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July 20, 1935 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1935-07-20

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Awaiting Her Last Voyage - Junk Yard Bound

Senator Harrison
Plays Bigger Role
In Capitol Circles
WASHINGTON, July 19. -(UP) -
The gadfly role Senator Pat Harrison
enjoyed so long is his no more. As
the play goes on, he fils a more im-
portant role in the Roosevelt cast.
The tall, slightly stooped Mississip-
pian, who roamed the senate floor in
the long lean years of the Democratic
party as a free lance critic and poker
of sardonic fun at Republicans, sits
now in the inner circle of administra-
tion senators.
Generally, he is classified as third
member of a southern "big three" -
Robinson of Arkansas, Byrns of
South Carolina, Harrison of Missis-
sippi - believed to have the ready
car of the White House.
Chairman of the powerful finance
committee - which helps decide
where the money is coming from -
he now also is a majority wheel-
horse generally.
Harrison is thin faced, long of
nose and his hair is thinning. He is
53. First coming to Washington in
1910 as a house member, he has been
here ever since. No senator knows
more of the traditions of that body.
Harrison is a favorite of the Dem-
ocratic national committee, having
performed high service for it.
Perhaps no deathless Harrison mot
will remain after him. His quips
come so rapidly and spontaneously
few remember the words, although
they recall the effect.
His chief outdoor hobby is golf, but
he remains a devotee of the retort
Mackinac Span
Is Rejected By
P W A Officials
WASHINGTON, July 19. - (')-
The plan to bridge the Straits of
Mackinac has been frowned upon by
the public works administration.
Nevertheless, its proponents in
Washington rose today to a new at-
Charles E. Fowler, bridge designer,
who has been at work in Washington
for several months on his proposal to
link the upper and lower, Michigan
peninsulas, was notified today the
bridge again had been turned down
as a PWA project.
Col. Horatio B. Hackett, assistant
public works administrator, told
Fowler the traffic possibilities did
not warrant expenditure of approxi-
mately $35,000,000, the estimated cost
of such a span.
Fowler contends that it would be
impracticable to build a bridge direct-
ly across the straits because of the
water depth and because of ice condi-
tions. He believes the best. plan is
to span the water by a circuitous
route covering the various islands.
Fowler contended the argument
that traffic would not justify the ex-
penditure was without foundation
and said that if the bridge were built
a $500,000,000 tourist business could
be expected from 22 states.
Fowler said the administration was

Talks At Lobby Quiz

Smallest And Youngest Champ
Wins With Her Toughest Dive
NEW YORK, July 19.- (/P)-The She was the second champion to
men in the press box, probably most repeat last year's victory, as Olive
of the 5,000 gathered under the blaz- McKean, six-foot power sprinter from
ing sun around the big pool, too, held Seattle, opened the title events with
their breaths and muttered: an easy conquest in the 100-meter
"Now if she just won't try anything free style event.
tough . . . " Mary's first big league competition
So the spindly mite on the diving Iwas the 1932 Olympic tryouts at the
board, Mary Hoerger, 11 years old age of eight. In each of the past
now, 12 next month, promptly went two years she has finished third in
into the toughest diving convulsion the nations. Her mother, Mrs. Fred
of them all, a two-and-a-half for- Hoerger, taught her to dive, and had
ward somersault, her swimming 40 feet at the age of

-Associated Press Photo.
The Star of Zealand, four-master bark once a member of the
packers' fleet sailing to Alaska, is shown waiting at Alameda, Calif., to
be loaded with scrap iron for her final voyage to Japan where she will be
junked. A crew of 28 will sail the old ship across the Pacific this
O'Doul Proves They Do Come
Back--ButInThe Coast Lea gue

-Associated Press Photo.
R. P. Herron, bond salesman of
the Associated Gas and Electric
company at Warrun, Pa., is shown
as he testified before the Senate
lobby committee to burning or
otherwise destroying field records
in a $700,000 battle against the util-
ities bill.
Wrath of The Irish
Inflicted On Ritchie
For*His Criticisms
BALTIMORE, July 19. -(P) -The
wrath of the Irish swirled around the'
head of former Gov. Albert C. Ritchie
today after his most recent assault on
the New Deal.
The banquet meeting of the An-
cient Order of Hibernians, in con-
vention here, became an uproar last
night as Ritchie asserted in an ad-
dress the New Deal "has not worked."
The talk was regarded as his notice
Ritchie would be amenable to the
leadership of conservative Democrats.
Rep. Martin L. Sweeney (Dem.),
Ohio, former national president of
the Hibernians; George Riley, Cali-
fornia state president, and George W.
Harkins, also of California, lined up
against Ritchie.
Sweeney said he resented "the ex-
governor of Maryland's cheap politi-
cal tactics in waging an attack on
the administration and taking ad-
vantage of the occasion when several
hundred men and women of Irish
birth and descent were assembled to
listen to what they expected to be an
historical and scholarly address."
One of the minor signs of economic
recovery is the increase of imports
of porcelain and pottery by the United
"going in for a lot of chicken feed"
in public works allotments, and that
the bridge was a more worthy project.
Representatives Carl E. Mapes and
George A. Dondero, both Republicans,
opposed the project at the hearing
before the board of engineering and
review about a month ago, and
blocked the passage of a bill author-
izing the Straits of Mackinac Bridge
authority created by the Michigan
state legislature.

Over and over she whirled while the
big crowd gasped. Then she straight-
ened out, knifed into the water with
scarcely a ripple. The crowd burst
out in a spontaneous roar of delight,
And the three-meter springboard
diving championship wvent to Mary
Hoerger, of Miami Beach, Fla., young-
est and certainly the smallest ath-
lete ever to hold a national cham-
pionship at anything but marble
Mary sent the four-day women's
national swimming championships off
with a spectacular push yesterday,
and Lenore Knight of Homestead, Pa.,
greatest of the nation's distance
swimmers, kept the sensations rolling
under the blazing sky above Manhat-
tan beach's 50-meter pool.
The husky 23-year-old Pennsyl-
vania girl opened her triple title de-
fense by swimming a mile in 24 min-
utes, 20.4 seconds, faster, than any
woman ever swam it before. Miss
Knight held the previous record of
24:34.1, set last year when she won
the mile, 880 and 440-yard national
free style championships.
Favor Is Seen For
Ineome Tax Revisal
WASHINGTON, July 19. - (R) --
Strong favor is developing in the
house ways and means committee for
new income tax rates which would
leave the smaller income taxpayer as
he is but take away nearly three-
quarters of a $10,000,000 income. The
present tax on $10,000,000 is about
63 per cent.
Those questioned about the matter
were careful to emphasize that no de-
cision had been reached by the com-
mittee, which is studying 29 different
schedules. They said, however, that
the one which has aroused special
interest among them is a "middle of
the road" idea and therefore worthy
of particular study.
Committee Democrats have singled
out this schedule for analysis by their
own expert, Lovell H. Parker, chief of
staff of the joint congressional com-
mittee on internal revenue. He pre-
pared statistics comparing the pro-
posed new schedule with existing
taxes as well as those levied in
1918, 1919, 1924 and 1926.

11 months.

Non-resident women, not men,
cause Georgia's department of game
and fish trouble by trying to dodge
the law requiring a state license to
hunt in Georgia.
There are three "Vernons" hurling
in the American League -Gomez, of
the Yanks, Kennedy, of the White
Sox, and Wilshere, of the Athletics.
LAUNDRY. 2T1044. Sox darned
Careful work at low price. 1x
PERSONAL laundry service. We take
individual interest in the laundry
problems of our customers. Girls"
silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar-
anteed. Men's shirts our specialty.
Call for and deliver. Phone 5594.
611 E. Hoover. 3x
STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea-
sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006.
LOST: Engraved gold wedding ring
in the Kalamazoo Room of Wom-
en's League. Please return to Mrs.
W. E. Roth. Apt. 5, 209 S State
(Above Chubb's Restaurant). 35
LOST: Gold Theta Sigma Phi soror-
ity pin between Betsy Barbour and.
Library. Please return to Betsy
Barbour office.
A N T I Q U E JEWELRY, bracelets,
brooches. Earrings, Etc. Reason-
able. 8050. 2020 Devonshire Rd.

SAN FRANCISCO, July 19. - (P) -
Escorted out of the big leagues by
Father Time, Frank "Lefty" O'Doul,
.the man who made the green suit a
landmark in baseball, is carving out a
new career for himself as a minor
league manager.
From the uniform of a New York
Giants player last year, O'Doul
slipped into a managerial toga this
spring and in half a season has won
recognition as a pilot of the San
Francisco Seals of the Pacific Coast
He's established himself as a man-
ager who sees and seizes his chances,
an aggressive leader who works his
players up to a furious fighting pitch
and demands results. His credo is
"make the most runs and you'll win
the game." Off the field he pals with
the men who call him boss.
The rangy southpaw who twice led
the National league in batting has
seen his direct methods materialize
into "action" with a capital "A."
During mid-season his team won
three games in one series by scores
of 24-6, 17-7, and 17-3! The Seals
may not be up on top when the sea-
son ends but their base hit bom-
bardments will remain long in the
memory of the fans.
A Bench-Sitting Iaoss
O'Doul does his "master-minding"
from the bench. "It's a tough job
to manage a club from the outfield,"
he says. "Ty Cobb tried it with De-
troit and Tris Speaker brought
Cleveland to a pennant, but generally
speaking a manager trying to run
things from the outfield is under a
bad handicap."
In his first season as a manager,
the one-time star who favors green
civvies the year around has had a
hand in the development of two
youngsters he thinks will duplicate
his own more than 10 years' service
in the majors.
Like their manager, they're out-
fielders. One, Joe Di Maggio, already
is recognized as one of the finest
prospects ever turned up in the Coast
League. The 20-year-old 190-pound
Dancing each evening
9 to 2
Wines . .. Beers
Cold Luncheons
Chicken & Steak Dinners
Italian Spaghetti a Specialty
mike fingerle
Red Horse Tavern
Whitmore Lake

San Francisco Italian youth will get
his first crack at big league baseball
with the New York Yankees, the club
O'Doul broke in with in 1917 as a
Di Maggio was sold last year with
the proviso that he remain here an-
other season for experience. In 1933,
Di Maggio hit safely in 61 consecu-
tive games to set a new league rec-
ord. A knee injury dimmed his play
last season but this year he has been
'Rivals Hornsby, Heilmann'
"Joe can't miss," says O'Doul.
"He rivals Harry Heilmann and Rog-
ers Hornsby as a right handed bat-
ter. He's a natural player, does
everything right and never lets down.
When the stage fright wears off and
he acquires the polish that comes
with big league play, Di Maggio will
be a riot in the American league."
The two Joes aren't taking back
seats in the matter of hitting. When
the season went over the half-way
mark, Di Maggio was clouting at
the average of .382 and Joe Marty had
a respectable .306.


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Shanghaied by a Silly Salt ?

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