The Weather ..A -ustim AAL Iait Editorials We Human Beings ... The Very Good Life... Gentle variable winds; fair today; somewhat warmer. Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XLV No. 19 ANN ARBOR, MICHiGAN WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1936 PRICE 5 CENTS Dr. Townsend Pulls Second Walkout Trick Deputies, However, Give Chase In Auto And Bring Him Back To Hearing Scene Reminiscent Of Other Walkout To Play Wellwyn In 'The Pigeon' Tonight Services For Blakeman Boy To BeToday Sheriff Officers Continue Investigation Into Death Of 16-Year Old Youth Coflciting Stories Told In Drowning, Two Boys Say They Trove For Helmet And Did Not Attempt To Pull It Up Private funeral services for William E. Blakeman, 16 years old, son of Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, University counsellor in religion, who was drowned Monday afternoon in Whit- more Lake, will be held at 2 p.m. today. Friends may call at the Hild- in'rr F'Pimnal Tln n til 9 n.vm Rebels Victorious In North Over Spanish Red Forces; U.S.Disp-atches Warshi~ps 'None Of Your Business,' I He Tells Investigating Attorney Sacharow Fear Is Expressed For Safety Of Americans In Strife-Ridden Area Consulate Is Periled; No Injtries Reportedt British Vessels At Hand; Some Towns Harboring Americans Are Silent CLEVELAND, July 21.-(P)-Dr. Francis E. Townsend staged another "walk out" today but in an auto chase a deputy sheriff brought him back to resume a deposition hearing about the Townsend old age pension organization. The pension leader walked out of a hearing being conducted by Benjam- in F: Sacharow, attorney. It was a scene reminiscent of the day he ab- ruptly left a hearing by a Congres- sional committee investigating the Townsend movement. "It's none of your business," Dr. Townsend replied to one of Sachar- ow's questions. He picked up his notes and abruptly departed.f 'Another Walkout,' Boys "It's another walkout, boys," said Sheridan" Downey, his counsel. To- gether they left the hotel room in which the hearing was conducted. Dr. Townsend immediately an- nounced he was leaving for Erie, Pa., to keep a speaking engagement. Sacharow obtained a citation for con- tempt of court from a notary public.s Deputy Sheriff Joe Pdseday armed himself with a body attachment. Sacharow and the deputy, accom- panied by Sacharow's brother, set out' from the hotel in a taxicab, following' Dr. Townsend's limousine. They sped through side streets and in East Cleveland headed off and stopped Dr. Townsend's car on a main route. With Dr. Townsend were his wife and Harry Maines. Have To Hurry "We had to use plenty of speed to head off Townsend's high powered limousine," said Sacharow. He charged Townsend was in flight. The deputy escorted Dr. Townsend' to common pleas court. There, the doctor said "I am not at all dis- pleased. It will probably resultdin 5,000 more clubs being organized the country over. It is all very high- handed, but since it is to my advant- age, why should I care?" Sacharow recited his story to Judge Samuel E. Kramer. He had been conducting the hearing in connection with a suit by Dr. Alfred J. Wright, reently removed as a regional Townsend leader. The suit asked that Dr Townsend and Trustees of Old Age Revolving Pensions, Ltd., be oust- ed, and that the court require an ac- counting of more than $1,000,000 in organization funds. Sacharow is counsel for Wright. Rouse To Lead Greenfield Trip At 1 P.M. Today Summer Session Students Will See Ford's Village In Nearby Dearborn Greenfield Village in Dearborn will be the destination of the excursion leaving from in front of Angell Hall at 1 p.m. today, the sixth in the Sum- mer Session series. Greenfield Village is a replica of the typical central Michigan town of 80 years ago. It has been constructed by Henry Ford who has collected his- toric materials for the constructing of the village for years. Here can be found the village green surrounded by the white steepled church, the colon- ial style' town hall, the red brick school house, the tavern, the country store, the post office, the toll gate station, the tin-type gallery and even the blacksmith shop. Mr. Ford has also moved to Green- field Village some of the buildings and equipment connected with the inventions of Thomas A. Edison. The original Menlo Park laboratory, the library and the first Menlo Park fac- tory are to be found there. Saturday the seventh excursion wil be held. The party will take a trip to the General Motors Proving WHITFORD KANE Whitford Kane Produ ction Galsworthy Wrote Part Of 'Christopher Wellwyn EspeciallyFor Kane By ELSIE ROXBOROUGII When Whitford Kane, the well- known stage favorite of England, Ire- land and America and guest director of the Repertory Players, opens in "The Pigeon" tonight, he will play with the cherished memory of John Galsworthy, one of his best friend and the author of the play, in hi mind. It was after Galsworthy had seen the performance of Mr. Kane a Otto Discusses Child Centered Health Proj ect Foundation 'Helps Peopl Who Help Themselves In Coordinated Program By ROBERT U. CARSON The child centered communit health project for Michigan was de scribed yesterday afternoon in a lec ture given by Dr. Henry J. Otto, edu cational director of the W. K. Kel logg Foundation, on the subject "Th Health Program of the Kellogg Foun dation" in the University High Schoo Auditorium. Dr. Otto said that the effort of th Kellogg Foundation was to partici pate in'ta coordinateyd het pr gram without actually doing the wor itself. "It is helping people to hel themselves," he emphasized. Th means taken are both direct and in direct. He laid stress on the fac that the indirect means utilized wer the most invaluable in that they fos tered an educative process that woul bring about results in the future. During the year the Kellogg Fou dation runs, said Dr. Otto, severa camps for a period of 12 weeks. Draw ing from an area of seven counties i the vicinity of Battle Creek. The aim at the complete care of the chi dren while they are there. There ar five teachers for 50 children wh handle the educational program well as the other activities of cam life. Dr. Otto said that to facilita educational growth during the 1 weeW period diagnostic and achiev nient tests are given at the beginnin "The purpose is to build the progra around the present status and irn mediate needs of the children," stated. The children are on the who a retarded group. In the summer time a camp is cr ducted at Pine Lake where thr groups of children stay threewee] rat a time, Dr. Otto went on to sa The program here is of a summer v cation-recreational type includi things of distinct educational val to children. The unique part of t Ssummer program, he said, is t training of the counsellors, teach drawn from the seven counties, in t field of child development. A staff from the University co (Continued on Page 4 1 U. OF M. ALUMNUS DIES ST. LOUIS, July 21.-(P)-F neral services will be held at Alega rnger runerai nome unr I Investigation of the boy's death, fR ecauII i rstIwhich occurred as the result of a mis- hap while he was using an amateuri g~ "'rdiving device, continued yesterday in -! x'12 OTCan effort to clear up confusing stories o of the manner in which the accident occurred. "Roberts" in his play, "Strife" at the A report that young Blakeman Liverpool Repertory Theatre, that he might have died as a result of heart was inspired to write "The Pigeon" in failure was cleared up yesterday af- which Mr. Kane was to create the ternoon by an autopsy ordered by leading role of "Christopher Well- Coroner Edwin C. Ganzhorn. The wyn," an irresponsible and lovable autopsy showed that accidental artist, at the Royalty Theatre in drowning was the only cause of London. "The Pigeon' opened on I death, according to Dr. Albert C. Mr. Kane's thirtieth birthday and he Kerlikowske, chief resident physician refers to it as "the chance of my at University Hospital, where the ex- life-time." amination of the body was performed. Mr. Kane recalled that he had gone to his birthplace, Larne, Ire-- Companions Tell Story sland, to play "The Drone" with a William Stevens and William Bald- I small company and had later gone on win, two of the dead boy's compan- to Bath with some friends to go swim- ions, who were with him when the s ming when he suddenly decided to tragedy took place, told The Daily leave the water and return home. today that they had not pulled on "I shall never know to this day,, the helmet as other boys swimming why I left the water, which was nine at the beach had said, but had dived miles away," he said, "but when I down to the helmet from the boat in got home, I was surprised to find Mr. Which the air compressor for the hel- and Mrs. Galsworthy sitting outside met was being operated. This they, of my aunt's cottage. They saw the often did, they said, to watch their billing in the town and came to wit- friends using the helmet. ness my performance. It was then ' Finding that Blakemnan was not in that Galsworthy gave me the first the helmet, they returned to the sur- intimation that I was going to play face and pulled in the apparatus. One "The Pigeon." He had been trying boy went to notify the deputy at to reach me with a letter that had Whitmore Lake, while Stevens, who gone to Dublin, that I hadn't re- had built the helmet and made many ceived.", successful descents in it put it on Mr. Galsworthy, as busy as that again and went down to look for y ',!,+'_n., Blakeman. He made several dives in WASHINGTON, July 21.-(IP)-An-t xious for the safety of 1,582 Ameri- cans in bloody Spain, the Unitedl States government tonight directedj two warships to move immediately in- to Spanish waters to evacuate this country's citizens if necessary. The action was decided upon by Secretary of State Hull after a' lengthyrconference with Admiral Wil- liam H. Standley, acting Secretary of the Navy, who issued orders diverting the two ships. They are the battleship Oklahoma, now at Cherbourg, France, as a unit in the midshipmen's training squad- ron, and the U. S. S. Quincy, the navy's newest 10,000 ton cruiser, now on a shakedown cruise to Europe. The added safety measures were decided upon despite diplomatic re- ports pouring in upon the State De- partment which carried no word of any injury to Americans during the recent days of strife. The same reports, however, told of a bloody battle yesterday between government and rebel forces in front of the American consulate at Vigo; of the hoisting of American flags over United States buildings in Madrid as a safety measure; and of British war vesselststanding by at two Spanish ports to aid British and American nationals if necessary. It was noted also that some towns at which Amer- icans are residing had not yet been heard from in diplomatic dispatches. It was presumed that the midship- ien aboard the Oklahoma would be transferred to the other two vessels U. Of M. Fresh Air Camp To Sponsor Its Annual Tag Day More than 75 youths will take to, the campus and the city this morn- ing to collect funds to help finance the operating of the University Fresh Air Camp at Patterson Lake. Boys with tags and pails will be posted at vantage points on the cam- pus so that contributers will not have to go out of their way to buy their tags. Fifty of the youths will be boys who have already spent four weeks at the camp, enjoying the open air life and the recreational facilities available at. the lake. Over 100 youths have been at the camp these last four weeks. Next Monday a new group will arrive for the second four week period. It is expected that approximately 150 will be in this latter group. The tag day today is being held in cider that these youngsters will be able to enjoy their stay at the camp. $1,000 is the objective of the drive. Twenty-five local youths, who will themselves go to-the camp next Mon- day, will take part in the drive. The Ann Arbor Junior Chamber of Com- merce will also aid in the collection of contributions, contacting the local merchants, according to Olin E. Eoschger and Bruce H. Palmer of that organization. Kane To open 1 4wDay Run Of 'Pigreon'_Today Actor-Director To Portray Role In Galsworthy Play Made Famous By Him Whitford Kane, distinguished Eng- lish actor who is guest director of the Michigan Repertory Players, will make his first appearance of the summer in his most famous role, Christopher Wellwyn, in John Gals- worthy's "The Pigeon," which will oen a four-day run at 8:30 p.m. to- day at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The role of Wellwyn was written especially for Mr. Kane after Gals- worthy had seen his work as Roberts in "Strife." He and Galsworthy be- came the best of friends during the first production of "The Pigeon" in 1910. Still Has Original Mr. Kane still has the origina manuscript of the play, several pages of which are now on display in the theatre lobby. It was after this pro- duction that the famous playwright wrote to Mr. Kane, saying that hi performance as Wellwyn in "Th Pigeon" had been so excellent that h had been quite spoiled for the idea o anyone else in that part. Mr. Kane has also 'been very activ in the theatre in the United States Among the many plays he has ap peared in are "Prunella," "Trelawne of the Wells," "The Cradle Song, Martial Law Proclaimed By Insurgents; Peasants Rallied To Their Cause Government Officials Seek French Shelter U. S. Ambassador Is Said To Be In Border City Peppered By Bullets MADRID, July 22.-(Wednesday) -(AP)-Unofficial estimates early to- day placed the death toll in Spain's bloody revolt at more than 900, as the government claimed success against rebels in important provincial cities. The greatest casualties were re- ported in Barcelona, Spain's largest city on the northeast coast where 500 were said to have been killed and 3,000 wounded. Government ac- counts said the city was in the hands of loyal forces after bitter fighting. In the capital itself, 300 more were estimated to have been killed dur- ing an uprising Monday. Most of the victims were rebels. Attempts by revels to land at Alge- ciras, in the south, were said to have brought death to at least 100. VERA, Spain, July 2.-(A)-Vic- torious rebel troops which set up mil- itary headquarters in San Sebastian were 'eported tonight to have occu- pied most of Northern Spain. Large forces of Communists and Socialists, drafted as reinforcements to loyal guards, failed to halt the in- surgent march after the rebels pro- claimed martial law in the Provinces of Guipuzcoa and Navarre. The rebels recruited young peas- ants in the fields around Vera. From San Sebastian the revolutionary ad- vance continued toward Bilbao. In- vaders and defenders clashed on the front between Vera and Behobe, IFrance. Many rebels from Navarre Hill re- gions declared they were Carlist Roy-' alists who were issued arms by the women of Pampgona while enthusi- astic townspeople cheered the revel drive. Spanish frontier guards and cus- tom agents quit their posts to help fight off the rebels ,leaving the border open to newspaper correspondents who followed closely behind the in- surgent forces. A rebel colonel was found installed in the mayor's office at Vera. Routed Spanish officials fled in terror to France. Jose Iratche, lead- er of the popular front detachment at Irun, rode through Hendaye, l France, toward the interior without s being stopped. t League To Hold e Dance Instead d - Of TeaToday e s I The first informal tea dance of the y- Summer Session, open to all students " and members of the faculty, both men r J and women, will be held from 3:30 to - -e l e - .k p e 1- A e d 1- n y .- re to as lp te 2- e- g. ,m n- he le n- ee ks a- ng ue he he rs be in- Tu- Dn, to w has he h to s was the Kan in be a in D ific writer was, often found time I U rtI " 5VfU V"'l oc the training squadron-te btt-! vrite his actor-friend. Mr. Kane it and said it was working perfectly, ships Arkansas and Wyoming-so treasured all of the letters that but was unable to find the body. that all available space could be pro- ias ever sent him which amounted In Water 25 Minutes vided aboard her if it is necessary to ome forty-odd. A letter which The boys also said that he was take Americans out of Spain. sent in care of John Masefield, in the water from the time he first poet, and also a friend of Mr. entered with the helmet until his 1 ToSp a ie's, reads as follows: body was recovered with grappling a "Dear Kane: equipment less than 25 minutes, in- On Series Today "Where are you, and what do- stead of 45 minutes, as had at first g? I want to be in touch with been reported. Dr. Blakeman said his )u just now in case there may- son did not leave Ann Arbor until Prof. Max S. Handman of the econ- a chance of putting you into 2:30 p.m., and the sheriff's office here I omics department will deliver the very important part in London was notified of the accident at 2:52. third Summer Session lecture of this a new play of mine. Don't They confirmed the fact that (Continued on Page 3) j Blakeman had been wearing leather week at 5 p.m. today in Natural Sci- - --hunting boots when he entered the ence Auditorium when he speaks on 11 l/7'1 i- water. When his body was recovered "War and Economics." Ou ) 1c oIy one had either been pulled off or he The relationship between economic' " had succeeded in unlacing it before he developments and causes of war will B oosts Detroit I dro d.c they said, was in about 20 a rise the speaker's subject, he feet of water, just over a sharp drop- Professor Handman began his SThird lace off in the lake bottom. teaching career as a sociologist at Sheriff Jacob B. Andres said that the University of Missouri in 1913. ETROIT, July 21.-()-The De- Burke's BathingBeach, where the Three years later he went to the Uni- t Tger deeatd te Pilaelpiayouths had been using the diving versity of Texas, where he remained t Tigers defeated the Philadelphia helmet, was not a public beach to the for 15 years, ten years as a professor letics twice today, coming from extent that no charge was made for of sociology and five years as a pro- ind to take the second game of a swimming there. fessor of economics. D troi Ath beh doubleheader 9 to 8 after Tommy Bridges had pitched shut-out ball to take the opener, 8 to 0. The Tigers rallied in the eighth to overcome an 8 to 7 lead and win the second game on some daring base-running by Gerald Walker. Gos- lin walked -in the Tiger eighth and Walker singled. Fox beat out a bunt filling the bases. Goslin scored from third when Owen hit into a double play. Walker followed him to third and, noticing that first baseman Dean was napping with the ball, broke for the plate. He beat Dean's low throw to score the winning run. The twin victories hoisted the Tig- ers to third place in the league stand- ings as Boston lost to Cleveland. Tie Tigers got two runs in the first inning when Burns walked, Gehringer tripled and Goslin singled. They got two more in the second on singles by Fox and Hayworth, a fly by Bridges and a single by Burns. A single by Gehringer and a double by Walker gave them another in theI Hittite, Indo-European Relations Discussed By Prof. Sturtevant By JOSEPH S. MATTES discoveries in the 19th century, the How discovery of tablets in Egyp- speaker accounted, but the most im- tion hieroglyphics, Assyrian and Hit- portant came in the early years o: tite, and their subsequent translation this century when a German scientis' by linguistic scholars accounted for a discovered thousands of tablets in period hitherto prehistoric and estab- Hittite around the capital of the an lished the relation between the Hit- cient empire. tite and Indo-European language, Besides furnishing linguists with was yesterday related by Prof. E. H. the Hittite language, the laws an Sturtevant, a guest of the Linguistic decrees discovered were generally pre Institute this summer. faced with historical summarie Professor Sturtevant addressed a which proved valuable to historian Summer Session lecture audience in Professor Sturtevant said. Natural Science Auditorium on "The ."History, as far as we know, be Hittite Discoveries and Their Bearing gins with the Hittites, both in roya on Linguistic Science ir Iboasting and introductions to de on ingistc Siene."crees," he said. "Assyrian history wa; Although the Hittites are men- largely in the form of royal boast tioned in the Old Testament, there ing, describing the miraculous feat +-dhn.n 'l- snor3 of 4' + ,c m ntilthe -' , ,, e f t n L- h ,d Is s, al t- ts "R.U.R.," "Hobson's Choice," another play in which his role was written especially for him by the author Harold Brighouse. n ' He is also well known as a director', having acted as associate director for the Goodyman Theatre in Chicago, where he supervised outstanding pro- ductions of Sean O'Casey's "Juno and the Paycock," and Ibsen's "The Wild Duck." Announce Cast 'Other roles in the Repertory Play- ers' production of "The Pigeon" which will be directed by Mr. Kane, will be taken by Helen Lubell as Ann, Ed- ward Jurist as Ferrand, Ralph Bell as Timson, Mary Pray as Mrs. Mor- gan, and Jack Porter as Megan. Hiram Sherman will appear as Canon Bertley, Josh Roach as Pro- fessor Calway, 'Morris Greenstein as Sir Thomas Hoxton, and Donald Hor- ton as the police constable. 5:30 p m. today in the Grand Rapids Room of the League. Dr. Margaret Bell and Mrs. Lu- cile B. Conger will pour. Punch and cake will be served in the Concourse cn the second floor of the League. A three-piece orchestra selected from Al Cowan's regular band will play for dancing. The tea dance will take the place of the regular Wednesday afternoon tea given by the League. Mary An- drew is in charge of the arrangements and Marjorie Mackintosh has charge of the decorations. No admission will be charged. Tea dances were held regularly during the summer of 1931 and 1932. This is the first function of this sort to,be held since then. If a sufficient number of people attend the dance today, the one next week will be held in the ballroom.