The Weather Lower Michigan: Local thundershowers today and to- morrow; cooler tomorrow. L 4'r I~ati Editorials Nervous Sussio~~in ... Latest Crime . Qfficial Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XLV No. 20 ANN ARBOR, MICHiGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1936 PRICE 5 CENTS __ i 1 Nation Awaits Gov. Landon's SpeechToday 50,000 Are Expected For Notification Ceremonies At Topeka Governor Is Calm On Eve Of Speech Kansas Capital Is Gaily Decorated; Republicans Throng City TOPEKA, Kas., July 22. - () - In sharp contrast 'with tense cam- paign days ahead, Alf M. Landon de- voted the eve of his formal accept- ance of the Republican presidential nomination today to routine. tasks of the Kansas governorship and greeting party visitors . Shirt-sleeved and chatty, he re- ceived callers who trickled in from the crowds already swarming down- town Topeka as the first of Repub- lican thousands arrived by train, plane and motor for tomorrow's elab- orate notification ceremonies. The address in which Landon for- mally will assume leadership of the Republican party and point the course of its attempt to unseat the New Deal, was in the hands of print- ers. Aides forecast emphasis on the farm problem, relief and employment, government finance, the labor move- ment and the constitution. TOPEKA, Kas., July 22.-UP)-Sun- flowers-bouttonieres and badges- sparkled among banners and bunt- ing tonight in this state capital's spir- ited welcome to throngs of visitors for the formal notification of Gov.! Alf M. Landon that he is the Re- publican presidential nominee. Miles of street were splashed with color and trimmed with placards proclaiming "Welcome G.O.P." and "Landon-Knox." Swinging across the Kaw River into downtown Topeka-a city of 70,- 000-the visitor found a kaleido- scopic view ahead. Down the broad expanse of Kan- sas Avenue en route to the state- house, he passed under hundreds of banners hung at short intervals across the street, more than 100 feet wide. b Buildings were draped with red, white and blue. From every available flagstaff fluttered the na- tional colors. Even fire hydrants were covered with bunting. On light poles were huge sunflowers. . Blocks away, the visitor got a glimpse of a gigantic likeness of Lan- don, a painting five stories high. Youths darted across the sidewalks to offer for sale Landon-Knox sun- flowers, wooden elephants, neckties emblazoned with sunflowers and others with the words "Landon for President." Following the line of march of tomorrow's elaborately planned pa- rade, the visitor turned west on Tenth Street, one block to a 16-acre park. There stands the stately capitol of Kansas, its green dome lifting high above the surrounding trees that shade its grounds and obscure most of its five high-ceilinged stories. There, before the Grecian columns of the south facade of the statehouse, was a vast speaker's rostrum, where more than 1,000 distinguished guests will be seated about the nominee. On a broad paved esplanade fac- ing the stands were placed hundreds of rows of additional seats. The Chamber of Commerce predicted that 50,000 persons would crowd into the park and surrounding streets. Taxation Committee Meets Here Today A part of the taxation committee for the Michigan Municipal League will meet here at lunch today, accord- ing to Harold D. Smith, director of the League, to discuss the proposed state constitutional amendment do- ing away with the property tax, which the League is understood to oppose. "This is a purely preliminary meet- ing, but I believe that in the near fu- ture a report will be given out by the League on this amendment, empha- sizing the League's stand on the mat- ter," Smith said last night. "The committee plans to examine the legal and technical phases of the proposed amendment tomorrow." Axaa+ima uith Smith will he TKen- Private Gain Is Only Economic Cause Of War, IHandman Claims Says People Are Misled Into BeliefThat National Honor Is At Stake By JOSEPH S. MATTES The only economic cause of war is the economy of a few powerful individuals who profit fatly from the natural resources of conquest, Prof. Max S. Handman of the economics department told a Summer Session lecture audience yesterday in Na- tural Science Auditorium. His topic was "War and Economics." "When we speak of war and eco- nomics we may refer to individuals who will profit by war and are suf- ficiently powerful to tell the people that it is to their advantage to go to war," Professor Handman said. "And there are individuals of that type," he continued. "But they never come to the nation with their per- sonal reason. The nation would not follow them because the common man does not believe in war for economic reasons. "We know how they do it. They never presenththe cause astan eco- Tigers Beaten By Athletics In 13-Hit Barrage Auker Chased From Box In Fifth After Blowing Detroit's 5-Run Lead Elden Auker;went to the mound for the Tigers yesterday and was beaten by one of Connie Mack's unknowns, 7-6. The unknown was Herman Fink who, after a bad first inning and some nice fly chasing on the partof the Philadelphia outfielders, Moses and Puccinelli, settled down and held the Tigers back while his team-mates pounded out 13 hits and seven runs, one more than the Tigers could push across the plate. Detroit started out with a four- run spurt in the first inning and ad-j ded another in the second. That gave Auker a nice five-run lead to work with, but he couldn't hold it. Burns opened with a walk. Rogell forced him at second and Gehringer walked. Goslin scored Rogell with a single and Walker scored Gehringer from sec- ond with a scratch hit off Newsome. nomic matter, but as a patrioticmat- ter involving national honor." As to the need of land for excess population the need of its natural resources being economic causes of war, Professor Landman declared they were decidedly not "because the fundamental aspect of economics is weighing and calculating costs. The economic way is the one which yields the largest returns." The speaker pointed out that never did a people, in contemplation of a war, consider if conquest would be economically profitable. He used the Italian conquest of Ethiopia as an example. The cost of the Italo-Ethiopian war, the speaker calculated, was about 3 billion dollars and the cost of transporting 5 million persons to the conquered land during the next hundred years, as the Italian govern- ment intends, will be approximately 25 billion dollars. "This 30 billion dollars, spread out over 100 years, could not only im- prove the living conditions for these 5 million people," he asserted, "but could raise the living standard of all Italy." "Anyone interested in abolishing war," Professor Handman said, "can accomplish his purpose much better when he knows what causes war, or at least what does not cause war." Racial differences among peoples and the common characteristic of greed, which he said could be elim- inated, are not factors involved in leading a country to war, he said. Nationalism and false patriotism are almost singly the factors, the speaker said, and are the causes which generated Fascism in Italy and Naziism in Germany. Mankind, he said, must recognize the "unintelligent and fantastic forces leading to war, and there is no way to control war unless we see them as real." Black Legion' s 'Thrill-Killers' Ordered Held Five Cultists Wait Hearing For Murder Of Negro During Drinking Party Murphy Says His Party Will' Win Michigan Predicts Democratic Win Through Labor Support Of President Ready To Canvass Country For F.D.R. Coughlin's Support Is Not Confirmed By Governor Of Philippine Islands NEW YORK, July 22.-()-Frank Murphy, Governor General of the] Philippines and a candidate for the, Democratic gubernatorial nomination in Michigan, predicted today that President Roosevelt would carry Michigan in November. Murphy, stopping overhere en- route to Washington to discuss mat- ters concerning the Philippines, said:' "I think the chances for a Demo- cratic victory in Michigan are ex-1 cellent.. The workers in Detroit and; other labor centers of the State, which make up about 60 per cent of the population, are from 80 to 90 per cent for President Roosevelt. "They are for the President be- cause they think he and his admin- istration are responsive to the na- tion's changing social and economic needs." He said he found sentiment in the State stronger now than it was four years ago, when the President car- ried the State and a Democratic-Gov- ernor was elected for the first time in 100 years. "We think this sentiment will in- crease and not recede," he added. Murphy said he expected to take the stump for President Roosevelt outside his state if he was asked to do so. Farley, who was present at the in- terview, interrupted: "Frank, you certainly will be asked an.d I'm asking you right now to do all the stumping you can." Farley said he would go to Wash- ington Thursday night and return to! New York Friday night. Murphy said Father Coughlin had a substantial following inMichigan, but added: "I do not believe the Lemke ticket will be strong in Michigan or any other state. It will not affect the sit- uation." Asked if Father Coughlin would support his candidacy for the guber- natorial nomination, Murphy said: "Father Coughlin is a friend of mine and has been for many years, but I don't know what his plans are."4 He said he talked with the Detroit priest a short time ago, but would not disclose the nature of their con- versation. St. Paul Officer Denies Charges Of Kidnapingr Rebel Leader Proclaims Immin ent Fall Of Madrid; U.S. .N-ationals In Danger V - l DETROIT, July 22.-(IP)-Five men charged with the Black Legion "thrill killing" of a Negro hod carrier dur- ing a drinking party at a lake resortj were ordered held today without bail, for examination next Tuesday on atate Department Seeks Aid Of Private Shipping To Evacuate Americans Cruiser To Reach Gibraltar Sunday led Committee Takes Over Distribution Of Arms In Madrid WASHINGTON, July 22.-(P)-The tate Department tonight called on L private shipping company for aid n evacuating Americans at Barce- ona, Spain after hearing that au- ;horities there were unable to guar- ntee the safety of United States 'itizens and other foreigners. WASHINGTON, July 22.-(P)- ?evealing that a number of Amern- ans have been under fire for two I [ays in their hotels in Madrid, the kmerican embassy in the Spanish apital today advised the State De- )artment it was fortifying itself as a efuge for all United States citizens .n that city.v This information, filed at 3 p.m. s Madrid time and telling of a threat- t med food shortage there, came close t >n advices that authorities of two I >ther revolution-torn Spanish cities p -Barcelona and Malaga-had ac- nowledged their inability to guaran-t ee the safety of Americans and oth-E r foreigners in those localities. a (By the Associated Press)1 Fresh battles, with scores reported killed and wounded, drew war-tornt Spain's attention to a driving rebelF advance in the North Wednesdays night. Simultaneously, Fascist planes and r government warships engaged in anr air-sea clash which sent shell frag- nents whistling into British Gibral- tar. Liberals, seeking to halt the on-t narching insurgents, fought to re- gain the Northern resort town of San X Sebastian in an all-day clash. Right-r ist leaders asserted they held control of generous areas East and North ofI the scene. In Washington the Department of1 State considered assigning an Ameri- can fleet permanently in European waters as a protective measure to United States citizens.c Secretary Hull disclosed such con- sideration was being given after the state department had ordered two_ American ships to Spain to evacuate American nationals if necessary. The Cruiser Quincy will arrive in Gibraltar Sunday, the Navy Depart- ment announced, while the battleship Oklahoma sails from Cherbourg, France, for Bilbao, Spain, at mid- night tomorrow. In Madrid itself, a "red commit- tee" took over distribution of arms while militiamen, aided by women, organized motor .patrols to drive rampaging Fascists from the streets. Private reports to Paris asserted government troops and rebels clashed in two towns within 50 miles of the capital. The battles were reported to have occurred at Villalba and San Martin de Valede Iglesias. In Paris, the French Socialist Or- gan owned by Premier Leon Blum ex- tended sympathy to the Leftist Span- ish government. The French govern- ment, thenewspaper Le Populaire said, is "entirely in fellowship with Spain's anti-Fascist government." 350 Attend First League Tea Dance More than 350 students and mem- bers of the faculty attended the first tea dance of the Summer Session held from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. yester- day in the League Ballroom. Dr. Margaret Bell and Mrs. Lucile B. Conger poured at the tea. Mary Andrew was in charge of arrange- ments and Marjorie Mackintosh in charge of decorations. A group of Goslin and double steal mon's hit. New Camera Column To Appear In Summer Daily Beginning with today's issue, The Daily will run a camera col- umn titled "The Lens." The col- umn is being conducted by Robert L. Gach, an expert in all fields of photography. Whether the column will be run daily is to be deter- mined by the number of questions regarding photographic problems being submitted to Mr. Gach. Address all communications to this column to Mr. Gach personal- ly or to The Michigan Daily, May- nard Street, Ann Arbor. Heavy Fighting Reported In North Of Spain; Both Sides Claim Victory British Stronghold Threatened In Fight Walker then pulled the and both scored on Sim- That was four runs and another was added in the second. when Auker singled and scored on successive hits by Burns and Rogell. That gave Auker a five-run lead to work with. Elden retired the A's in the first and second but the fire-works began in the third when he was touched for four hits and three runs. That seemed to be only a temporary relapse to Manager Baker and he kept Auker in the box. The big fifth inning brought five hits and four more runs and Auker was through. Phillips re- leaved him and pitched good relief ball but it was too late. Auker hasn't finished a game since June 30 and has been driven from the mound in five successive starts. The current four-game series will conclude today with Rowe pitching the rubber game for Detroit which he must win if the Tigers expect to win the series. Opening Night Of'The Pigeon Draws Crowd The opening night of Galsworthy's "The Pigeon" featuring Whitford Kane drew a large number of mem- bers of the faculty and students last night at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Among the members of the faculty present were a number of representa- tives from the speech department in- cluding Prof. Waldo Abbott, director of the broadcasting station, Prof. Gail E. Densmore and Mrs. Densmore, and William P. Halstead. Prof. John L. Brumm, chairman of the journal- ism department, and Mrs. Brumm were also present. From the School of Music were Prof. Earl V. Moore and Mrs. Moore, Glenn McGeoch and Prof. Palmer n nri Mrs Christiann. murder and kidnap charges. The five refused to plead at their arraignment before Recorder's Judge, Edward J. Jeffries, contending the case should be in the jurisdiction of Livingston County and not Wayne County (Detroit). The court entered pleas of innocent for them. The bullet pierced body of the Negro, Silas Coleman, 42, was found in a swamp in Livingston County late in May, 1935. But Wayne County Prosecutor Duncan C. McCrea said the men would be tried here as the slaying was the culmination of a crime begun in Detroit. Those arraigned were Harvey Da- 'vis, Black Legion "colonel"; Ervin D., Lee, Jack Bannerman, Charles Rouse, and James Roy Lorance. The first three are waiting trial on charges of kidnaping and slaying Charles A. Poole May 12 in the roadside "execu- tion" which disclosed the existence of the black-cloaked terrorist organiza- tion. . The new charges were placed against the five after Dayton Dean, confessed "triggerman" in the Poole killing, told McCrea Coleman was lured to the swamp and shot to death "just for the hell of it." Dean was not in court today but Lorance, who corroborated Dean's story in a statement to McCrea, was the recipient of baleful glances from the other defendants. Lorance ad- mitted seeing Coleman slain but de- nied he had fired his own revolver. Reservations Due For Milford Trip Reservations for the seventh in the series of Summer Session excursions, to beheld Saturday morning to the IGeneral Motors Proving Ground a' Milford, must be made by noon to- day, it was announced yesterday. Reasons for the early reservations are made necessary because of the Denunciation Of Treaties Is Topic Of McNair Talk J o0 [nternational Law Expert t Of Cambridge To Speak w At 8:15 P.M. Today !d {n Prof. Arnold D. McNair of the Uni-N versity of Cambridge will deliver a s pecial lecture on "The Denuncia- s ion of Treaties" to members of the summer Session on International n Law at 8:15 p.m. today in Room 1025,' s Angell Hall.p Recognizect as one of the most dis- inguished living authorities in Great t Britain on the subject of internation- v al law, Professor McNair was not or-N ginally on the Summer Session pro-- gram, but has been brought here n through the efforts of Prof. Jesse S. a Reeves, director of the Summer Ses- G sion on International Law. t Professor McNair is the author of a many books and articles upon inter- national law and relations and editor of the English "Digest of Cases inh International Law." He is in the United States this summer as guest lecturer at Colum-N bia University, and is making his spe- cial visit to Ann Arbor for the pur- i pose of delivering his lecture and o meeting with the members of the q Summer Session on Internationalb Law. Professor Reeves will deliver the last evening address of the session ona "International Boundaries" Monday. u There are numerous morning lecturesr scheduled, however, before the close of the session at noon, July 31. l Miller To Talk 1 . e1 On Neutrality, * Ethiopia Todayt Col. Henry W. Miller of the engi-t neering college will speak on "Neu-,Y trality and Ethiopia" at 5 p.m. to- day in Natural Science Auditorium in 1 an illustrated lecture of the Summer Session series. Colonel Miller came to the Uni- versity in 1921as head of the me- chanism and engineering drawing de- partment. Previous to that he had1 taught at the University of Illinois' and had acted as chief engineer of the Baltimore Copper Smelting and1 Rolling Co. During the World War he acted as assistant to the chief of the artillerys division in Washington, D. C. He was decorated with the Chevalier Le- gion of Honor. He is author of Descriptive Geom- etry, Mechanical Drafting, Railway Artillery, American Seacoast Artil- lery, Mobile Artillery, and the Paris Gun. Lindberghs Arrive At Berlin Airport BERLIN, July 22.(P) - The Charles A. Lindberghs, in informal mood, sped over Europe today to a heel-clicking Nazi welcome at Staa- ken airport and prospects of an early +; :,;4t.n. T,4,. A Ado f 5,000 Refugees Throng Colony; British Fear Food Shortage CEUTA, Spanish Morocco, July 22. - (P) - General Francisco Franco, leader of the military re- bellion, in a broadcast tonight said the fall of Madrid was "im- minent." WITH REBEL HEADQUARTERS N NORTHERN SPAIN NEAR VERA, uly 22.-Raging battles, with scores f dead and wounded, were reported onight to leaders of the northern ing of Spain's rebel army. Both the military insurgents and efending loyalists claimed a victory ear San Sebastian, but an all-day attle over the northern resort town till held the conflicting forces in pirited opposition. The revolutionary leaders an- ounced their troops were driving teadily through the upper tier of rovinces. Heavy government forces main- ained strong defenses near Irun in a igorous attempt to regain San Se- iastian. Colonel Villanueva, rebel com- nander of' this sector, asserted the inti-government forces held Vigo, *orunna and Orense as well as all erritory eastward toward the semi- utonomous state of Catalonia. He said he lacked reports from Bilbao and Oviedo, but they were al- o rumored to have fallen into the hands of rebels. The main column of the northern army commanded by Gen. Emileo Mola was reported slowly approach- ng Madrid in the Burgos'region, but other unconfirmed advices to head- quarters said the commander had been slain in an encounter with lef- tists. General Mola's army was described as a picturesque horde of royalist vol- unteers wearing berets, Fascists with red and black ari bands together with numbers of military insurrec- tionists. To frontier posts came reports the rebels were marching southward in skirmishes with advance guards of 150,000 hastily-mobilized leftist mil- itamen dispatched from Madrid. Some leftists captured by the mil- itary insurgents were lined up against the village walls and shot Colonel Villaneuva claimed all ter- ritory northeastward toward Portugal to Santander for his forces with the exception of Irun and Spanish Be- hobia which are government strong- holds. GIBRALTAR, July 22.-A')-Anti- aircraft shells burst high over this famous rock tonight and hundreds fled for shelter from a raging air-sea battle between loyal Spanish war- ships and a rebel fleet of warplanes. Exploding shells menaced the Brit- ish city. Residents and refugees were panicky. Splinters crashed at Eur- opa, southernmost point of the rock; a "dud" plumped into the sea near a commercial coal mole; a shell blew apart high over the Catholic cathed- ral; shrapnel fell near the luxurious Rock Hotel, high on the west face of Gibraltar. The warships, lying off the rebel hotbeds of Algeciras and La Linea, trained their guns on the bombard- ing planes as the fliers dodged low to escape the vicious fire. In the loyal fleet were the cruisers Jaime I, the Libertad, and the Cer- vantes. Their crewmen were refused permission to enter Gibraltar for supplies, and British gunners, as a precautionary measure, manned po- sitions on the upper rock. Fifteen thousand refugees from Spain and Morocco flooded Gibralt- ar. threatening the colony with a food I t; J Toni Brown On Trial Being 'Fingerman' Hamm Case For In ST. PAUL, July 22.--(A)-A wit- ness-stand denial that he aided the kidnapers he was assigned to hunt was Tom Brown's answer today to' charges which led to his suspension from the police department after 22 years as a member. Brown, who was St. Paul police chief from 1930 to 1932, was a de- fense witness in the Federal court trial of John (Jack) Peifer, St. Paul night club operator. Peifer is charged with participation in the $100,000 abduction of William Hamm, Jr. Later the defendant himself took the witness stand to deny the govern- ment's charges that he received $10,- 000 for acting as "fingerman," for the actual kidnaping. Brown's testimony broke a silence he had maintained since last Friday, when Byron Bolton, confessed kid- naper testifying for the government, declared the officer received $25,000 for informing the kidnap gang of po- lice movements after the brewer was seized June 15, 1933. rmh former nnlie chief not only