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July 25, 1936 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1936-07-25

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"I wn- '

Official Publication of the Summer Session


Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second classsmatter.tSpecialrate of postage granted by
-Third Assistant Postmaster-General.-
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.50, by mail,
$2.00. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.50.
Offices:Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City. -400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Il.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director ................Marshall D. Shulman
'+ Dramatic Critic..................... John W. Pritchard
Assistant Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Ralph W. Hurd,
Joseph S. Mattes, Elsie A. Pierce, Tuure Tenander, Jewel
W. Wuerfel.
R8porters: Eleanor Bar, Donal Burns, Mary Delnay, M. E.
Graban, JohnIilpert, Richard E. L>rch, Vincent Moore,
Elsie Roxborough, William Sours, Dorothea Staebler,
Betty Keenan.'
Telephone 2-1214
CREDITS MANAGER ....................JOHN R. PARK
Circulation Manager................J. Cameron Hall
Office Manager ...-......................Robert Lodge
And The Devil
Take The Hindmost...
man airmen was direct and dra-
matic. The surprising enthusiasm with which it
was received indicates that it must have been ef-
fective to some extent in impressing those who
heard or have read it with a vivid idea of the
immensely destructive possibilities of the airplane.
Yet, some of the optimism shown by Lindbergh
seems unwarranted, and to hope for any material
progress toward eliminating that danger to come
from his speech is futile.
"As I travel in Europe I am more than ever im-
pressed with the seriousness of the situation which
confronts us. When I see that within a day or two
damage can be done which no time can ever re-
place, I begin to realize we must look for a new type
of security-security which is dynamic, not static,
security which rests in intelligence, not in forts.
"And in the fact that intelligence must be com-
bined with aviation I find some cause for hope. It
requires more intellect to operate an airplane
than to dig a trench or shoot a rifle. The educa-
tidn which is necessary in aviation must also
teach the value of civilized institutions.
"Our responsibility in creating a great force for
destruction may be somewhat relieved by knowing
we have allied this force with intelligence and edu-
cation and that we have moved power further
away from ignorance. I find some cause for hope
in the belief that power which must be bound
to knowledge is less dangerous to civilization than
that which is barbaric."
The type of intelligence which, aviation has
shown is purely mechanical. The intelligence
we need now is social, one that is willing to take
cognizance of human values. To praise ourselves
for "moving power away from ignorance" is ques-
tionable in the light of our application of power.
We are reminded of that priest who announced
long ago that he, in an effort to mitigate the
suffering of war, invented a gas which incapaci-
tates to a far greater extent than does mustard
gas. The point is, you see, that if people are in-
capacitated, they won't be killed. The argument
is like that of Austin Britten, about which we com-
mented editorially not long ago, that armaments
are not a menace to peace because they make war
prohibitively expensive.
Still, we are grateful that someone whose fame
has come in a field of pure science should demand
of his fellow workers that they raise their heads
and inquire into the effect of what they have been
doing. We have long known that some of our3
mechanical inventiveness ought to be diverted,
into social channels; not only in war has this lag
been evident, but in depressions, in a domination
of our spiritual lives by industrial aims.
Nevertheless, the only way to remove the menace
Lindbergh sees is to appeal, not to the human
race as a whole, because there is no unity among
us, but to nations as units. Before the Germans1
can be converted to disarmament, they will have1

to be shown that the German nation will benefit,
thereby. Unfortunately, the same is true of theE
United States. For this reason, we believe that
although Lindbergh's speech was courageous, in-;
telligent and too true, it will be well received but
Those Oscillating Nozzles
To the Editor:
Here is how I felt last night after hurdling five
or six of those nozzles that oscillate, so popular
on the sidewalks of the campus this summer:
I think I could kill without pity or passion
The gents who put jets
By the Library steps

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of generalaeditorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Answer To Scaramouche
To the Editor: '
Being as busy as Landon when Hearst discovered
him, I haven't much time to waste with "Scara-
mcuche" in the Daily of Thursday. But due to
the fear that perhaps everyone is too busy to an-
swer him, I am writing so that he will not feel
that he is getting off "scot free," his ideas accepted.
I agree with "Non-Partisan" that we want a
President with "uncommon sense," if by common
sense we mean the views of the "practical" man-
in-the-street. There is a difference between com-
mon sense and intellectual reasoning. No one
can say the newspapers haven't tried to make
Landon out a typical American stereotype of the
practical man-in-the-street with his tieless collar,
fishing pole, and homely pipe.
As regards the administration's tax measures,
"Scaramouche" might find that they are not so
"ethereal and unworkable" as he makes out, if he
knew the facts. And for the facts he might
read Berle & Means: "The Modern Corporation,"
and take Prof. Peterson's course on Corporations
and Combinations and Prof. Watkins' Money and
Credit, rather than reading the newspapers and
trade journals.
It appears that "Scaramouche" has some rather
naive ideas on statesmanship. Diplomacy is bound
to step on somebody's toes somewhere along the
line. That the New Deal tends toward free trade
is something in itself. The Republican adminis-
trationsand contradictory platform planks do not
point to free trade. But the protective tariff is
just another of the practical man's fallacious con-
cepts. "Scaramouche's" reference to Roosevelt
statesmanship and the war debts is not only
naive, but gross ignorance. The war debts were
absurd in the first place and can not, and never
will be paid! They were one of the big causes for
the acceptance of Naziism in Germany today. Con-
cerning the release of one Major-General: Does
"Scaramouche" know that said army officer had
been disciplined several times previous to his re-
lease? That the order for his retirement came
from Army headquarters rather than from Jim
Farley's desk? That the "reeking to high heaven"
was just the stench kicked up by our reactionary
press? (He might read the New York Times at
about that time for the "true dope.")
"Scaramouche" limits our progress to the tech-
nological in saying: "Mechanically, the American
people do not want a return to the Horse-and-
Buggy age." Evidently he has never heard of our
"cultural lag." The fact that our legal, political,
social, and economic institutions have not kept
pace with our technological progress, he entirely
misses. (Something must be wrong withour edu-
cation system too!) Perhaps a few sociology
courses would do some good with "Scaramouche"
and I am sure Prof. Sellars would enjoy his pres-
ence at the Social Philosophy lectures, every Tues-
day and Thursday, 7 p.m., A.H. "Scaramouche"
is so far behind the times that he doesn't even
recognize the Supreme Court problem. For that
I recommend that he read E. S. Corwin's "The
Twilight of the Supreme Court," and ask him to
note that even conservative Dean Bates of the
Law School recommends that no judgment invali-
dating an act of Congress, shall be rendered unless
concurred in by two thirds of the members of the
Court. Even Republicans have awakened to this
problem since the invalidation of the New York
minimum wage for women law. (It wouldn't be a
bad idea for "Scaramouche' to read the decision
in that case and use some of his common sense
on the opinion of the dissenters.)
Granting that the Democrats still mean to retain
the profit system, it can hardly be denied that
they are more liberal than some of Landon's back-
ers, (Hearst, Liberty League, etc.) And if liberal-
ism can narrow the margins of the excesses in
the existing system, well and good, and the nar-
rower the better!
That there is a place for college professors
to serve governments in advisory or administrative
capacities is generally conceded. But not so with
"Scaramouche!" He has another of the newspaper
molded ideas of the common man about the place
for "Brain-Busters" and theorists. Men coming
from the academic life of the campus are more ob-
jective and realistic; they have greater integrity,
if not greater intelligence and knowledge. And
they most certainly are not so prone to "toe in" to

politics. If "Scaramouche" will study the history
of the New Deal, he will find that many of its worst
policies (and some unconstitutional ones), were not
the product of the Brain Trust, but of pressure
groups. The NIRA for one was the "brain child" I
of the Chamber of Commerce and not of the
professors. And is the writer compelled to remind
"Scaramouche" that the Republican party has
already named its Brain Trust? There is a need
for experiment in government today. In these;
chaotic times we must experiment if we wish to
solve our problems, particularly when we limit
the possible solution by excluding certain alter-
natives like Socialism. Business and industry are
continually experimenting, and if they find an
experiment is a loss, they discard and try again.
We must try some watchful scientific experiment-
ing in government.
if "Scaramouche" doubts the fact that Hearst
"found" Alf Landon, let him read Oswald G. Vil-
lard and Heywood Broun in the recent issues of
the Nation. And furthermore, it is not incon-
ceivably incompatible with common sense that the
man-in-the-street might vote for Roosevelt, for
the simple reason that Hearst, the Liberty League,
and big business are backing Landon!
One further word to avoid misrepresentation-
I am voting for neither Roosevelt nor Landon, I
only wished to show "Scaramouche's" lack of in-
tellectual sophistication, as Prof. Ellis would say.
-"Enlightened Common Sense."

EYELESS IN GAZA, a Novel by Aldous Huxley.
New York: Harper & Brothers. 1936. $2.50.
(Review Copy Courtesy of Wahr's Bookstore)
FLESH and skepticism and decadence; man who
seeks freedom finding himself (when he exam-
ines himself) a slave to vanity and to institutions;
a civilization deteriorating into an organization of
egotistical voluptuaries; specifically, Anthony Bea-
vis, a man of mental brilliance, lost in that world,
mentally questing after truth, and, not finding it
systematically making use of the escape philosophy
and soothing his body with physical pleasure.
What then?
Necessarily, a solution of the grand problem or
complete individual and social disintegration. Bea-
vis finds his solution, with the aid of another: "In
peace there is unity. Unity with other lives. Unity
with all being. For beneath all being, beneath
the countless identical but separate patterns, be-
neath the attractions and repulsions, lies peace
The same peace as underlies the frenzy of the
mind. Dark peace, immeasurably deep. Peace
from pride and hatred and anger, peace from crav-
ings and aversions, peace from all the separating
frenzies. Peace through liberation, for peace is
achieved freedom. Freedom and at the same time
truth. The truth of unity actually experienced.'
That is what Beavis discovers, through an acci-
dental meeting; and that is what he ultimately
Aldous Huxley, you see, is writing in rather a
new vein for him. "Point Counter Point," some
years ago, flashed across the literary world as a
rushing, tearing, despairing expose of mankind dy-
ing in a frenzy of fleshy vanity; it was not the
only literary symptom of post-war disilusionment
but it came close to being the most skeptically
maddening of all thatnovelistic genre. "Brave
New World," three years ago, took the thing a
step farther; it was a profane satire both on
the apparent end-result of the direction that civ-
iization was taking, and on the Utopias which were
being optimistically adumbrated by superficial
idealists. In the present work, Mr. Huxley is no
longer content to be the destructive critic; his
attitude on the present state of affairs is laid bare
with all of the devastating Huxley speed and bril-
liance, but a new note is sounded in the author's
attempt to find a solution.
One suspects from all this that "Eyeless in Gaza"
is a didactic novel, and those who claim that there
is no real license for didacticism in art will be an-
noyed. There is no reason for such annoyance.
No matter what didactic position Mr. Huxley
decides to take, his novels are true novels, and
can be so read without reference to their soci-
ological content. "Eyeless in Gaza" is, above all
things, the story of Anthony Beavis; and as a psy-
chological character study its parallels in litera-
ture are infrequent.
With enormous care, at once scientific and sym-
pathetic, Mr. Huxley first presents the picture
of the mature Anthony Beavis, a sociologist by
trade, an intellectual hermit who quite refuses to
allow himself to be entangled in human affairs.
We know many such individuals; what is at the
bottom of them? Why does Anthony, drawn irre-
sistibly in the first chapter to an inspection of
photographs that recall memories of many years
ago, nevertheless fight those memories; why
does he, while having an affair with a woman who
is suffering torments because of an unsatisfactory
marriage, refuse to speak to her of her unhappi-
ness, or to allow an iota of personal affection to
pass between her and himself, for fear of dis-
turbing mental entanglements? This man is not
a scientist for the love of science, nor is he im-
passive because of a dead-centre of emotional sta-
bility; he has been deeply hurt, and this centri-
petality of his is pure escape.
Now we go back, by fragments, to Anthony's
boyhood, the death of his' mother, the maudlin
selfishness of his father, the enormous hurt that
was done the boy when his father insisted on
intruding his unwelcome self on the boy's reveries
regarding his mother. Here was the immediate
result: "he wears a kind of armour. Covers up
him vulnerability in the most exposed place and
at the same time uncovers it selsewhere, so that
the slighter wounds shall act as a kind of distrac-
tion, a kind of counter-irritant. It's a self-pro-
tection." Then, right at the inception of this
shellfish psychopathic adjustment, we have the
cure for it: "and yet I believe that in the long

run he'd be better and spiritually healthier, yes,
and happier too, if he could bring himself to do
just the opposite-if he'darmour himself against
the little distracting wounds, the little wounds of
pleasure as well as the little wound of pain, and
expose his vulnerableness only to the great and
piercing blows."
Unfortunately for the small boy Anthony, his
father, when he heard these words, misinterpreted
their direction. "'How true that is!' said Mr. Bea-
vis, who found that her words applied exactly to
himself"; and Anthony's doom was sealed.
Through the years that follow, light is shed
on the high points of Anthony's closing of himself
against the world: hurt by fancied insults at
school, the spectacle of his father's erudite idiocy
and maudlin self-pity constantly rankling within
him, later becoming a sort of court jester for a
group of patrician blades at Oxford, finally being
brought under complete subjection by a morally
denatured woman ten years his senior. The crash
is subtly approached. At the age of twenty-one,
he betrays the love of his best friend and causes
his suicide, the whole process resulting from a bet
which in turn has grown out of an injury to his
The author does not say so explicitly, but he
implies strongly that here occurred the final
closure of Anthony's personality from the world
of men. Yet, no matter how cowardly the buf-
feted spirit of Anthony, the mind of the man con-
tinues to wrestle with the situation-not as applied
to himself, for himself as an entity no longer is
admitted by him; but as applied to the world as
an objective study.
One is tempted always, in this type of novel, to
suspect an autobiographical strain. Such a sus-
picion is borne out in this case by the nature of

Facts On Education
By George Guernsey in the Summer
Of all the states in the Union, Kan-
sas contributes the lowest proportion
to the school fund, only 1.5 per cent,
as compared with 60 per cent in Cal-
ifornia, 30 per cent in New York, 28
per cent in Maine and 24 per cent in
Michigan. Hundreds of schools have
been closed and others have beep
kept open only by cutting teachers'
salaries to, in some cases, $25 a
The state of Kansas has not util-
ized as a source of revenue, taxation
on the production of gas and oil, as
. have other states. This is the sort of
budget-balancer that the Republican
party is offering to the people of the
United States.
Of the 20,100,000 young people in
the United States between the ages
of 16 and 24, 4,700,000 or 23 per cent
are out of school, unemployed, and
seeking employment. This is an in-
crease of over 150 per cent since 1930.
T* r
During the fiscal year 1937, the
U. S. will spend over $3,000,000 for
forage for army horses and only $2,-
500,000 for services for crippled chil-
dren, according to a pamphlet pub-
lished by the Labor department of
the National Council for the Preven-
tion of War. The amount spent for
ROTC will be $4,000,900---that spent
for maternal and child health serv-
ice will be $3,000,000. The National
Guard bureau will receive $34,000,000
while the Children's Bureau will get
$7,714,000. Naval vessels will be re-
placed to the sum of $230,500,000,
but the Department of Labor budget'
is only $24,319,000.
Under the terms of a recent bill be-
fore the New Jersey legislature, school
children would be compelled to salute
the flag upon penalty of arrest.
Father Coughlin's paper came out
against the Student Peace demon-
stration of April 22 despite the fact
that lie has frequently stated that the
last war was fought to increase the
profits of Wall Street. About the
Peace strike Father Coughlin says,
"Let vigilance committees in your
school investigate the proposed peace
strike in your school. If it embodies
principles and a pledge . . . either
gather your strength to prevent such
a strike, or notify the newspapers
the newspapers and the school
faculty will be your allies."
G. A. Perry of the National Re-
public, a "patriotic" organization
which spends about $100,000 to en-
courage Fascism, is the nucleus of a
national network which boasts that
it has had 2,000 teachers dismissed for
liberalism. Perry travels extensively
to contact organizations.of Fascist or
anti-Semitic sympathies and the
managing editors of Hearst papers,
with whom he plans red scares in
local schools, and exposes teachers
suspected of liberal views.
DALLAS, Tex.-After expressing
liberal views on social questions be-
fore a group of young people at a
Methodist church, F. H. Ross, relig-
ious history instructor in Southern
Methodist University, was discharged.
Last Day


PERMANENT work for part and full
C LAS SIFIEDtime waiter. Phone 4075 between
five and twelve p.m. 17
ADVERTISING WILL exchange home within driving
Place advertisements with Classified distance of the University of Chi-
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. cago for one in Ann Arbor for
The classified columns close at five sumro197Mahl.Pon
o'clock previous to day of insertion. summer of 1937. Marshall. Phone
Box numbers may be secured at no 3653. 16
extra charge. _ __ ___ ____________
Cash in advance 11c per reading line
(on basis of five average words to line) LAUNDRY
for one or two insertions. 10c per read-
ing line for three or more insertions. LAUNDRY WANTED: Student Co-
Minimum three lines per insertion.
Telephone rate - 15c per reading line ed. Men's shirts 10c. Silks, wools,
for two or more insertions. Minimum our specialty. All bundles done sep-
three lines per insertion.
10% discount If paid within ten days arately. No markings. Personal sat-
from the date of last insertion.'isfaction guaranteed. Call for and
2 lines daily, college year ...........7e
By Contract, per line -2 lines daily, deliver. Phone 5594 any time until
one month .........................8c 7 o'clock. Silver Laundry, 607 4,
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months ...........8c
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months............Sce Hoover. 3x
100 lines used as desired ........9c
300 lines used as desired..........Be LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
1,000 lines used as desired .... ,.....7c
2,000 lines used as desired.........6e Careful work at low price. lx
The above rates are per reading line --
based on eight reading lines per inch FOR RENT
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add FRRN
6c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for FOR RENT: Single room for women.
bold face, upper and lower case. Add Second floor. 509 E. Madison.
10c per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters. Phone 4546.
The above rates are for 7% point type.
WANTED - - ____- __..__..._...- -
RIDE wanted toward New York City. 6 weeks old, healthy, sturdy, splen-
Leaving about July 26, 27. Will did breeding. One female, 7 months
share expenses and driving. Phone old, all reasonably priced to sell,
3509. 15 1313 S State.
Dividend Increases quarter a year ago, were topped off
Ic a ewith a dividend increase to $4 a share
5 QO i4 1t Boom from $1.50 paid on June 30.
The financial community, which
usually sprouts fairly accurate esti-
NEW YORK, July 24.-(P)-Busi- mates of earnings had failed to dis-
ness sights today swung around to count an upturn of this size.
the automobile and farm equipment
industries as two representative com- HEAT VICTIM FOUND
panies, Chrysler Corp. and Interna- STURGIS, July 24.-(P)-The body
tional Harvester, hoisted dividends.
The gathering momentum of the of a man who carried cards bearing
automobile industry has long been a 'the name James Parks, 65, Detroit,
source of encouragement to analysts, was found late today beside highway
but the record of Chrysler surpassed U. S. 112 two miles west of Sturgis
hopes of many. by Jess Modert, a county highway
Indicated earnings for the second worker. Apparently Parks collapsed
quarter, equal to $4.18 a share, com- after seeking refuge from the heat in
pared with $2.65 a share in the pre- the shade of a small tree. 'He had
ceding quarter and $2.19 in the June been dead about two weeks.
Prices: 75c, 50c and 35c Phone 6300


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newspaper was termed a "common
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