The Weather Lower Michigan: Generally fair today and tomorrow; not much change in temperature. _Mir A6P r an 3Iat Editorials Strikes At Sea... Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL XLV No. 23 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 26, 1936 PRICE 5 CENTS Prof. Reeves To Give Final Legal Lecture Nations' Boundaries To Be Subject Of Tomorrow Night's Speech Noted For Work On International Law Has Been Member Of U. S. Permanent Justice Court For 11 Years Speaking on "International Boun- daries," a subject on which he is recognized as an outstanding author- ity, Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, chairman of the University political science de- partment, will deliver the concluding lecture in the annual series spon- sored by the Summer Session on Teaching International Law at 8 pm. tomorrow in Room 1025 A.H. Professor Reeves is known as a distinguished political scientist, par- ticularly in the field of international law. As dean of the Summer Ses- sion on Teaching International Law, now in its fifth year, he is. teaching - courses and acting as the leader of group conferences in addition to pre- senting tomorrow's lecture. In addition to his long career in the teaching profession, Professor Reeves was an active member of the bar for 10 years, after having been admitted in 1897. Since 1925, Professor Reeves has been a member of the Permanent Court of American Justice. He was also , lecturer in the Academy of In- ternational Law at The Hague in 1924, and since 1925 has been the American member of the Pan-Ameri- can Commission of Jurists, for the codification of international law. He is a member of numerous dis- tinguished societies, including the American Society of International Law, the American History Associa- tion, the American Political Science Association, The American Institute of International Law, and the Inter- national Law Association. Professor Reeves has taught his- tory and political science at the Women's College of Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University, Dartmouth Col- lege, the University of Chicago, and the University of Michigan. The speaker has also published es- says and reviews in various publi- cations and has written several au- thoritative works, notably "American Diplomacy Under Tyler and Polk" and "La Communaute Internation- ale." Second Vesper Service To Be Held Tonirht Mildred Olson Will Sing Solo; Prof. Mattern To Lead Mass Singing Mildred Olson will be the featured soloist at the second Summer Ses- sion vesper services to be held at 7 p.m. on the steps of the General Library. Miss Olson will sing "Green Pasture" by Sanderson and will be accompanied by Mae Nelson, pianist. The vespers are being sponsored by the Ann Arbor churches, Dr. Edward' W. Blakeman, University counselor in religious education, announced Fri-' day. Prayers and devotionals will be led by the Rev. Howard Chapman of the First Baptist Church of Ann Arbor. Mass singing will be led by Prof. David Mattern of the School of Music., The Men's Glee Club will give special selections. Dr. Blakeman is directing the services. "Outdoor singing of sacred music, always greatly enjoyed by our Sum- mer Session students, is made possible by -the cooperation of Ann Arbor churches," Dr. Blakeman said. "Be- ing true to the vesper idea means that it is a music service in which everyone may take part," he added. The program of the vesper services, as well as the words of all the songs to be sung tonight, can be found on page 3 of this issue of The Daily Programs will also be available at the services. America's Baldheads Finally Acquit Delilah RACINE, Wis., July 25.-P)- Weary but satisfied they had dis- proved the theory of the source of Samson's strength, athletes of the Bald-Headed Men's Club of The World, Inc., competed in their first "Olympic" games today and then relaxed to the strains of a smooth- pated orchestra. The heavyweight hairless heads- men, scoffing at the ancient story that Samson's muscular prowess was cut off with his hair, ran, leaped and shouted in strenuous events for which the times and distances were con- veniently forgotten. Although a baldheaded doctor and two stretcher-bearers wereon duty all afternoon, only one bald athlete had the top of his head treated for sun- burn. Dorr To Speak Tomorrow On LegalReform Bromage And Keniston To Give Other Lectures On This Week's Series "Constitutional Reform and the Supreme Court" will be the topic of Prof. Harold M. Dorr of the political science department in the first Sum- mer Session lecture of this, week at 5 p.m. tomorrow in Natural Science Auditorium. Professor Dorr must deal mainly with the power of Congress to legis- late social and economic reforms, but will also devote considerable time to reform by a constitutional amend- ment readjusting the respective pow- ers of the Federal administration and Congress. He will also discuss the possibilities of reform within the scope of the present administration. Prof. Arthur W. Bromage, also of the political science department, will lecture on "The Forty-Eight Inde- structible States" at 5 p.m. Tuesday in Natural Science Auditorium. Wed- nesday a lecture on astronomy will be delivered on a subject announced in Tuesday's Daily. The final lecture of the week will be given by Prof. Hayward Keniston of the University of Chicago on "Mod- ern Poets of Spain and Spanish Amer- ica." Prof. Clevenger Released, But StaysIn, Jail ASHEVILLE, N. C., July 25.-()- Sheriff E. Brown announced tonight he had released Prof. W. L. Clev- enger, uncle of Helen Clevenger, slain in her hotel room here, but that the 54-year-old bachelor "chose" to re- main in jail. "Professor Clevenger was released by me this afternoon, but he is vol- untarily remaining in jail to cooper- ate with us in solving the murder of his niece." The sheriff made his announcement after Superior Court Judge R. Don- ald Phillips of Rockingham disclosed he had signed a writ of habeas cor- pus for the professor's release. Clevenger, dairy specialist at N. C. State College, was taken into custody at 3 p.m. yesterday on his return from Ohio, where he attended the funeral of his 18-year-old niece. He was the seventh person to be detained in the investigation of the murder of the blonde young honor student. Pollock Urges Less Politics In State Jobs His Commission Attacks 'Political Assessments' Of SpoilsSystem Payrolls Diverted To Campaign Funds Says Civil Service Would Do Away With Such Waste Of Time, Money Prof. James K. Pollock's Civil Serv- ice Study Commission yesterday at- tacked the "political assessment" phase of the spoils system, charging it enabled hundreds of thousands of taxpayers' dollars, spent ostensibly for state payrolls, to be diverted to the coffers of political campaign chests.- The long-existing political activity of state employes while drawing state salaries was also subjected to criti- cism by the commission in another of its preliminary reports. Employe Has Dual Role Under the spoils system, the report reads, the employe is not only ex- pected to perform the functions of his state job, but also to carry on his political work for the party as a poli- tician. "At any rate, this has always been the case. The spoils system presup- poses the existence of government jobs to be filled with loyal party work- ers who can be counted on - not to do the state job better than it can be done by others - but to do the party work or the candidate's work when elections roll around. "The State office buildings are well- nigh empty during political conven- tions and state money has always been used - indirectly, of course - to enable state employees to move about the state and keep political fences in repair. i "It is impossible to estimate the loss to Michigan taxpayers through this kind of political activity, but the youngest voter knows that the amount is considerable. Not only is the reg- ular work of the state interrupted or interfered with, but its services and funds are put at the disposal of po- litical parties. For elected officials and department heads it is necessary to engage in political activity. But for lesser employees to leave their jobs to perform political service is neither necessary nor proper. Could Concentrate On Work "Under the spoils system, employees must have at least one eye on politics. Under civil service they could keep both eyes on the job. The gain to the state from such a change would be considerable." The commission again pointed out the job-hunters too often consume a large part of the state's official day that otherwise could be devoted to state business. "Again it is impossible to estimate the cost of so much time lost on the part of administrators," it added. "But the loss admittedly is consider- able and has been pointed out by various department heads. "Under civil service, candidates foi state jobs are sifted through one cen- tral personnel agency. Appointing authorities are relieved of the bothe and worry of selecting their em- ployees from a horde of office-seek- ers." Discussing "political assessments,' the commission said: "A necessary corollary of the sys- tem of political appointment is the system of political assessments. The (Continued on Page 3 Swiss Linguist To Give Two LecturesHere 3 American Scholars Will Also Address Linguistic Institute This Week Von Wartburg Will Give Talks Monday Midwest Speech Atlas To Be Subject Of Saturday Morning Conference Rebel Advance Is Halted 60 Miles From Madrid As Loyalists Claim Victory Unrest In Spain Was Discernible Months Ago, Prof. Aiton Says, Government Report Says Insurgents Are Bottled Up In South Lectures this week by three out- standing American professors and one foreign scholar, Prof. Walter Von Wartburg, director of the Romance Seminar at the University of Leipzig, and a conference on a proposed lin- guistic atlas of the Middle West will climax the Linguistic Institute which is being held here this summer, Prof. Charles C. Fries, director, announced yesterday. Professor Von Wartburg, who is one of the foremost authorities on Ro- mance linguistics, will be in Ann Ar- bor tomorrow to give two lectures, one in French and one in German. At 4 p.m. tomorrow in Room 103 Ro- mance Languages building, he will speaw in French on "Etude compara- tive du francais and de l'italien." He will addess the dinner confer- ence of the Institute, which will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the Union, in German on "The Work upon the Etymolog- ical French Dictionary," a work which Professor Wartburg has just com- pleted and is now being published. Professor Von Wartburg is editor of the outstanding journal, "Zeit- schrift fur romanische Philologie," and is the author of "Evolution and Structure of the French Language." He is spending the summer in Amer- ica as a member of the guest faculty of the University of Chicago Summer Session. Both lectures' are open to the public. Marckwardt To Speak Prof. A. H. Marckwardt of the Eng- lish department will speak at the Tuesday luncheon conference of the Institute to be held at the Union. His subject will be "Some Old English Iterative Verbs." A special lecture will be given at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in Room 2003, by Prof. Franklin Edgerton of Yale University, the outstanding American authority on the languages of India. He will speak on 'Encroachment of One Literary Language upon Another in India." Professor Edge/rton received his doctor's degree from Johns Hopkins University after studying at Cornell University, and the Universities of Munich and Jena. He has held the Salisbury professorship of Sanskrit and comparative philology at Yale since 1926. He was editor of the Journal of the American Oriental Society from 1918-1926, and has writ- ten numerous articles on subjects con- nected with Indian literature, philos- ophy and religion. To Hear Atlas Editor Prof. Hans Kurath of the linguistics department of Brown University will speak at the Thursday luncheon con- ference on "A Dialectologist's View of Phonetic Change." Professor Ku- rath is the director of the work which is being done on a linguistics atlas of the United States. Work has already been completed for the New England section of the atlas, which is now being published, and some of the material is on display in Room 4001 A.H. Another special lecture will be given at 7:30 p.m. Friday in Room 2003 A.H by Prof. Leonard Bloomfield of the University of Chicago, president of the Linguistic Society of America. Hi book, "Language," is regarded as th most important book on general lan- guage problems which has yet been published. His subject will be "Indo European Compound Words." The Conference on the linguisti atlas of the Middle West will be hel from 9 a.m. to 12 noon in Room 200 A.H., at which Professor Kurath, Prof Verner Crane of the history depart- ment, and Prof. Robert B. Hall wil present papers and lead discussion on methods of constructing such a atlas. ---_ _ Officials Refuse To Spanish People Lived In quent and lawlessness more wide- Constant Expectancy Of spread all the time. "The situation became so uncertain Violent Uprising that when I was ready to leave Se- ville in the latter part of May the By DONAL BURNS government furnished me a police- escort to Gibraltar," concluded Pro- The explosion of violence on the fessor Aiton, "since the troubled con- Spanish peninsula can not be con- ditions of the mountain towns already sidered as wholly unexpected, accord- foreshadowed what has just recently ing to Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the occurred there." University history department in av statement to The Daily yesterday. Tioers Downed v Professor Aiton, who returnedL from Spain in May after lecturing B Barra e f at the University of Seville during i O the preceding three months, declared I- that it was obvious almost from thejied SoX Hits first day of his arrival immediately E after the February elections that as tense situation existed. The preval- Big Bad Boston Bomberst ence of pocket-picking, crimes of vi- olence, and the so-called "balcony- Blast Home 12 Runs In climbers" who specialized in petty Fifth Inning thefts were definite indications of unrest as were the numerous small DETROIT, July 25. - VP) - The local strikes, "Red" demonstrations, parades, and demands from local Boston Red Sox, with two big bar-t governors. rages of base hits, mowed down the1 A rather amusing commentary on world champion Detroit Tigers todayr this violence is the vastly different in the second game of their series attitude taken towards students in 18 to 3. Spain. While students in this coun- Boston collected 20 hits off four De- try are often accused of' being Coi-troit pitchers, and scored all its runs in two big innings, the second and An anaylsis of the Spanish re- the fifth. Detroit got nine hits off volt by Professor Aiton will be Lefty Grove, but was able to score in found on today's editorial page, only the third and fourth innings.' entitled, "The Liberal Republic Tommy Bridges, seeking his 13th of Spain is Doomed." victory of the season, was shelled off the mound in the second, when the munists, it is interesting to note that Red Sox scored six runs. Clarence many Spanish students were accused Phillipes replaced Bridges, and lasted of Fascist sympathies and some were until the fifth, when Boston scored even beaten for their alleged Fas- 12 more runs on 10 hits off Phillips, cism. Joe Sullivan, and Chad Kimsey. The Spanish were also faced with The barrage came from all sides in their own Black Legion, the Pistol- the ignominious fifth. It began with eros, who, altho more open in their Kroner, Werber, McNair and Ferrell methods than our own "legionnaires" singling in monotonous succession. were noted for their methods of "wip- McNair's single scored Kroner with ing out their marked men in true the first run of the debacle, and when American-gangster style." Rogell threw wild to Gehringer on Ferrell's single, both Werber and Mc- In short, the populace was living Nair scored. in "constant expectancy of uprising" Grove sacrificed for the first out. and yet hopeful that the Leftist-Re- Almada walked. Cramer singled off publicans would be able to establish Burn's glove to score Ferrell, and Ma- some sort of "stability against the nush singled to send Almada home and Cramer to third; Sullivan re- "However, it became apparent to placed Phillips in the Tiger box at observers in Spain that one of three this point. On a fumble by Gehringer, things was bound to happen soon," Foxx was safe at first and Cramer Professor Aiton pointed out. "Either scored. Kroner got his second single the Leftist-Republican government of the inning to score Manush. Wer- would succeed in establishing some ber also rapped out his second hit of sort of stability (which possibility the inning, scoring Foxx. became more and more remote as Melillo got into the fray at this time went on); or their political point. Batting for McNair, he slapped allies, the Socialists, Communists, a single to center, scoring Kroner, etc., would set up a proletarian form whereupon Sullivan bowed out of of government against which the the ball game, his place on the mound Army-Rightists would at once rebel; being taken by Kimsey. Ferrell greet- or the Army-Rightists might antici- ed Kimsey with a double over Owen's pate any such move towards prole head which scored both Werber and tarianism and stage a 'coup' of their Melillo. own in an attempt to seize control, The crowd booed as Gehringer which is what eventually happened." fumbled Grove's grounder, Ferrell The , continued uncertainty and scoring as the ball bounced into cen- constantly mounting discontent made terfield. The blasting drew to a close demonstrations more and more fre- (continued on Page 3) 61 Americans Still In Hostility Zone refugees Report Murder Of Norwegian Consul's Wife And Nurse (By the Associated Press) Spain's liberal government, claim- ~g that it had halted a fascist ad- ance from the north 60 miles from adrid and that rebels were botttled ip in important southern cities, as- erted early Sunday it was in control of the nine-day-old rebellion. Col. Luis De Villanueva, comman- ter of an insurgent column at Vera, n the northeast, countered the gov- rnment's declarations with the as- ertion that the revolters had bloked he exits from Madrid. He said the apital would be forced to capitulate within a week because of food and Hater shortage. There were 161 American refugees t the United States embassy in Ma- rid, awaiting evacuatio. The state lepartment announced in Washing- :on that more than 130 Americans ad been removed from the country. Albacete Surrenders The Spanish government an- iounced the surrender of Albacete, 'ebel center in the southeast, after z steady government drive and con- inued bombing of fascist positions. It aid revolters at Cadiz, Seville and Cordoba were surrounded and claimed hose important southern cities would fall into loyal hands within a few days. The French government, authorita- tive sources in Paris reported, refused to send planes,, arms and ammuni- tion to help the Spanish popular front government-similar in political complexion to that of France. The French administration was sympa- thetic toward the fight against Span- ish fascists, it was said, but declined to interfere in the situation. The mayor of Irun, Spain, reported to French authorities at Hendaye that the rebels had been firing artillery shells across a projecting piece of French land on the Franco-Spanish border. He said he intended to send loyal fighters across this French area to get at the revolters. Paris was informed of this development. Coroba in the southwest was under heavy fire from leftist planes while dynamite-armed miners occu- pied El Carpio, in Toledo province. Loyalists Control Gate In the jagged mountain passes north of Madrid loyal troops held control of the gateways to the capital while revolutionaries paused on the northern slopes awaiting new devel- opments. Rebel leaders acknowledged their columns were at least 60 miles from Madrid but declined to disclose proj- ected offensives. The government handed a knotty diplomatic problem to the socialist French government by asking ap- proval. for immediate shipment of munitions and French ports. The request precipitated a sudden cabinet meeting in which Premier Leon Blum found radical-socialist op- position to granting the aid. The first actual contact was estab- lished at Fuenterrabia fortress with United States Ambassador Claude G. Bowers. Capt. Townsend Griffis, air attache at the Spanish embassy, went to the refuge under the protection of popular front soldiers. Mrs. Bowers, who earlier was re- ported ill, was described as improving and not in need of medical attention. More than 150 American refugees remained inside the embassy at Ma- drid, awaiting evacuation. Their sit- uation was reported to the state de- partment as "satisfactory" with no serious trouble expected unless troops "ran wild" in the streets. GIBRALTAR, July 25.-W)-Refu- gees arriving here tonight aboard the British destroyer Brazen brought re- ports that 2,500 bodies were lying in the streets of Malaga, southern Span- ish city northeast of here. 'The Old Maid' Is Interesting Portrait Of Character Conflict By ELSIE ROXBOROUGH 'The Old Maid," the Pultizer-Prize- winner dramatization by Zoe Akin of Edith Wharton's novel, and the sixth presentation of the Michigan Repertory Players, is an interesting portrait of the conflict of two char- acters as they themselves conflict with the environment of the age in which they live, according to Valen- tine B. Windt, director of the play. The Pulitzer Prize is awarded an- nually to the play which, during the year, seems to be the best treatment of an American problem by an Ameri- can author. "O~ne is always intre~ste~d to se about the tragic life of Charlotte Lovell, whose one misstep in life kept her in continual dread of the conse- quences. "The extent to which the restric- tions of conduct, decency, and stand- ards of living affect the play is enor- mous," Mr. Windt continued. "Delia, Charlotte's cousin, is cruel to Char- lotte, but the age is responsible. She herself doesn't realize some of the impulses which make her do the things she does. She is a combina- tion of warmth and kindness, acting under the dictates of the age in which she is living." "This play is totally different than f s e c 3 . ll .s n MONROE, July 25. - (P) - The1 lure of the South Seas beckoning, four1 Monroe youths have sailed eastward aboard their 43-foot ketch on what they expect to be 10,000 miles of adventure. They planned a leisurely cruise, with frequent stops en route, and hope to use their trip craft, Intrepid, as a trading vessel once they reach the southern Pacific. Nathan ("Bud") Reaume, 23, and Ray Stein, 22, first hatched the plan for such a jaunt a year and a half ago, and last winter interested Ron- ald ("Pat") Sayles, 26, and Harlow Ohr, 22, in it. Four Monroe Youths Sail On 10,000-Mile Adventure Trip bean, on to the Panama Canal, through it to the Pacific and then to the South Seas. The Intrepid was brought to the United States 18 years ago from Ger- many. The ketch has a beam of 10Y2 feet, draws 612 feet of water and spreads 900 pounds of canvas. A 25 horse- power marine motor provides auxil- iary power. The young adventurers stowed aboard 900 pounds of canned food, clothing, several shelves of books- ranging from sea stories and other fiction to history, geology and navi- gation and a short wave radio re- ceiver. C 0 :Z Reinstate Swimmer BERLIN, July 25.-OP)-Eleanor Holm Jarrett heard taps sounded to her Olympic swimming career today 0~r nfl h~An nnunfArAri wih P.hittfa,.