes Amendment
Bolstering Farm Policy
Of Administration
Senate Approval Of
Employes Is Asked.
New Bill Gives Power To
Equalize Commodity
And Farm Prices
WASHINGTON, July 23. - P) -
Ending a half-month of argument;
the Senate today passed the AAA"
Amendment Bill, much cut and
patched but broadening the admin-
istration program for increasing farm
As a last-minute gesture, the Sen-
ate accepted a sweeping amendment
requiring Senate approval of higher
salaried employees -under this or any
other act of Congress."
The vote for final passage of the
bill was 64 to 15. It came after the
Senate had waded through a tangle
of last minute amendments, throwing
many aside but adopting some.
The bill had two main purposes -
to arm the secretary of agriculture
with new weapons to push farm prices
up to a parity with prices of other
commodities, either by the processing
tax method or through marketing and
crop control agreements; and, sec-
ondly, to prepare for the time when
the Supreme Court will pass on the
validity of the AAA program.
Validates Process Taxes
In anticipation of that date, and
in an effort to prevent an upset, the
Amendment Bill validated all process-
ing taxes heretofore imposed and rat-
ified them at their present levels.
The section validating the rates of
te ,proeessinlg t:,s eXr etoofre ap-
plied by the secretary of agricultureo
wa alimed at meeting arguments that
they had been fixed under an uncon-
stitutional delegation of authority.
As a second bulwark, the bill legal-
ized all benefit contracts under which
farmers have been paid about $700,-
Third, the bill outlawed all suits
against the government for recovery
of processing taxes paid in the past
unless the processor proves he has
not shouldered them off upon the
consumer or producer.
The measure, already passed by the
House, must go back to that branch
for consideration of Senate changes.
A Senate-House conference probably
will be necessary.
Amendment By Gore
The amendment requiring Senate
approval of certain employees under
the act and others, was introduced by
senator Thomas F. Gore, (Dem.,
Okla.). It went in without a record
vote and with scarcely a voice raised
against it. Under its terms Senate
approval would be required of any
Federal employee outside the Civil
Service drawing $7,500 or more a year
by "act of Congress,' or any other
employee drawing more than $6,000
a year who has "supervision at the
seat of government over the program,
work or expenditures provided for
under this or any other act of Con-
gress," and "any state or regional ad-
ministrator" with a $3,600 salary.
Professor Is
Fascinating, Imoorant Art,
Thieme Calls Book Collecting
The fascinating art of book collect-
ing, with its increased importance in
the cultural life of a nation, was the
subject discussed yesterday by Prof.
Hugo P. Thieme, chairman of the
romance language department.
Professor Thieme spoke in Natural
Science Auditorium in the regular
Summer Session lecture series. His
subject was "Book Collecting and
Book Collections." ,
America, according to the speaker,
is now the proud possessor of the
greater number of collectors' items.
Book collecting has been going on in
this country for more than 100 years,
he said, but it is only since about 1880
that the great majority of "treasures"
on the market have come here. And,
he added, "they are here to stay."
Professor Thieme was lavish in
praise for American collectors and he
opined that "America has done more
than any country in the world to
foster and de-commercialize book-col
The majority of the great American
private libraries, declared Professor;
Thieme, have been built through pur-
chase of famed English libraries. Hel
pointed out that up to 1880, England
had been successful in preserving her
splendid collections which had been
assembled during the two previous
centuries. But depression years forced
the disintegration of these, he stated,
until now almost all have been sold.
American collectors who have
achieved the most belong, according
to the speaker, to that group of ex-
tremely wealthy men who started col-
lecting as amateurs and through ex-
perience turned to generally special-
ized fields. Chief among the'se he
mentioned Henry T. Huntington, J.
P. Mdrgan, William L. Clements,
George Thomas, Henry Folger, and
W. A. White.
In addition to these men and others
of lesser importance, Professor
Thieme discussed two further types
of collectors. These are (1) the scho-
lar whose tastes run along very clear-
ly defined lines and (2) the true am-
ateur who collects indiscriminately
first editions, autograph copies, as-
sociation editions, and various other
Book collecting in late years has
become increasingly difficult, Profes-
sor Thieme said, because of the tre-
mendous growth of libraries which
have succeeded in obtaining great
numbers of collectors' items.
Haile Selassie
Is Snubbed By
Emperor's Birthday Party
Goes On Despite Absence
Of Minister, However
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, July 23.
- (RP) -A "snub" by the Italian min-
ister failed to disturb Ethiopia's cele-
bration 'of Emperor Haile Selassie's
forty-fourth anniversary today, which
temporarily interrupted this Nation's
preparations for possible war.
The Italian envoy, Luigi Orazio
Conte Vince-Gigliucci, refused to at-
tend the diplomatic reception and an
evening banquet assertedly because
of the tenor of the Emperor's recent
fighting speech before Parliament.
Some quarters said that they feared
an open diplomatic breach was likely.
A Government spokesman at Rome
professed to have no knowledge of the
rebuff to the Emperor on the part of
the diplomat. The spokesmansaid
that he understood the celebration
was to be held tomorrow.
The Emperor's birthday was cele-
brated with royal splendor at the pal-
ace and with popular enthusiasm on
the streets of Addis Ababa. While
soldiers continued drilling, speakers
addressing mass meetings praised the
ruler and exhorted listeners to love
and respect foreign friends of Ethi-
A pro-American demonstration was
one feature of the afternoon, multi-
tudes gathered outside the Emperor's
palace chereing loudly when the
United States charge d'affaires, Wil-
lism Perry George, arrived.
Small American flags began flut-
tering and the great crowd shouted.
"Long Live America!" It was the first
such popular demonstration to greet
any foreigner in Addis Ababa recent-
An air of cordiality marked the
diplomatic reception, at which Dr.
Francis Jenssens, dean of the corps,
offered the Emperor good wishes,
Haile Selassie replied from his throne,
about which were gathered Abuna
Kyrilols, head of the Ethiopian
Church, and the Emperor's ministers
and chiefs, headed by Minister of
War Ras Moulougueta. All wore gor-
geous ceremonial costumes.
Other events of the celebration
were the reception of notable for-
eigners at 11 a.m., that of Ethiopian
chiefs and dignitaries at noon; an im-
perial banquet for Ethiopian chief-
tains at 8 p.m., at which raw meat
was the piece, de resistance and an-
other banquet later for the diplomats.
Giants Hold Lead
In Softball League
The Giants held their lead in the
Intramural softball league and kept
their record clean as they downed the
Pirates, 3-2, in a close game which was
tied through the fifth inning. Voor-
hies pitched for the winners and Bek-
kin for the losers.
Major League Standings
New York........
Cleveland ........
St. Louis ..........
... 27
Yesterday's Results
New York 7-1 Detroit 5-3.
Philadelphia 2, Chicago 0.
St. Louis 7, Boston 2.
Cleveland-Washington, rain.
Games Today
Detroit at New York.
Chicago at Philadelphia.
Cleveland at Washington (2).
St. Louis at Boston.
New York ...........54 30
St. Louis ............54 31
Chicago ............53 35
Pittsburgh ..........47 41
Brooklyn ............39 46
Cincinnati ...........39 49
Philadelphia .........36 48
Boston..............23 65
City Forums
Described By
Dr. Schorling
Public Enlightenment Is
Made Possible Through
This Plan
Success Depends
Upon Organization
Public Interest To Be Kept
By Considering Local
Fair presentation of all sides of
topics of vital public interest and pro-
vision for free and tolerant discus-
sion are two admirable features of the
community center forum - a late de-
velopment in the field of adult edu-
cation - according to Prof. Raleigh
J. Schorling of the School of Edu-
cation, who addressed the afternoon
educational conference yesterday in
University High School.
The most distinctive and influen-
tial community forums at present,
Professor Schorling stated, are the
Ford Hall Forum of Boston and the
Des Moines Public Forum. More than
13,000 different persons attended the
various meetings of the Des Moines
center in the first year, the speaker
The Des Moines plan, Professor
Schorling pointed out, called for
neighborhood forums meeting bi-
weekly in 18 different neighborhood
centers in the city and city-wide
forums at central locations.
"As many as 2,500 persons attended
a single city-wide forum," Dr. Schor-
ling said. "The meetings were ordi-
narily an hour and a half to two
hours in length for the neighborhood
forums and two hours for the city-
wide forum. Ample provision was
made for presentation of the subject
by the leader, and in the city-wide
forum a panel discussion and general
discussion of the subject from the
floor were included.
Topics Show Gontributions- LL
"The contribution such an insti-
tution can make to public enlighten-
ment is suggested by a glance at some
of the tonics discussed last year.
Considerations to be kept in mind
in the planning of a community forum
were suggested by Professor Schorling.
They included the following:
1. The primary aims of the forum
are public enlightenment and the
growth of tolerant understanding in
the community.
Forum To Reach All
2. The forum is in no sense an
action group. Other organizations
may be stimulated to take action as a
result of discussions at forum meet-
ings, but the forum as such should
take no stand, pass no resolutions,
and come to no conclusions.
3. The forum should reach all
groups of the community and make
all feel at home. A special attempt
should be made to attract those of
the lower income brackets.
4. In order to make the maximum
contribution to community thinking,
emphasis may well be placed on local
problems or phases of larger problems
which have local import.
5. The forum should be organized
as a public service without admission
charge of the taking of a collection.
Expenses may be met by support from
the board of education or through
contributions from civic-minded or-
ganizations or individuals.
6. It would seem to be worthwhile
to experiment with various methods of
presentation in order to discover that
most appealing to a particular audi-
7. Provision should be made for a
definite discussion period and the au-
dience should be encouraged to take
an active part.
Chairman Is Important
8. "At least 50 per cent of the per-
manent success of any forum is due
to its chairman." If the discussion
period is to be successful in promot-
ing tolerance and wider understand-
ing the chairman must be tactful,
fair-minded, courteous, and firm in
directing the discussion.
9. The place of meeting should be
central in location.
10. A cooperative relationship
should be established with other
groups having an interest in adult
education. Such groups include: (1)
the public schdol system; (2) local
professional organizations of teach-
ers; (3) parent-teacher associations;
(4) private educational institutions;
(5) the local library; (6) political or-
ganizations; (7) representatives of
Lemon Speaks
On The Bible
In Literature
Numerous References To
Bible Are To Be Found,
He Tells Conference
The. influence of the Bible in litera-
ture, and religion in account with
modern literature were discussed by
Dr. William P. Lemon, pastor of the
First Presbyterian Church of Ann
Arbor, in the final day of the Relig-
ious Conference yesterday. Prof.
Henry A. Sanders of the Latin de-
partment and Prof. George P. Adams,
a visiting professor from the Uni-
versity of California, also spoke.
Emphasizing that Biblical refer-
ences in literature are so munificent,
Dr. Lemon said, "I believe that people
should read the Bible if for no other
reason that to appreciate good litera-
Reporting on the extensive study he
has made of Biblical allusions in lit-
erature, he said that he had found
at least 336 references to the Bible
in "The Ring and the Book" by
Browning, and about 75 from "Sar-
tor Resartus" by Carlyle. Milton's
"Paradise Lost" and "Paradise Re-
gained," he said are based on the
temptation of Christ.
The tale of Lazarus is alluded to in
Browning's "Epistle of Karshisk,"
Dickens' "The Tale of Two Cities"
and Eugen O'Neil's "Lazarus
Laughed," Dr. Lemon said. "Green
Pnastures hinges on the stbryof- l .
sea," he said.
The necessity o selecting literature
with an open mind was brought out
by Dr. Lemon. "Bertrand Russell's
"A Free Man's Worship," is not to
be neglected, for it is one of the
great essays of modern literature -
although I heartily disagree with Mr.
Russell's theories," he said.
In the forenoon, Prof. Sanders dis-
played various archaic forms of Bib-
lical manuscripts, differentiating be-'
tween each form, and explaining the
research for the printing of the or-
iginal Bible that students of religion
Professor Adams continued from
Monday his discourse on "Certain
Persistent Problems in the Philosophy
of Religion."
As a generalsintroduction, he de-
scribed the present European situa-
tion with its cultural differentiation
and specialization and its economic
exploitation. "In consequence," he
said, "religion is in competition with
independent and autonomous aims
and not in direct disagreement with
American Team Wins In
Cup Doubles Net Match
WIMBLEDON, Eng., July 23. - (/P)
- Wilmer Allison of Austin, Tex., and
Johnny Van Ryn of Philadelphia de-
feated Baron Gottfried Von Cramm
and towering Kay Lund of Germany
in five sets, 3-6, 6-3, 5-7, 9-7, 8-6,
today in a Davis cup interzone tennis
doubles match and gave the United
States a 2-1 lead over Germany in
the international series.
His Orders Obeyed
Villarreal, 20
Councils Are
Quit Posts
Armed Peasants Demand
Rsignation Of Officials
In Mexican Government
Yesterday's Results
St. Louis 6-2, New York 1-8. t
Chicago 8-6, Brooklyn 0-4.
Chicago 8-6, Broolyn 0-4.
Boston 7, Cincinnati 6 (12 in-
Pittsburgh-Philadelphia, rain.
Games Today
Noew York at St. Louis.t
Brooklyn at Chicago (2).
Philadelphia at Pittsburgh (2).
Boston at Cincinnati ,night game.-
Whittemore Toj
Talk Of Forests,
Parks In State'
Prof. Harlow Olin Whittemore, a
member of the Landscape Design de-'
partment, will discuss the latest de-
velopments of the State and National
forests and parks in Michigan as well
as hunting grounds and other recrea-
tion areas at one of the regular Sum-
mer Session lectures to be given at
5 p.m. Wednesday, August 1.
In his lecture, Professor Whitte-
more will show lantern slides depict-
ing a number of the present as well
as some proposed state parks. He
will also include a map of the parks
of Michigan.
At present, Professor Whittemore
is vice-president of the Ohio-Mich-
igan Chapter of the American Society
of Landscape design and a member
of the Board of Trustees of the Mich-
igan Horticultural Society.
For the past five years, he has been
making a study of the possibility of a
scenic highway around Lake Superior.
Professor Whittemore has been work-
ing in conjunction with the Ontario
Motor League in planning for the
construction of the Lake Superior
section of the trans-Canada High-
In addition, Professor Whittemore
has prepared the plans for a number
of public parks and institutions{
throughout the state. He has also}
made a study of the utilization of the
Forced To
-Associated Press Photo.
In accordance with the decree of
Franz Guertner (above), German
minister of justice, Catholic priests
refrained from referring -to the
Nazi drive on "Political catholic-
ism" in their sermons.
Split Wins Inj
Doublehea der
Sorrell Wins Second For
Detroit After Rowe Is
Loser In First
NEW YORK, July 23. - (P) - The
Yankees and Tigers clawed each other
all over the Yankee Stadium today in
a doubleheader opening their momen-
tous four-game series for the Amer-
ican lead, but when the battle was
over nothing had been gained and
nothing lost but prestige.
The Yankees won the first match,
7-5, and the Tigers the second, 3-1,;
before a crowd of 62,516. The Yanks
were in first place by 12 percentage
points, half a game, when the strug-
gling started, and they in the same
relative position-when the sun went
down on a steaming hot day.
Three of the great aces both teams
counted on so heavily - Johnny Allen
and Lefty Gomez of the Yankees and
Lynwood (Schoolboy) Rowe of the
Tigers - failed to finish what they
started, although Allen got credit for
winning the first game. The pitch-
ing hero was Victor Sorrell, chunky
veteran righthander, who was almost
waived away from Detroit this spring.
Sorrell held the Yanks to eight
hits in the second game, and was
greatly aided by the daring base run-
ning of Ben Chapman who got him-
self thrown out twice at critical mo-
ments when a touch of conservatism
would have meant important runs
later. The Tigers got to Gomez
in two innings, scoring two in the
fifth on singles by Rogell and Hay-
worth, a sacrifice, and Pete Fox'
double, and won in the sixth on a
walk, passed ball, sacrifice, and a
fielder's choice.
Spread Of Uprising
Feared At Border
Portes Gil Is Reported
Backing Rebels; 2,000
Surround Matamoros
NEW YORK, July 23. - () - A
general uprising of armed Mexican
peasants apparently was under way
in the northern gulf state of Tamau-
lipas tonight.
Suddenly imposed censorship closed
news channels into New York late
in the afternoon shortly after re-
ceipts of four brief messages from
the Mexican capital describing an up-
rising of 20,000 peasants against Gov.
Rafael Villarreal and state and muni-
cipal officials.
Villarreal was forced to resign, the
fragmentary reports said, while 20
municipal councils also had to vacate
their posts. The municipal councils
at Tampico and Nuevo Laredo with-
drew their recognition of Villarreal.
Brownsville Confirms Reports
Reports from Brownsville, Tex.,
just across the border from the Mexi-
can state, that 2,000 peasants had
surrounded the City of Matamoros
and were demanding the resignation
of city officials, lent confirmation to
the Mexico City dispatches.
Significantly, the Brownsville dis-
patches quoted reports that Emilio
Portes Gil, former presiden tof Mexi-
co, was backing the peasant rebellion.
It was recalled that Portes Gil was
one of the closest friends and a. most
loyal'tsupporter of Gen. Plutaco Eias
Calles, the iron man of Mexico poli-
tics, who recently came into sharp
conflict with President Lazaro Car-
denas over the latter's labor poliy.
Calles 'Retired' Before
The quarrel with Cardenas presum-
ably settled, Calles ostensibly 'retired'
to his home state of Sonora far from
the Mexican capital.
Twice before, however, he had "re-
tired," only to emerge again to make
his hand felt in the working of Mexi-
can politics.
A decree issued by the Cardenas
government on July 5 disclosed
plans to create an enormous "army"
of 900,000 farmers and peasants, un-
der the direction of the National
Revolutionary (Government) Party,
to provide the huge peasant class with
insurance against loss of crops and
life and accident insurance.
This action came after many
months of spasmodic outbreaks of re-
bellion in rural Mexico, arising from
agrarian unrest as well as from dis-
content over the Government's anti-
religious policies.
8 Houses May
Be Permitted
To Stay Open
Committee Extends Time
To Correct Financial
Eight fraternities on the campus
will be allowed to remain open for
the 1935-36 school year "if" they
straighten out certain financial obli-
gations by Sept. 1, the Committee on
Financial Standards and Exceptions
decided yesterday.
The committee's decision followed
a two-day session in which cases of
12 fraternities whom they had called
because of faulty financial records
were heard.
Four of the houses called were
Prof. Robert P. Briggs of the ec-
onomics department, chairman of the
committee, said last night that the
eight fraternities were given a period
of extension in which to come within
the bounds of the University's stand-
Strike Breaks'
TERRE HAUTE, Ind., July 23. -
(R) -Prof. John R. Shannon of the
psychology department at Indiana
State Teachers College here was
among the prisoners rounded up to-
day during strict enforcement of
martial law in this strike-ridden city.
Police said they found the profes-
sor haranguing a crowd and ordered
him to move on. The officers quoted
him as replying: "I am a citizen
and a taxpayer. I stand where I
want to."
Professor Shannon was taken to
jail to remain overnight.
TERRE HAUTE, Ind., July 23. -
.)- The general strike which has
Michigan Repertory Players
To Present 'Othello' Tonight
Frederic O. Crandall, assistant di- Virginia Frink, as Bianca, Cassio's
rector of the Michigan Repertory mistress.
Players, will play the leading role ofC
Othello in the Players' production of
"Othello," which will open at 8:30 p.
m. tonight at the Lydia Mendelssohn
theater for a four-day run.
The current endeavor of the play-
ers has been regarded as one of the
most difficult of the important
Shakespearean tragedies. Its char-
aters have universal appeal, and the
plot construction is nearly perfect,
due to the fact there are no sub-plots
Other parts will be played by Min-
ard Rose as the Duke of Venice, Wil-
son Paul and Edward Jurist as the
senators, Donald Horton as the offic-
er, Frederick Shaffmaster as Lodo-
vico, kinsman to Brabantio, and Sid-
ney Tremble as Gratiano, kinsman
to Brabantio. Charles McGaw as
Montano, the governor of Cyprus.
Minor roles will be taken by Pau
Bauer, Bertram Horne, Frank Roll-
inger, Loren Winship, Voras Meeks
Rosalie Adams, Nonny Gardner, Wil-
Cubs ...
...............5 0
...............3 2
ards for fraternity finances because
the committee felt that the houses
were solvent enough to allow them to
continue to operate.