PAGE 7C8 TIrfi mTIfTHfn4N bty SUNDAY, MY 26,193d ?AGE T*O ~UNPAY, JULY 26, I93~ MMKIOMON THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official Publication of the Summer Session Liberalism In Spain Doomed -A iton Sees Little Hope Fo r Moderation On Either Side- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Published every morning except Monday during the ?University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.50, by mail, $2.00. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City. - 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR.............THOMAS E. GROEHN ASSOCIATE EDITOR ..............THOMAS H. KLEENE bditortal Director...............Marshall D. Shulman Dramatic Critic............. ........ .John W. Pritchard Assistant Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Ralph W. Hurd, Joseph S. Mattes, Elsie A. Pierce, Tuure Tenander, Jewel W. Wuerfel. Reporters: Eleanor Barc, Donal Burns, Mary Delnay, M. E. Graban, John Hilpert, Richard E. Lorch, Vincent Moore, Elsie Roxborough, William Sours, Dorothea Staebler, Betty Keenan. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 3BUSINESa MANAGER........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDITS MANAGER ...................JOHN R. PARK Circulation Manager..................J. Cameron Hall SOffice Manager .........................Robert Lodge By ARTHUR S. AITONi (Professor of History) IN VIEW OF THE CONFUSED and conflicting press reports coming out of Spain it is im- possible to form an accurate picture of the pro- gress of events there. The immediate background of the conflict, on the other hand, in terms of contending groups, issues at stake, and the general situation in the days leading up to the outbreak, can be detailed with greater precision. The pro- cess throws considerable light on the nature of the present revolution and its possible outcome. Nevertheless, a brief statement of this character has its dangers of misinterpretation and omission, since the very ncessity for compactness rules out qualifying sentences and the elaboration of detail which would make the meaning clear and un- equivocal. Futhermore, the writer's personal ob- servations on this occasion were limited to the area of Andalusia and hence the views expressed have a certain Andalusian bias, despite wide read- ing of national and regional newspapers. The opinions advanced, with this warning in mind, may have some value and so are offered for what they are worth. The liberal republic established in Spain in 1931 as "a republic of the workers of all classes" has not as yet realized the high hopes of its founders and, after a longer period of existence, seems to be going the way of the earlier republic of 1873. In the case of the earlier government the army intervened to save Spain from the effects of excessive regionalism and a general breakdown of public order and in the end restored the Bour- bon line of kings to a limited monarch under a constitution. The parallel cannot be pushed too far, however. The army in the present instance, is clearly not possessed of anything like the unity of the nineteenth century days, but is fighting on both sides, and its intervention has not been so- licited by the government this time. In addition, it is not fighting to restore the monarchy, even though many officers may have monarchistic sympathies, but rather to preserve its own historic position in the nation and, more especially that of its officer class, largely drawn from the aris- tocracy and upper class families, who resent leftist civilian interference and the recent trend toward the extreme left in Spain. It should also be point- ed out that the old Spain of King and Church has been cut into deeply since 1873, and that half the voters of Spanish in the recent elections voted for candidates of the various parties of the left, who desire to destroy traditional Spain. There is now an articulate, organized opposition, which may in the sequel prove strong enough to defeat the army, destroy the republic, and establish some form of proletarian state of the totalitarian va- riety. The present republic at the outset pursued a course of moderate reform with the enthusiastic support of all save the monarchists and the ex- treme clericals. . Its strength was demonstrated by the ease with which royalist revolts were put down, such as the premature rising under Sanjino at Sevilla in 1931. It failed, however, to attack cer- tain pressing problems with sufficient vigor, such as the division of the great undeveloped landed estates, .and the labor questions of working condi- tions, long hours and low wages both in the towns and in the countryside. A growing unemployment situation aggravated the situation. Another weak- ness lay in its dependence on many former royal- ists in important positions for whom trained sub- stitutes could not be found. To its credit must be placed a great growth in the number of public schools, strong support of institutions of learning, and a general attempt to reduce illiteracy. An ac- tive critic of the regime, Gil Robles, leader of the C.E.D.A. or Catholic action party, made great gains by offering a more liberal program or re- form than even the socialists had formulated at the time, with the added advantage of conserving what was good in the historic heritage. With the votes of the women he swept to surprising victory in the autumn elections of 1933. Instead, however, of putting his promised program of re- form into operation he hesitated, made conces- sions to the right and seemed to be moving to- ward a restoration of the monarchy. Alarmed, the parties of the left rose in revolt, in October 1934, a movement centered chiefly in stormy, separatist Catalonia, and in the mining area of the Basque provinces of the north. This uprising was put down with ruthless severity, and the par- ticipants fled or crowded the jails of Spain. Think- ing the battle was won the rightists then failed to keep their promises and, in particular, did nothing for the oppressed worker or the desperate unemployed. It was a fatal error as the election returns of February, 1936, proved. When the returns were in a striking victory for the left coalition of parties was revealed. Formed into a "popular front," from the moderate left republicans under Manuel Azana over to the minority groups of the communists and syndical- ists, the leftistis united behind one ticket swept the field against the divided vote of the parties of the right. This despite a fifty-one per cent vote for the various rightist parties. Stunned by the unexpected blow, thousands of royalists and other rightists, fearful of reprisals, fled over the fron- tiers with their capital ,to the point where limi- (Continued on Next Column) Strikes At Sega.. .0 O NE SHAMEFUL INSTANCE of mis- treatment of labor by officials of the New Deal has been partially atoned for this week. On March 2 of this year, 374 members of the crew of the Panama-Pacific liner California delayed its sailing from San Pedro by striking for higher wages. Secretary Perkins promised them an investigation into their demands over the telephone, ad the strike was called off. When the ship reached New York, however, the Depart- ment of Justice, at the instance of Secretary of Commerce Roper, threatened to prosecute the crew for mutiny, a felony punishable by ten years imprisonment and a fine of $2,000. Now it has been announced by the Commerce Department that the strike leaders will not be prosecuted; since the walkout was not executed at sea and no element of safety was involved, it has been recognized that the seamen were not guilty of mutiny. Thus the right of seamen to strike under these conditions has been established. This victory was the result of activity on the part of a committee composed of prominent New York lawyers, college professors, writers and bus- iness men, who had investigated working condi- tions among seamen in the American merchant marine. The report of this committee first estab- lished the legal point that there is no basis for charging mutiny to seamen who strike on a vessel moored in a port of safety. Second, according to the New York Times, the report declared that while government officials were quick to bring a charge of mutiny against striking seamen, they have shown little zeal to investigate charges, to check violations of safety statutes or remedy "in- tolerably bad". working conditions. Some other results of the report indicate that: Wages paid to seamen are substantially lower than those paid to other workers. Actual wages paid are in many cases lower than accepted wage scales. . There exist on American merchant ves- sels flagrant violations both of statutory regula- tions and trade union agreements as to working hours, Food schedules were found to be far below the standard required by the Navy, while laws 'relating to living quarters, enacted in 1897, have, except for one minor amendment, not been re- vised. "Even the present inadequate laws have not been enforced," according to, the report. "Fore- castles frequently have but one exit. Complaints are numerous concerning over-crowded quarters, damp walls and bunks and the absence of ventila- tion. Tuberculosis is widespread among seamen. ,"Living quarters prescribed by law were intended for the steamship of another age. The actual quarters in which seamen must live are over- crowded, have no proper ventilation and in gen- eral are highly insanitary. These conditions seri- ously impair the health and efficiency of the per- sonnel in the merchant service." A government investigation of the entire mari- time personnel situation and extensive revision of the laws to protect the right of seamen to organize were recommended by the committee. We have faith that the conditions cited above are true, because of the reputation of members of the committee. Among them were: William McFee, writer and veteran seaman; Bruce Bliven of the New Republic; Amos Pinchot, publicist; George Soule, writer; Dorothy Van Doren, writer; and a number of prominent lawyers and univer- sity professors. The administration can atone for its shameful treatment of these seamen by acting on the recom- mendation to investigate these conditions thor- oughly. If they do not, there is only one way for these seamen to bring these conditions to light FOR RENT FOR RENT: Furnished and unfur- nished apartments. Phone 8507. 18 tations of the export of money had to be rigidl enforced and an ex- change control mechanism put into operation. The socialist party of Largo Caballero was the majority party, but that party and all the other minority groups refused to go into the new government. The left re- publicans at this point made their great mistake by forming a govern- ment which was exclusively drawn from their own party and which as- sumed responsibility, without the au- thority that a parliamentary majority would have created. This permitted the allies, especially the communists and the syndicalists, to sabotage and discredit the government of the re- public, without sharing the responsi- bility for its failure. The program of the new govern- ment of Azana was thoroughgoing and might have succeeded if the al- lies had not pushed their own causes sub-rosa. The new government could not get started. Strikes, rioting, dis- order, and a gradual breakdown of public order, amid the constant in- citement of manifestations,sand the contending efforts of Trotsky and Stalin communistic agitators, harried the land. At the same time red-shirts and blue-shirts drilled, marched and sang, business almost came to a standstill, and the effort to end em- ployment by the enforcing hiring of labor drove many into . bankruptcy. The little owner of a home or busi- ness, who had voted for the popular front, became alarmed. The syndi- calists, with anarchistic ideas, came to blows with the socialists and com- munists, and the government that was the hope of moderation and jus- tice, began to totter, as much by rea- son of its friends as by reason of the hunted and suspected fascist. To make matters worse rains and floods destroyed crops and greatly dimin- ished the demand for agricultural la- bor. An impatient people were grad- ually approaching the point where the desperate expedient of proletar- ian dictatorship might be attempted. At this point the army raised the standard of revolt in North Africa and in the north of the Peninsula. Its cry and that of its rightist friends be- ing "Spain? Yes! Russia? No!" In- ternecine strife then came to an abrupt end as the popular front ral- lied the loyal troops, armed the work- ers and fought back in the confused struggle now progressing behind closed frontiers. If either side wins it looks as though the liberal republic is doomed. One of the groups to the left, with the victorious armed workers, will probably seize power-if they win. If the army is victorious an inevitable reaction to the right should follow. The conflict is more than a civil war, it is a social revolution with the hand of every man against that of his neighbor. It is to be hoped that a victorious army-if victorious, will be moderate in its triumph, but moder- ation on either side in such a war is almost too much to nope for. The friends of Spain and of the Spanish people pray for earlypeace and an amicable solution of the difficulties, with justice to the worker and with the conservation of as much as pos- sible of the admirable qualities of the older Spain. The class hatred stirred to the boiling point by agi- tators is not typical and the underly- ing good sense that is so character- istic of Spain should in the end assert itself to find a Spanish road to the future rather than one borrowed from abroad that, in the end, will not fit the national character and will be violently rejected. It is to be par- ticularly desired that the paths of de- struction will avoid the great archi- tectural and artistic monuments of Spain and that her great national archives and libraries, rich in liter- ature and history, and a world herit- age of culture and civilization will come to no harm. .. ,,, FOR RENT: Single room for women. Second floor. 509 E. Madison. Phone 4546. FOR SALE SCOTTISH TERRIER PUPS: A.K.C.' 6 weeks old, healthy, sturdy, splen- did breeding. One female, 7 months old, all reasonably priced to sell. 1313 5 State. LOST AND FOUND LOST: Bulova Baguette wrist wrist watch with initials U.M.P. on back. Ladies lounge of Women's League Monday night about 8 p.m. Reward if returned to Miss Vivian M. Pol- lock. Reyburn Mfg. 1332 Michigan Bldg. Detroit. Ph. Cad. 6360. 19 WANTED PERMANENT work for part and full time waiter. Phone 4075 between five and twelve p.m. 17 DANCING Class & individual in- struction in all types of dancing. Teachers course. Open daily dur- ing Summer Session. 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Phone 9695 Terrace Garden Studio Wuerth Theatre Bldg. LAUNDRY WANTED: Student Co- ed. Men's shirts 10c. Silks, wools, our specialty. All bundles done sep- arately. No markings. Personal sat- isfaction guaranteed. Call for and deliver. Phone 5594 any time until 7 o'clock. Silver Laundry, 607 E. Hoover. 3x LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 1x TYPEWR ITERS All Makes Office Machines and Portables BOUGHT, SOLD, RENTED, REPAIRED 0. D. Morrill 314 S. State St. Since 1908 Phone 6615 TODAY! 25c TILL 2 P.M. Starting Today EVERYONE SAYS EVERYTHING'S BETTER TO MAKE IT SHIRLEY'S BEST I The story-swell! The songs-hits! The dances-sensational! The cast-incomparable! Shirley herself- > words tailfus' wommi - - Now Playing TEDDY BR.EWER and His ORCHESTRA SUNDAY NIGHT Admission 25c Per Person DANCING FREE- LAUNDRY WILL exchange home within driving distance of the University of Chi- cago for one in Ann Arbor for summer of 1937. Marshall. Phone 3653. 16 IMF" = i Today! 25c Till 2 P.M. Now Playing - IT'S BOB'S LATEST ! MUSI-C -Program Notes- By WILLIAM J. LICHENWANGER FACULTY CONCERT Tuesday evening, July 28, 8:30 p.m. Arthur Hackett, Tenor. Wassily Besekirsky, Viloinist. Hanns Pick, Violoncellist. Joseph Brinkman, Pianist. Trio. Op. 70, No. 1, in D Major ("Geister") Beethoven - Once again the name of Beethoven appears on these programs, and once again the work chosen to represent "the mad German" is an outstanding one of its type. Perhaps the latter statement is not true as regards technical perfec- tion; Thayer, Beethoven's outstanding biographer, sees this trio, particularly the first and third move- ments, more as the result of an impulsive, spon- taneous conception than as an example of Beeth- oven's usual slowly-evolved and carefully-worked- out style. Certain it is that the composer devoted much less time to the composition of this trio than to the writing of the one in E Flat, which constitutes No. 2 of the same opus; and, from words which Beethoven wrote or spoke at various times, it would seem that he did not think as highly of this as of some of the other trios. Never- theless, from the standpoint of popularity the work is entitled to be called "outstanding"; even during the composer's lifetime it was one of the most played of his smaller compositions. To- day, perhaps, it is not so widely known as many of his other works, but this is due more to a dearth1 of trio playing than to any lack of popularity amongst the works in that form. Probably the chief reason for this trio's fame movement, a broad, gloomy Largo Assai. The movement possesses an eerie, supernatural quality to which the trio is indebted for its popular title 'Ghost"-an epithet evidently arising from a re- mark made by Schindler, Beethoven's literal- minded factotum, who was guilty of a great many of the programmatic placards attached to his mas- ter's music. In this case ,however, the choice of appelative seems unwittingly to have been upheld by the composer, for the first sketches of the move- ments are to be found in Beethoven's notebook adjacent to some notes of a Witches' chorus for an uncompleted opera on Macbeth. Clair de Lune Joseph Szulc, Op. 83, No. 1-This lyric is a delightful setting of a rather wistful poem by Paul Verlaine, the first lines of which are (translated): "Your soul is a garden fair as Ederl, Wherein gay maskers and revelers wander; Playing on lutes and dancing, yet inly Mournful, mid the revel they seem to ponder." Les Roses d'Ispahan Gabriel Faure (1845-1924) -French music bears a distinctive charm which arises out of its lightness ,its delicate sensitivity, its warm tenderness. The music of Gabriel Faure possesses all these qualities without the trivial, affected banalities which sometimes ac- company them. At a time when most French musicians of being a son who followed willingly the profession chosen for him by his father. With this, however, the distinction ends; for, whereas the elder Franck, somewhat after the manner of Beethoven's father, wished his son to follow the dazzling, meteoric course of a piano virtuoso a la Liszt, Ceasar himself had amoitions of a more artistic and unremunerative nature. After an unsuccessful attempt to combine the qualities of a dutiful son and a sensitive artist, the young manI broke with his father, and became the master of his own artistic will. From that time (1848) on, he inconspiciously pursued a career as organist and composer which went almost unnoticed by his contemporaries. The pathetic indifference with which his works were received is evinced by some words of his upon the occasion, in 1890, of his first unqualified public success. With naive pride he exclaimed, "There, you see, the public is be- ginning to understand me"-this from a man of 69 years, a few months before his death! Unlike Faure, Franck contributed but little to the literature of the song. The few secular lyrics which he wrote are, for the most part, products of his maturest years, and are in the unmistakable Franckian style. The four songs on this program are to be sung in exact reverse to the chronological order of composition, the dates being 1871, 1873, 1884, and 1888. During this time, from 1858 until his death, he was organist and teacher at the basilica of St. Clotilde, in Paris, devoting two or three hours of every day to the writing of the compositions which were so long in coming into their own. Five Impressions of a Holiday: In the Hills; by the Rivers; The Water Wheel; The Village Church; At the Fair. Eugene Goosens-Eugene Goosens was born in London, 1893, the son of a Belgian opera conductor. He rose easily to a position of musical prominence, in which he was known equally well as a conductor and as a composer. In the first capacity he has been connected in Eng- land, with leading symphony and opera orches- TEMPLE RICI4 GIRL4 (I)J ALICE FAME GLOMiA.STUART JACK HALEY MICHAEL WHALEN SARA HADEN JANE DARWELL CLAUDE GILLINGWATER; DARRYL F. ZANUCK In Charge of Production f Directed by Irving Cumifgv 1 Associate PFoducer 8. G. D.Sy iv Sugge.s.d by the storiesof fIoonor Got*$ and Ralph Spene. tras and with the Russian Ballet; and in this country, with the Rochester and Cincinnatti Sym- j MOTORCYCLIST KILLED phony Orchestras, of the latter of which he is at HOWELL, July 25.-(P)-Cecil' present conductor. His career as a composer began Workman, 32, of Lansing, was in- in 1911, and soon brought him to a position of jured fatally late today when he was emminence among the younger British composers. thrown from his motorcycle near{ In the trio entitled "Five Impressions of a Holi-L day," composed in 1914, the violin part was or- iginally written for the flute, which seems to be the composer's characteristic and favorite instru- ment. Along with most of his early compositions, REAL VALUES! this trio was criticized as "cold" and "glittering," an impression of his work which has changed with the maturing of his style. In The Musical Times of 1919 there appears a that date, in which the writer, Edwin Evans, says: "The Five Impressions of a Holiday are frankly pictorial, and, apart from their musical charm, it is a great tribute to them to be able to say that, in spite of the triteness of such themes as "The Water Wheel," "The Village Church," and other titles which have done their duty for generations, the composer's poetical instinct has permitted him to place them in new aspects. Some of the figura- tion is very ingenious, and the composition closes Extra PAUL TOMPKINS AT THE ORGAN Comedy_"Will Power" POPEYE CARTOON LATEST NEWS IMONDAY NIGHT II Guest Feature DICK POWELL "THANKS A MILLION" r A I I REAL VALUES!~ 1 'RENCE e ook * * Hundreds of Vol RmEA L VA LaUrES ! urnes can a la rge va riety of subjects, including Literature, Educa I